
Finding Potential Clients for Your B2C, C2C, D2C Business

Welcome to our latest blog, where we dive into the best channels for finding potential clients for boosting your pipelines in B2C, C2C, and D2C. This one’s inspired by Christian, who asked a fantastic question in our newsletter: “How can I boost my pipeline?”

A image shows the question Chritian asked. The question is "How can I boost my pipeline?"

Having a variety of channels is key to keeping your pipeline flowing. It’s like casting a wider net—you’ve got a better shot at finding more potential clients and turning them into clients. The trick is knowing which channels work and how to use them effectively.

That’s where this blog comes in. I’ve gathered proven strategies and effective channels to help you maximize your outreach and fill those pipelines.  Let’s get started on expanding your reach and taking your pipeline to the next level!

This blog is focused on Business-to-Consumer, Consumer-to-Consumer, and Direct-to-Consumer models. If you’re into B2B, B2G, or D2D, don’t worry—I’ve got you covered in this blog post.

Table of Contents

  1. Channels and Strategies for Business-to-Consumer (B2C)
  2. Channels and Strategies for Consumer-to-Consumer (C2C)
  3. Channels and Strategies for Direct-to-Consumer (D2C)
  4. Conclusion

Do you need to build a reliable way of getting more High Ticket Clients?

Download my High Ticket Client Cheat Sheet. It’s my time-tested formula based on my billion business.  It covers High Ticket offers creation, mindsets you should shift to boost your business, High Ticket closing secrets to maximize your sales.   Don’t miss out any chance to prosper your business.

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Finding Potential Clients in Business-to-Consumer (B2C)

In the realm of B2C (Business-to-Consumer) transactions, maximizing your pipeline is paramount for sustained growth.  Let’s delve into 4 channels and 20 effective methods to enhance your B2B pipeline and drive success.

1. Influencer marketing

Collaborate with influencers in your niche to reach a wider audience. Here are some types of campaigns that you can run as part of their influencer marketing efforts

  • Product Reviews
    Collaborate with influencers to review your products or services on their platforms. Authentic and unbiased reviews from trusted influencers can help build credibility and trust with their audience.
  • Brand Ambassadorships
    Establish long-term partnerships with influencers to serve as brand ambassadors. Brand ambassadors consistently promote your products or services over an extended period, helping to build brand awareness and loyalty among their audience.
  • Sponsored Content
    Pay influencers to create sponsored posts, videos, or other content featuring your brand. Sponsored content allows you to reach a wider audience and control the messaging and visuals associated with your brand.
  • Event Collaborations
    Partner with influencers to promote or host events such as product launches, store openings, or exclusive VIP experiences. Influencers can help drive attendance and generate buzz around the event.
  • Content Co-Creation
    Collaborate with influencers to co-create content such as blog posts, videos, or podcasts. Co-created content allows you to leverage the influencer’s creativity and expertise while aligning with your brand messaging and goals.

2. Content marketing

By incorporating a diverse mix of these content types into their marketing strategy, businesses can effectively generate more opportunities.

  • Blog Posts
    Written articles published on a company’s blog or website, covering a wide range of topics related to the industry, products, services, trends, tips, and more.
  • Podcasts
    Audio recordings in the form of episodes or series, featuring discussions, interviews, storytelling, insights, advice, and industry-related topic.

A screenshot of New York Times Podcasts to find potential clients

The New York Times Podcasts

  • Webinars and Live Streams
    Interactive online presentations, workshops, or events conducted in real-time, allowing participants to engage with experts, ask questions, and learn about specific topics or subjects.
  • Email Newsletters
    Regularly distributed emails containing curated content, updates, announcements, promotions, offers, and other valuable information tailored to subscribers’ interests and preferences.


A bike poster from Trek Bike email to find potential clients

Trek Bicycle

  • Ebooks and Whitepapers
    Comprehensive, long-form content pieces that provide in-depth insights, analysis, research findings, guides, case studies, and best practices on specific topics or subjects.

3. Events and Trade Shows

Although more traditional, participating in trade shows, conferences, and local events can help you connect with potential customers and build relationships. It’s also an opportunity to showcase your products and services to a broader audience.

People are walking in a trade show to find potential clients

  • Choose the Right Events

Select events and trade shows that align with your target audience and industry. Research attendee demographics, past exhibitors, and overall event scope to ensure it’s a good fit for your business.

  • Offer Interactive Experiences

Engage attendees with interactive elements like product demonstrations, virtual reality experiences, or games. This creates a memorable experience and encourages visitors to spend more time at your booth.

  • Provide Giveaways and Promotional Items

Giveaways can attract visitors to your booth. Choose useful promotional items that align with your brand. Consider branded merchandise like tote bags, water bottles, or USB drives. These can serve as reminders of your business long after the event.

  • Follow Up After the Event

The follow-up process is critical for converting leads into customers. Send personalized emails, thank-you notes, or special offers to those who visited your booth. This helps maintain the connection and encourages further engagement.

