Paid Ads

Grow with Facebook: Strategies to Combat High CPA and How to Improve ROAS

If you are a business owner selling high ticket products or services and have been running ads, you’ve experienced this.

Your ad budget vanishes into thin air with high Cost Per Acquisition (CPA).

Fear not, we’re about to embark on a journey to improve ROAS and propel your business to new heights!

Table of Content

  1. Refine Audience Targeting and Utilize Meta Technologies
  2. Optimize Ad Creatives
  3. Execute Bid Strategies Smartly
  4. Deploy Retargeting
  5. Conclusion

Are you ready to Combat High CPA and improve ROAS? Let’s dive in now.

This blog shows how to maximize your ad profits…but having a great offer means nothing without a convincing sales funnel!
Get my High Ticket Lead Funnels to access the best-performing, easy-to-use funnel templates designed specifically for your ads.

A image shows the book cover of my High Ticket Lead Funnels.

I. How to Improve ROAS with Audience Targeting and Utilize Meta Technologies

Picture this: You’re selling high-end fitness gear. Now, who’s more likely to whip out their wallet – a couch potato or a gym enthusiast?

Exactly! By narrowing down your target audience, you’re not just shooting in the dark; you’re aiming straight for the people most likely to buy.

Alright, let’s dive into how you can make your audience targeting razor-sharp with Meta Ads. Here are 4 practical strategies that will help you reach the right people with your ads.

If you are not sure what your target audience persona is. Check out this blog.

1. Leverage Detailed Targeting Options:

  • Utilize Interest Overlays
    Instead of relying solely on broad categories, drill down into specific interests that are relevant to your target audience.
    For example, if you’re promoting a fitness app, rather than targeting the broad category of “fitness enthusiasts,” narrow it down to interests like “yoga,” “running,” or “weightlifting.”
  • Combine Demographics with Interests
    By combining demographic information with interests, you can create highly targeted audience segments. For instance, if you’re marketing a skincare product for men, you can target men aged 25-40 who are interested in grooming and skincare. This ensures that your ads are reaching the right audience with the highest potential for conversion.

A image shows the detailed targeting section in Facebook ads manager.

2. Utilize Custom Audiences

A custom audience is an ad targeting option that lets you find your existing audiences among people across Meta technologies.

A image shows the custom audience section in Facebook ads manager.

  • Segment Your Audience
    Break down your custom audience into groups using different factors such as purchase history, engagement level, or demographic information. This allows you to tailor your ads more effectively to different audience segments, ensuring that you’re delivering the right message to the right people at the right time.
  • Explore Lookalike Audiences
    Now that you’ve unlocked the power of custom audiences, let’s kick it up a notch with lookalike audiences. Meta gathers lookalike audiences, which is based on your custom audiences. It means let Meta find potential clients for you.
    One more practice you must try after generating a series of lookalike audiences. It is to optimize effectiveness on finding better audiences.
    Step 1. Deliver identical ads to all lookalike audiences with initial bids.
    Step 2. Evaluate ad performance based on revenue per conversion or the lifetime value of individuals in each audience.
    Step 3. Adjust bids for each audience according to your findings, allocating higher bids to more valuable audiences and lower bids to less valuable ones.

A image shows the Lookalike Audiences section in Facebook ads manager.

3. Refine with Audience Insights:

Use Meta’s Audience Insights tool to gain valuable insights into the demographics, interests, and behaviors of your target audience.
This information can help you refine your targeting even further and tailor your ads to better resonate with your audience. Whether it’s tweaking your messaging or adjusting your targeting parameters, Audience Insights gives you the data you need to make informed decisions and maximize the effectiveness of your ads.

A image shows the Meta's Audience Insights tool in Facebook ads manager.

Don’t let average funnels waste your valuable ad dollars! 
My High Ticket Lead Funnels ensure your sales message stays consistent from ad to funnel for maximum conversions. With these proven, fine-tuned funnel templates, your creatives slot in seamlessly to turn red-hot prospects into paying customers on autopilot. Easy plug-and-profit solution!

a book cover of my high ticket lead funnels

II. How to Improve ROAS with Creatives Optimization

Ad creative is the first thing your audience sees and what grabs their attention so you should always make it the best. Think of it like a handshake – it’s your chance to make a great first impression.

Compelling visuals and persuasive copy can draw people in, spark their interest, and ultimately drive them to take action. So let’s dive in and uncover how to create ad creatives that captivate and convert!

1. Craft your ads in optimal formats.

  • Provide High-Quality Images and Videos
    Let’s ensure your ads shine bright! Opt for sharp, high-quality images that truly reflect your message. Offer Meta a variety of ad formats to guarantee your visuals look stunning across different devices. Common sizes include 1920×1080, 1080×1080, 1080×1920, and 1350×1080.
  • Craft Eye-Catching Graphic
    Jazz up your visuals! Think vivid hues, strong fonts, and captivating pictures. Picture bold product shots, lively drawings, engaging charts, and lively animations. Adding contrasting colors, innovative layouts, and eye-catching effects amps up the appeal and impact of your graphics.From ClickMinded. The image lists out what is included and the one sentence to solve the pain.

