Personal Mastery

How To Deal With Gold Diggers, Transactional Relationships and Genuine Friendships When You’re Wealthy

Do you need help dealing with gold diggers? Many wealthy people have unfulfilling relationships with others. Once your wealth reaches a certain level, relationship dynamics often change. That’s just the way it is.

People who didn’t care for you before, will suddenly want to be your friends when you’re rich. Others will ask you for help but never give anything back. And some people you were genuinely friends with before your wealth, will start demanding your help as if they are entitled to it. Conversations will often feel one-sided and people will seem to care more about your money than they care about you.

You won’t know who you can really trust. Are people just nice to you because they hope to get some of your money? Are they gold diggers or genuine friends?

You’ll need to learn strategies on how to spot genuine friendship and genuine relationships. Do it for your own well-being. You don’t want to go about your day mistrusting everyone. That will only cause you more suffering.

It doesn’t really matter if you are male or female. Gold diggers can be either gender. And they don’t only exist in romantic relationships. Gold diggers can also be among your friends.

In this article, I will go over what gold diggers are, how you can spot them, how to deal with them and how to get the kind of genuine relationships you truly want.

So, how can you deal with gold diggers, transactional relationships, and genuine friendship when you’re wealthy?


What Exactly Are Gold Diggers?

Gold diggers are in a relationship for access to someone’s money, rather than for love or genuine friendship. They might feign feelings of love and affection for you, but in truth, they want to benefit from your wealth.

When you withdraw their access to your money, gold diggers have no problem with leaving the relationship. They are extremely materialistic.

Such a relationship will leave both partners unfulfilled in the long run. You might feel like you are giving, giving, giving . . . but getting nothing back. Gold diggers actually suffer, too, because they have to fake their emotions and fake good intentions each and every day.

Remember that gold diggers can be male or female.

If you are a wealthy female, know that a male gold digger might want to get into a relationship with you. Or, other females might try to be your friend or business partner. Often they are very good at disguising their true motivations – so you only notice when it’s too late.

There are certain characteristics that most gold diggers share. If you pay attention, you might be able to spot the gold diggers in your life.

How Can You Spot Gold Diggers?

I believe that the best way to deal with gold diggers is to avoid them as best as you can. If you are observant, you can spot gold diggers and steer clear of them. So what are some common signs that tell you that a person might be a gold digger?

The Way They Speak

Gold diggers will very likely ask a lot of questions about your money and what you own. How much money do you make? Do you own a house? A car? Do you throw parties? They want to know it all.

So when you talk to a person and they ask a lot of questions about your career, your material possessions and your money – rather than asking about you and getting to know you – they might be gold diggers.

If they know you quite well, they will also ask you to loan them money or buy them something. If they are a business partner of yours they might want you to invest in the business more, instead of sharing the costs equally.

Of course, everybody can be in need sometimes, wanting to ask a friend for money. It can happen. But if they rely on you repeatedly without ever paying anything back or thanking you, that’s a sign they might be a gold digger.

The Way They Act

Gold diggers have certain behaviors that you can spot. When it comes to their job, they might work in lower-level positions. But they aren’t working on themselves or furthering their career. Instead, they try to leech off of somebody who is rich already. They don’t have a growth mentality like a rich person has.

Another typical behavior of gold digger is this:

They don’t appreciate small, inexpensive gifts. Nor do they appreciate acts of service (such as making them dinner). This counts especially for people who are already close to you. What they do appreciate, is expensive, material gifts. They feel very entitled to getting big, expensive gifts from you. So if a gold digger was your partner and you get them a box of chocolates or some flowers, for example, they wouldn’t be very happy. They want expensive, materialistic gifts.

If you get them flowers or something smaller they will make you feel guilty. You will hear, “You don’t appreciate me anymore” or similar complaints. So while you want to put a smile on their face with a lovely gift – they don’t appreciate it unless it’s expensive.

In other words, for gold diggers, it’s not the thought that counts. It’s the price tag that counts.

This could leave you feeling hurt or emotionally unbalanced. Because while you truly care about them, they don’t give back, nor do they appreciate your thoughtful gestures if money isn’t involved.

Gold diggers add no real value to your life.

Most gold diggers are well-dressed and stylish. Appearance matters to them – which is a good thing generally – however, this is often a sign that they are quite materialistic. So don’t let their appearance alone lure you into thinking that they are wealthy too.


They Ask You For Money

Another common trait of gold diggers is that they will ask you for money, or often ask you to pick up the bill. They will rely on you lending them your money and never pay it back. They basically use you as a human ATM machine.

The problem is, even if you see through them and you decide not to lend them any money anymore, they have their ways to push you. They even have their ways of subtly manipulating you into spending money on them or giving them money. Especially if they are a loved one who you truly care for. That’s why many wealthy people feel trapped and stay with gold diggers. Even if there is no logical reason for it. It’s more like emotional manipulation. It’s very hard to detect at times.

Gold diggers usually don’t ask you for money once. They want financial support from you again and again. They refuse to do the work themselves and would rather utilize your resources. Some gold diggers will even convince their rich partner to give them an allowance.

The Power of Environment

If you want to spot gold diggers, it’s a good idea to have a look at their friends. How do they behave? Are they gold diggers too? People are often very similar to their friends. That’s why your environment is so important. If all your friends behave a certain way, you will act similar to them. So, if all their friends are gold diggers, they likely will be too.

For you, as a wealthy person, the power of the environment has other consequences. You can’t allow people into your life that tear you down.

Take me as an example. When I was in my teens, I would hang out with the wrong people. My friends weren’t good for me and my teachers and parents got worried that I would turn criminal. So, my parents got me out of it by moving to another city – Vancouver. If I had stayed in the same environment as I had before, I would never be where I am today.

So, I urge you to ask yourself. Do the people you surround yourself further your growth? Or do they only make you feel drained?


Why Are Relationships With Gold Diggers Bad For You?

The problem with relationships with gold diggers is that these toxic relationships will affect your mental health. Some people argue that being in such a relationship isn’t that bad. I like to disagree. Relationships with gold diggers don’t add any value to your life. You are only wasting each other’s time.

Relationships with gold diggers are unhealthy relationships.

Once you are sure that they are only after your money you will feel betrayed. You will be mad at yourself for trusting them. I have seen wealthy people who went as far as hiding their money from their spouse, so they wouldn’t blow it on their next shopping trip. It’s a sad reality for many people.

Would They Stay If You Had No Money?

The final question to ask yourself in order to spot a gold digger in your life is this: would they stay by your side if you had less money or not much money at all? How much does your income matter to them? Is there anything beyond the money that is keeping the relationship together? Do you share the same values? Can you work as a team? Do you enjoy each other’s company? Does this person genuinely like you as a person, on a deeper level?

Really look beyond the surface, to see if they want you because of who you are as a person, or if they’re attracted to your money.

If money is truly the only thing that keeps the relationship alive, then you are in trouble. Even if you hope that they will change and become genuine, know that it's very unlikely. Click To Tweet


How Can You Deal With Gold Diggers in Your Life?

Perhaps you are suspicious that there are some gold diggers in your life. They way they act and talk makes you suspect that they are after your money. You suspect that they don’t even see who you really are as a person, or care.

Now how do you deal with that?

You will be hurt. Especially if you really loved and trusted this person.

You’ll be mad at them for betraying you. And mad at yourself for trusting the wrong person.

But you can get out of this. Becoming successful might mean that some people don’t grow with you. They only drain your energy.

The only way forward is to remove them from your life. Cut ties. Because after all, you want genuine and healthy relationships that fulfill you.