  • Network with Other Exhibitors

Trade shows and events are excellent opportunities to network with other businesses. Building relationships with complementary businesses or industry influencers can lead to partnerships or collaborations.

4. Search engine optimization (SEO)

By implementing these SEO strategies effectively, you can improve your website’s visibility, attract more organic traffic, and generate more opportunities for B2C sales and conversions.

  • Keyword Research
    Conduct thorough keyword research to identify the terms and phrases your target audience is using to search for products or services similar to yours. Focus on long-tail keywords with high search volume and low competition to attract qualified traffic.

A meme shows a man states "Hey Google, if you could let me know what keyword some used to get to my site. That'd be great."

  • Optimize On-Page Elements
    Optimize on-page elements such as title tags, meta descriptions, headers, and URLs to include relevant keywords and provide clear, descriptive information about your products or services. Ensure that your website content is user-friendly, informative, and valuable to visitors.
  • Create High-Quality Content
    Develop high-quality, informative, and engaging content that addresses the needs, questions, and pain points of your target audience. Publish blog posts, articles, guides, tutorials, and videos that provide valuable insights, solutions, and recommendations related to your industry or niche.
  • Optimize for Voice Search
    With the rise of voice-enabled devices and virtual assistants, optimize your content for voice search queries by using conversational language, answering common questions, and targeting long-tail, natural language keywords.

Check out my FREE High Ticket Client Cheat Sheet to ensure you understand the psychology of High Ticket Clients to grow your pipeline faster.

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Finding Potential Clients in Consumer-to-Consumer (C2C) 

In the context of C2C (Consumer-to-Consumer), maintaining a robust pipeline is essential for thriving in peer-to-peer marketplaces. Let’s dive into effective techniques to boost your C2C pipeline and keep your community engaged.

1. Online marketplaces

Utilize platforms like eBay, or Etsy to sell goods directly to consumers.

  • Promotional Offers
    Offer discounts or special deals to attract buyers.
    For example, offer a “Buy One, Get One Free” deal on select items.

An Ebey shop, Great Custom Stuff, provide extra 30% off 12 or more items.

Great Custom Stuff – It provides extra 30% off

  • Featured Listings
    Pay to have your new product featured on the homepage of the marketplace.

An Esty shop, GinzaDashionsLLC, is featured on the mothers day gift.
GinzaDashionsLLC – It’s featured on the mothers day gift.

  • Bundle Sales
    Create bundles of related items and offer them at a discounted price. For example, create a bundle of a phone case, screen protector, and charger and offer it at a discounted price.
  • Limited-Time Sales
    Create urgency by offering limited-time sales or flash deals such as a 24-hour flash sale with 30% off all items in your store.
  • Seasonal Campaigns
    Tailor your campaigns to holidays or seasonal events to capitalize on increased shopping activity.
  • Sponsored Ads
    Invest in sponsored product ads to appear at the top of search results for relevant keywords.
  • Customer Loyalty Programs
    Reward repeat customers with discounts or exclusive offers to encourage repeat purchases.
    For instance, offer a 10% discount on their next purchase for customers who leave a review.
  • Review and rating:
    Encourage satisfied customers to leave positive reviews and ratings to attract new buyers.

A product reviews on an earphone. It states that a cop shot a guy 3 times outside my apartment while I was wearing these and playing Desiny, Didn't hear the shots and had no idea until I saw it on the news the next day.

2. Social media groups and forums 

Join relevant groups or forums where consumers buy, sell, or exchange goods and services.  Check below campaigns which aim to boost your opportunities.

A Reddit post state that [serious] what is the creepiest thing that has ever ACTUALLY happened to you?

  • Community Engagement Campaigns
    Encourage active participation and discussion within relevant social media groups and forums by initiating conversations, asking questions, and sharing valuable insights or tips related to your niche.
    Example: Start a weekly discussion thread where members can share their experiences or seek advice on topics related to your industry.
  • Educational Webinars or Workshops
    Host informative sessions or workshops within social media groups or forums to educate members about relevant topics or trends in your industry.
    Example: Organize a live webinar where members can learn about the latest developments in your field and how they can apply them to their own projects or businesses.
  • Ask Me Anything (AMA) Sessions
    Conduct AMA sessions within social media groups or forums where members can ask questions and interact directly with you or other experts in your industry.
    Example: Host a monthly AMA session where members can ask questions about your products, services, or industry trends, providing them with valuable insights and building rapport with your audience.
  • Networking
    Engage with like-minded individuals and potential customers within these groups and forums. By participating in discussions, sharing valuable insights, and building relationships, you can establish trust and credibility, which may lead to new business opportunities through referrals or direct inquiries.

3. Referral programs

Incentivize existing customers to refer friends and family to your products or services.  Here are some effective campaigns you can implement within referral programs for C2C businesses.

  • Give-and-Get Referral Incentives
    Offer both the referrer and the new customer a reward for successful referrals. For example, provide a discount or credit to both parties on their next purchase or transaction.

