Systems & Processes

Get Your Client Results 10x Faster?

Throughout my coaching career, I’ve tried many things to help my clients get results…

And what I’ve realized through all the trial and error is this.

It doesn’t matter how good you are…

It doesn’t matter how much experience you have…

And it doesn’t even matter how eager you are or how much you care.

You’ll never help 100% of your clients get results.

So what stops clients from getting results?

Their mindset.

You may have heard Tony Robbins’ famous quote…

“Success is 80% mindset, 20% mechanics.”

And it’s very true.

So in this week’s newsletter, I’ll discuss 7 reasons why your clients may sabotage their own success, and the one solution to fix it all.

But before getting into the main part of the newsletter, let me give you a perfect example of why mindset is so important.

As you know, I teach High Ticket Closing.

The mechanics of high ticket closing include asking the right questions, playing with prospect resistance, asking for money, talking to strangers, and many other things.

But if the mentee is uncomfortable with any of the mechanics, or they have a negative association with sales,  then they’ll never succeed.

So, let’s dive into the…

7 Reasons Why Your Clients May Not Succeed

  1. They can’t do it

    This one is obvious, and it’s the reason why they’ve hired you.

    If they could do it, they would have already done it.
  2. They won’t do it

    Here they have the ability but they simply won’t do the work to achieve the success they desire.
  3. They don’t believe they can do it

    Here they have the ability, but for whatever reason, they don’t believe they can succeed.

    This often causes people not to even try to change their life and get better results.
  4. They don’t believe it will work

    No matter how many clients you have that have succeeded with your program…

    There will always be people who don’t believe it will work.

    What they’re really saying is similar to the 3rd reason.

    They don’t believe it will work for them.

    Sure, they can see other people succeeding.

    But they don’t think it will work for them, and this becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy.

    Meaning, if they don’t think it will work, it won’t work.
  5. They don’t stick with it long enough

    Success happens at different times for different people.

    Some reach their goals in a month or two, some may take years.

    So, what determines how fast someone will succeed?

    The truth is, there are many variables, which include but are not limited to…

    The hours they put in… how consistent they are… how fast they learn, and countless others.
  6. They play the victim.

    In my High Ticket Closer Certification™ (HTC), we have a rule.

    That rule is “No excuses, No opinions, and No victims.”

    Victims always look for someone else to blame.

    They b*tch, moan, and whine.

    And if you accidentally bring on clients like these, not only will they be a client from hell, but they’ll never succeed.
    They haven’t taken full responsibility for their life, and until they do, they’ll continue to stay stuck.
  7. Their environment

    I always say, “Your environment is more powerful than your willpower.”

    If your clients are constantly hanging out with negative friends and family, they’ll be influenced by them and this will cause internal friction in their mind.

    They may be swayed not to work on themselves, their business, and their goals.

    And if they don’t move house or distance themselves, this will adversely affect their future success.

How To Help Them Overcome The 7 Roadblocks To Success

So, with all these roadblocks and obstacles getting in their way, how do you give your clients the best chance of success?

The answer is of course, to include a mindset portion in your program.

Your mindset modules should be designed in such a way to remove old beliefs that could halt their success…

And replace them with more empowering beliefs and different ways of thinking that will help them succeed.

For example: In HTC™, I teach the psychology of high ticket sales… why sales is a noble profession and not something to be ashamed of… why people look down on salespeople… why they can’t afford to be afraid of speaking to strangers, and so much more.

If you haven’t already, brainstorm the different ways of thinking someone must have to succeed in your program, and all the different mental roadblocks someone may experience when working with you.

You may like to interview past or current clients, because they may tell you things you’ll likely never think of.

Remember, all you can do is to help the clients who want to help themselves.

And if they join your program, and don’t think they need mindset training, then those are the people who need it the most, and usually they’re the ones you can’t help.

In closing…

If you want to give your clients the best chance of success, don’t skip the mindset training.

When you include mindset, you should see your success rate increase, and if you only let in highly motivated people, this will also improve your client success rate.

Until next time… go high ticket,

Dan Lok

P.S. – We’ve spoken about your clients throughout the entire newsletter, but what about getting YOU faster and better results in your business?