ClickMinded. The image lists out what is included and the one sentence to solve the pain.

From MarketerHire. The image shows all the solid numbers and it’s well designed.
The image shows all the solid numbers and it’s well designed.

  • Keep Video Captivating
    Short attention spans call for concise video ads. The first 3-5 seconds of the video must grab attention. Especially with the visual aspects since many people watch with audio off. Keep the video length under 90 seconds for the vertical video dimensions so Meta can place it in more placements.From Onepeakcreative. It shows a video with subtitles for people who don’t turn on audio.

Onepeakcreative. Add subtitles for people who don’t turn on audio.

From Scaleprompts. It shows a video with important information in the caption.

Scaleprompts. Put important information in the caption.

2. Feature the most captivating and attention-grabbing content.

  • Explore Your Competition
    Review your competitors’ ads and marketing tactics. What creative approaches do they employ? Which messaging and visuals yield results? Use these insights to inspire your own innovative concepts. Check them out here.
  • Tap into Emotions
    Harnessing emotions in your ads can deeply resonate with your audience, sparking genuine connections and driving action. Let’s dive into how to craft compelling stories that inspire and engage your potential clients.
  • Craft Compelling Stories
    Share narratives that mirror the dreams and struggles of your target audience. For instance, a career coach might recount a client’s journey from career dissatisfaction to finding fulfillment after coaching.
  • Feature Real-Life Stories
    Highlight testimonials from satisfied clients who have benefited from your services. Showcase their progress and successes to evoke emotions and establish credibility.
    For example, a financial advisor could spotlight clients who achieved financial stability through their advice.A illustration shows storytelling
  • Use Symbolic Imagery
    Incorporate visual metaphors that represent the desired outcomes of your services. For instance, a life coach might use images of paths leading to summits to symbolize personal growth.
  • Enhance with Sound
    Select music and sound effects that amplify the emotional impact of your ads. Consider uplifting tunes or motivational sounds to inspire your audience. For instance, a wellness coach could use soothing nature sounds for relaxation.
  • Address Pain Points
    Highlight common challenges faced by your audience and present your services as solutions. For example, a business consultant could showcase how their strategies overcome business hurdles.From R&G Immigration Solutions. It shows the ads Address Pain Points

R&G Immigration Solutions

  • Foster Community
    Celebrate shared experiences and values to create a sense of belonging. For example, a leadership coach could highlight client achievements, fostering a supportive community.From Dan Lok. It shows a ad which is about foster Community

Dan Lok.

  • Spotlight Unique Selling Points
    Identify what makes your service stand out—its unique selling points (USPs). Showcase these USPs creatively, emphasizing their benefits and value proposition to engage your audience effectively.
  • Highlight Specialized Expertise
    Emphasize your distinctive qualifications or specialized skills that distinguish you. For example, a career coach could underscore their HR background, demonstrating insider industry knowledge.
  • Focus on Achievements
    Showcase tangible results clients can achieve through your services. For instance, a fitness coach could display transformational before-and-after images of clients.From Boundless leads. It shows the real metrics to prove achievements.

Boundless leads.
It shows the real metrics to prove achievements.

  • Offer Tailored Solutions
    Highlight your ability to customize services to meet individual client needs. For example, a marketing consultant could tout personalized strategies based on thorough audience analysis.From Dentist Offers. It shows the dentist provide tailored solution in the ad.

Dentist Offers

  • Present Client Successes
    Share client testimonials to validate the effectiveness of your services. For example, a business consultant could feature case studies demonstrating successful outcomes.
  • Promote Unique Methodologies
    Highlight proprietary techniques that set your services apart. For example, a productivity coach could promote their unique time management system.From Grammarly. It shows an ad shows 15 years experience and AI utilization.

The ad shows 15 years experience and AI utilization.

  • Offer guarantees or risk-free trials to instill confidence.
    For example, a financial advisor might offer a free initial consultation.From Fit Kingdom Fitness Plus. It shows the ad provides free trial

Fit Kingdom Fitness Plus.

  • Clarify Value Proposition
    Clearly articulate the benefits of your services and how they address client challenges. For example, a leadership coach could stress their focus on developing leadership skills.

From Upwork. It shoes how to demo Clarify Value Proposition in an ad

  • Showcase Recognition
    Highlight industry awards or accolades to bolster credibility. For example, a legal consultant could mention industry publications where they’ve been featured.From Maria Sophocles. It shows she had a speech in Ted Talk in an ad.

Maria Sophocles

  • Experiment with Different Formats
    Try out various ad formats like static images, videos, carousels, and interactive ads across different platforms. Test them to find which ones connect most with your audience and prompt the desired response.
  • Think Outside the Box
    Feel free to get creative and think outside the box. Explore humor, storytelling, user-generated content, or interactive features to grab attention and connect with your audience in fresh and unexpected ways.An illustration demos think outside of box.
  • Test and Iterate
    Let’s put your creative ideas to the test! Use A/B testing and analytics to measure which ones resonate most with your audience. Begin testing with a small audience or budget to minimize risk and gather initial insights before scaling up.Then, refine and optimize based on the results to continuously improve your ad performance.
Got amazing ads that attract leads? 
Don’t let bad funnels waste those hot leads! My High Ticket Lead Funnels bundle 5 proven funnel templates proven through $20 million in ads spend. Just plug in your content and watch these easy-to-use funnels effortlessly convert window shoppers into paying customers.