An Instagram Story screenshot show a credit on a product

  • Limited-Time Referral Contests
    Host referral contests where customers compete to refer the most friends within a specific timeframe. Offer enticing prizes such as gift cards, exclusive products, or experiences to motivate participation.
  • Personalized Referral Messaging
    Provide customers with customizable referral messages or templates that they can share with their contacts. Encourage them to add a personal touch to the messages to increase engagement and conversion rates.
  • Social Media Sharing Challenges
    Encourage customers to share their referral links or codes on social media platforms and track the number of clicks, shares, or conversions generated. Offer rewards or recognition for customers who actively participate in spreading the word about your business.
  • Exclusive Referral Clubs
    Create an exclusive referral club or VIP program for top referrers, offering them additional perks, benefits, or recognition for their loyalty and advocacy. This can incentivize customers to strive for membership in the club and continue referring others.

Get my High Ticket Client Cheat Sheet for FREE. Inside, you get the high ticket mindset, irresistible offers formula and persuasion principles to seamlessly reel them across the finish line.

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Finding Potential Clients in Direct-to-Customers (D2C)

In the D2C (Direct-to-Consumer) world, building a solid pipeline is key to reaching customers directly without intermediaries. Let’s explore proven ways to enhance your D2C pipeline and foster stronger customer relationships.

1. E-commerce websites and online stores

Create a robust and user-friendly D2C e-commerce website that attracts and retains customers, ultimately leading to increased sales and business growth.

A man is shopping with his laptop

  • Choose the Right Platform

Select a platform that is user-friendly and provides the features you need without excessive coding or technical knowledge. Consider platforms like Shopify, WooCommerce, or Magento, which offer extensive customization and scalability.

  • Design for User Experience

Ensure your website is mobile-friendly and works well on all devices. Create a simple and intuitive menu structure to help users find products easily. Optimize images, use a content delivery network (CDN), and minimize unnecessary scripts to ensure quick page load times.

  • Simplify the Checkout Process

Allow users to check out without creating an account. Offer various payment methods, such as credit cards, PayPal, and digital wallets like Apple Pay or Google Pay. Use SSL encryption to secure transactions and display trust badges to build customer confidence.

2. Affiliate Marketing

D2C brands can collaborate with affiliates who earn commissions for driving sales through unique referral links. This can expand the brand’s reach without a direct upfront cost.

A chart explains what consist of affiliate marketing. It includes merchant, website, sales, SEO, link, tracking, customer. Affiliate is helpful for business owrners to find potential clients

  • Create an Attractive Commission Structure

Offer a competitive commission rate that motivates affiliates to promote your products. Consider a percentage-based commission, a fixed fee, or a tiered structure. Provide bonuses for achieving specific milestones or promoting high-value products.

  • Choose the Right Affiliate Platform

Use a reputable affiliate marketing platform, such as ShareASale, Rakuten, or CJ Affiliate, to manage your program and track performance. Ensure the platform offers custom tracking links, real-time reporting, and integration with your e-commerce platform.

  • Monitor Affiliate Activities and Compliance

Establish clear terms and conditions for affiliates and ensure they adhere to your brand guidelines and marketing rules. Implement measures to detect and prevent fraudulent activities or unethical practices.

  • Measure Success and Make Adjustments

Provide affiliates with regular performance reports and feedback on their efforts. Use feedback and performance data to continuously improve and refine your affiliate marketing program. Test new strategies, offers, and promotional techniques to keep the program dynamic and effective.

3. Social media marketing

Engage with your audience on platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter. Consider the following strategies.

An image show a group of people sit on same table and all using their phones.

  • Define Your Target Audience
    Understand your target demographic and tailor your social media content and ads to appeal to their interests, preferences, and behaviors.
  • Create Compelling Content
    Develop engaging and visually appealing content, including images, videos, and infographics, that resonates with your audience. Share valuable information, entertaining stories, and user-generated content to foster engagement and build brand awareness.
  • Engage with Your Audience
    Actively engage with your followers by responding to comments, messages, and mentions in a timely and authentic manner. Encourage conversation, ask questions, and solicit feedback to foster a sense of community and loyalty.
  • Host Contests and Giveaways
    Launch contests, sweepstakes, or giveaways to incentivize user participation and increase brand visibility. Encourage users to like, share, or comment on your posts to expand your reach and attract new followers.

4. Paid Advertising

Paid advertising can be a powerful tool for Direct-to-Consumer (D2C) businesses to reach new audiences, generate leads, and drive sales. Here are some strategies and tips to maximize the effectiveness of paid ads for D2C.

a guy is promoting with a speaker

  • Choose the Right Platforms

Different platforms cater to different demographics and ad formats. Determine where your target audience spends their time. For example, Social media like Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, and Snapchat are ideal for visually engaging ads and broad reach. Google Ads can capture users who are actively searching for products or services. Video Platforms such as YouTube and TikTok are great for video ads and storytelling.  

