I’m about to reveal how to overcome the one thing that trips so many business owners up…
I’m talking about scaling.
Scaling just doesn’t mean making more money or growing your client base.
It means growing fast, being more profitable, and doing so without more effort on your behalf.
Because let’s be honest…
You may be growing but it likely comes at the cost of more of your time.
You find that you’re so busy being busy you don’t have time to work ON the business because all your time is spent IN the business.
And if you want to scale you must have a number of things in place.
So let’s quickly talk about what you need in your business to scale.
The Missing Link To Scaling Your Business Fast
You may have heard me say this before.
“If your business isn’t systems dependent, it’s dependent on you.”
And if that’s the case, you’ll never attain the time freedom you desire.
Isn’t that one of the main reasons you got into business in the first place?
Here’s a question to ask yourself…
Are you creating an asset or buying yourself a job?
Now, I’m not saying you need to create the next Apple or Amazon and hire thousands of employees…
But, if you’re not growing you’re dying.
You need to grow and expand if you want wealth and freedom.
Without growth, you’ll continue to be a slave to your business, instead of it being a vehicle that brings you wealth, time, and freedom.
Now you may be wondering, “when is the right time to focus on systems, and what systems will I need in my business?”
Good question.
Every business is different, but in some ways, they’re also very similar.
This video explains exactly when and why you’d want systems in your business >>
3 Types of Systems Every Business Needs
Hard systems, soft systems, and information systems are the 3 types of systems.
When you choose and install a system, it’s important to bear in mind that a system should solve your problems forever, not just once.
Systems are there to make your and your employees’ lives easier.
If you don’t have solid systems in place when an employee leaves they’ll take their knowledge with them, and you have to train their replacement.
But if you have a system in place, you can get another team member to train them on how to operate the system.
That’s why systems are so powerful and essential.
They’re there to do the heavy lifting for you, and you need them to scale.
How to Install Systems In your Business
A lot of people complicate systems, but if you’re stuck on how to use them in your business…
I’ve got you covered.
Click here to discover how to save yourself stress, time, effort, and money with systems >>
Systems allow you to work on your business and not in your business.
Which is what every entrepreneur needs if they want to scale.
The video above will teach exactly how to work ON your business rather than IN it.
How To Scale your Business
Once you have the right systems, you’re almost ready to scale.
But in order to scale you must know the 3 important numbers I teach here >>
BOTTOM LINE: If these numbers aren’t favorable, you’re in no position to scale.
You must have high margins to scale because as you grow your cost of fulfillment increases and the less profitable you’ll become.
You also need high margins so you can outspend your competitors.
Don’t forget, it’s the person who spends the most to acquire a customer that wins market share.
Here’s a real-life example of how and when it’s a good time to scale your business >>
At any given moment in your business, you want to be able to know how healthy your business is.
Alex Hormozi breaks down his favorite way of getting a quick snapshot of your business >>
Using the method he teaches in the video above you’ll gain 4 pieces of very powerful data quickly and easily…
So you can see what needs to change in order for you to hit your business goals, continue to grow, and so much more.
I hope you’ve enjoyed this edition of High Ticket Weekly.
But before you go…
In just a few weeks, we’ll be running our next S.M.A.R.T. Challenge™.
When you join us, you’ll get my best strategies to SCALE, SYSTEMIZE, and SUSTAIN your business for years to come.
It’s a 3-day event attended by hundreds of coaches, consultants, and knowledge experts from all over the world.
I highly recommend you join us if you’re serious about your business and want to take it to the next level and stop trading time for money.
You can get the full scoop on the S.M.A.R.T. Challenge™ here >>
See you there,
Dan Lok
P.S. – No matter how big your business is now, you will benefit from having the right systems in place.