If you want my complete business playbook that’s responsible for over $100 million in sales in my coaching/consulting business, then you’ll love the S.M.A.R.T. Challenge™.

The next challenge kicks off on July 26th and runs for 3 days.

After the three days, you’ll leave with a “done list” of tasks and the strategies to SCALE, SYSTEMIZE, and SUSTAIN your business through the toughest economic climates, and much more.

We only run the challenge a few times a year, so…

Click here for the full story and secure your spot >>

Want To Start A YouTube Channel?

I started my YouTube channel over 8 years ago, …

And believe it or not, it took me many years to finally become comfortable in front of the camera.

I know you see my videos now, and I look very natural, but you should have seen all the bloopers we’ve recorded over the years.

Here’s a vlog video from 7 years ago about the time I saw Star Wars, so you can see what I was like >>

Being comfortable on camera is very much like my public speaking journey.

I’ve recorded so many videos now that I don’t even think about it anymore, but it took many years to get there.

So, in this week’s newsletter, you’re going to get some of my best tips for starting and growing a YouTube channel.

I believe that everyone has a story… a message, and value to offer the right audience.

I’ve tried many different types of content on my channel, some have been highly successful, while others have failed badly.

The main thing is I kept going and figured out what works best for my audience.

How To Find The Best Niche

If you search this on YouTube, you’ll get a tonne of videos telling you what the best niches are.

I chose business because that’s what I do every day.

So many people get confused about what niche to get into.

The truth is, the best niche for you is YOU.

What skills do you have?

What unique talents do you have?

Are you interested in learning something new and documenting your journey?

Many YouTubers will tell you that it took a lot of testing before they found something that worked for them.

But all it requires is a little self-knowledge and the commitment to a niche that interests you and that you know you’d be good at.

Why You Don’t Need An Expensive Camera 

I know what you could be thinking…

“I need to buy a really good camera to make high-quality YouTube videos.”

Believe it or not, that is a huge MYTH.

What’s more important than the camera you use are the settings of your camera and the lighting in your video.

You could have the most expensive camera, but if the lighting is bad and you’re using the wrong settings, your video will look terrible.

Sound is also very important, so make sure you have a lapel mic rather than using the microphone on your phone or camera.

And just to prove you can use your smartphone to make high-quality videos, here’s one I made with my iPhone >>

Why Consistency Beats Intensity Every Time

When you first start your channel, it’s wise to decide what you can commit to every week.

At the very least, you should aim for one video per week, and it will pay you to be consistent rather than intense with your content creation.

Here’s what I mean.

It’s far better for you to produce one video per week than to come out guns blazing and produce 3-4 videos per week…

Only to burn yourself out and stop creating videos after a few months.

YouTube is a long game.

Sure some videos can go viral, but even then your audience wants to see more content from you long term.

So, make sure you can stay consistent with your content creation schedule.

3 Secrets For Growing Your Channel

There are many ways to grow a YouTube channel, but today, you’ll get 3 of my best secrets to take your channel to the moon.

Now, my results aren’t typical, but I’m certain if you use these 3 things and others you find on your journey, you’ll see some great results.

  • Use Time-tested Marketing Principles

    If you look at my channel, you’ll see video titles like “The One Thing That Builds A Big Company”, “3 Psychological Triggers To Make People Buy From You”, “How To Get Better Clients In 10% Of The Time”.

    I use the skill of copywriting to capture people’s attention and get them intrigued to watch the video.

    This is why your niche is important.

    Because when you know the people who will watch your videos on the deepest level, you’ll know what titles they’ll find interesting and will click.


  • Create Searchable Content

    YouTube is more than just a video platform, it’s a search engine.

    You can find almost anything you want.

    But there are some things that people search for more than others.

    Your job as a content creator is to create videos that the viewers want to see, not only the content you want to make.

    The reason why YouTube being a search engine is important is that the more you use specific keywords for your niche to create searchable videos, the easier people will can find your content and become fans.


  • Have Eye-catching Thumbnails

    If you think about it, your thumbnail and your title are the things that will get people to watch your video.