Get Clarity on the Type of Relationships You Want

So if you are suspicious that a person is a gold digger, find clarity on what your relationship with them is like. Do you talk mostly about money? Are they interested in growing as a person? Do they tend to manipulate you, however subtly?

You might want to have a talk with them. But I wouldn’t expect much from it. People rarely change. Most of us only change if we experience a lot of discomforts. Imagine you are sitting in a chair, you won’t move until your position gets uncomfortable. Most people are like that in life.

So, if gold diggers can comfortably live off your money then why should they change? There might be no reason for them to do so.

That’s why in my opinion, the only way to deal with them is to stop seeing them. Instead, get a circle of friends or a relationship where the other person is actually supporting you. Find a relationship where you each value who the other is on a human level, and you are truly able to grow together.

Now you might think, “Trading my resources for their love doesn’t sound that bad.” At least you will always feel loved, right? Let me explain why I think that such relationships don’t work.

Relationships with gold diggers are mostly transactional relationships. What exactly does that mean?

What Are Transactional Relationships?

Transactional relationships are relationships we have out of necessity. It almost feels like the two people are making a trade. Click To Tweet

A common mentality of gold diggers is, “I will make you feel like you are loved and in exchange, you will buy me nice things.” For some people, that works well enough and feels acceptable.

I don’t like transactional relationships because they lack depth. I believe that staying in such a relationship for a long time will take a toll on your mental health. How can you truly feel loved when you know they only stay with you because of your money?

As human beings, we are social animals and we need relationships and human connection. To be truly happy, our relationships need to fulfill us and inspire us. That type of fulfillment is usually not going to occur within transactional relationships. Transactional relationships lack genuine feelings.

I have had to learn this as I became wealthier and more successful. Your relationships are your environment. And your environment is key when it comes to growth or stagnation.

So, in transactional relationships, at least one side expects that they will get something from the other. Real relationships are meaningful because you learn and grow together. These healthy relationships that lead to growth for both people are often referred to as “transformational” relationships rather than transactional relationships.

In a transformational relationship, both sides are open and giving because it just feels right, and they genuinely care about each other’s happiness. These relationships are based on real human connection. You add value to each other’s life but you do it without expecting anything in return. It’s genuine. Doesn’t that sound far more ideal?


How To Find Genuine Relationships

If you want genuine relationships in your life – no matter if it’s a romantic relationship or a genuine friendship – you need one thing. You need to be clear about what you want from the other person.

I recommend making a list of the traits you want the other person to have. For example, you could write down five ‘must-haves’. Those are the qualities that the other person must absolutely fulfill. If they don’t, they aren’t for you. You should also have a list of a few ‘no-goes’. Those are the deal-breakers that you can’t accept in a spouse or friend. For example, a deal-breaker could be smoking, excessive spending, or drinking.

Have that list handy so that you are clear on what you want in a relationship. Then, communicate what’s on that list clearly with the other person. My wife Jennie and I did that. At the beginning of our relationship, we had a long talk and I told her what I need my partner to be like. I decided to tell her clearly and openly, so we wouldn’t waste each other’s time. If she would have said no to these things, at least we would have clarity and could move on. Back then, Jennie didn’t know if she could be that person for me. But she was very grateful that I told her and she tried. Today, Jennie and I are genuine partners in everything in life.

When it comes to genuine friendships, it’s very similar. Have clarity for yourself on what kind of friends you want. If you are an entrepreneur, for example, it’s unlikely that you would want friends that hang out in bars each day. You want friends who are also working on themselves, so that you can motivate each other and grow together. You don’t want friends who are gold diggers who want your money. Find people who are interested in your ideas and will support you instead of trying to benefit from you.

How To Master Your Relationships

I don’t want you to go out and distrust everyone. The point of this article isn’t to have you think that everybody out there is after your money. My goal is to help you see where you maybe had blinders on before.

You might have been so caught up in your relationship that you didn’t fully notice what was going on. You may have missed the signs that someone was a gold digger, and this article helped you see clearly.

Never forget that your environment and the people in your life have a big influence on you.

As a wealthy, successful person, I want you to value yourself and your time, and commit to your health and your success.

On my YouTube channel, I’m continuously giving advice on how to shift your mindset and become an even more successful entrepreneur. What would it mean to you to develop the mindset of a millionaire?

For more free, life-changing advice, subscribe to my free YouTube channel here.

How The Rich Manage Their Money

How do the rich manage their money? What can you learn from them, in order to handle your money better?

Most people think to have a nice lifestyle, they need to make a million dollars first.

But is it possible to live like the rich even if you don’t make a million dollars?

You’re probably wondering how long it would take you to save up every nickel, every dime you have lying around? How long would it take,  before you can buy a Ferrari, Gucci watch, or Hermes purse? But what if you could live like the rich without giving up vacations and without saving up each and every dollar you make?

If you know how the rich manage their money and follow their steps, you can afford a nice life without being a millionaire. Rich people do three things: earn money, save money and invest.

The problem is, most people do at least one of those three in the wrong way. They handle their money wrong, that’s why they feel poor. They become cheap and focus on saving every last cent. That’s why they develop a scarcity mindset. The problem is, living with a scarcity mindset won’t program your mind for wealth and abundance.

With that kind of mindset, you won’t become a millionaire.

So what do I suggest? My recommendation is to learn from other rich and wealthy people. Let’s see, how do the rich manage their money?

How To Earn More Money

Rich people don’t earn their money from a job. Actually, J.O.B. stands for “just over broke”. With the income of a regular job, you can’t get rich. Think about it, how many people do you know who work full time – or sometimes even two jobs – and still struggle?

Jobs these days aren’t meant to get you rich. They just keep you somewhat alive. That’s why getting more jobs is not how the rich manage their money.

They focus on developing their skills and building scalable businesses. They know that money comes from the value they create.

They have ways to slowly detach their income from their time. So while an employee has to trade time for money, the rich find ways to increase their earnings without working more.

How To Save More Money

How do the rich manage their money in terms of savings?

Saving money isn’t just about collecting all your loose change. Because at the end of the day, a dime is still a dime, and a quarter is still a quarter. Most people think that the way to save themselves to riches is by putting money aside in savings, mutual funds or other investments.

Or, to be more extreme, they clip coupons. They sell items they don’t need to earn a few bucks here and there. Then they start to suggest cheap activities when meeting up with family and friends. But the problem with these actions is, you train your mind to think in scarcity. You constantly feel like resources are limited and you can’t make ends meet. It’s a very limiting mindset.

But, rich people think in abundance. They aren’t cheap. They know they can increase their earnings, that’s why they also increase their savings. But they still spend some money on nice things. They know limiting themselves doesn’t get them the… Click To Tweet

They save but they are smart about it.

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How To Invest Your Money

The final part of how the rich manage their money is investing.

Rich people focus on high-return investments, like stocks and real-estate (tax lien certificates are especially popular with ultra-affluents).

They never invest more than they can and only put their money into things they understand. That’s why I personally never invest in Bitcoin or anything like that. I don’t understand it and can’t check if it would get me the results I want.

So, investing doesn’t mean to be risky and lose all your money. That’s what most people get wrong. On the news, they see how people lost all their money in investments and think that’s the only truth.

But the real truth is, you can start out with a few hundred dollars and steadily build the habit of investing.

So, if you want to manage your money like the rich do, here are the four goals you want to work towards:

Goal 1: Increase Your Earning Ability

Point number one, on how the rich manage their money, is to increase their earning ability.

The secret to living like the rich, enjoy life and buy nice things is to increase your earning ability every year.