  • Implement Retargeting

Use retargeting to engage users who have interacted with your brand but haven’t converted. Set up pixel-based tracking or use customer lists to create retargeting audiences. This strategy can increase conversion rates and customer lifetime value.

  • Optimize Landing Pages

Ensure your ad’s landing page aligns with the ad’s message and provides a seamless user experience. Optimize for mobile devices, minimize load times, and include clear calls to action (CTAs). A well-designed landing page can significantly improve conversion rates. Check the blog for more details on optimizing your landing page.

  • Monitor and Adjust

Regularly monitor your ad performance and adjust your campaigns as needed. Track key metrics like click-through rates (CTR), cost per acquisition (CPA), conversion rates, and return on ad spend (ROAS). Use A/B testing to refine your ads and improve results. Check the blog for more advanced ads optimization.


To wrap up,  I’ve covered a robust foundation for expanding your pipeline in B2C, C2C, and D2C.  As you explore these channels, remember that each has its nuances, so stay flexible and adapt as needed to maximize your opportunities.

If you are ready to implement these traffic generation tactics to grow your pipeline, get ready for those crucial conversations! My High Ticket Client Cheat Sheet hard-wires your brain with the elite mindset, sizzling hot offers, and persuasion ammo to consistently close those hard-earned opportunities into real revenue. No more costly leaks in your pipeline!

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Want To Start A YouTube Channel?

I started my YouTube channel over 8 years ago, …

And believe it or not, it took me many years to finally become comfortable in front of the camera.

I know you see my videos now, and I look very natural, but you should have seen all the bloopers we’ve recorded over the years.

Here’s a vlog video from 7 years ago about the time I saw Star Wars, so you can see what I was like >>

Being comfortable on camera is very much like my public speaking journey.

I’ve recorded so many videos now that I don’t even think about it anymore, but it took many years to get there.

So, in this week’s newsletter, you’re going to get some of my best tips for starting and growing a YouTube channel.

I believe that everyone has a story… a message, and value to offer the right audience.

I’ve tried many different types of content on my channel, some have been highly successful, while others have failed badly.

The main thing is I kept going and figured out what works best for my audience.

How To Find The Best Niche

If you search this on YouTube, you’ll get a tonne of videos telling you what the best niches are.

I chose business because that’s what I do every day.

So many people get confused about what niche to get into.

The truth is, the best niche for you is YOU.

What skills do you have?

What unique talents do you have?

Are you interested in learning something new and documenting your journey?

Many YouTubers will tell you that it took a lot of testing before they found something that worked for them.

But all it requires is a little self-knowledge and the commitment to a niche that interests you and that you know you’d be good at.

Why You Don’t Need An Expensive Camera 

I know what you could be thinking…

“I need to buy a really good camera to make high-quality YouTube videos.”

Believe it or not, that is a huge MYTH.

What’s more important than the camera you use are the settings of your camera and the lighting in your video.

You could have the most expensive camera, but if the lighting is bad and you’re using the wrong settings, your video will look terrible.

Sound is also very important, so make sure you have a lapel mic rather than using the microphone on your phone or camera.

And just to prove you can use your smartphone to make high-quality videos, here’s one I made with my iPhone >>

Why Consistency Beats Intensity Every Time

When you first start your channel, it’s wise to decide what you can commit to every week.

At the very least, you should aim for one video per week, and it will pay you to be consistent rather than intense with your content creation.

Here’s what I mean.

It’s far better for you to produce one video per week than to come out guns blazing and produce 3-4 videos per week…

Only to burn yourself out and stop creating videos after a few months.

YouTube is a long game.

Sure some videos can go viral, but even then your audience wants to see more content from you long term.

So, make sure you can stay consistent with your content creation schedule.

3 Secrets For Growing Your Channel

There are many ways to grow a YouTube channel, but today, you’ll get 3 of my best secrets to take your channel to the moon.

Now, my results aren’t typical, but I’m certain if you use these 3 things and others you find on your journey, you’ll see some great results.

  • Use Time-tested Marketing Principles

    If you look at my channel, you’ll see video titles like “The One Thing That Builds A Big Company”, “3 Psychological Triggers To Make People Buy From You”, “How To Get Better Clients In 10% Of The Time”.

    I use the skill of copywriting to capture people’s attention and get them intrigued to watch the video.

    This is why your niche is important.

    Because when you know the people who will watch your videos on the deepest level, you’ll know what titles they’ll find interesting and will click.


  • Create Searchable Content

    YouTube is more than just a video platform, it’s a search engine.

    You can find almost anything you want.

    But there are some things that people search for more than others.

    Your job as a content creator is to create videos that the viewers want to see, not only the content you want to make.

    The reason why YouTube being a search engine is important is that the more you use specific keywords for your niche to create searchable videos, the easier people will can find your content and become fans.


  • Have Eye-catching Thumbnails

    If you think about it, your thumbnail and your title are the things that will get people to watch your video.