    You could create the best video, with amazing editing, and sound, and one that compels people to watch until the end…

    But all that will be for nothing, if the thumbnail isn’t eye-catching enough to get people to watch.

I shot a video where I share a few extra secrets I haven’t spoken about in this newsletter for growing your channel from 0 subscribers and 0 views.

I highly recommend you check it out, as I also share a good script you can use for your welcome video >>

In closing…

Have fun with your channel, and use some of the tips I’ve shared in this newsletter and I’m sure you’ll see some good results over time.

To your YouTube success,

Dan Lok

P.S.If you’d like my help building your channel and taking your income to new heights, click here to check out my training Tube Follower Secrets >>

Inside you’ll discover:

How to model my techniques to add 3+ million subscribers to your YouTube channel in record time…

  • How to create killer content that captivates your audience…
  • How to monetize your YouTube channel even if you’re clueless about marketing on YouTube right now…
  • And so much more!

Unsure How To Pay Your Closers?

If you’re unsure of the best way to pay your sales team, then you’re in for a treat…

Because in this week’s newsletter, you’ll discover many ways to structure your team’s commissions…

You’ll also discover what I believe are the best ways to compensate them…

I’ll give you a sneak peek into how I pay my closers and why I’ve chosen this method…

And you’ll also get my simple but powerful method for removing complacency and keeping your closers on their toes.

Let’s get started…

3 Goals Of Your Commission Structure

When structuring commissions for your team, you should have 3 goals in mind.

  • Increase closer motivation…
  • Boost sales and productivity…
  • Reduce staff turnover…

With those in mind, let’s dive into some common commission structures.

3 Of The Most Common Commission Structures

Believe it or not, there are at least 10 different ways you could structure your team’s commissions.

But today, we’ll cover just 3 and I’ll give you a link so you can gain insight into the other 7.

  • 100% Commission

This is beneficial for both the company and the closer.

Because the company doesn’t pay the closer a salary, they can offer a higher commission rate.

The closer will feel like they are in complete control of their income.

There is no limit to how much the closer can make.

This is a great way for the closer to gauge their performance.

But, one of the biggest problems with this model is it can cause neediness and/or desperation, as they only “eat what they kill”.

Furthermore, closers could resort to unethical sales techniques in order to make sales in the event of a quiet sales period.

Another problem with this model is it can cause a high turnover rate, if closers don’t perform or are unhappy with their income.

  • Base Salary + Commission

Here you’ll provide an hourly rate or monthly income and you’ll also pay your closers for each sale they make.

You’re invested in the closer, and you both carry certain levels of responsibility.

The base should not be so high that the closer can get complacent and lazy…

But it also shouldn’t be so low that if they run into challenges they can’t survive without making sales.

This model still rewards high performance, and as you control the number of hours the closer works, you can still predict fixed salary expenses.

Any extra outlay is of course connected to sales made.

  • Tiered Commission

If you want a good way to motivate your team to close more sales, a tiered commission structure may work well for you.

With this type of structure, your closers will earn a higher commission when they hit certain milestones.

For example: If they close anything under $20,000 they may get 5%.

Anything over $20,000 but under $50,000 may see them receive 8%, and so on.

It’s up to you how far you want the tiered commission to continue and what percentage you award them each time they hit a new tier.

This helps motivate them to continue closing sales even after they’ve hit their monthly targets, as they’ll receive greater compensation.

Click here to discover 7 other commission structures you could potentially install into your business >>

How I Pay My Sales Team

In our business, we use a combination of a few different commission structures.

Regardless of experience, every new closer starts as an appointment setter.

They earn a percentage (dependent on the price point and margin of the offer) of sales for appointments they set.

After they’ve proven themselves by getting a predetermined number of sales, they then move to a closing position.

In this position, they get a base plus commissions, and we also work out a bonus structure similar to the tiered commission structure.

As I mentioned earlier, providing your closers with a base removes neediness and desperation.

The last thing I want in my team is a closer who is in survival mode…

As this causes most people to act irrationally and emotionally in a sales conversation.

How To Keep Your Closers On Their Toes

One huge challenge you’ll face no matter how well your sales team performs is people becoming complacent.