The best way to do that is to develop a high-income skill, such as copywriting or high ticket closing. These skills can get you an income of $10,000 or more a month. If you have a high-income skill, you want to increase your yearly income by 10 percent at least.

So you hone your skill day by day and increase your earning year by year.

The rich manage their money well because they constantly improve their skills. They ensure that their earnings grow constantly.

How To Increase Your Income

The key to this plan is to increase your earning ability. What you need is a scalable business and a high-income skill. A high-income skill allows you to earn money, even when the economy is bad. The scalable business allows you to earn more money in less time.

The high-income skill is what you fall back on whenever you need more money. It’s a very safe way once your skill has reached a certain level.

Next, train yourself to set money aside. Some entrepreneurs open a bank account so they can make deposits but not withdrawals. This is where they put their business income. It takes discipline, but with this system, their income will grow.

Their spending can also increase because their business and income are growing. This is the psychology of money. Never spend more than you earn, obviously. Actually, that’s one of the number one reasons while people are stuck in jobs they hate.

They spend more money than they earn, so with their next paycheck, they pay the credit from last year. They repeat this every month and can’t get out.

Spend your money on nice things, but do so wisely.

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Develop Financial Confidence

Also, develop financial confidence. This means, in business deals, you appear confident, not desperate. If your prospect doesn’t do business with you, it doesn’t affect you. You have the mindset that your prospect has the problem and you’re the one presenting them with a solution.

Financial confidence also means, that you know you can make money anytime you need it. Your high-income skill is well developed and independent of the current economy.

With this attitude, any money will come to you faster because money goes to those who don’t need it. You can charge higher prices for your offer because you can produce the results. People will want to do business with you because success attracts success. Then, when you have money, you can save and invest it.

Most people have a rainy day account that’s about 3 to 6 months of savings. It’s up to you how much to set aside. A measure of your wealth is if you were to stop working today, how long could you survive financially?

You can’t get rich looking poor. If you charge more for your offers, you up your game. You look more professional. You won’t have a second chance to make a first impression.

Goal 2: Save More Than Last Year

What else can you learn from how the rich manage their money?

They know that saving money alone won’t get them rich. Still, they focus on saving more than they did last year.

This doesn’t mean to hold onto every last penny – as I said, you don’t want to live in scarcity. It simply means to improve year by year.

Every year you should save more than you did the year before.

The thing with saving is, you have to increase it year by year. Because of inflation, your money loses a little bit of value each year.

So if you don’t increase your earnings and your savings, you are losing money because of inflation.

The saved money sits on your bank account and is worth less and less. You need some savings for safety reasons but I don’t recommend to save all your money.

Goal 3: Increase The Amount You Save By Percentage

Tipp number three on how the rich manage their money: they calculate their savings according to how much they earn.

Increase the amount you save by a percentage of your income. This is a very important point in managing your money well.

You don’t need to be cheap and frugal to save up. Focus instead on increasing your earning ability by following the ratio and setting aside a percentage of your income to invest.

By setting these three goals, you will increase both your income and the amount you can spend. You can enjoy life. Buy nice things. No one looks good in a cheap suit, so buy nice things.

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How Much You Should Save?

The amount you save matters. If you make less than $40,000 a year and save 10 percent of your net income, this amount won’t mean much in 20 years with an inflation rate of about 2 percent a year. You’ll need to keep increasing your income and… Click To Tweet

Your target amount to save depends on your income.

I generally recommend these frames:

  • if you earn less than $50,000 a year you want to save 10%
  • if you earn more than 50,000$ but less than 100,000$ you want to save 15%
  • if you earn more than 200,000$ but less than 500,000$ save 25%
  • if you earn more than that but less than 2 million, save 35%
  • if you earn between 2 million and 5 million you want to save 40%
  • finally, if you earn 5 million or more, you should save 50%

Do you see how the increased earnings also increase the savings? This is a vital point.

After you’ve saved your target amount, you can spend and blow the rest as you choose to reward yourself.

Set Money Aside For Spending

The problem is, most people make X amount of dollars but they spend even more. Their attitude is they can buy whatever they want. But that won’t get you rich. The truth is, it doesn’t matter how much they spend as long as they spend within their target amount and save much more.

So, what I recommend is this. For every dollar you earn, some percentage goes into your savings account. And at least 10% should go into your spending account. That is the part you can spend freely, just for fun. Having that kind of “fun” money will give you additional feelings of abundance.

10% sounds like a lot for most people. Mainstream financial advisers recommend putting 1% of your earnings in your spending account. I think that’s bad advice as it will again, train your mind to think in scarcity.

As long as you don’t spend all your money, you are okay. Don’t be cheap, allow yourself to spend money on fun things.

Goal 4: Focus On High-Return Investments

How do the rich manage their money? They focus on earning more, they focus on saving more and finally, they make high-return investments.

For such investment, you need little cash and possibly get very high returns. Sometimes a few hundred dollars are enough to start out.

Most ultra-affluents, they do this by investing in tax lien certificates. With this kind of investment,  they earn government checks of 16%, 18%, up to 36% interest.

These kinds of investments aren’t really known by the general public. It’s a secret technique the wealthy use. What is it about?

Tax lien certificates are a great way to invest, especially in North American real estate. You are basically buying other people’s debt from the state and get high returns on that. All interest from the tax lien certificate goes to you. Your investment is basically protected by law.

Do you see how it would benefit you to learn these investment strategies that the rich use? You can’t find this online or in any investment book.

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Focus On High-Return Investments

If you focus on high-return investments you increase your earnings even more. In addition to the income from your high-income skill and scalable business, you now also earn money from your investment. That’s how the rich manage their money.

If you invest as the rich do, then it’s a very safe investment that will earn you money steadily.

And because you earn even more money now, you can also save more. Again take a percentage from the investment wins and put it into your savings. Some money should also be left to spend on fun. You are allowed to have nice things,

That’s why they manage their money well. They learn new strategies to grow their income.

How Can You Invest Like The Rich?

Now, you know how the rich manage their money. How can you make this possible for yourself?

When it comes to investments, there are ways to start out with only a few hundred dollars. Investing is a skill and a habit, the sooner you teach your brain to think like an investor, the better.

If you invest, let’s say 100$ and get a return of 12%, guess what, you just increased your money. Again, you are training yourself to think in abundance.


Are You Ready To Learn From The Rich?

So, to manage your money like the rich, do what millionaires do. Increase your earning ability. Save more than you did last year. Increase your savings each year by a percentage and finally, focus on high-return investments.

These are the tips I teach all my students who want to have a millionaire mindset.

There is one more thing the rich do. They never shy away from investing in themselves.

What if I told you that from February 23rd to 24th, you have to chance to learn the investment strategies of the ultra-affluent? This is a once in a lifetime chance, to learn about tax lien certificates. These kinds of investments produce checks of 16%, 18%, up to 36% interest.

Frankly, those investment secrets are very guarded, hardly anyone knows about it. And the banks would love to keep it that way. Learning this is an investment in yourself, that pays off for years and years to come.

If you want to manage your money like the rich, this is the perfect chance.

Seatings are sold out by now, but you can get your hands on an exclusive lifestream ticket. With the lifestream, you’ll also get access to a full recording – yours to keep. Check out the details here. 

Richard Branson’s Top 9 Rules For Success

Photo credits: Kathy Hutchins /

There are many entrepreneurs that I study and follow. Richard Branson is one of my heroes. Not just because he is a billionaire, but because he is the only entrepreneur in the world who has built 12 different billion-dollar companies in 8 different sectors.