    You could create the best video, with amazing editing, and sound, and one that compels people to watch until the end…

    But all that will be for nothing, if the thumbnail isn’t eye-catching enough to get people to watch.

I shot a video where I share a few extra secrets I haven’t spoken about in this newsletter for growing your channel from 0 subscribers and 0 views.

I highly recommend you check it out, as I also share a good script you can use for your welcome video >>

In closing…

Have fun with your channel, and use some of the tips I’ve shared in this newsletter and I’m sure you’ll see some good results over time.

To your YouTube success,

Dan Lok

P.S.If you’d like my help building your channel and taking your income to new heights, click here to check out my training Tube Follower Secrets >>

Inside you’ll discover:

How to model my techniques to add 3+ million subscribers to your YouTube channel in record time…

  • How to create killer content that captivates your audience…
  • How to monetize your YouTube channel even if you’re clueless about marketing on YouTube right now…
  • And so much more!

Fastest Way To Become A Niche Authority?

What do you think is the quickest way to become an authority in your niche?

Well, as you may know…

I’ve written many books over the years.

From my best-seller FU Money to my latest book Unlock It.

There’s something special about writing a book for your marketplace.

So in this week’s newsletter, you’ll discover why I believe you should become an author, how to make it happen…

And if you’re already an author, we’ll also talk about what I believe are the 3 biggest challenges authors face and how to overcome them.

So, let’s get started.

Why You Should Become an Author

When clients ask me for advice on how to grow their businesses, other than formulating a marketing plan…

Very often, I suggest they write a book.


Because if you take the first 6 words of AUTHORITY, you get the word AUTHOR.

I firmly believe if you want to become an authority in your niche, other than starting a blog or a Youtube channel, writing a book is one of the best ways to do it.

Not only can you sell your book on Amazon, but you can also give it away as a lead magnet or set up a “free plus shipping” offer to get people to spend their first $1 with you.

How To Become An Author and Write Your First Book

It’s simpler to write a book and get it published these days.

You no longer need to find a publishing house to work with, as you can self-publish and put the book on Amazon very easily.

With that said, there’s still a lot that goes into a book, irrespective of the writing, so here are 7 things to think about.

1. Create a writing space and acquire your writing tools

Create a space that’s as inspiring and as free of distractions as possible.

Back in the day people used typewriters, but in this day and age, you’ll naturally use a computer.

You can also set up a Google doc and speak into your microphone if you dislike typing, and the document will transcribe your words.

This isn’t a perfect solution however, as it always requires you to fix words or phrases that aren’t clear.

2. Choose your BIG idea

Your idea MUST BE BIG.

The market is a wash with books, so if your idea isn’t big, use that idea for a social media post or a blog article.

3. Create your book’s outline

Break your big idea into as many chapters as you need.

You may like to break the chapters up into smaller segments as well.

This serves two purposes.

It gives you a clear picture of how the book will flow, and it breaks up this huge project into smaller pieces you can complete day by day.

4. Research

Your next step is to conduct your research to ensure your book is unlike anything else out there.

You really want to set your book aside from others in the same niche.

Can you provide a controversial perspective?

Can you go above and beyond the common info on your topic?

Can you provide a counter-intuitive solution to common problems?

5. Commit to a writing schedule

I know you’re busy, but make sure you can commit to a small amount of time each day, preferably at the same time every day.

If you find yourself getting too busy to complete your allotted time, even if you write for just 10-15 minutes, that’s better than not doing it all.

Skipping one day could turn into two, which could turn into three, and before long you’re way past your deadline.

6. NEVER edit as you write

When you’re in creativity mode you use your right brain.

On the flipside, when you edit you’re using your left brain.

Switching between the two is tempting but it’s counterproductive.

You want to get all your thoughts out without interruption.

Once you’re done writing, you can go back and edit to your heart’s content.

Make sure you wait a whole day before you begin editing and ensure you’re ruthless with your editing as well.

7. The Middle is always the hardest part to write

Half way through your book you may begin to experience self-doubt and wonder if you can pull this off at all.

If your outline is solid, then you’ll know your book will be too.

So, stay the course and never give up!

3 Common Challenges Authors Face and How To Overcome Them

I’ve narrowed the common challenges to 3 big ones, and if you eliminate these, it should allow you to be highly productive, eliminate overwork, and reduce stress.

The first challenge is “writer’s block”

No doubt, you’ve heard of this problem before, and I wrote it in quotations because I don’t believe in writer’s block.

Writer’s block is really a symptom of lack of research.

If you’ve ever sat down to write about something and thought “how do I start… what should I write?”

Then you simply haven’t done enough research.

Assuming you’ve worked through the 7 things I mentioned above, you’ll already have an outline for your book, the chapters, the topics you’ll discuss etc.

You’ll also have done all the research needed to bring your book to life…

So you’ll know exactly what you’re going to write about.

The second challenge is doing too much research

Yes, there is such a thing as too much research. 

So how do you know when enough is enough?

Your goal with your research is to find answers to as many questions you have about your big idea.