It’s very common for people to get too comfortable and even lazy at times.

So, in order to get around this, and to ensure you always have the highest performers on your team, here’s what I do.

Every quarter, I cut the bottom performers.

It’s up to you how many or what percentage of people you cut each time, but if you have 4 or 5 people on your team, you may like to cut the bottom person.

I think 20-25% is a good portion to cut, depending on the size of your team.

How to Turn Your Sales Team Into A Force To Be Reckoned With

If you want your team to perform to the best of their ability, you have two choices, [Name].

Either you can assume they’ll train themselves and upgrade their skills on their own dime…


You can get on the front foot and provide them high-level training vital to their success.

Now, I’m in a unique position where my team has access to the hundreds of hours of sales training I’ve created.

In fact, in order to get a position on my team, each closer must have taken my High Ticket Closer Certification™

This proves to me they’re serious and they understand my sales methodologies.

But if you’re not at the level where you’ve created sales training, or perhaps you’d like to bring in some outside training…

Then I invite you to check out the Dan Lok Closing Collection >>

This collection compiles 6 of my most effective sales trainings, including:

How To Sell High Ticket Consulting Programs And Services… The Perfect Closing Script… Objection Handling Secrets… Persuasion Secrets… Prospecting Secrets… and Negotiation Secrets.

By the time your team has been through these programs, their closing skills will be like night and day from where they are now.

And the best part, each program works out to roughly $66 each.

In my opinion, it’s a complete steal for the potential value you could receive if your team implements the teachings. 

And if perhaps the collection is outside your budget, there are other trainings you can invest in individually if you wish.

Here’s the link to check out the rest of my sales trainings >>

To your success,

Dan Lok

P.S. – If you want your sales team to have complete confidence when speaking with prospects…

One of the best ways to achieve this is by having an irresistible high ticket offer.

And if you want my help to create an irresistible high ticket offer in just 3-days, then click here for the full story >> 

Is Your Biz Stuck?

Recently I’ve been thinking about business growth…

As entrepreneurs, we’re always striving to grow as fast as possible…

And your business can only grow as fast as you do.

Believe it or not, there is such a thing as business that grows too fast.

I have my own story about that, I’ll share before this newsletter is over.

But before I do, I wanted to give you some tips, strategies, and content to help take your business growth to the next level, and quickly.

FAIR WARNING: There’s no shortage of businesses that literally grew themselves out of business, so you must be careful with some of this info. Sometimes it pays to grow slowly, in fact, it’s a bit of a dance between growing your business and sustaining that growth over time.

What To Do If Your Business Feels Stuck

“For every level there’s another devil.”

That is to say, as soon as you solve a problem in your business, another one appears almost instantly.

Whenever I speak to business owners about their problems, they almost always say things like…

“I have a lead problem”…

“I have a sales problem”…

“I have an employee problem”…

And the list goes on.

But when it really comes down to it, our business problems are just personal problems in disguise.

I always say “You don’t have an income problem, you have a skill problem.”

Each of the above problems can be solved with the right skill…

And as entrepreneurs we must constantly acquire skills to make our business journey as smooth as possible.

Here is a short snippet from our recent High Ticket Mastery™ event, where I explain this in detail >>

I also discuss self-sabotage language that keeps you stuck in business and life, and more.

How To Use The “King Pin Strategy” For FAST Business Growth

When I got started as a copywriter, I looked for clients everywhere.

I didn’t have a specific niche, and basically I targeted anyone with a pulse.

Before long, I realized ‘if I try to speak to everyone, I’ll speak to no one.’

And that’s when I learned what I now call the “King Pin Strategy”.

I used this strategy to get a testimonial from one of the best known marketing gurus at the time, Jay Conrad Levinson, author of ‘Guerilla Marketing’.

So what does the “King Pin Strategy” entail?

To find out, I explain how it works here, and how you can apply it to your business >>

How To Get More Customers

Did you know that if you were to take a sample of 100 people, only 3 would be looking to buy your offer right now.

A further 7 people would be open to it, and interested.

30 people aren’t thinking about it, but could be convinced.