To build one billion-dollar company in one sector is already extremely difficult for a person to accomplish in their lifetime. So, how did Richard Branson build 12 different billion-dollar companies in 8 different sectors? 

To accomplish this, he’d have to be an incredibly innovative, intuitive, intelligent entrepreneur. That’s why he’s one of my heroes.

Richard Branson, one of the wealthiest entrepreneurs in the world, is worth an estimated $4.9 billion. Branson is a British business magnate, philanthropist, investor and best-selling author. He founded the Virgin Group in the 1970s, which controls more than 400 companies in various sectors. His companies under the Virgin group include successful travel companies, airlines, health clubs, hotels, radio stations, as well as the cell phone company Virgin Mobile.

Virgin Airlines
Photo credits: NextNewMedia /

Let’s not forget the famous record company Virgin Records, which he sold for a cool $1 billion. He used the money to invest into his billion-dollar airline company, Virgin Atlantic. Branson recently began a cruise line company called Virgin Voyages, which expects to board its first passengers in 2020.

Branson always wanted to be an entrepreneur. His first business venture, at the age of 16, was a magazine he founded called Student. Today, Branson is far too humble about the 12 billion-dollar companies he has founded. In the year 2000, Branson was knighted at Buckingham Palace for “services to entrepreneurship”.

Below are Richard Branson’s top 9 rules for success:

Richard Branson quote on obstacles
Photo credits: Sergei Bachlakov /

1. Overcome Obstacles 

In a TV interview, Branson once explained that at an early age, he found conventional schoolwork hopeless, and didn’t know at the time that he was dyslexic. Because traditional school seemed hopeless, he decided at a young age that he needed to get out of that environment and carve his own path.

As a student, because Richard Branson had a learning disability, the school system labeled him in a certain way to make his future seem bleak. The school system probably wasn’t telling him, “You’re going to be super successful! You’re going to be a billionaire!”

Branson later said, of overcoming obstacles: “Sometimes, if you see an amazing opportunity, but there is a stubborn obstacle in the way, you have to think creatively to get around it.”

My experience as a young student was similar to Richard Brason’s. When I first came to Canada, I was a C student. I didn’t speak much English, which is probably why I flunked English. What felt worse, was that I didn’t have many friends. I definitely did not have a great report card at school. Considering how successful I am today, would it surprise you to learn that I never graduated from college, either?

C Students – the ones who don’t do well in school – often are the ones who go out there and build mega-successful companies. They often become successful entrepreneurs. And the A students often end up working for the C students. 

I didn’t do particularly well in school, and neither did Richard Branson. So, if you’re not an A student, don’t let that stop you. Know that your skills probably can’t be discovered within the walls of a rigid, traditional educational system. If your skills are entrepreneurial, you’ll soon realize that out in the real world, you have high-income skills. Meanwhile, those A students are unhappy at high-income jobs with hostile office politics.

Richard Branson Screw it, Let's do it quote
Photo credits: Kathy Hutchins /

2. Just Do It

Richard Branson once said in an interview, “To become an entrepreneur is not easy. A lot of people who try to become entrepreneurs fail along the way. Good ones pick them up and try again and try again until they succeed. An entrepreneur simply needs to come up with an idea that will make a positive difference in other people’s lives. And say screw it, let’s do it.”

“Screw it. Let’s do it.” This quote became a famously-shared quote of Branson’s. It’s still one of my favorite Richard Branson quotes.

Being a great entrepreneur isn’t about knowing everything and being able to do everything. You might have a chance for success if you have a good idea, and have good people around you who support you.

Here is my definition of being an entrepreneur: I believe that an entrepreneur is a person with a vision, who orchestrates other people’s time, money, resources and talents to make his or her vision real. 

In other words, the best entrepreneurs are the ones who understand the importance of a good team of people behind you, who believe in your vision and want to be part of it.

Having a vision is one thing, but actually doing something to make it come to life is another feat. So, what are you waiting for? Just go for it.

3. Shatter Perceptions like Richard Branson Did

I remember when I was a copywriter, struggling to get clients. At the time, I was young and I had a thick accent. I spoke with average English, so it wasn’t easy to get clients. What could I do to elevate and get myself to that next level, and start seeing success faster? I needed to pay off my debt and support my mom, so I wanted to start succeeding faster. 

I talked to some more seasoned, more experienced copywriters. They told me things like, “Dan, you have to pay your dues. You have to write for a lot of people for free, for many years, and then eventually you can charge what we charge, which is about $10,000 per client.” 

I decided to ignore conventional wisdom like this. Why? Because I didn’t want to write for free for years, like they were suggesting.

I decided I’m not taking the stairs to success. I’m taking the express elevator.

So, I came up with an idea to fast-track my own success. I put together a product called, “Million Dollar Marketing Secrets of the World’s Greatest Copywriters”. It’s a long title, and it might not be the best title, but I was young – so give me a break.

I interviewed some of the best copywriters in the world to create this product full of their marketing secrets. 

There I was, in my one bedroom apartment, living with my mom. I recorded the interviews using a little cassette tape player. Using just my phone – my landline – and I held the phone up to my little cassette tape player. You can laugh, it’s okay.

I was a nobody. But you’d be surprised how many big influencers are willing to provide an interview to just about anyone who actually asks them. About 18 of the biggest marketers and best copywriters agreed to do it. That’s how I was able to put together this product. 

When I approached some of the best copywriters and marketers on the planet, nobody said no to me. Nobody questioned me. Especially if I name-dropped who my last interview was with. 

This is branding by association. 

I would say, “I interviewed several successful copywriters, and I now have an educational program, and several exclusive interviews with the masters. If you buy my product, you can access all of their secrets for only $3,000.”

I was resourceful enough, clever enough and creative enough to think of the best and most well-known copywriters who others would want to learn from, and call them for an interview.

I built my career from there. 

Influencer Tony Robbins would agree that it’s not about having resources, it’s about being resourceful. Interviewing all those people was proof that I was resourceful. This was an early indicator that I was the type of person who would be successful later in life.

Richard branson quote about risk taking
Photo credits: Kathy

4. Take Risks

Richard Branson once said in a media interview that he’d be willing to put his house on the line for the next business venture if he believed in it.

Branson also said, “If your dreams don’t scare you they are too small.”

A lot of people think entrepreneurs take crazy risks, and often, they do. Richard Branson takes a lot of risks. He believed your dreams are too small if the idea doesn’t scare you. 

I used to take a lot of risks, but now that I’m matured and I’m wiser and more experienced, I now take calculated risks. Before I do anything, I’m not so blinded by my own ego that I’ll put everything on the line. I don’t just look at the upside of the risk anymore, I also look at the downside. Now, I expect the best, but also prepare for the worst.

Richard Branson quote about leadership
Photo credits: Joe

5. Be a Good Leader

Richard Branson said, “Never use the ‘I’ word. You’re a team. It’s we’re doing this, we’re doing that. Be a great leader of people.” I like that he reiterates the importance of using the word “we” instead of “I”.

One of the most important qualities of a great entrepreneur, is leadership. Leadership is not easily taught. There are many leadership books out there, and you can learn a lot about leadership from the media as well.

Are you a Game of Thrones fan? I learned a lot about leadership from Jon Snow. Yes, plenty of books and media can teach you about leadership, but it can’t easily be taught. Some people, however, are just natural born leaders.

Great leaders treat their team well, so that their team wants to be loyal and help the company grow.

Richard Branson said, “Train people well enough so they can leave. Treat them well enough so they don’t want to.”

