Quick question…
If I asked you what you think your life purpose is, what would you say?
Could you tell me exactly what it was, or would that question stump you a little?
There’s no right or wrong here, because while I feel that everyone has a life purpose, the problem is we aren’t taught how to figure out what it is.
Usually, we find ourselves working some kind of job after school, and more often than not we’re dissatisfied with that job…
And only when things get completely unbearable do we attempt to change anything.
It’s then we begin a journey of self-discovery…
Searching for answers to questions we didn’t even know we had.
Heck, the average person doesn’t know why they even wake up every morning or go to work.
If you asked me as a 19 year old what my WHY was, I would have told you “to provide for my mom.”
It may not seem like much, but it makes all the difference.
As soon as you know your reason for doing anything, life becomes clearer.
So here’s a snippet of what you’ll discover in this week’s newsletter.
- How to find your WHY…
- How to find your unique talents…
- How to find your life purpose…
- And more
How to Find Your Why
In 2019 I visited Australia for a business event called Startcon, where I gave a presentation.
I met many success driven individuals and I remember speaking to one kid who was 19 years old.
He was confused with what to pursue in life.
I asked him what his “why” was and he couldn’t tell me.
So, I painted a dark “worst case” scenario in his head based on his life, which is an exercise I take people through to help them figure out their why.
You can get the quick exercise here, if you’d like some help pinpointing your why >>
It doesn’t matter how old you are, understanding your “why” is always important, and as you go through life, your “why” will change as your situation changes.
We’ll touch more on your “why” later in the newsletter, because once you’ve been through the other exercises and you discover your purpose and unique talents, your “why” may change.
I believe each of these 3 elements should tie together and you’ll see what I mean in a moment.
How To Find Your Life Purpose
Many people spend their entire lives searching for deeper meaning but not all of them find it.
On the flipside, there are people who live their entire lives wondering if life has a deeper meaning, but they never even begin searching…
They just believe life is what it is and people who have a purpose are few and far between.
But I believe everyone has a life purpose, and it’s easier to figure out than you might think.
It really comes down to asking yourself a few key questions, and here they are.
What do you love to do?
I’m talking about the things you’re passionate about that put you into the flow state where hours seem like minutes.
I’m talking about things that others may see as “work” but you love them so much you’d happily do them for free.
Now, if you spend a lot of time trying to figure this out but you come up empty handed, it tells me you haven’t tried enough things.
In that case, make a list of all the things you’d like to try but haven’t yet.
Try as many of them as you can until you find the few you absolutely love.
You may find you discover new things that weren’t on your initial list, and that’s OK.
The more things you try the more you’ll discover about yourself and what you do and don’t like. -
What are you good at, and what are your natural talents?
As a child you may have really enjoyed art, acting, music, or other things you tried in school, and people told you that you were really good at…
But because society taught us that people in those careers either make a lot of money or barely any money at all, you gave up on your childhood dream.
Well, that may have been the case, but because of the internet, there are people doing what they love online and making more than they made at their 9-5.
If you’re stuck with how to find your natural talents, I have a very powerful video for you with 7 questions to help you do just that >>
Who do you like to help?
Your life purpose is a combination of the two things above, but in my experience, your life purpose should also help others.
If you only do the things you love for yourself without impacting others, you may achieve a lot, but you won’t be fulfilled.
And guess what… the more people you impact, the more money you’ll make, so it’s a win/win.
I’ve covered most of them here, but there is another question you should ask yourself which I cover in this video >>
Skip to 4:33 for the fourth question, and or feel free to watch the entire video if you’d like to hear me explain the above three questions further.
How To Tie It All Together
After going through these questions and doing the exercises, you should now know yourself on a much deeper level.
Hopefully, you’ve had some “a-ha” moments and you’re now more clear on your life purpose.
If not, that’s OK.
As long as your why, your unique talents, and your life purpose all work together, even if you’re not 100% clear…
The further you go on your journey, the clearer things will become.
I hope this newsletter has helped you gain some clarity in your life and journey to success.
Until next time,
Dan Lok
P.S. – If you’re working a 9-5 you dislike that stops you from achieving your dreams, one of the best ways to free up time and make more money is by developing a high income skill.
I have many high income skill trainings at the Dan Lok shop.
So, click here to find one that interests you >>
A high income skill will not only help you make more money and give you time and location freedom, but it will also help you pursue your life purpose once you’ve figured it out.