30 don’t think they’re interested, but could become customers in future.

30 know they’re not interested, and will never buy from you.

The problem most business owners face is they’re only talking to the 3 people who are ready to buy now…

And they’re competing with all the other businesses also talking to the same 3 people…

While they ignore the other 67 potential customers.

So, how do you speak with the rest of the market, and what action do you take to win them over?

I explain it all in this video, where I use delicious mooncake as an example >>

One Powerful Trick To Increase Your Sales

So far, we’ve talked about how to get more customers, but how do you get more sales?
Well, if you want to know how to close more sales without spending another dime on marketing, then this video is for you >>

The strategy in the video above is something all successful businesses use, and I explain how a business like McDonald’s uses it, as well as how to apply it to your business.

3 Steps To Grow Your Business Fast

My good friend Sharran Shrivatsaa grew his real estate company from $300 million to $3.4 billion in 5 years.

So, if anyone knows about growing fast, it’s him.

One day I asked him what were some of the things he did to grow so quickly, and he told me there were 3 things.

  1. Singularity of focus
  2. Cadence of accountability
  3. Good process drives results

Luckily, I recorded the entire conversation, and posted part of it on YouTube for business owners just like you.

Sharran goes into detail on the 3 things he did to drive his business’s growth here >>

He also discusses the 3 ways to get leverage in your business so you can achieve your goals faster.

This video is truly one not to miss.

How To Grow Your Business Exponentially

If your offer isn’t repeatable, it isn’t scalable.

One of the secrets to scaling is simplifying.

You should have the same offer, the same pitch, the same, the same funnel, and the same process.

You rinse and repeat this over and over and that’s how you scale from 6 to 7 figures, and from 7 to 8 figures etc.

I explained this to the attendees of High Ticket Mastery™ recently, and I think you’ll get a lot out of this video >>

When you watch it, you’ll gain insight into exactly how 6, 7, and 8 figure businesses work when it comes to bringing in prospects and turning them into clients.

What Happened When My Business Grew Too Fast

When we first launched High Ticket Closer™ at the end of 2017, I had no idea it would blow up the way it did.

We hit 8 figures in just under 10 months, and had to adjust for all that growth.

We hired new people like they were going out of fashion.

We employed around 15 copywriters, and had hundreds of closers from all over the world selling our products and services.

Our systems and processes started to crack.

There were simply too many people to keep track of, and our expenses shot through the roof.

When Covid hit, I was forced to let half my core team go.

We had to come back down to earth and restructure, and streamline things or we would have gone out of business.

There’s a lot more I could say, but the bottom line is this…

If you grow too fast without the right systems in place, you’ll eventually grow yourself out of business.

This is why I’d like to invite you to our next S.M.A.R.T. Challenge™.

It’s my 3-day business immersive where you’ll discover how to SCALE, SYSTEMIZE, and SUSTAIN your business, so you don’t fall victim to rapid or slow growth, or a tough economic climate.

By the time the 3 days are over, you’ll have a “done list” not a “to-do list” of tasks completed, so you can hit the ground running.

The event is specifically for coaches, consultants, and experts, like you, so if you’d like the full scoop on this transformative event, click here >>

Hope to see you there,

Dan Lok

P.S. – We only run the S.M.A.R.T. Challenge™ a handful of times per year, so if you miss this one, you’ll only have another one or two chances to get my best business strategies this year.

As you may know, my hourly rate is $25K, and you’ll get me for 3 full days at a tiny fraction of that.

Don’t sleep on this.

Secure your spot to the S.M.A.R.T. Challenge™ here >>

7 Sales Tips To Multiply Your Sales

If you’re like most business owners, chances are you either dislike or hate selling…

Because it leaves you feeling sleazy, pushy, and inauthentic…

And if you’re sitting there nodding your head, then I think you’ll find this week’s newsletter a breath of fresh air.

Because today I’ll share different selling strategies, tips, and techniques, not just from my personal experience, but also pulled from other resources online…

In the hope they help you sell without selling.

Even if you’re great at sales, you may like to stick around, because I can almost guarantee you’ll find something that will help you elevate your business.