Anything you’re not sure of, you need to find an answer for.

Anything you think your market will want to know, you need an answer for.

So, create a set of questions or a checklist of unknowns, and once you’ve got answers for all of them, you can stop researching.

The third challenge is distractions 

Whether it’s the internet, loud noises, your friends calling or something else, you need to eliminate all distractions.

If you’re distracted while you’re in flow, it can take 25 minutes to get back in flow.

Think of the phrase “death by a thousand cuts”.

One cut won’t do much. 

Heck, maybe even 200 cuts won’t do much, but after 1000 you’re dead.

The same goes for distractions.

One or two distractions here and there won’t do much, but if you’re constantly distracted, you’ll never get anything done.

Bonus Challenge

Here’s a bonus tip.

In copywriting the headline is the most important.

After the headline, the first line of body copy is the next most important and must compel them to read the second line and so on.

In a book, you want your first line to reel them in or you’ll lose them fast.

You can make your first line compelling by writing something that’s surprising and counter-intuitive. 

Maybe you write a dramatic statement that’s controversial, or puts them right in the middle of a story…

Something philosophical…

Or something poetic.

These are just a few ways you can capture their attention.

In Closing…

Writing a book isn’t easy. 

If it were, all your competitors would be authors.

That’s why it’s a great way to set yourself aside and cut through the noise.

I hope this newsletter has helped you begin planning for your first or next book.

Until next time… go high ticket,

Dan Lok.

P.S. – While being an authority in your niche is a huge advantage, if you’re not quite there yet, it doesn’t mean you can’t grow and scale your business and create the lifestyle you deserve.

On July 26th, we’ll run our next S.M.A.R.T. Challenge™.

It’s my 3 day business immersive that teaches you how to SCALE, SYSTEMIZE, and SUSTAIN your business through any economic climate.

You’ll get the exact business playbook I’ve used to generate over $100 million in my coaching/consulting business in just a few short years.

You’ll also get to meet hundreds of like-minded and high level business owners and expand your network.

Many have attended the challenge more than once, because they feel it’s that valuable and powerful.

So, click here to secure your seat and see what all the fuss is about >>

Speak For Free And Get Paid?

Many years ago when I first got started as a speaker…

I had people tell me things like…

“You’ve got to do free gigs for a few years, and build your reputation before you make big money as a speaker.”

And it’s true.

If you think of any famous speaker, they have a great reputation.

They’re well known, and they’re paid hundreds of thousands for a keynote speech.

But if you know me, you’ll know there was no way I was going to speak for free.

If I’m going to practice a 90 min speech and put in countless hours to make it as good as possible…

Then I want to be compensated for my time.

But I was a “nobody” at the time, so there was no way anyone would pay to see me speak.

That’s when I discovered the “speak for free” model, where you speak for free at a big event, and sell your products and services.

With this model, you give 50% of your earnings to the event organizer, but if you’re good enough, you can make 50k or 100K per speech or more.

Since starting as a speaker in my 20s, I’ve generated hundreds of millions of dollars in my career, and a big portion of that is because of my speaking skills.

The good thing is, when you’re a good platform closer, event organizers will jump at the chance to have you speak at their events, because you’ll help them recoup their event costs.

So, in this week’s newsletter, you’ll get actionable tips and strategies for building powerful and captivating public speaking and platform closing skills…

So the next time you’re speaking in front of an audience, you can capitalize on this opportunity, get more clients, and make more money at the same time.

Now, before we get started, I recommend you watch my TedX talk on the self-image >>

So you can refresh your mind on what a professional speaker looks and sounds like.

All done?

Great, let’s get started.

Why Your Sub-Communications Are VITAL On Stage

I’m almost certain you’ve heard your words are only 7% of everything you’re saying.

The other 93% is made up of body language (55%) and vocal tonality (38%).

When you’re closing on the phone and your prospect can’t see you, your vocal tone becomes 93% of what you’re saying.

But on stage you’ve got your body language to master as well.

So, what better way to learn effective body language tips than from a world public speaking champion >>

Next is vocal tonality, so here are…

5 Different Ways To Use Your Voice

There are countless different vocal tonalities you can use in conversation.

I’m sure you’re already aware of many of them…

And here are just a few…

Authoritative, caring, cheerful, coarse, conservative, conversational, casual, and dry.

When you’re closing on stage, you want to use authoritative, conversational, certain and confident vocal tones, and any others you feel will aid your presentation.

To illustrate just how important vocal tone is, click here to watch me demonstrate 5 different tonalities with my good friend Peng Joon >>

This video will help you with your sales calls as well, so it’s definitely worth your time.

How To Speak With Confidence

As I mentioned before, speaking with confidence is KEY in all public speeches, and it’s even more important when you’re selling from the stage.

The problem is we’ve learned unconscious habits throughout our life that we must train if we want to captivate people when we’re on stage.

This next tip follows on from the previous tip on vocal tonality.

If you want a quick way of sounding more certain and confident, don’t make a statement and sound like you’re asking a question.

