I want to share with you something I believe is very important for your growth and success…
I’m sure you’ve heard the saying “what got you here won’t get you there”.
Well, it’s very true.
Your current identity has got you everything you’ve achieved so far.
And if you look back on your life and think about your achievements…
You’ll see key moments where you stepped into a brand new identity to achieve something you never had.
The problem I see with many who are chasing success is they suffer from huge amounts of self-doubt.
I always say “never doubt yourself, doubt your skills”…
And if you’ve been following me for a while, you’ll know I believe high-income skills are the key to changing your life.
But if you’ve been working on your high-income skills for while and still haven’t seen the results you desire…
Then click here to watch this motivational video I created for you >>
How to Believe in Yourself
So how do you build self-belief?
You can start by watching this 3-minute video here >>
Self-belief is built on results.
But you won’t get to the stage of achieving those results until you jump in with both feet.
We all know people who say they’re going to achieve this and that, and although they seem to be putting in work…
They never actually PULL THE TRIGGER on what they’re doing.
My guess is they’re either afraid of failure or success, or even both.
If you’re afraid of failure to the point you don’t pull the trigger, you’ve ALREADY failed.
How to Overcome the Fear Of Success
You wouldn’t believe this could be a real thing, but it is.
Many people are afraid of success because it means their life will change dramatically.
If they fail, that’s okay, nothing changes…
But humans dislike change, and success means change.
Success also means better health, better relationships, and more money amongst other things.
If you have a fear of success you’d like to overcome, then click here to watch this video >>
So now you know how to believe in yourself, and overcome the fears of success, and failure.
“But Dan, how do I reinvent myself?”
Good question.
Throughout my career, I’ve had to reinvent myself many times.
From being a failed wantrepreneur to a successful copywriter and marketing consultant to an internet entrepreneur to a speaker to a sales trainer to a business coach, and the list goes on.
The problem I faced was letting go of things that previously worked for me in order to get to the next level.
Letting go of things that don’t serve you is far easier than letting go of things that do.
But if you want to reach the next level, eventually you have to let go.
We’ve come full circle in this post.
By the time you’ve consumed this content, you should be a few steps closer to reinventing yourself and achieving your dreams.
To your success,
Dan Lok
P.S. – If after reading this newsletter you came to the realization that self-confidence and self-belief are the building blocks of success, you’d be right.
In my personal experience, self-confidence is a skill like any other you can develop and hone.
This is why I created the short course Unlock Your Confidence.