Why Sales Is A Dirty Word

Almost everyone has experienced a sleazy salesperson or two in their lifetime.

You know the ones.

They’re pushy and always trying to “get” you to buy whatever they’re selling.

Everyone hates to be sold, BUT they love to buy.

So it’s easy to see why most have a negative association with sales.

But as you may know, sales isn’t about getting anything.

It’s about helping your prospect solve their problems or achieve their goals.

Why No One Understands What You’re Selling

Before we get into the tactics etc, as you’re a coach, consultant, expert, trainer, or service professional, I feel this is important.

You’re selling a service which is tangible.

Your prospect can’t see or touch your service.

So it’s your job to communicate the value of what you’re selling so they become your client. 

This is what I call “selling the invisible value”.

And the best way to do this is by using the 3 P’s I talk about in the video below.

In short they are Positioning, Psychology, and Price, and you can get a full explanation of each here >>

How To Turn Your Prospect Into The Salesperson

An important technique I teach my clients and mentees is that you must turn your prospect into the salesperson.

The key difference between a typical salesperson and a closer or sales pro, is the questions they ask.

In fact, typical salespeople ask very few questions, they merely talk at the prospect and rattle off a list of features and benefits and reasons why the prospect should buy.

A sales pro, asks the prospect discovery questions to find out why the two of them are even speaking in the first place.

The sales pro finds out their motivations for booking the call, what their problems and pains are, what their goals and aspirations are…

And once they’ve diagnosed the problem, if they think they can help, and they feel there’s a good fit, they’ll close them on their service.

Now there are countless questions you could ask your prospect, and if you need help in this area, you’re welcome to take one of my trainings on the Dan Lok Shop…

But I want to give you 5 very powerful questions I like to ask my prospects that give me vital info to use later in the call >>

When you ask the right questions the prospect automatically opens up and the more they talk, the more they realize why they need your product or service.

Then they practically sell themselves on taking action to solve their problem with your help.

How To Redefine The Word S.A.L.E.S.

I saw a video on YouTube recently where the creator created an acronym for the word sales.

The words he used were Serve, Ask, Listen, Empathize, and Summarize, and it’s very true, [Name].

Your job is always to serve your prospects, and you can’t do that unless you ask the right questions, listen to the answers, empathize with them, and summarize their situation and repeat it back to them.

This shows you truly understand them and when they can tell you understand them, they’re far more likely to choose you as a solution to their problem.

KEY POINT: They won’t care how much you know until they know how much you care.

Click here if you’d like to see the full video of how to sell WITHOUT being salesy >>

I think you’ll find it very helpful.

3 Sales Tips To Help You Sell Covertly and Multiply Your Sales

If you’re someone who runs regular trainings, you may get people who attend more than one training, even if the trainings are very similar.

Whether this is the case or not, you may feel a little uncomfortable pitching at the end of your free training week in week out.

And if so, I want to share a powerful method my friend Sharran Shrivatsaa uses in his business so he can sell after every training he gives each week without feeling like he’s selling.

If you haven’t heard of Sharran, he took his real estate company Teles Properties from $300 Million to $3.4 Billion in 5 years before exiting.

He has multiple other noteworthy achievements under his belt and he often speaks at my events…

And in this video, he shares his unique strategies for selling without selling and getting a constant flow of referrals.

Click here to discover Sharran’s strategies and implement them into your business today >>

Alex Hormozi’s Unusual Selling Method

Have you ever felt like if only you were more dishonest you’d make more sales…

But you know that you’d never be able to live with yourself if you felt like you lied or weren’t completely honest with your prospects?

Well, fear not my friend because you’re about to discover a stupidly simple persuasion technique that helps you sell far more than you’ve ever sold before…

But also allows you to be completely upfront and honest with your prospect.

It’s the best of both worlds, and I can think of no one better to teach it to you than Alex Hormozi, author of $100 Million Offers.

So if you want to know how to increase your conversions WITHOUT lying to your prospects, click here >>

A Counter-intuitive Method For Detaching From The Sale

I mentioned this in a previous newsletter…

But detaching from the sale is one of the best strategies to increase your sales.