Rather than attempt to explain how to do it here, this video provides a great explanation >>

When you watch the video above, you’ll also get 2 more tips for speaking with confidence which will greatly improve your presentations.

How To Captivate Your Audience

If you look at all the great speakers, you’ll see they all have a few things in common.

1. They’re givers not takers

Even though you’re selling something, whether it be an idea, or a product or service, you’re always giving.

You’re giving them a new perspective.

You’re giving them permission to take action on their dreams.

You’re giving them the opportunity of a better life, amongst other things.

Never forget this.

The audience will be completely captivated by your presentation if you’re adding value to their lives.

2. They’re authentic

Stand for something, believe in it 100%, and don’t be afraid to speak your mind.

There’s something very appealing about a genuine person…

As we can smell inauthenticity a mile away.

3. They’re great storytellers

As they say, “facts tell, but stories sell.”

Never make a point without telling a story and never tell a story without making a point.

Hone your storytelling skills and you’ll watch your income skyrocket over time.

This will help you in many other areas of your business, especially marketing and sales.

Secrets To Selling From The Stage

So let’s pretend you can do all of what I’ve mentioned so far.

What’s the next step?

How do you actually structure your presentation to sell from the stage?

Good question, and one that can’t be explained in one newsletter, let alone the rest of this one.

With that said, I don’t want to leave you empty handed.

So, in the next two videos, you’ll discover powerful tips for stage selling.

As usual, there are many things to do on stage as you sell.

So, click here to discover the a vital secret to stage selling >>

And click here for two important factors to consider in your presentation >>

In Closing…

When practicing your speech, you’ll want to work on your body language, vocal tone, and delivery.

I believe stage selling is a dying art, so if you can sell from the stage, you’re streets ahead of your competition.

If you’d like some of my help honing your public speaking skills, then you’ll love my training Public Speaking Secrets >>

This training will help you become the speaker you were born to be.

Until next time, go high ticket,

Dan Lok

P.S. – We’re less than a month away from our next S.M.A.R.T. Challenge™.

If you want to know how to sell more and scale your business in any economic climate, then you won’t want to miss this event, [Name].

You’ll get my entire business playbook responsible for over $100 million in sales in just a few short years.

You’ll get to surround yourself with other experts, speakers, trainers, coaches, and consultants, operating at the highest levels, and so much more.

For the full scoop on what will surely be an explosive 3 days together, click here >>

Never Overlook THIS In Your Biz..

I’m about to share with you something so many coaches, experts, consultants, and trainers greatly overlook…

It’s something so important your business can’t survive without it.

Now you may think I’m talking about sales, and as important as sales are…

I’m referring to marketing.

One of the big reasons my YouTube channel has over 4.5 million subscribers and counting…

Is because I use proven marketing principles in my videos and copywriting for the channel.

Whether you want to grow your business faster, speak on stage, appear on podcasts or TV shows, your marketing will help you do that.

So in this week’s newsletter you’ll discover what I believe are some of the most important things your marketing should have to cut through a noisey marketplace.

Why Marketing Is So Important

You already know without marketing, you’ll never get your name out there.

But what’s the actual point of marketing?

Well, as Peter Drucker says “The aim of marketing is to make selling superfluous.”

Not only do you want the selling of your product or service to become unnecessary…

But you also want people to be sold on you with little convincing.

You should be creating marketing pieces often, on multiple platforms, so the longer you’re in business, the easier it becomes.

If you look at my content, I’ve got TikTok, YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and a website blog that continues to grow.

Now, there’s now way I can create all that content myself, I’m blessed to have a big enough team to help me.

But you want the decision to work with you to be a “no-brainer”.

Simply put, marketing is selling at scale.

Put out one piece of content and an unlimited number of people can see it.

My online content is a perfect example of this.

At any moment, thousands of people are consuming my content and discovering me for the first time, or getting to know me, my brand, and what I do on a deeper level.

Why Your Message Is The Most Important Piece Of Your Marketing

If you look at anyone who’s successful in business, they’ll have a strong message.

They’re not vanilla.

You’ll either like them or you don’t, and that’s what you must portray in your marketing.

You want to be for somebody, NOT for everybody.

My mentor Dan Peña is a perfect example of that.

If you’re familiar with him, you’ll know that like me, he’s not everyone’s cup of tea.

Your marketing should attract the right people and repel everyone else.

And the best way to do this is to be authentic.

Speak from the heart without filtering what you’re saying or being obnoxious.

The more REAL you are, the easier you’ll find it to attract the right people to your business.

Back when I taught HTC™, one of my messages was “Develop a high income skill”.

I still believe that today, but another one of my messages is “Go high ticket”.

So, what’s your message?

Take some time to think about it and weave it into your marketing.

If you’d like some help creating your marketing message, then watch this video >>

Why You Must Stand For Something

I’m certain you got into business because you want to make change in the world.

You stand for something specific and that’s why you do what you do.