Branson believed in the importance of a good team, and good people. With team Dan Lok, I feel the same way. It’s not about me. It’s about “us”. The company might use my name, but I only play a part in team Dan Lok. Everyone else on my team plays an important role as well.

Richard Branson quote about people
Photo credits: m.kru /

6. Be Good With People

Richard Branson once explained, “The absolute key, is how good you are with people. If you genuinely care about people, and surround yourself with people who are genuinely excited about what you’re doing, and you draw out the best in people. If you inspire your people and praise your people, not being critical of your people.”

This is easier said than done. Part of being a great leader is being able to inspire others to be great. As a leader, you need to get them to believe in themselves, and show that you believe in them. That’s leadership. That’s how you empower and inspire people.

Richard Branson has always been a people person. Branson said, “My family brought me up to always look for the best in other people. I love people. Love spending time with people. I love learning from people.” 

In the early stages of my career, I used to be a control freak. I was a rugged individualist. I mistakenly believed in the expression, “If you want something done right, you have to do it yourself” and, “It’s my way or the highway.”  I didn’t trust other people to care like I do, or do something as well as I could do it. That limited my company’s growth.

Now, I have this amazing team, and I count on my people. Each member of my team has their own specific skills, and they’re experts in their field. This means that they can do certain things way better than I could. I know what I’m good at, and now, I only focus on a few core competencies where I excel. I only focus on the things I’m brilliant at (my genius zone) and I delegate the things I’m average at to people on my team who are experts at those things.

7. Think Big and Plan Ahead

Richard Branson said that selling his record company for a billion dollars was a bit like selling his child. It wasn’t an easy decision for him. In a media interview, he said, “People said we were mad for selling the record company and putting the money into an airline. As it turns out, of course, the record industry has collapsed, and the airline industry hasn’t done so bad for us.” 

Richard Branson is so humble. He says, “It hasn’t done so bad” when referring to his airline company, when it’s another billion-dollar company. In 2000, Branson received the Tony Jannus Award for his accomplishments in commercial air transportation.

Image of Virgin Airlines
Photo credits: Craig Russell /

Branson sold the record company and invested the money into an airline. That was a smart business decision, even though it was extremely difficult for him to let go of his baby, Virgin Records.

The lesson is to be able to see a little further ahead. You want to sell in an up market. You don’t want to sell in a down market. Whatever I’m doing now, what if the technology becomes obsolete? What if consumer behavior changes? What if the needs in the marketplace changes? You need to predict the future, because you don’t want to be reactive when these changes happen. You’ll be better off if you can predict where things will be in a few years from now, and plan ahead. 

For my organization, I think of things that could take us out of business or make us obsolete. If I know something is going to disrupt what I’m doing, then I want to be the one that kills my own business and replaces it with a better business. I want to be there first. If anyone is the disruptor, then I want to be the disruptor. I’d like to think three, five or ten years ahead. I want to reinvent my business model and put my old business out of business with a better one.

Blockbuster and Netflix are perfect examples of this. Blockbuster didn’t see how video streaming and the internet would disrupt their business. They didn’t see themselves as being big players in the entertainment business, they simply saw themselves as big players in the video rental business. 

If they understood that they were in the entertainment business, and predicted what could disrupt their business. They didn’t predict the changes in how people would consume video content.

Quote about delegation
Photo credits: m.kru /

8. The Secret is Delegating

I remember watching a Richard Branson interview and hearing him explain the importance of delegation. “The art of delegation is one of the key skills any entrepreneur must master,” Branson said. He always said that a great entrepreneur is a great delegator.

He explained that whatever you’re spending all day doing, you need to stop and find someone better than you to replace you. That way, you can use your time to think about the next big thing. You can use your time to be a visionary.

Branson’s theory is that an entrepreneur is held back by trying to be a manager. An entrepreneur is not a manager. Rather, an entrepreneur is someone who is great at conceiving ideas, starting ideas, building ideas and then handing over to really good managers to manage the businesses.

I am not a micromanager, but rather, I am a visionary. I think of ideas, I come up with ideas, but I need implementers and managers to execute my vision. It’s important that I know I’m the creative type. That’s what I’m good at. 

Like Richard Brandson said, good entrepreneurs are always thinking about the next big idea, and thinking about where the company’s going, and thinking about what’s next. When they delegate, they have more time to innovate. Elon Musk is another influencer who believed in the power of innovation and creating new ideas.

If you build a great team, and you delegate tasks, that gives you the freedom to spend more of your time thinking of the next big idea. 

Richard Branson quote about better lives
Photo credits: Kathy Hutchins /

9. Create a Brand That You Can Be Proud Of

Richard Branson has over 350 Virgin brands around the world. Regarding this, he said, “We actually have something we’ve got to protect and nurture. The brand is ultimately what Virgin is all about.” In another interview, he said “We want Virgin to be a company which we can be proud of . . . making a real difference in the world.”

We all have a primary question that drives us everyday. As an employee, that question might be “When is payday?” 

For those of your who are entrepreneurs, your primary driving question is “How can I make it better.” We are always looking to come up with a better solution, or find something missing in the marketplace.

As Richard Branson once said, “From my very first day as an entrepreneur, I’ve felt the only mission worth pursuing in business is to make people’s lives better.”

Did you like these rules for success from Richard Branson? If so, check out the Related Posts on rules for success below.

4 Types of Entrepreneurs: Why Some Have Freedom But Most Still Have A Job

It’s an entrepreneur’s dream: unlimited earning potential, control of your own schedule, and the freedom to choose your own destiny. But the reality is, most entrepreneurs trade in their job for less time and less income and only a few achieve the freedom they wanted. Why is that the case?

Why is it that most entrepreneurs live a reality that’s the exact opposite of their dream?

This is their reality: They’ll agree to meetings with a client at 6:15 in the morning because they desperately need the sale. They don’t want to be homeless and working at a broken desk at a shelter in two months. After struggling for a long time, working as a grocery bagger starts to look luxurious.

It doesn’t make sense. Why do some entrepreneurs have freedom and money while most are still working like they have a job?

To understand this, we need to look at the four levels of business, and the four types of entrepreneurs.

Watch this video about the four types of entrepreneurs.

Technician Tammy: Level 1

The first level is what I call Technician Tammy. A Technician Tammy focuses on survival. As a Technician Tammy, you’re trading hours for dollars. You could be a bookkeeper, a consultant, an accountant, or a lawyer.

You could be making a high income, but at the end of the day, if you stop working, your income stops. In this case, you don’t really have a business, you have a job.

A Technician Tammy frequently says, “I’m exhausted,” or “I need a day off,” or “I don’t want to work on weekends.” Another common saying is, “I haven’t taken a vacation in three years,” because you’re not making enough money.

Life for a Technician Tammy looks like a seesaw. First, you’re working and working, then to tip the balance, you’re chasing the work. When you’ve chased enough work, you’re doing the work. You’re trying to maintain balance by going back and forth, doing one and then the other.

In level one, you’re getting paid for your time and not for results. A lot of entrepreneurs stay at this level and they don’t understand why. But if they evolve, they reach level two, and they become a Manager Michelle.

Manager Michelle: Level 2

As a Manager Michelle you focus on security. The most common thing that a Manager Michelle says is “If you want something done, do it yourself.”

Manager Michelle values independence, doing things her way because she wants things to be done right. A lot of the time, she’s saying that, “I can’t find good people these days. How come they don’t care like I do? I told him a million times how to do it, but he never gets it. They’re so incompetent, these employees.”

I say it’s better to have one percent of a hundred people’s effort than a hundred percent of my own. Delegate!