The problem is, it’s much easier said than done, especially when your business is supposed to make money, and at times, making a sale feels like make or break.

So, I found a video that breaks it down for you very simply.

Skip to the 8 minute mark to discover this counter-intuitive but highly effective strategy >>

In Closing…

There are so many great sales strategies and techniques out there that will completely change the game for you.

But if you just implement some of the strategies in this newsletter you’ll see great results over time and sometimes even very quickly.

Until next time…

Go high ticket,

Dan Lok

P.S. – If you’d like to take the guesswork out of your business and install systems that help you market and sell more of your products and services…

Then you’ll love my 3-day business immersive the S.M.A.R.T. Challenge™.

When you join us, you’ll get 3 full days with me where you’ll discover exactly what I’ve done to SCALE, SYSTEMIZE, and SUSTAIN my business through one of the toughest economic periods in history.

You’ll get actionable strategies you can implement into your business as soon as each day is done

For the full story, click here, and I’ll see you there >> 

Post-Launch Strategies: Growing and Scaling Your Course

Congratulations on successfully launching your Kajabi course! 

Now that your course is live and students are embarking on their learning journey, it’s time to shift your focus to post-launch strategies that will enable you to grow and scale your course effectively. 

In this comprehensive guide, I’ll walk you through proven strategies to promote continued enrollment growth, maintain course quality, and explore opportunities for expansion.

Strategy 1: Leveraging Testimonials and Success Stories 

One of the most powerful ways to attract new students post-launch is through testimonials and success stories from your existing students. 

Reach out to your satisfied students and request their feedback on the course’s impact. 

Use these testimonials on your sales page, social media, and marketing materials to build trust and credibility with potential students.

Strategy 2: Implementing Referral Programs 

Word-of-mouth marketing can be a game-changer for your course’s growth. Create a referral program that incentivizes your current students to invite their friends and colleagues to enroll in your course. 

Offer discounts, bonuses, or exclusive content as rewards for successful referrals.

Strategy 3: Engaging with Your Audience 

Stay actively engaged with your students through various communication channels. 

Host live Q&A sessions, webinars, or virtual meetups to address their questions and provide additional value. A thriving and interactive community fosters loyalty and encourages students to continue their learning journey with you.

Strategy 4: Ongoing Content Updates 

Keep your course content fresh and relevant by regularly updating it with new insights, case studies, or industry developments. Continuous improvement enhances the value of your course and encourages students to return for additional learning opportunities.

Strategy 5: Upselling and Cross-selling 

Once your students have completed your core course, offer them advanced or specialized modules as upsells. Cross-selling complementary courses or resources can also add value to their learning experience. The goal is to retain existing students by providing them with additional learning opportunities.

Strategy 6: Webinars and Workshops 

Webinars and workshops are powerful tools for post-launch promotion. Host free webinars on related topics to attract new leads and showcase your expertise. Offer limited-time discounts or bonuses to attendees to drive enrollments.

Strategy 7: Analyzing Data and Metrics 

Track and analyze data on student engagement, completion rates, and feedback to gain insights into the effectiveness of your course. 

Use this data to identify areas for improvement and tailor your content to meet your students’ needs better.

Strategy 8: Creating Evergreen Funnels 

While the initial launch may be live, consider setting up evergreen funnels to continue enrolling students automatically. 

Evergreen funnels allow you to attract new students and make sales even after the launch phase has ended.

Strategy 9: Diversifying Offerings 

Explore opportunities to expand your course offerings or create additional courses in related niches. 

Diversifying your offerings can attract a broader audience and increase your revenue streams.

An example of this is  

Strategy 10: Partnering and Collaborations 

Consider partnering with other course creators or industry experts for collaborations. Joint ventures can expand your reach to new audiences and introduce your course to potential students who may not have discovered it otherwise.

As you implement these post-launch strategies, remember to stay attentive to your students’ needs and continuously seek opportunities for improvement. 

By combining effective marketing tactics with a commitment to delivering exceptional learning experiences, you’ll position yourself for continued growth and success in the world of online education.

To your unstoppable success,

Dan Lok

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