A image shows the book cover of my High Ticket Lead Funnels.

III. How to Improve ROAS with Smart Bid Strategies

1. Understand Bid Strategies

Harnessing bid strategies in ads is crucial for optimizing budget allocation, ensuring efficient spending, and maximizing campaign performance, ultimately driving better results and ROI.

  • Highest volume
    Meta makes the most out of your budget, striving to achieve the maximum number of results possible. For instance, a consultancy firm hosting a series of webinars might utilize this strategy to attract as many attendees as possible, regardless of the cost per registration.
    This strategy is ideal if you
    Want to exhaust your entire advertising budget effectively.

    • Seek to attain the highest possible number of results within your budget constraints.
    • Do not have a specific target cost per action (CPA) in mind.
  • Highest value
    When employing the highest value bid strategy, Meta’s goal is to exhaust your budget while bidding for purchases with the highest potential values.
    For instance, a consultancy firm offering specialized coaching services might utilize this strategy to promote premium coaching packages, aiming to maximize the value of conversions, thereby enhancing the return on ad spend (ROAS).
    This strategy is suitable if you

    • Wish to optimize for the value of conversions rather than solely focusing on increasing the number of conversions. Intend to spend your entire budget while prioritizing higher-value purchases.
  • Cost per result goal
    In this strategy, Meta aims to achieve your specific goal amount on average throughout the campaign, dynamically adjusting bids to maximize results. This means that the average cost per result may sometimes exceed the set amount. For instance, a coaching company aiming for consultation bookings may set their cost amount to a target cost per booking that ensures profitability on average.
    This strategy is suitable if you

    • Prefer to maintain your cost per action (CPA) around a specified average, regardless of market fluctuations.
  • ROAS Goal
    When you set a return on ad spend (ROAS) goal, Meta strives to achieve it throughout your campaign, adjusting bids dynamically to maximize results. This bid strategy requires optimizing your ad set for purchase value. For instance, if you want your $100 budget to yield at least $110 in purchases (or a 110% return), you’d set your ROAS control at 1.100.
    This strategy is ideal if you

    • Aim to maintain your return on ad spend around an average amount throughout your campaign.Require more control over the purchase value generated from ads compared to the highest value bid strategy.
  • Bid cap
    When you opt for bid cap, Meta sets a maximum bid across auctions instead of bidding dynamically based on your cost or value objectives. This strategy suits advertisers who have a good grasp of predicted conversion rates and can calculate the right bid. For example: A career coaching company has analyzed its client data and found that each successful career transition leads to an average lifetime value of $5,000. With this knowledge, they decide to cap their bid at $500, ensuring they don’t overspend while still acquiring valuable clients.
    This strategy is ideal if you
    • Rely on internal bidding or lifetime value models.
    • Prefer to control the maximum bid Facebook can place in auctions.

A image show the bid strategy in Facebook ads manager.

2. How I implement effective bidding

Let’s dive into how I approach bid strategies in my campaigns. When I kick off a new campaign, I usually begin with “Highest Volume or Value” bidding. I gradually increase the budget until I notice the CPA becoming too high. This gives me a sense of the campaign’s CPA. It’s important to factor in your profit margin when determining the CPA that works for you.

Once I’ve identified the optimal CPA, I clone the campaign and run it with “Cost Per Result Goal” bidding with the desired CPA in mind. I run the same ad creatives concurrently on both “Highest Volume or Value” and “Cost Per Result Goal” bidding strategies. This allows me to compare and fine-tune the performance effectively.

Why do I run two ad campaigns? I stick with the proven one and add a second with Cost Per Result Goal bidding to boost lead opportunities. It’s all about balancing ACV and CPA. If ACV exceeds CPA, you’re gaining clients without spending a penny.

Throughout the campaign, I closely monitor performance metrics and make adjustments to the budget or creatives as needed, usually in increments of $5-$10. If I’m approaching an important event or aiming for better results, I might increase the spending slightly. The key is to consistently track metrics and adapt the strategy accordingly.

IV. Utilize Retargeting

Retargeting ads are targeted advertisements shown to users who have previously interacted with you. They serve as reminders to potential customers, encouraging them to revisit the site or complete a desired action. Retargeting is crucial as it keeps your brand top-of-mind, re-engages interested users, and increases the likelihood of conversions by reaching audiences already familiar with your offerings.

1. How I Work with Retargeting Ads

Firstly, make sure your custom audience setup is complete. Refer to the previous sections for guidance. Once everything’s set up correctly, I segment my retargeting audience into three tiers.

A image show how to set up custom audiences in Facebook ads manager.