Before we switched to our current niche, I stood for impacting people with financial education.

I didn’t, and still don’t believe traditional education gets the job done.

I do believe that if you want to become a Doctor, Lawyer, Accountant, etc then you must go to college.

But if you want to become financially successful, there are ways of doing it without going to college, and getting into hundreds of thousands of dollars of debt.

And I made sure this message often in my marketing and YouTube videos.

For that reason, my message can be seen as polarizing.

Because some will resonate with it, while others won’t.

And you should be OK with that.

If you’re afraid of being polarizing, then it’s possible you’re a people pleaser, and if so, that is something to work on.

I understand when you put yourself out there you may care what others think of you, your business, or your content…

But you’ll never please everyone, and you shouldn’t care what the people who disagree with you think.

If you worry about what others think, then click here to watch this short video >>

In Closing…

Alway remember.

You’re known for what you believe, not just what you know.

Everything we’ve spoken about is part of what makes up your brand.

One of the first newsletters I wrote was all about branding, so I recommend you look out for an email with the title “Your Ultimate Guide To Personal Branding”… or “5 killer personal branding secrets”.

It will help you craft a deliberate personal brand you can be proud of.

Until next time… go high ticket,

Dan Lok

P.S.- If you haven’t heard, our next S.M.A.R.T. Challenge™  is just weeks away.

Over 3 value-packed days, you’ll get some of my best business strategies on how to improve your offer, lead flow, and sales.

I’ve used these techniques to sell over $100 million in just a few years…

And now I want to hand them to you on a silver platter, so you can SCALE, SYSTEMIZE, and SUSTAIN your business through any economic climate.

Click here for the full scoop and to secure your seat >>

You’ll be glad you did

Post-Launch Strategies: Growing and Scaling Your Course

Congratulations on successfully launching your Kajabi course! 

Now that your course is live and students are embarking on their learning journey, it’s time to shift your focus to post-launch strategies that will enable you to grow and scale your course effectively. 

In this comprehensive guide, I’ll walk you through proven strategies to promote continued enrollment growth, maintain course quality, and explore opportunities for expansion.

Strategy 1: Leveraging Testimonials and Success Stories 

One of the most powerful ways to attract new students post-launch is through testimonials and success stories from your existing students. 

Reach out to your satisfied students and request their feedback on the course’s impact. 

Use these testimonials on your sales page, social media, and marketing materials to build trust and credibility with potential students.

Strategy 2: Implementing Referral Programs 

Word-of-mouth marketing can be a game-changer for your course’s growth. Create a referral program that incentivizes your current students to invite their friends and colleagues to enroll in your course. 

Offer discounts, bonuses, or exclusive content as rewards for successful referrals.

Strategy 3: Engaging with Your Audience 

Stay actively engaged with your students through various communication channels. 

Host live Q&A sessions, webinars, or virtual meetups to address their questions and provide additional value. A thriving and interactive community fosters loyalty and encourages students to continue their learning journey with you.

Strategy 4: Ongoing Content Updates 

Keep your course content fresh and relevant by regularly updating it with new insights, case studies, or industry developments. Continuous improvement enhances the value of your course and encourages students to return for additional learning opportunities.

Strategy 5: Upselling and Cross-selling 

Once your students have completed your core course, offer them advanced or specialized modules as upsells. Cross-selling complementary courses or resources can also add value to their learning experience. The goal is to retain existing students by providing them with additional learning opportunities.

Strategy 6: Webinars and Workshops 

Webinars and workshops are powerful tools for post-launch promotion. Host free webinars on related topics to attract new leads and showcase your expertise. Offer limited-time discounts or bonuses to attendees to drive enrollments.

Strategy 7: Analyzing Data and Metrics 

Track and analyze data on student engagement, completion rates, and feedback to gain insights into the effectiveness of your course. 

Use this data to identify areas for improvement and tailor your content to meet your students’ needs better.

Strategy 8: Creating Evergreen Funnels 

While the initial launch may be live, consider setting up evergreen funnels to continue enrolling students automatically. 

Evergreen funnels allow you to attract new students and make sales even after the launch phase has ended.

Strategy 9: Diversifying Offerings 

Explore opportunities to expand your course offerings or create additional courses in related niches. 

Diversifying your offerings can attract a broader audience and increase your revenue streams.

An example of this is  

Strategy 10: Partnering and Collaborations 

Consider partnering with other course creators or industry experts for collaborations. Joint ventures can expand your reach to new audiences and introduce your course to potential students who may not have discovered it otherwise.

As you implement these post-launch strategies, remember to stay attentive to your students’ needs and continuously seek opportunities for improvement. 

By combining effective marketing tactics with a commitment to delivering exceptional learning experiences, you’ll position yourself for continued growth and success in the world of online education.

To your unstoppable success,

Dan Lok

P.s. If you haven’t already…

►► Grab your FREE trial of Kajabi + $5,995.00 of FREE bonuses here:

►► Watch the FREE masterclass on how to get paid for what you know: