High-Ticket Coaching

Secrets For Biz Growth At Any Level..

No matter where you’re at in your business, you’ll hit challenges and roadblocks stopping you from getting to the next level…

Nothing groundbreaking there…

But unless you’ve invested in high level coaching, it’s unlikely you’ll know exactly what to do to grow.

So, in this week’s newsletter, I’ve got countless strategies for you.

No matter if you’re just getting started… want to hit your first 6 figures… or you want to go from 6 to 7 figures and beyond.

So please keep reading if you’d like strategies and business insights that have generated over $100 million in revenue in just a few years.

Before we get started, you may like to get a feel for the different revenue levels of $100K, $1 million, $10 million+ and some of the challenges at each level >>

How To Start a Coaching/Consulting Business 

If you’re been thinking about starting a high ticket business there are a few things you MUST have in place before you even think about marketing and sales.

I’ll assume you already have expertise people would be willing to pay for, because if not, you’ll need to develop that first.

But if you do, then your first step is to identify your niche.

Without complete clarity on who you serve, you’ll never have succinct marketing that speaks to your avatar.

If you need some help defining your niche, then click here >>

And even if you already know your niche, then the video above may help you dive deeper into your niche.

It will pay you to choose a high income niche so you’re selling to people with money, because the riches are in the niches.

How To Develop A Business Plan

Before you start your business it’s wise you have a solid business plan.

I wrote a whole newsletter about how to create a business plan.

The title was Got a biz plan yet? 

So, please refer to that newsletter if you’d like an indepth look at creating a business plan.

But in short, your business plan needs an Executive Summary, Marketing Plan, Financial Projections, and you must identify your Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats.

If you like the idea of a business plan but think it could be a lot of work, then you may like to watch this Valuetainment video about writing a 1 page business plan >>

How To Hit Your First 6 Figures

Assuming you’ve chosen a high income niche and you’re clear on who you serve…

I’ve already mentioned some things that will help you hit 6 figures, but in short these three things will get you to 6 figures fast.

A solid lead generation system >>

Solid phone closing skills >>

Raising your prices >>

Let’s pretend your high ticket program sells for $5K.

You only need 20 sales per year to make $100K.

Which is less than 2 sales per month.

With that in mind you can now work out how many leads you’ll need so you can hit your revenue goals.

If your closing rate is just 10%, so you close one in ten people.

You’ll need 200 leads each year to hit $100K.

Obviously you’ll need more leads if your program is less than $5K and more leads if it’s higher.

But as your closing skill improves you’ll close more clients and make more money.

How To Grow From 6 to Multiple 6 Figures

If you’ve achieved 6 figures in your business, then you’re in a select group of entrepreneurs.

According to the Kauffman Foundation, only 6% of all entrepreneurs ever create a 6 figure business.

Now, 6 figures is great, but if you’re not going forwards you’re going backwards…

So you’re probably wondering, how you can hit multiple 6 figure or even 7 figure status.

Well, there are many things you can do to get there, one of which is creating repeatable revenue streams in your business.

I actually received this exact question from a fan which I answered in my ‘Boss in the Bentley’ series on YouTube.

Click here if you want to know the 3 things I shared that will help you grow your business to multiple 6 figures >>

How To Go From 6 To 7 Figures

Many years ago, I was making multiple 6 figures as a Copywriter and marketing consultant.

Eventually I started coaching people on their businesses and I remember feeling stuck at a 6 figure coaching business.

Sure, I knew I could raise my prices but eventually, I’d still feel stuck, because my mindset around the delivery of my service held me back.

As soon as I put my ego aside, my mindset shifted and I was able to blow past 6 figures and create a 7 figure coaching business.

And in this video I share with you exactly how I did it >>

It’s far simpler than you think, but it will take some personal growth on your part if you’re stuck like I was.

Why Your Greatest Strength Will Become Your Biggest Weakness As You Grow

Unless you can find great employees and team members to work for commission only, you must be very strong at sales and marketing in the early stages of your business.

But as you grow past 7 figures toward 8, less of your time will be invested in sales and marketing.

You’ll have teams to lead and important business decisions to make.

If you’ve always been the strongest at sales and marketing, you’ll need to find people stronger than you if you want to keep growing.

I made this and many other mistakes as I grew to 8 figures, and I want to share some of them with you here >>

In Closing…

This is a brief overview of what it takes to go from 0 to 8 figures and beyond.