  • Tier 1
    These are the folks who’ve engaged with my website or pages. They’re like a medium-rare steak. They need a bit more attention, so I show them ads offering a free download lead magnet with an OTO (One Time Offer). This helps me collect their email addresses to add them to my list.A image show example ad for tier 1 audiences.
  • Tier 2
    These are the ones who’ve downloaded the lead magnet but haven’t purchased the OTO yet. They’re like a medium-cooked steak because they’ve consumed some of my content. For them, I run ads promoting something like the latest event, but I do it gently. I use sophisticated approaches to guide them to click the call-to-action button. I don’t assume they know everything, so I avoid being too pushy.

A image show example ad for tier 2 audiences.

  • Tier 3
    These folks are either my customers or have visited the sales page for the product I’m advertising. They’re like a medium-well steak, almost ready. The ads I show them include testimonials, event posters, or anything that can give them that final push to make a purchase.

A image show example ad for tier 3 audiences.

2. Some More Retargeting Campaigns

By segmenting your audience and delivering relevant messages, you can effectively re-engage users and drive them towards conversion.

  • Abandoned Cart Retargeting
    A SEO coach notices that many users add a digital course package to their cart but abandon it before completing the purchase. They retarget these users with ads reminding them of the benefits of the coaching package and offering a limited-time discount to encourage them to complete the purchase.
  • Email List Retargeting
    A service provider wants to reach users who are already subscribed to their email list but haven’t taken any further action. They retarget these users with ads offering exclusive content or early access to new services to incentivize them to engage further.
  • Cross-Sell or Upsell Retargeting
    A coach identifies users who have purchased one coaching package and retargets them with ads promoting complementary or advanced coaching programs.
  • Geo Targeted Retargeting
    A service-based business targets users who have visited their physical location but haven’t made a purchase. They retarget these users with ads offering a special discount for in-store visits or online purchases.

V. Conclusion

Remember this: reclaiming your ROAS and propelling your business to new heights is within reach. We’ve explored solid strategies to refine audience targeting, optimize ad creative, implement bid strategies, and utilize retargeting.

That’s all. Next step:
Grab a copy of High Ticket Lead Funnels bundle with 5 ready-to-use funnel templates. Each funnel is designed for maximum conversions based on my $20 million experience with Facebook ads. These funnels are proven to work. With them, you’ll finally unlock the full potential of your ads for massive sales.  Let’s do this!

A image shows the book cover of my High Ticket Lead Funnels.

Never Overlook THIS In Your Biz..

I’m about to share with you something so many coaches, experts, consultants, and trainers greatly overlook…

It’s something so important your business can’t survive without it.

Now you may think I’m talking about sales, and as important as sales are…

I’m referring to marketing.

One of the big reasons my YouTube channel has over 4.5 million subscribers and counting…

Is because I use proven marketing principles in my videos and copywriting for the channel.

Whether you want to grow your business faster, speak on stage, appear on podcasts or TV shows, your marketing will help you do that.

So in this week’s newsletter you’ll discover what I believe are some of the most important things your marketing should have to cut through a noisey marketplace.

Why Marketing Is So Important

You already know without marketing, you’ll never get your name out there.

But what’s the actual point of marketing?

Well, as Peter Drucker says “The aim of marketing is to make selling superfluous.”

Not only do you want the selling of your product or service to become unnecessary…

But you also want people to be sold on you with little convincing.

You should be creating marketing pieces often, on multiple platforms, so the longer you’re in business, the easier it becomes.

If you look at my content, I’ve got TikTok, YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and a website blog that continues to grow.

Now, there’s now way I can create all that content myself, I’m blessed to have a big enough team to help me.

But you want the decision to work with you to be a “no-brainer”.

Simply put, marketing is selling at scale.

Put out one piece of content and an unlimited number of people can see it.

My online content is a perfect example of this.

At any moment, thousands of people are consuming my content and discovering me for the first time, or getting to know me, my brand, and what I do on a deeper level.

Why Your Message Is The Most Important Piece Of Your Marketing

If you look at anyone who’s successful in business, they’ll have a strong message.

They’re not vanilla.

You’ll either like them or you don’t, and that’s what you must portray in your marketing.

You want to be for somebody, NOT for everybody.

My mentor Dan Peña is a perfect example of that.

If you’re familiar with him, you’ll know that like me, he’s not everyone’s cup of tea.

Your marketing should attract the right people and repel everyone else.

And the best way to do this is to be authentic.

Speak from the heart without filtering what you’re saying or being obnoxious.

The more REAL you are, the easier you’ll find it to attract the right people to your business.

Back when I taught HTC™, one of my messages was “Develop a high income skill”.

I still believe that today, but another one of my messages is “Go high ticket”.

So, what’s your message?

Take some time to think about it and weave it into your marketing.

If you’d like some help creating your marketing message, then watch this video >>

Why You Must Stand For Something

I’m certain you got into business because you want to make change in the world.

You stand for something specific and that’s why you do what you do.

Before we switched to our current niche, I stood for impacting people with financial education.

I didn’t, and still don’t believe traditional education gets the job done.

