Today, you’ll get valuable insight into the success secrets of some of the world’s most successful people.
So without further ado, let’s begin.
Why Self-Confidence Is The Key To Your Success
If you’ve been following me for a while, you’ll know that I believe self-confidence determines your success in all areas of life.
I think back to when I was in high school.
I had such little confidence and was so afraid of life.
I was teased and bullied often.
It wasn’t until I started taking martial arts classes that my confidence improved.
The bullies started to notice and left me alone.
Some of them even became my students at lunch when I taught others what I’d learned.
Why Your Race Doesn’t Matter
It’s easy to see your race as a roadblock,
But as a minority who is now very successful, I can tell you your race doesn’t matter.
It may mean you have to work harder to achieve your goals, (I know I did) but if you look, you’ll see successful minorities everywhere.
That goes for anything that could be deemed a disadvantage.
If you look hard enough you’ll find miraculous stories of people who achieved the seemingly impossible.
Why You Must Take Risks
If you want success, you have to take risks.
No one ever played it safe and achieve their dreams.
I’m sure you’ve heard that your life begins outside of your comfort zone.
It’s very true.
If everything you ever wanted was inside your comfort zone, you’d already have it, wouldn’t you?
Stretching your comfort zone is difficult, which is why you must take baby steps.
Stretch it too fast, and you’ll find you step backward into safety, more often than not.
Richard Branson is one man who’s taken more risks than most.
How To Conquer Your Fears
When you push the edges of your comfort zone, a natural byproduct of this will be conquering your fears.
Everything that scares you is merely an obstacle in the way of your achieving your dreams and the success you desire.
And here’s the thing…
The only two fears you’re born with are the fear of falling backward and the fear of loud noises.
Every other fear has been learned, which means you can unlearn them and overcome them.
Conquering your fears is one of Batman’s rules for success.
There’s so much we can learn from movies and superheroes.
How To Have a High Pain Tolerance
Just as Batman has a high tolerance for pain, you must also work on yours if you want to achieve wild levels of success.
When talking about starting a business, Elon Musk is quoted as saying “number one is having a high pain threshold”.
One day, my mentor the 50 billion dollar man Dan Peña quizzed me.
He said, “Dan, what do you think makes a business successful?”
I shot all these obvious answers at him.
“A great product…”
“Great pricing…”
“Great marketing…”
All were wrong, he said, “It’s the entrepreneur’s ability to endure pain for long periods of time.”
And Elon Musk shares this view.
How To Find Opportunity In Times of Crisis
Did you know the Chinese character for ‘Crisis’ is actually made up of two characters? On their own, they read ‘Danger’ and ‘Opportunity’.
The world continues to live through times of crisis, and even though many businesses collapsed over the last few years, there have been other people who saw and capitalized on the opportunity.
I agree, and it’s just a matter of knowing where to look.
Click the link above to discover Jack Ma’s secret to success so you too can see opportunity in times of crisis.
Why It Pays To Be Mission Driven
If you want to build an amazing company eventually or even an amazing life, it’s easy to let your ego get in the way.
When I was younger, I had a big ego.
I didn’t think I needed anyone’s help and I’d do things on my own.
It was my ego that landed me $150K in debt and with 13 failed businesses to my name.
There are in fact 13 different egos that kill your success, and you’ll find all of them here >>
I’ve been guilty of a few of these in the past, and I can almost guarantee you’ll have at least one of these, and that’s OK.
Just know it’s something to work on and grow from.
I’ve also compiled a list of Game of Thrones Jon Snow’s secrets to success, one of which is being mission-driven and not ego-driven.
You can get all of Jon’s secrets here >>
Remember, you’re in complete control.
Success isn’t this elusive thing that only a few are worthy of or meant for.
Sure, it’s only a small percentage who do achieve it.
But if it’s possible for a minority, who moved to Canada without a word of English on his lips to bounce back from $150K of debt, and achieve great success…
Then it’s absolutely possible for you too.
Dan Lok
P.S. – As self-confidence is the foundation of success in life and business…
I took the liberty of creating a short video course that will help you build rock-solid confidence…
So you feel more focused, and more determined, foster unlimited drive, and go after your goals with gusto and certainty.