Of course, there is far more to it than that, but no matter which level you’re at there is something here to help you make some headway in your business.

Until next time… go high ticket,

Dan Lok

P.S. – Speaking of scaling, our July S.M.A.R.T. Challenge™ is just months away.

If you’re ready to borrow my business playbook and use the secrets and strategies that have generated over $100 million in sales in just a few years, then the S.M.A.R.T. Challenge™ is for you.

I believe the next recession is just around the corner, so if you want to know how to weather the storm and SCALE, SYSTEMIZE, and SUSTAIN your business through the next period of economic uncertainty, click here for the full scoop >>

Unsure What Skill To Develop?

The world is changing rapidly…

And it’s a good idea to stay up to date with skills in high demand.

So in this week’s newsletter, I’ll share some of the skills I believe are the best to develop in 2023 and beyond.

FAIR WARNING: This list is not exhaustive, and there are many more skills you could develop if none of these excite you.

Due to the explosion of online businesses, we’ll focus on online skills you can do independent of your location, so you can design your life exactly how you want.

The Day My Client Told Me I Was Full Of Sh*t

In the early 2000’s I was on the phone with a marketing prospect, doing my thing, when suddenly he said…


We’ve only been speaking for a few minutes and you’ve already made multiple grammatical errors, and you speak with a thick accent…

And you think you’re going to write my marketing campaign?

I think you’re full of sh*t!”

Then he hung up on me, and I was left feeling confused and inadequate.

Why would this man would attack me, when all I wanted to do was do a good job and provide for my mom.

It was at that moment, I decided to develop what I believe is the most important skill in business.

I’m talking about closing.

If you love talking to people and you’re more of an extrovert, then closing could be the skill for you.

And personally, I don’t think AI will replace this skill.

People want to talk to humans, not computers or robots.

Why Video Editing Is a Highly Sought After Skill

With 2.68 billion users and 3.7 million videos uploaded to Youtube EVERY DAY, the platform is showing no sign of slowing down.

TikTok has over 1.5 billion users and continues to grow, and Instagram has over 2.35 billion users.

Facebook is now pushing video ads more than picture ads, so it’s safe to say that the demand for video has exploded and will continue to grow for years to come.

If you love making videos or video editing, then there’s no reason you can’t edit videos for online businesses or offline businesses who realize they need an online presence to stay relevant.

Why Copywriting Is Still in High Demand

As you may know, Copywriting was my first high income skill, taught to me by my first mentor, Alan Jacques.

I used this skill to hit my first 6 figures and pay back $150K of debt.

With the rise of AI, some business owners are using ChatGPT to write their own copy, but here’s the thing, [Name].

Most of them aren’t copywriters, and most don’t know how to use the AI properly.

That’s where you come in.

If you’re ready to take action, and get into copywriting then this is your chance.

Because it always pays to stay ahead of the curve.

A copywriter who uses AI to streamline their research process and get the copy to 80% complete before they add the finishing touches, will outperform writers who don’t use it.

In this video I give the AI prompts to write about high ticket sales and then I rate it out of 10, so if you’d like to see my final thoughts on whether it will replace copywriters, click here >> 

As I mentioned in a previous newsletter, you must know how to write good copy, before you use the AI or you’ll run into problems.

Why Digital Marketing Is The Skill To Develop

The term digital marketing can be confusing at times, because while it’s simply marketing online, there are multiple skills that come under the digital marketing umbrella.

So let’s break down some of them for you so you can identify which skill you think would best suit you.

DISCLAIMER: While you could develop all these skills, it’s wise that you focus on one for a few years before you stack on another skill.

How To Give Your Future Clients Free Google Traffic

Search Engine Optimization or SEO uses website content, keywords and backlinks to drive free traffic from search engines like Google to websites.

It’s vital for businesses who want to be discovered organically, which is a dream come true for every business.

Of course the traffic the business receives is free, but they’ll pay you handsomely for your ability to help them rank on the first page of Google.

If you like the idea of research and strategizing with your clients about how to drive more traffic to their website, SEO could be for you.

Why Social Media Marketing Is The Future of Ecommerce

Many years ago, I partnered with an Ecomm business that sold Pandora bracelet charms.

I helped them with their digital marketing, and in 2012 we were named the ‘Online Retailer of The Year’ by Canada Post.

In 2022, shopping on social media really exploded and this trend is set to continue.

But it’s not just EComm businesses that advertise on social media.

Any business owner who’s smart knows a good portion of their customers can be found on various social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, TikTok, and YouTube.

If you think advertising could be interesting then starting a social media advertising agency, or becoming a media buyer (someone who buys advertising space online) may be something to look at.

And with this skill, you’ll also develop your Copywriting skills, so you can kill two birds with one stone.

Now that doesn’t mean you should learn every type of copy, you’ll only focus on writing ads for social media.

Why Email Isn’t Dead

Email continues to be an effective way to generate revenue for companies of all sizes.

Many think email is dead, but if you can build a strong relationship for the email list of the businesses you work with, it will be very lucrative for you and your clients.

You could focus on email copywriting and also develop the skill of email marketing/list management at the same time, and you’ll make a very good income.

In Closing…

As I mentioned, this list is not exhaustive.

Other skills you could develop include funnel building, web design, cyber security, coding, and blockchain programming, just to name a few.

I hope you’ve found this newsletter valuable, and you’ll take action on one of these skills.

Because, in a few years you’ll look back on this moment, and say one of two things.

Either “I’m glad I got started when I did, because now I’m financially secure, and living my best life.”

OR “I wish I’d got started back then.”

The choice is yours.

To Your success,

Dan Lok

P.S. – While I don’t have trainings on all the high income skills I mentioned above, if you’d like to check out some of my trainings and ignite your income, then click here to visit the Dan Lok Shop >>

Why Great Biz Ideas Fail

Over the last few weeks, we’ve talked a lot about mindset, secrets to success, and high income skills etc…

But if you’re interested in starting a business, reading this newsletter could be the most intelligent decision you make this year.

Because, I believe not everyone has what it takes to make it in business…

So, I’m going to help you make that decision today.

And if by the end of this newsletter you decide business isn’t for you, that’s OK.

You can still become financially successful as I’ve mentioned in previous newsletters.

So let’s begin.

How To Know When You’re Ready To Start A Business  

As you may know, I failed at 13 businesses before my first success.

When I think back on why I failed so many times, it was because I clearly wasn’t ready, but more importantly…

I didn’t have these 5 things in place before starting:

  1. A clear profit path
  2. Proper and focused business model
  3. An edge over my competition
  4. Enough capital
  5. Being okay with not making money for a certain period of time

If you’d like a deeper dive into why these are important, then click here >>

A lot of people get into business without knowing what they’re getting themselves into.

Just because they see people on Instagram with abundant lives and successful businesses, they think they can do it too.

But that’s not the case.

I shot a follow-up video to the one above with another 5 things you must consider before you start a business, and I advise you watch it if you’re serious about entrepreneurship.

In this video, you’ll also discover the most important skill in business >> 

How Much Money Do You Need To Start A Business 

A lot of new entrepreneurs believe they need millions of dollars to start a business.

In some cases, that may be true, but oftentimes they haven’t done their due diligence or enough research to figure out exactly how much they need.

In fact, usually they need far less than $1 million to get things started.

In this video, you’ll discover how much you need to start a business and also how to know with certainty whether your idea is good or bad >>

How to Start a Business With No Money

I always say, if you don’t have any money, you shouldn’t start a business.

Now are there entrepreneurs out there who start with no money?

Sure, but you don’t hear much of them once they fail, and the ones that do succeed have specific business skills which make their business work.

“But Dan, what about a business loan?”

If you want to know whether you should take out a loan to start a business, then watch this video >>

Why Start A Business When You Can Buy One?

If you caught one of my past newsletters you may have seen the 3 ways my close friend Brian Scudamore (CEO of 1800-GOTJUNK?) said you could get started in business.

2 of those are starting from scratch or buying into an already successful business or franchise model.

So with a failure rate of 95%, doesn’t it make more sense to buy an already successful business and skip the launch phase etc?

It really depends on your goals.

If your goal is to own a successful business in a niche that interests you, then you could absolutely do that if you find the right investment.

But if you want to build something that isn’t already out there, then you have no choice but to build from the ground up.

For further insight into this concept, click here >>

How To Buy A Business With No Money Down

Although I don’t advise you to start a business with no money, buying a business with no money is different.


Because there’s an old saying in the business world…

“You don’t need money, you need a better strategy.”

If you can strategize a way to buy a business with none of your own money, then you’re already streets ahead of most business owners.

And I’m not just talking about getting a loan, because as you’ve seen, I think that’s a bad idea.

So if you want to know how to buy a business using other peoples’ money, then click here >> 

Why Great Ideas Fail

How many great ideas have you had in your life?

They don’t have to be business ideas, just great ideas in general.

Now, did those great ideas work out how you wanted them or did they hit roadblocks along the way?

My guess is if you didn’t execute it properly, it wouldn’t have worked out.

The same applies to business.

Almost every entrepreneur thinks they have a “great” idea, and they may have.

But if they don’t execute their idea, then their business is destined to fail.

Here’s a quick example I gave at a live business event >>

I hope this newsletter has helped you decide whether business is the right path for you.

Feel free to watch any of the videos in this business building playlist to gain clarity where needed.

Don’t forget, skills are the key to a successful business…

And if you have the right skills, you can be wildly successful even without starting a business.

If you’d like to upgrade your business skills, click here to check out my products at the Dan Lok shop >>

I’m certain you’ll find something there that will help you get to the next level.

Until next time,

Dan Lok

P.S. – It’s important you stick with your high income skill and make at least $10K per month for one year before you start a business.

Because if your skills aren’t good enough to make you $10K per month, there’s no way you’ll make business work.

I tried skipping steps and it caused me to fail at 13 businesses and get $150K of debt. That was until I developed my first high income skill.

So, if you’re committed, I believe you can do it.

How To Get Good At Anything, FAST..

I’m almost certain you’ve heard the phrase “the more you learn the more you earn”.

It’s very true, and as the new year is in full swing…

I thought it would be a good idea to give you actionable steps and strategies for learning and getting good at anything fast, so you can increase your income faster than you ever imagined.

Before we begin, it’s important you’re patient with yourself.

Everyone learns at different rates, and in different ways.

Learning takes time and effort, but that doesn’t mean there aren’t ways you can fast-track your absorption of concepts and skills.

Let’s go!

How to Uncover Your Favorite Learning Style

Some people are more visual and learn best with pictures and videos…

Some are more auditory and learn best with sounds and Mp3s…

Some are kinesthetic and learn best by doing, and some learn best by reading.

What do you think your favorite way of learning is?

That’s one of the biggest problems with the school system, it’s passive learning, and they make everyone learn the same way.

So, now you know your best learning style, don’t deviate from it.

3 Ways To Set Yourself Up For Success

1. Set specific learning goals

You must clearly define what you want to learn and why.

When you know the reason why you’re learning something, it gives you the motivation you need to continue when you run into roadblocks.

2. Environment is KEY

Your environment is always more powerful than your willpower.

If your environment doesn’t support your learning goals, you’ll make things more difficult than they have to be.

Find a quiet and comfortable place free of distractions.

3. Retain What You Learn

Find the best method of retaining what you learn.

Be sure to test yourself on the material by using flashcards or quizzing yourself, or asking someone else to test you.

If you want to know how to absorb and remember 70% of what you learn, then watch this video >>

How To Become A Fast Learner

Not only does the school system make everyone learn the same way.

They don’t actually teach you HOW to learn.

They just give you the information and it’s your job to work out how you learn best.

That’s why so many students get discouraged and think they’re stupid.

Because they’re not understanding the concepts they’re being tested on.

Having a solid blueprint to follow that ensures you’ll pick things up faster is KEY

So if you’ve ever felt like a slower learner, this video does a great job of explaining how to create a learning blueprint for yourself >> 

Why WHO You Learn From Is MORE IMPORTANT Than What You Learn

If you’ve been following me for a while, you’ll know I believe WHO you learn from is more important than what you learn.

It’s something the content creator in the previous video alluded to as well.

And in this video, I explain exactly why I believe this to be true >>

I highly suggest you watch the video above, as it outlines 3 ways you could learn and which I believe is the best way to give you the best chance of success…

And why other ways of learning are a waste of your time.

How To Get Good At Anything FAST

When learning any skill there are 6 things you must do to ensure you get the information and feedback you need to progress at a steady and fast pace.

One of the biggest things you can do to fast-track your learning is by figuring out what the key points of leverage are.

For example, if you learned the top 100 Spanish words, you could be around 50% fluent.

That’s leverage.

If you want to know the other 5 keys to getting good at anything fast, I strongly suggest you watch this video >> 

Why I Don’t Read Books

What I’m about to share with you is VERY counter-intuitive.

If you’re someone who likes reading but doesn’t get the results you desire from books, then pay close attention to what I say next.

I read 2-3 books per week, but I rarely read a book cover to cover.


Because I’m not reading for pleasure.

I’m reading for action steps.

Every book I read, I look for action steps I can implement right away.

This cuts down my reading time significantly and allows me to implement FAST.

If you want a deeper dive into my method of “reading” then click here >>

How To Improve Your Reading Speed

Even though I don’t often read entire books, reading at a faster pace allows me to read and implement even faster.

In this video, you’ll discover my best tips for reading faster so you can implement what you learn and grow quicker, as a result >>

Now you don’t have to go crazy and read multiple books per week.

You must pick your books wisely and only implement what makes sense to you.

That’s where self-awareness comes in, and that’s a newsletter topic for another week.

I hope you’ve found this newsletter valuable.

If you implement just a handful of these tips, you’ll look back one year from now and you’ll be amazed at what you’ve achieved.

Till next time,

Dan Lok

P.S. – With all this in mind, now you’re in a great position to develop a high-income skill faster than you would have before.

So, if you’re looking for a high-income skill that can help catapult your income, then click here to check out our range of high-income skills training at the Dan Lok Shop >>

Blueprint To Kick The 9-5..

I want to share a quick story with you…

I was in my late teens and I’d been working at the supermarket for nearly one year.

One day, I got to work and my boss started yelling at me, and calling me names.

This wasn’t the first time this had happened, and I was growing tired of it.

That day, I decided I’d had enough.

Not just of him, but the whole situation.

I hated the work, I hated the commute, and obviously I hated my boss too.

So, I did what almost anyone would do in that situation…

I told him “I QUIT!”

Actually, I said a few other things to him I won’t repeat, but you get the idea.

So, maybe you’re in the position where you’re done with your job and you feel like quitting.

You’re not alone.

But I don’t advise you to do what I did…

Instead, read this newsletter to discover what I’d do differently if I had my time again.

This will help you make a smooth transition, and you’ll also get an insight into what pitfalls to avoid when you end up working from home.

What To Do Before You Quit Your Day Job

So, if you’re certain you want to quit your day job, you’ll want to start a high income skill side hustle first.

I define a high income skill as a skill that can make you a MINIMUM of $10K per month.

The main two high income skills I teach are closing (sales) and copywriting (selling using the written word).

These two skills are in high demand online.

But they aren’t the only two skills you could develop.

In fact, there are many others to choose from…

And I share them in this blog article where you’ll also discover how to make your first $10K online >>

When choosing a high income skill, it’s important you choose something that resonates with you.

For example, if you’re more of a technical person, you may like computer programming.

If you love talking to people, closing could be a good option for you.

If you’re creative, then you could try graphic design or copywriting.

The opportunities are endless.

Making The Leap From Job To Self-Employed

So, let’s assume you’re at the point where your high income skill consistently makes you money every month.

You want to get to the point where you’re making double your monthly income.

Here’s why I say this.

Imagine making double your monthly income in your spare time.

Imagine how much more you could make when you quit your job and jumped in feet first.

If you quit before having this set up, you’ll panic when reality kicks in and you have to pay your bills, mortgage, and put food on the table, etc.

Now when you get to the point you’ve fully transitioned, and you’re working from home full time, here are some…

Deadly Working From Home Traps To Avoid

There are a number of traps that could affect your focus, productivity, and personal data security…

And quickly turn your work from home dream into a NIGHTMARE.

One of the biggest traps is knowing when to stop work.

This can be a challenge, especially if you’re on a roll or have a tight deadline.

But in my experience, if you don’t make time for work, rest, and play, you’ll wind up burnt out.

This will destroy any so-called “perks” of working from home.

I highly recommend you read this article on how to avoid the 9 other work from home “traps” >>

To recap, don’t be stupid like I was.

Quitting your job in the heat of the moment may seem like a good idea, but we all have financial responsibilities.

I was lucky everything worked out, but it always pays to have a solid plan, plus it gives you something to work toward.

With the extra money you make, you can save to invest for the future, so it’s a WIN/WIN.

Until next time,

Dan Lok

P.S. If you’re ready to dive into the world of high income skills and you’re more creative and love writing, then click here to check my copywriting trainings >>

If you’re more of an extrovert and love connecting with and speaking with people, then click here to check out my sales and closing trainings >>

Want Multiple Income Streams In Your Biz? (Read This)

One of the most powerful things you can do for your business is install multiple income streams…

So, in order to help you do just that, in this week’s edition of High Ticket Weekly…

You’ll get 7 income streams you can add to your business, and if you read until the end…

I’ll show you a way to make money EVEN when people don’t buy from you.

Now let me stress something VERY important before we go any further.


That’s a sure way to develop shiny object syndrome and you’ll achieve very little.

So, do these one at a time.

Once you have one stream generating a solid and consistent income each month, you can move on to a new one.

Let’s dive in.


These could be physical books, kindle, ebooks, and even audiobooks.

Now, unless you’re selling hundreds of thousands of copies, it’s unlikely you’ll make a huge amount of money with books.

But one thing you can use books for is to position yourself as an authority in your marketplace, niche, or industry.

Books can open up a world of opportunities that may not exist without them.

When I was starting out as a copywriter I had a client hire me just because I had written a book.

If you’ve never written a book before, and you want to know how, then check out this 5-minute video I recorded for you >>

Digital Courses

Digital courses have completely changed my life and business.

I’ve sold tens of millions in digital courses in my career.

In fact, my High Ticket Closer Certification sold over $10 million alone.

Digital courses are a great way for you to showcase your expertise, and get it into the hands of people all over the world.

They’re easily scalable, and you can also use them as a down-sell for people 

who can’t afford your high ticket coaching or consulting.

Here’s a great video by a 7 figure course creator on how to create an online course that SELLS >>

Membership sites

Here’s another way you can sell your digital courses and expertise.

If you have multiple courses or one big course, you could charge a monthly or annual fee for access to your content.

You can give them all the content at once, or drip-feed it over time.

They’re a great way to build recurring revenue and are one of my favorite income streams for this reason.

Here’s a value-packed video on how to create a successful membership site that generates passive income for you every month >>


Events are something we’ve been doing a lot of recently.

We run the S.M.A.R.T. Challenge™ a few times each year which is a completely virtual event.

We’ve been running live in-person events at the Vancouver Club, as well as hybrid (in-person and virtual events), such as High Ticket Mastery™.

Events are a great way to connect with your audience, and get a revenue boost…

But you can also use events as an opportunity to upsell your audience to your high ticket coaching.

So they can be VERY lucrative if done right.

If you want tips on how to plan and run a successful event, then click here to watch this quick 7-minute video >> 


This income stream is your bread and butter, but if you’re only doing one-on-one coaching at the moment, you may like to consider adding group coaching to your offerings.

Coaching sessions can be in-person or even online, as I’m sure you’re aware.

But here’s another coaching/consulting income stream that may surprise you.

VIP Days

This has the potential to be a HUGE payday for you if you set it up properly.

Businesses routinely pay me $70K for a day of my time.

During a VIP day, you would be consulting or coaching for the entire day, helping businesses solve problems to generate more revenue or coaching their staff, etc.

Here’s a 6-minute video on how you can make BIG money with VIP days >>


Speaking is the highest-paid skill in the world.

Now obviously, you could speak at your own events, but you could also speak at other people’s events, businesses, and engagements.

Your options are charging an upfront fee, or if the opportunity exists, you can speak for free and sell from the stage and make money selling your programs or services.

If you want to know how to make BIG money as a speaker, then watch this quick 7-minute video here >>

If you’ve read this far, then congratulations.

As promised, here’s a way you can make money when people don’t buy from you.

It’s called affiliate marketing.

When I was younger I had very successful affiliate marketing businesses, and I still do affiliate marketing to this day.

So why is affiliate marketing so powerful and worthwhile?

Mostly because all you have to do is direct traffic to the offer, while the company takes care of fulfillment and customer service.

It typically takes a while to build up a solid affiliate income, but once you’ve got it to a certain level, it continues to grow and it’s money that comes in each month on autopilot.

I’m not going to link a video for affiliate marketing, because I don’t want you to become an affiliate marketer as such.

Instead, if any products you use and believe in have an affiliate program, you can begin promoting them.

So there you have it.

8 streams of income you can install over time into your business.

Don’t forget, only work on one at a time or you end up shooting yourself in the foot.

See you next time,

Dan Lok

P.S. – As I mentioned earlier, online courses are one of my favorite income streams.

This is why I’d like to invite you to a private masterclass where I show you how to get paid for who you are and what you know >>

It’s the fastest way I know of to turn your knowledge into a solid stream of recurring income.

Click the link above to get started.