As a Manager Michelle you’re running a business and you’ve got people working for you or with you, but you’re running in circles. You’re putting out fires.

You’re fixing all the mistakes made by the people that you employ. You think that they work for you but in reality they don’t work for you, you, you work for them. As a Manager Michelle you don’t own a business, your business owns you. As a Technician Tammie, you also don’t have a business, you have a job.

And that’s how 97 percent of entrepreneurs operate. They don’t even understand why their business model doesn’t work. The intention right from the beginning doesn’t work.

When you’re doing the work, or you’re hiring some people, you’re making a little bit of money, but you don’t have freedom. You cannot walk away from your business. If you want to walk away, even for a little bit of time, you need to move to level three.

Owner Olivia: Level 3

A small percentage of entrepreneurs, around three percent, graduate and move up to this level. You have what I call an Owner Olivia.

Owner Olivia focuses on growth. As an Owner Olivia, you’re not doing the work but you have to be physically there in the business. You’re not actually doing the hands-on technical work but you have to monitor the business. There’s a big difference.

The most common things that an Owner Olivia says is this, “How can I empower my team? How can I put some systems in place so my business runs more smoothly? How can I put in a marketing or client attraction system that consistently and predicatively attracts clients to my business?”

There’s a shift in mindset at this level. You’re not just focusing on making more money. You’re thinking more strategically. You want to know that what you’re doing today is going to lead to where you want to go tomorrow.

You identify your goal and then reverse engineer it by identifying what you want to create and what you want the business to look like.

The biggest difference between an Owner Olivia and a Manager Michelle is what happens when they go on vacation. If a Manager Michelle takes a two week vacation, her income drops significantly or when she comes back, her business is a mess.

If an Owner Olivia takes a two week vacation, she will come back and business is just fine. Her income is the same, the revenue is the same, and the employees didn’t even know Olivia was away. That’s the difference. But to achieve complete freedom, you need to reach level four.

Entrepreneur Eva: Level 4

As an Entrepreneur Eva, your focus at level four is freedom.

The most common questions that an Entrepreneur Eva asks are “What’s my next big idea? How can I find someone to run my company? How can I leverage my contacts, my resources, my capital, and get the highest return?”

The mindset and focus aren’t even on the same planet as the other three levels.

As an Entrepreneur Eva you have total leverage and total freedom. You’re not doing the work and you don’t even have to be physically there. People have asked me, “How can you run sixteen companies?”

I tell them “I can because I don’t run sixteen companies.” Every single company has a partner or an operator running it. Management is not my strong suit. I learnt that many years ago. I’m a lousy manager.

I’m a concept guy. I’m a strategic thinker. That’s the highest and best use of my time, and you have to ask yourself the same question. What is the best use of your time?

If you’re an entrepreneur and you’re struggling to make a profit, what I’ve just said may shock you, but it’s a learning process. If you’re a Technician Tammie or Manager Michelle, now you know what you need to do to change your level and gain the freedom you dreamed of when you decided you no longer wanted a job.

Final Thoughts On The 4 Types Of Entrepreneurs

People become entrepreneurs because they want freedom and the ultimate control of their own destiny. Unfortunately, many find themselves trading a 40 hour work week for an 80 hour work week, making even less income.

They don’t have a business, they have another job. Or other business owners have employees but they spend so much time putting out fires that they don’t own their business. Their business owns them. Only three percent of entrepreneurs make it to the top two levels of business.

At levels three and four, their business flourishes even when they aren’t physically there. At level three, entrepreneurs are growing their business. But when they reach level four, they have the freedom that people dream of when they first decided to become an entrepreneur.

What was your reason for becoming an entrepreneur? Comment below.

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How To Become A Billionaire by Dan Peña

How do you become a billionaire? My mentor, Dan Peña, known as The Trillion Dollar Man, tells us to stop blaming family, economics, and circumstances. If you want to become a billionaire, Dan Pena says it’s easier now than 50 years ago, but our snowflake generation must do the one thing that prevents success.

By snowflake, we’re not talking about the stuff that falls from the sky and melts in your hand in the winter. What we’re talking about is mental toughness. To give you some perspective, Dan Peña was the kid at school who got beat up… and who beat other people up. That molded him into the high achiever he is today… which the missing trait from most people.

Now, as a high performance coach who can take a mentee’s income from seven figures to eleven, he’ll cut straight to the point with brutal honesty about why you’re not successful, and he won’t hold back from calling you names. It’s how he shows tough love, believe it or not.

Dan once told fans at a show, “If I leave here with anybody liking me, I’ve failed.” He truly believes in helping people, and he’ll drag you across the finish line. He believes you have the potential to be a millionaire or a billionaire. But he won’t be your friend.

It was my deep respect for him when I was a young kid in my twenties that motivated me to seek him out as my mentor, to take my business to the next level. When you choose someone to be your mentor, you want someone much more successful than yourself.

He was high-performance, but he believes most people these days are not high-performance. It’s why they fall short of their own expectations, and why he overcame a violent and tough past to become a highly sought after mentor.

I’ve only had three mentors in my whole life, and he’s only the second, because I’m very selective about who I choose as mentors. However, asking him to become my mentor wasn’t easy.

Who Is Dan Peña?

Dan Pena wasn’t someone you could just call up, book an appointment, and pay to coach you about business. He was the recipient of many awards. The Теllу Аwаrdѕ, Јоhn Rеgаn Аwаrd, Маn оf thе Yеаr Аwаrd and Іnѕріrаtіоnаl Lеаdеrѕhір Аwаrd.

He has names like “The Trillion Dollar Man”. Many people wonder about his net worth.

What Is Dan Pena Worth?

It’s believed he’s worth a trillion because of his business ventures, position as CEO of various corporations, book sales, and the Quantum Leap Advantage coaching program that creates billions of dollars in revenue for his mentees. Many say his Trillion Dollar name is from the Trillion dollar value he gives to his mentees.

Learning from Dan Pena is not the usual experience where you go to training at a hotel or conference centre. He lives in, and teaches his mentees in a 15th century castle, called Guthrie Castle.

He was the founder and CEO of various companies including Great Western Resources Inc and Guthrie Group, named after the castle. Before that, he worked in real estate, and before that, he was in the military to reset the disastrous path he was on in his youth.

The Reason For Dan Pena’s High-Performance

He grew up with a father who set the bar low, and just wanted his son to stay alive. Dan exceeded those expectations, but in a different way. He threatened to kill a teacher and was expelled not just from the school, but from the entire school district.

Over the years, he was the one being beaten up and beating up others. He ended up in jail five times before he finally changed the direction of his life and served in the US Army before going to college.

When you compare these two phases of his life, you wouldn’t have expected a ex-jailbird to become a mentor of billionaires. His past shaped him as a person and hardened him to set a high bar for performance. And if you challenge him, expect an answer like a battle cry.

Dan Pena doesn’t know what fear is. The discipline he learned in the military, and his experience in real estate and business became the foundation for the Quantum Leap Advantage.

It’s a methodology to teach people to develop that level of toughness that creates massive profits. His mentees include Brian Rose of London Real and dating coach Jason Capital, who describe their QLA experience as “shock and awe” and “brutal”.

Dan Pena at a Quantum Leap Advantage Seminar.

The Quantum Leap Advantage (QLA)

The Quantum Leap Advantage (QLA) is a system to increase wealth that is for everyone and also not for everyone. What does this mean, and what do you learn in the QLA exactly? It’s been called the “week long extravaganza” at Guthrie Castle, and people who have taken the seminar have grown from 7 to 11 figures in their business.