I do believe that if you want to become a Doctor, Lawyer, Accountant, etc then you must go to college.

But if you want to become financially successful, there are ways of doing it without going to college, and getting into hundreds of thousands of dollars of debt.

And I made sure this message often in my marketing and YouTube videos.

For that reason, my message can be seen as polarizing.

Because some will resonate with it, while others won’t.

And you should be OK with that.

If you’re afraid of being polarizing, then it’s possible you’re a people pleaser, and if so, that is something to work on.

I understand when you put yourself out there you may care what others think of you, your business, or your content…

But you’ll never please everyone, and you shouldn’t care what the people who disagree with you think.

If you worry about what others think, then click here to watch this short video >>

In Closing…

Alway remember.

You’re known for what you believe, not just what you know.

Everything we’ve spoken about is part of what makes up your brand.

One of the first newsletters I wrote was all about branding, so I recommend you look out for an email with the title “Your Ultimate Guide To Personal Branding”… or “5 killer personal branding secrets”.

It will help you craft a deliberate personal brand you can be proud of.

Until next time… go high ticket,

Dan Lok

P.S.- If you haven’t heard, our next S.M.A.R.T. Challenge™  is just weeks away.

Over 3 value-packed days, you’ll get some of my best business strategies on how to improve your offer, lead flow, and sales.

I’ve used these techniques to sell over $100 million in just a few years…

And now I want to hand them to you on a silver platter, so you can SCALE, SYSTEMIZE, and SUSTAIN your business through any economic climate.

Click here for the full scoop and to secure your seat >>

You’ll be glad you did

The Ultimate Marketing Playbook…

As you may know attention is the new currency…

And as attention spans get shorter and shorter, this means is much harder to grab someone’s attention long enough to move them up your value ladder.

So, in this week’s newsletter, I’m going to give you 3 marketing tips across multiple marketing platforms to help you grab and hold attention so you can make more sales.

Let’s start with social media.

How Engage Your Audience With Social Media

While organic reach may not be what it was when these platforms started…

It’s still one of the best ways to get your message out there for free.

But just because social media is free, it doesn’t mean you should neglect it, or put in less effort.

Treat all your content as if you were paying for it.

Before posting, ask yourself, “Would I post this, if it cost me money to post?”

You’re building your reputation and giving your marketplace value, so put in the effort and make it as professional as possible.

There’s always room for growth if your content isn’t exactly where you want to be just yet. 

As I mentioned, your goal is to capture attention, so here is a video on how to write engaging captions >>

How To Capture Attention FAST With YouTube Ads

Have you ever wondered what makes a good YouTube ad?

Why do some ads make you want to stay until the end, while others prompt you to hit the skip button?

It’s all about the first 5 seconds.

If you don’t grab their attention before the ‘skip button’ becomes clickable, you’re done.

Here’s how you do it.

You must mention their potential to improve their life, using a certain secret, and hint at them doing it in a new way they’ve never heard of.

Here’s an example:

“WHAT?! There’s a way to date the woman of your dreams using the secret hallogen trick without using boring online dating apps or hitting the bars every weekend?”

Your aim is to say the hook in 5 seconds.

Now, there are many different types of hooks you could use, and this video does a great job of breaking down 3 of them >>

It’s part 1 of a 3 part Youtube ad hook video series, and I recommend you watch them all to get as many ideas as possible.

Facebook Ads 

Just like Youtube ads or any ad for that matter, your Facebook ad MUST grab the attention or the user will continue scrolling.

You do this by having an image that stands out, a solid headline, and great body copy.

We once used an upside down image in one of our Facebook ads that performed very well.

Ordinarily this would be easier said than done, unless you had this video as a guide >>

So, if you want to know how to write killer Facebook ads that convert like crazy, then watch the video above.

The best part?

You don’t need to be creative or have any copywriting experience.

All you have to do is follow the proven system in the video.

One Powerful Way Of Keeping Your Audience Engaged With Email

We used to send out a lot of emails, but over the years we’ve scaled our email marketing back to just one per week, as you may know.

Why did we do this?

Because we didn’t want to send you all pitch emails, which we did for a long time.

We wanted to give you more value and that’s why we send out one weekly newsletter with info, strategies, and tips to take you closer to your business goals.

But, if you have the scope to send emails more frequently, writing quick story emails about your business and life is one of the best ways to keep your audience engaged.

Why does this work so well?

Because, people value a good relationship and want to relate to others.

If your audience can see you’re just like them and experience similar challenges, even though you’re helping them with a specific area of their life, this humanizes you, and builds trust.

If you want to know the 3 elements to brilliant storytelling, then click here for a 5 minute video >>

FAIR WARNING: Be sure to tie the story into why you’re asking them to click on the call to action at the end of the email.

The story should give them a reason to click the link, so it could be a personal story about how you changed your life, or perhaps it’s a story about a client of yours who achieved amazing results with your program.

In conclusion, there are many ways to grab one’s attention and engage them in your content.

Don’t rely on any one way, but have a few irons in the fire so you can capture as much of your market as possible.

Until next time,

Go high ticket,

Dan Lok

P.S. – If you want everything to work cohesively in your business, I’m running a 3-day business immersive called the SM.A.R.T. Challenge™

The goal of the challenge is to help you scale, systemize, and sustain your business so it becomes both robust and unbreakable.

The strategies you’ll discover are paramount to your success in the new era of business, which I think you’ll agree is rapidly changing.

Click here for the full scoop on what could be the most intelligent business decision you make this year >>

Want Consistent Revenue? (Read This)

Recently I wrote a newsletter about how to get quick wins in your business…

And don’t get me wrong, quick wins are great.

But if you’re relying on quick wins all the time, your revenue will be unreliable and inconsistent.

In other words, you’ll find yourself on the revenue rollercoaster.

I’ve been there, and it sucks.


Because it leaves you constantly uncertain about the future.

You can’t plan your life how you want, and what’s worse…

You’re reliant on quick win strategies and referrals.

I always say “if you don’t have a reliable and predictable way to generate revenue in your business, all you’ve got is an expensive hobby.”

So, in this week’s newsletter…

I’ll share what you need in your business to create reliable, sustainable, and consistent revenue, so you can wave the income rollercoaster “goodbye”.

Why Your Program Must Be Evergreen

Before we go further, I’m going to assume you’re not selling low ticket offers.

I teach creating high ticket offers that could be anywhere from $2K – $3K up to $50K -$100K or more.

One of our Dragon 100™ clients made $1.2 million with just 3 clients worth $400K each.

But no matter what the price of your offer, it must be evergreen.

Meaning, you must be able to sign up new clients any day of the month.

Even if your program is 12 weeks long, what you don’t want to do is to only take on new clients after each intake finishes.


Because it can put a ceiling on your revenue.

Chances are you’ll want a break between each 12 week intake, and if you run your business like this you’ll experience waves of revenue every 3 months or so.

But if you can bring new clients in at any moment, this is the first step to consistent revenue.

You can get all your coaching done in a few hours per week, so all your clients can attend and have their questions answered and get what they need.

As your business grows you can extend the coaching calls as needed.

If you’d like know how I run group coaching calls, then click here >>

Why You MUST Control Your Lead Flow

According to, 82% of small businesses rely on referrals as their main source of new business.

Now don’t get me wrong, referrals are great, and I have an entire training on how to get more referrals more often…

And if you’d like to create solid referral system in your business, click here to check it out >> 

But if you rely on referrals ONLY, and you’re one of the 70% of business without a solid referral system (…

That’s what I call “hope marketing”, and hope doesn’t pay the bills.

How To Control Your Lead Flow

So how do you control your leads?

With paid advertising.

There are many platforms you can advertise on, including Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, TikTok, and more.

Your goal with your advertising is obviously to turn your paid ads into profit consistently.

When you can invest $1 and get at least $2 or more back each time, that’s how you create certainty and reliability in your business.

The question is, do you do your own marketing or find an agency to do it for you?

We’ve hired agencies, had experts run our ads, and we’ve also done them in-house.

Each has their pros and cons, and I’m sure not all agencies are the same, but some are more concerned with their bottom line than their client’s.

I’ve lost millions of dollar working with some agencies, so I shot you a video on 3 factors to consider BEFORE hiring and agency >>

Do not skip this video, because if you work with the wrong agency, it could cost you your business, or worse.

What To Do If You Want To Do Your Own Marketing?

I realize there is a lot to learn in business.

At the very least you’ve got to learn sales, but marketing is also a very valuable skill that pays dividends for your time invested.

As of October 2022, Facebook has 2.93 billion monthly active users, so it could be a great place to advertise your business.

But as I don’t have a Facebook ads training…

You’ll have to find someone you resonate with, and who has similar results to what you desire to teach you the skill, if you’re not ready to hire an agency.

To get you started however, here is a proven ad formula by an agency owner who’s spent $70 million on ads for his clients over the last 10 years >>

A Final Secret To Consistent and Predictable Monthly Revenue

This next secret comes with a strong caveat.

DO NOT try to implement all of what you’re about to see at the same time.

You’re a coach, consultant, expert, or trainer.

The last thing you want is to dilute your focus and end up with shiny object syndrome.

With that said, if you want another method for creating predictable monthly revenue…

Then creating strategic multiple sources of income is the way to go.

Now, you may already have multiple sources of income, or it could be something you’re yet to start…

But in this video I discuss 8 different sources of income, and all you have to do is pick the one that resonates with you >>

In Closing…

First and foremost, having consistent high quality leads is the KEY to dependable revenue.

Once you’ve got this in place, then you’re ready to work on other streams of income, because the streams of income mentioned in the video are like icing on the cake.

Until next time, go high ticket,

Dan Lok

P.S. – If you want to know how to generate an unlimited amount of high quality leads consistently, then you’ll love the S.M.A.R.T Challenge™.

It’s my 3-day business immersive, where you’ll discover the secrets and strategies I’ve used to take my business to 8 figures, and thrive regardless of what the economy is doing.

Our next event is July, so click for the full story and to secure your seat >>

Want To Become A Copywriter? (Read This)

Recently I asked for your input about different topics to write about for future weekly newsletters.

And one of the most popular things people wanted to know was how to get started as a copywriter and find your first client.

So, in this week’s newsletter we’ll cover just that.


What Does a Copywriter Do?

Before I learned copywriting from my mentor Alan, he explained to me what it was.

Like most people, I mistook it for Copyright.

I thought it had something to do with patents, but I was wrong.

So, if copywriting is new to you, in simple terms it’s what I like to call “closing in print”.

A copywriter’s goal is to get the reader to take a specific action.

That action could be anything such as clicking a link or signing up to a masterclass, or buying a product or service.

Why Copywriting Is So Powerful

When you can read your prospect’s mind you can write to them about their problems and position your solution in such a way that they absolutely must have it… you’ve got a very unique skill indeed.

If you look around online, everything that’s not a picture or a video is copy.

It’s everywhere in the online and offline world, and yet no one seems to realize.

They don’t realize they’re being sold everywhere they look.

From signs and billboards, to emails, to ads, to books, to movie scripts. 

Everything is selling an idea.

Some of the highest paid people in the world are professional copywriters, so not only is copy creative and fun, you can also make great money doing it.

How To Find Good Copy To Study

If you’re signed up to different newsletters or email lists like mine, you’ll get marketing emails a few times per week, sometimes even daily.

Now of course, not all emails are good to study, but if you’ve been on my email list for a few years, you can study my old emails.

Make a list of the niches you’d like to write for and find email lists to join and begin studying the emails you receive.

You’ll start to notice patterns, and you’ll pick out things that make a good sales email.

Another site I highly recommend is which is a database of all different types of high converting sales copy.

PRO TIP: When I started out, Alan told me to hand copy winning promotions.

It’s up to you if you do it, but I’d strongly suggest it if you want to get good fast.

Why Email Is A Great Place To Start

In my first year as a copywriter I wrote sales pages for my clients.

But to be frank, sales pages are difficult to learn straight out the gate.

They require a huge amount of research and time and are often 40 or more pages long.

Most beginners would feel overwhelmed, this is why I suggest you start with email.

As you know, emails are far shorter, this means there is less chance of error and the learning curve is not as steep.

Your goal with the email is to get them to click the link, and if you’d like 5 Copywriting tips for beginners, I shot you a short video here >> 

How To Write Your First Email

As I mentioned, copywriting is everywhere online, which means you can find a product to write for very easily.

So once you’ve found a product to sell, craft an email that prompts the reader to click the link and takes them to the blog, store, or the sales page.

You’ll need to find a unique angle for your email that makes the email interesting to read.

I’ve got a great video to help you do this, you can watch here >>

Because when you’re selling, it’s important you offer value and don’t appear sleazy.

There’s a fine line between pitching your product and selling too hard or being too salesy. 

Now although emails are more simple and easier to write than sales pages, email can become a very deep topic which is why you’ll want to study on your own.

How To Charge For Your Services

Once you’re ready to write for clients, there are many ways to price and charge for your copy services.

When I first got started, I remember Alan asked me to raise my prices often.

Every few months I’d go to him and he’d ask me to double my price.

I was so nervous I had to practice saying my new price in front of the mirror until I could say it comfortably.

There are specific ways to price your services if you want the power to increase your income.

And I speak about the right and wrong ways to charge here >>

How To Find Your First Client

I think in the early stages you just want to get some paid work so anything is good for your first gig.

I recommend my students to even start out on sites like Fiverr or Upwork.

But eventually you’ll want something more stable and reliable.

The clients you work with are crucial to your income stability and avoiding what I call the “income rollercoaster”.

I teach my students to go to clients with high ticket products or services who need regular copy each month.

One way of finding clients like these is on ‘Facebook Ad Library’ or ‘YouTube’.

When you see an ad for a niche you like, you’ll need to do some detective work and enter their funnel to check out their offer.

There are many ways of closing clients but one effective way is by writing them a sample email they can run to their list.

If they use it and it performs well they may want to do more work with you.

How To Cold Email Your Prospects

Cold emails should be short and to the point.

Business owners are busy and no one wants to read an essay.

Rather than me explain how to write a good cold email, which would take a long time, I found this great video for you to watch >>

I hope you’ve found this newsletter useful.

Copywriting is a learned skill that takes time but if you stick with it you could get good faster than you think.

If want my help to develop your copywriting skill, I recommend signing up for my High Income Copywriter Certification Program >>

The program is 7 weeks long and teaches you what I believe are the best areas of copywriting to focus on if you want to make a good living as a copywriter online.

To your copy success,

Dan Lok

P.S.If you’re looking for something with a smaller investment, then click here to check out some of my other copywriting trainings >>

P.P.S. If you want to know what books to read, here is a great list to get you started >>

5 Ways To Stay Innovative In Marketing

We live in a fast-paced world…

And in the world of business, one of your key goals is to stay relevant.

Now, you can do this with your product or service, but your marketing is another powerful way to do this.

So, in this week’s newsletter, you’re going to discover what I believe are some of the best ways to stay innovative with your marketing.

The BIGGEST sin in marketing is being boring.

If your marketing is boring, no one will pay attention long enough for you to win them over.

And if you don’t win anyone over, your business won’t last long.

So let’s get started.

Why You Must Study Your Competition

One of my favorite ways to stay innovative is by studying my competitors.

Most business owners don’t do this

But how can you expect to out-market, out-sell, and out-perform your competitors if you know little about them?

You can’t.

You must aim to know them better than they know themselves.

You must know all their marketing angles…

Know their products and services inside out.

Know their social media, email marketing, blog content, and anything else they put out.

I’m on all my competitors’ email lists.

I’ve bought a lot of my competitors’ products so I can go through their sales funnels and see what they’re selling.

It gives me a heads-up when things change in the market.

If you’d like 7 tools for spying on your competitors in 5 minutes, then click here >>

These tips are outside of the ones I mentioned above and I think they’ll really help you.

The Difference Between Being Inventive and Being Innovative

A lot of business owners get these two mixed up, so let me break them down for you to remove any confusion.

Being inventive is creating something that doesn’t yet exist.

Being innovative is taking something and tweaking it to make it better.

You’ll almost always be innovative rather than inventive unless you’re an inventor.

So, how would you like my secret to be innovative and come up with new marketing ideas?

This tip is priceless, and has the power to help you completely disrupt your entire industry.

Study other industries.

It’s that simple.

If you want to think outside the box, you’ll never do it, only studying your industry.

Some of my best ideas I borrowed from other industries and applied to mine.

Here are some places to look…

Try reading blogs, articles, newsletters, and magazines in random industries.

I’ve read tech magazines, gaming articles, and even gardening blogs to get new ideas.

So let your imagination run wild here.

FAIR WARNING: You may not completely understand everything you read, and that’s OK. What you’re doing is absorbing ideas, and something will jump out at you and you’ll think about how you can apply it to your business.

The #1 Way To Stay Relevant and Innovative and Business and Marketing

I believe this next tip is the absolute best way to stay innovative and relevant.

It’s by hanging out with other successful entrepreneurs outside of your industry.

You could go to events and conferences, or even simply have lunch or dinner with a new set of successful entrepreneurs.

Ask them what they’re working on.

Ask them how they solved certain problems in their business.

Ask them what’s working for them right now and why they think it works.

Ask them profound questions and get ready to take good notes.

You’re looking for one elegant idea.

You’ll be far better off gaining one amazing idea than 1000 average ones.

I firmly believe your environment is one of the most powerful things you have at your disposal.

So, putting yourself into situations where you’re surrounded by high achievers upgrades your environment, which will affect you and your business in many ways.

Jason Capital calls it Environmental Exposure, and he shares a quick story about his experience with it here >>

How To Leverage Your Team For Great Marketing Ideas

If you have a marketing team, of course, you can leverage them for ideas.

But I want to share with you a powerful strategy that ensures you’ll always have more ideas than you need…

And also solves the problem of team members coming up with the same ideas.

It’s simple, instead of asking your team to come up with 3-5 ideas, ask them to come up with 15.

Because if you just ask for 3-5 per person, the chances are everyone comes up with the same 3-5 ideas, and likely, the ideas are the same ideas you’ve thought of too.

So, when you ask for 15 ideas, it forces everyone to think outside the box, and not only will you have far more ideas, the chances of idea overlap are lower.

When you’re at the next meeting, you ask people to share only 3-5 ideas, but every time someone mentions an idea, everyone else with that same idea must cross it off their list.

This way no ideas are duplicated, and you’re left with a good set of solid ideas.

What usually happens is ideas are broadened and expanded on, and the whole process is more of a team effort, with no one person taking all the credit.

How To Unlock Your Entrepreneurial Thinking

I’ve got two things for you.

The first is a short training I created called Unlock Your Entrepreneurial Thinking.

It won’t show you to think outside the box…

It will show how to think like there IS NO BOX.

I use these strategies all the time in my business, and if you want to unlock ideas you never knew you had inside of you, then click here to check it out >>

The second training is Marketing Secrets, and it will help you out-sell, out-perform, and out-think your competitors no matter what niche you’re in…

And it allows you to get the most out of the copywriter(s) on your team.

If you’d think this could be an asset to your business, then click here for the full scoop >>

I hope you’ve enjoyed this newsletter and found it valuable.

The right type of thinking and the right ideas will ensure your business stays relevant in this rapidly changing world, and will also ensure you continue to grow and generate revenue for years to come.

Go high ticket,

Dan Lok

P.S. – Our next S.M.A.R.T. Challenge™ is just around the corner.

If you’re not familiar with it, it’s my 3-day business immersive, where I show you how to SCALE, SYSTEMIZE, and SUSTAIN your business.

By the end of the three days, you’ll have everything you need to build a business that gives you the impact you desire but also saves you from the ‘time for money trap’ that plagues so many business owners.

Click here for the full scoop >>