What Is The QLA?

The system is about geometrically growing your wealth, starting with no money. Dan Peña developed this proven formula that has 40 years of success. Since 1993, Dan has coached and mentored thousands and created multi-millionaires.

The QLA is not for everyone in the sense that not everyone can afford the price tag to learn from Dan Pena in person. But it’s also a system open to anyone who wants to learn – all the video presentations from the seminar are available free and online.

So what’s the catch? If you can watch episodes of the Quantum Leap Advantage (QLA) seminars at Guthrie Castle and read information about the seminar on his website for free, why aren’t most of us billionaires already?

First, to be successful, you need to change your expectations, realign your goals and redefine your comfort zone. Not everyone likes to stare into the abyss and face their darkest fears about themselves. Not everyone wants to get uncomfortable and change old habits, even if those changes will raise them to a whole new income level.

Second, they need to empty their cup and commit to learning a new way of thinking. The QLA, the one you find on Dan’s website, showcases several audio and video presentations. The issues that Dan addresses in these seminars are the most critical issues in the business community.

Some of the topics covered in Dan’s QLA are the myths, lies and misinformation fed to us for years from success gurus; the importance of hanging out with like-minded people who are also high-performance; and how you can maintain a laser-beam like focus. He also talks about high self-esteem and its role in how much wealth you accumulate.

What Are The QLA Steps To Success?

To achieve success, there are seven steps to follow:

The QLA methodology (7 Steps to Super Success)

  1. Creating your personal foundation for success
  2. Clarify your vision – are you crystal clear?
  3. Building the perception – perception is reality
  4. Creating your dream team in business and life
  5. Your quantum leap action plan
  6. Pay yourself
  7. Creating your exit strategy

Third, people who really do want to change their lives and reach a new income level, will. Dan’s business advice about how to dominate your industry, and create winning leverage and massive profits, show his mentees how to set up their business to achieve the results they need.

Dan Pena’s own story is proof that what he teaches can be achieved. He started the company Great Western Resources Inc with $820, a phone, and a leased fax machine in the spare bedroom of his home. In eight years, he turned it into a $450,000,000 empire ($1,000,000,000 in today’s dollars).

This level of success was why I wanted Dan Pena as my mentor, but he didn’t want me as his mentee. Not at first. I called his receptionist on a daily basis, not giving up, until she knew me by my voice… and until Dan finally agreed to meet with me.

Guthrie Castle

My QLA Experience At Guthrie Castle

It was 2003 when Dan Peña said “No” to mentoring me. But I was persistent, calling his office daily until he finally agreed to meet with me in L.A. and have breakfast there. That was the beginning of my transformation.

I wasn’t the TEDx speaker in the trademark red suit back then. At the time, I was a young kid with glasses, wearing an oversized, cheap suit. Dan met with me for two hours, asking me many questions as if I were the VIP because I was doing most of the talking. Then I gave him a gift that he has treasured for 15 years.

It was symbolic. The frog on a stone was a symbol from QLA training meaning that you have to kiss a lot of frogs before you find your prince. It’s an allusion to the fairytale, The Frog Prince, about a princess’s kiss transforming a frog into a prince. My life was transformed from my experience at Guthrie Castle.

The QLA Seminar At Guthrie Castle

Dan Pena’s QLA seminar was not like the motivational, business, or marketing seminars that I had attended in the past. None of those came close to my week-long “Castle Experience”. I called it the Quantum Leap in my personal and business life.

To start with, I felt very uncomfortable in that environment. At the time, I was still sharing a one-bedroom apartment with my mom in Canada. I could barely afford the price tag for the flight to the castle and the training. But I could see how the environment was crucial for the transformation to occur.

When you are at the castle, you are surrounded by wealth triggers. There were antiques. Crystal glasses. Large, beautifully furnished rooms. When you are surrounded by wealth, it triggers wealth. And that’s what made me uncomfortable.

I wasn’t used to living in such extravagance. But it was there that I learned many valuable lessons, including why some people who study the QLA don’t become billionaires. It depends on each person’s desire to achieve what they want.

I used to think I was working hard by putting in 10 to 14 hour days, but I realized after QLA that I wasn’t. After a seminar day that ended at around 6 or 7 pm, I found my mentor working in his office. He told me, kids these days aren’t high-performance. “Kids can’t even spell high performance.”

One of the reasons the “kids” in the current generation (at 71, Dan Pena is old enough to be a father or grandfather to most people), won’t become millionaires or billionaires is they aren’t raised the way they used to be.

Dan Pena shows me the frog I gave him as a gift during a Boss In The Bentley episode.


The Snowflake Generation

Dan Peña says that we have a snowflake generation, and he isn’t referring to how every snowflake is unique. It means the new generation melts under pressure.

They aren’t used to being held accountable. In fact, they now have “safe spaces” where they can go to chill out if they are feeling stressed. This high degree of protection won’t help them to become stronger when under stress.

Lacking High Performance

They don’t realize that the more you suffer, the more stress, and the more stress, the more success. Nothing great is ever achieved with little effort.

We have changed from Dan’s generation. For example, in a soccer game for kids today, there are no winners. It’s about participation in sports. But that’s not realistic. When you have a job at a car dealership or at a bank, you don’t get rewarded just for showing up.

The problem is, the parents of these kids weren’t conditioned for high-performance, and now we have a generation of people who are also not trained for high-performance. The exception would be kids of world class, gold medalist athletes, or children of parents from a military background.

A snowflake is a kid that melts under pressure, not because they lack education. They lack leadership. Dan Pena remembers being shut into a closet when he misbehaved, and he was left there until the school day was over. He doesn’t regret the experience. He says it made him tougher.

The Snowflake Test

If you’re wondering if you’re a snowflake, there is a snowflake test on Dan Pena’s website. The original snowflake test asks questions such as

  1. Outside of standard benefits, what benefits should a company offer employees?
  2. What should the national minimum wage be?
  3. How often should employees get raises?
  4. How do you feel about guns?
  5. When was the last time you cried and why?
  6. What are your feelings about safe spaces in challenging work environments?

Some of these questions are meant to make you uncomfortable. Dan Pena was never uncomfortable with making people uncomfortable. He once said, “If you like me at the end of this talk, then I did something wrong. Love is great, but I don’t need it. Respect will do.”

He is a firm believer in the saying, “What gets measured gets accomplished.” If we’re uncomfortable with change, if we melt under stress, we won’t be able to set goals and accomplish them.

Also, we must set our goals higher than our goals. If our goal is to become a millionaire, then we’ll never become millionaires. If our goal is to become billionaires, we will never become billionaires, and next, I’ll explain why.

Snowflakes melt under pressure.


Making Your First 100 Million

We only change for two reasons. Desperation or inspiration. If we want to be high performance, then we must have high self-esteem. High self-esteem will get you to your first million if your goal is to make 100 million. Self-esteem will get you to your first 100 million if your end goal is to make a billion.

Get your first million


Books On Entrepreneurship

Here’s why. Many people teach you how to become a successful entrepreneur. You’ll find books in bookstores about the mechanics of starting and selling a business. You’ll even find books about the drier aspects of a business, such as tax issues, business plans, and writing letters of intent. Good “how-to” information that’s also useful if you’re having trouble falling asleep.

Dan Peña wrote Your First 100 Million because he noticed when he was teaching the Quantum Leap Advantage seminars that key points were missing in most books that teach you how to grow your wealth.

Quantum Leap Advantage

None of these other books teach you how to prepare your mind for becoming super successful. They don’t teach you how to adjust your perspective “just slightly” to make the Quantum Leap to make millions of dollars over and over again.

If you want to make your first 100 million, you need to make some sacrifices. The price for super success means long hours, waking up early, not spending time with friends and family, missing their birthdays, and taking risks because you’re willing to aim for bigger goals.

A high performance person is prepared to deal with failure and the lessons that come with it. They can’t anticipate everything that will happen, and if they think they can, then they won’t be. The best plans don’t follow a script.

Dan Pena says that, “The truly successful high performer understands that the strategies and skills which he marshaled to generate the first Quantum Leap can be called upon to repeat that success over and over. That’s why he doesn’t hang onto this first venture like some sort of corporate teddy bear. He is secure enough in his abilities to build it up,then sell it off for a bundle. And start the process over again.”

Watch this video on making your first billion.

How To Make A Billion Dollars

What’s the difference between making a million dollars and making a billion dollars? When you’re thinking about becoming a millionaire, you’re focused on the dollar amount. You will never succeed beyond your highest expectations.

Parents want their kids to be better than them. If they are one level above poverty, that means their kids will be two levels above poverty. If they want their kids to be millionaires, then the kids must desire to become multi-millionaires. Dan says he now seen teenagers who have studied the QLA methodology who are now millionaires flying around in jet planes.

Becoming a millionaire is a high possibility, even for teens. But how do you become a billionaire? Statistics show that there are over 2000 billionaires in the world today, with self-made billionaires making up 67 percent of them. There are now more billionaires than at any time in history.

One billion dollars is a significant number. People have asked, if you have that much money, what can you buy for a billion dollars?

You can buy the L.A. Lakers or the Chicago Cubs if you like sports. Or, if you like cars, you can get a 1963 Ferrari GTO and still have a bit left over. And if you like to travel, you can buy the Solomon Islands, or a round trip to the moon.

I once asked my mentor why some people take QLA and see tremendous results and others don’t improve. I’ve seen this happen with my own mentees. Dan Peña says the answer is implementation. If you don’t implement what you learn, if you don’t take action, you won’t become a millionaire… or a billionaire.

So if you want to make a billion dollars, the main difference to go from millionaire to billionaire is to be passionate about what you do.

Dan Pena says, “Find something that you love. Find something that can change a billion lives… you make a billion lives better…and the odds have become geometrically better for you to become a billionaire.”

Final Thoughts on Dan Peña’s Advice On How To Become A Billionaire

Dan Pena is an accomplished high-performance business coach who has moved his mentees from 7 to 11 figures in their businesses. His tough upbringing and time in the U.S. Army gave him the discipline to reach billionaire status.

The Quantum Leap Advantage (QLA) is a business system that he developed from his own business experience. Unlike other methodology, it also teaches you the mindset and focus you need for a high level of success.

The Snowflake Generation is the new generation of people who melt under pressure. They weren’t brought up with expectations of high performance and they can’t handle stress.

Making Your First 100 Million teaches you about the price for success and is based on the seminars from QLA.

How To Make A Billion Dollars is a question many ask themselves because it is easier now than 50 years ago to become a billionaire. The goal is achievable if you set your goal higher than your goal, and you are passionate about helping billions of people.

Photo credits: Photo / CC BY-SA 4.0

How To Buy a Business With No Money

Have you heard the saying, “It takes money to make money”? The truth is, sometimes it does take money to make money – but often it doesn’t. It’s possible to buy a business with no money… if you use the following strategy.

A lot of entrepreneurs lament about not having enough money to grow their company, or say they don’t have enough capital. But when I started my own business, I had neither money nor capital.  

When you have no money, you have to get creative to make things work by coming up with good strategies to get sales. If you don’t have the money for high-quality marketing campaigns, for example, you’re forced to think outside the box and that’s the exact type of thinking that will get you far in business.

When you think of it that way, having no money could actually be a great thing for your business because you’ll develop cost-effective strategies that you’ll carry with you throughout your journey as an entrepreneur. It’s these creative strategies that will save you and your business money down the road.

Watch this video about how to buy a business with no money.

You Don’t Need Money, You Just Need A Better Strategy

Let me tell you a story about a flower shop owner named Matt. He owned a flower shop in his little town, and it had been doing well for several years. His competitor owned the only other flower shop.

One day, Matt got approached by the competitor – an older gentleman. The competitor wanted to sell his flower shop to Matt because he was getting old, and he wanted to retire and travel the world.

Matt realized that if he bought this flower shop, he’d own the only two flower shops in town. He’d have a monopoly and everyone in town would only buy flowers from him.

So he asked the older gentleman how much he wanted for his flower shop, and found out the asking price was $50,000. Matt said that he didn’t have $50,000, but the other man stood firm at his price.

So Matt went home and talked with his wife about the possibility of getting a line of credit or getting a loan. He explained that he could double his business if he bought this other flower shop but she thought it was a crazy idea.

Matt called up a brilliant entrepreneur for advice and a potential investment. He told the man,  “Dan, could you loan me $50,000?” Matt explained that the flower shop was in a great location and with his other flower shop, he’d corner the market and double his business.

The smart businessman told Matt, “You don’t need my money. You need a better strategy.” The businessman went on to say, “Matt, ask yourself this: Who would benefit from this purchase? How do you add value?”

How To Double Your Business With No Money

As Matt thought about all the people who would benefit from the purchase (the older flower shop owner, Matt himself, the customers, etc) it was the businessman who pointed out who could potentially benefit the most, and who would therefore be willing to help Matt. The supplier.

You see, currently, Matt only used one supplier to stock his flower shop. This supplier got about $125,000 per year in orders from Matt. The older gentleman had been using a different supplier to stock his flower shop.

As the new owner, Matt had the power to switch suppliers and double his current supplier’s business. Instead of $125,000 per year of business, Matt could now give his supplier a quarter million in business every year – as he’d be filling double the orders.

All Matt had to do was convince his supplier to buy the exclusive rights to provide for his flower shop for the next five years. Matt could charge $25,000 for these exclusive rights. When Matt presented this proposal to his supplier, it was a no brainer for them.

For $25,000 they would be getting an extra $125,000 worth of business for the next five years. Of course, they happily agreed and paid Matt $25,000 to seal the deal.

With that, Matt went back to the older flower shop owner with a new proposal. He told the older gentleman that he’d be willing to pay $60,000 for the flower shop instead of $50,000 as long as they could agree to a payment plan.

How To Use Resources, Time And Skills

He’d be willing to pay $25,000 up front and the rest in installments. Since the older gentleman stood to gain an extra $10,000 if he agreed to more flexible payment terms, it was quickly agreed upon.

With that, Matt was able to buy the flower shop without spending a dime of his own money. Without spending anything out of pocket, Matt doubled his business. How? Because of a smart business strategy.

The difference between the average entrepreneur and a great entrepreneur is knowing how to use leverage. It’s coming up with creative ways to leverage other people’s resources, other people’s time, other people’s skills and other people’s money.

This requires some out-of-the-box thinking where you figure out who could benefit and who would therefore be willing to help. Leverage is one of the best ways to make money without spending your own money.

Final Thoughts On How To Buy A Business With No Money

It doesn’t always take money to make money. If you don’t have money, you just have to get creative. One way to do this is by using leverage.

Matt was able to buy a flower shop without using a dollar of his own money because he was able to negotiate, and using leverage, bought a business at more than the original price, but without spending a dime.

A great entrepreneur is always thinking about who will benefit from a deal and who would be willing to help. Remember that!

“It takes money to make money?” Do you agree? Comment below.


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