Dan Lok

How To Get Good At Anything, FAST..

I’m almost certain you’ve heard the phrase “the more you learn the more you earn”.

It’s very true, and as the new year is in full swing…

I thought it would be a good idea to give you actionable steps and strategies for learning and getting good at anything fast, so you can increase your income faster than you ever imagined.

Before we begin, it’s important you’re patient with yourself.

Everyone learns at different rates, and in different ways.

Learning takes time and effort, but that doesn’t mean there aren’t ways you can fast-track your absorption of concepts and skills.

Let’s go!

How to Uncover Your Favorite Learning Style

Some people are more visual and learn best with pictures and videos…

Some are more auditory and learn best with sounds and Mp3s…

Some are kinesthetic and learn best by doing, and some learn best by reading.

What do you think your favorite way of learning is?

That’s one of the biggest problems with the school system, it’s passive learning, and they make everyone learn the same way.

So, now you know your best learning style, don’t deviate from it.

3 Ways To Set Yourself Up For Success

1. Set specific learning goals

You must clearly define what you want to learn and why.

When you know the reason why you’re learning something, it gives you the motivation you need to continue when you run into roadblocks.

2. Environment is KEY

Your environment is always more powerful than your willpower.

If your environment doesn’t support your learning goals, you’ll make things more difficult than they have to be.

Find a quiet and comfortable place free of distractions.

3. Retain What You Learn

Find the best method of retaining what you learn.

Be sure to test yourself on the material by using flashcards or quizzing yourself, or asking someone else to test you.

If you want to know how to absorb and remember 70% of what you learn, then watch this video >>

How To Become A Fast Learner

Not only does the school system make everyone learn the same way.

They don’t actually teach you HOW to learn.

They just give you the information and it’s your job to work out how you learn best.

That’s why so many students get discouraged and think they’re stupid.

Because they’re not understanding the concepts they’re being tested on.

Having a solid blueprint to follow that ensures you’ll pick things up faster is KEY

So if you’ve ever felt like a slower learner, this video does a great job of explaining how to create a learning blueprint for yourself >> 

Why WHO You Learn From Is MORE IMPORTANT Than What You Learn

If you’ve been following me for a while, you’ll know I believe WHO you learn from is more important than what you learn.

It’s something the content creator in the previous video alluded to as well.

And in this video, I explain exactly why I believe this to be true >>

I highly suggest you watch the video above, as it outlines 3 ways you could learn and which I believe is the best way to give you the best chance of success…

And why other ways of learning are a waste of your time.

How To Get Good At Anything FAST

When learning any skill there are 6 things you must do to ensure you get the information and feedback you need to progress at a steady and fast pace.

One of the biggest things you can do to fast-track your learning is by figuring out what the key points of leverage are.

For example, if you learned the top 100 Spanish words, you could be around 50% fluent.

That’s leverage.

If you want to know the other 5 keys to getting good at anything fast, I strongly suggest you watch this video >> 

Why I Don’t Read Books

What I’m about to share with you is VERY counter-intuitive.

If you’re someone who likes reading but doesn’t get the results you desire from books, then pay close attention to what I say next.

I read 2-3 books per week, but I rarely read a book cover to cover.


Because I’m not reading for pleasure.

I’m reading for action steps.

Every book I read, I look for action steps I can implement right away.

This cuts down my reading time significantly and allows me to implement FAST.

If you want a deeper dive into my method of “reading” then click here >>

How To Improve Your Reading Speed

Even though I don’t often read entire books, reading at a faster pace allows me to read and implement even faster.

In this video, you’ll discover my best tips for reading faster so you can implement what you learn and grow quicker, as a result >>

Now you don’t have to go crazy and read multiple books per week.

You must pick your books wisely and only implement what makes sense to you.

That’s where self-awareness comes in, and that’s a newsletter topic for another week.

I hope you’ve found this newsletter valuable.

If you implement just a handful of these tips, you’ll look back one year from now and you’ll be amazed at what you’ve achieved.

Till next time,

Dan Lok

P.S. – With all this in mind, now you’re in a great position to develop a high-income skill faster than you would have before.

So, if you’re looking for a high-income skill that can help catapult your income, then click here to check out our range of high-income skills training at the Dan Lok Shop >>

5 Killer Personal Branding Secrets..

As promised…

I said I’d do a newsletter on Personal Branding, so here it is.

This newsletter follows on from the previous one where I talked about your Unique Selling Proposition, marketing message, and your positioning.

Before we get into the strategies of how to build your personal brand, let’s define what personal branding is.

In simple terms, your personal brand is your reputation.

It’s how you want to be perceived by your marketplace.

It’s very important, but only a tiny percentage of business owners know how to build their personal brand intentionally.

When people hear Dan Lok, I want them to think ‘high ticket’, ‘prestige’, ‘luxury’, ‘helps experts and service-based business owners reach 7 and 8 figures in revenue, and much more.

Once you identify what you want people to think, your next step is to get this message across to your marketplace, through branding and marketing.

Now, I have an entire playlist on YouTube with around 20 videos on personal branding…

But today, you’ll get the videos I believe carry the most important, and of course you’re welcome to watch the rest and do further research.

How To Tell The Difference Between Marketing, Branding, and Sales

Most entrepreneurs I meet don’t know the difference between sales, marketing, and branding…

So it’s important you get clear on this first… >>

Because everything affects your personal brand.

From the way you walk, talk, how you deal with clients, your skills, your online presence etc.

This is why you must be very deliberate about your personal brand.

Because, if you leave it to chance, the likelihood is your brand and reputation won’t turn out exactly how you want it.

Your behavior must be consistent and congruent with what you want to be known for.

I am very intentional with the content I put out, which is why I’m known for certain things.

This video will help you define your personal brand so you can get clear on what you want to be known for >>

5 Key Elements of and Effective Personal Brand

To build an effective personal brand, you must have 5 key elements in place.

  1. Your back story
  2. What you stand for (beliefs and values)
  3. Your super powers (your skills and talents)
  4. Your parables (short stories)
  5. Your secret language

As you can see, each of these must be carefully thought out, which is why you can’t leave your personal brand to chance.

In this video you’ll get a broad overview on some of these elements… >>

And in just a moment, you’ll gain actionable steps you can take to help you get clear on and build some of these out.

How To Create Your Personal Brand Story

Like any good story, your brand story must have a compelling character.

Naturally you want your character to be relatable to your audience.

Imagine trying to sell a product or service that comes naturally to you.

You wouldn’t know the pains your market is going through.

Versus, if you’ve struggled your entire life with a certain health problem for example, and you tried countless products and none of them work…

Until one day you stumbled onto a very different and counter-intuitive product that completely changed your life.

Your audience can relate to that.

There are probably around 10 characters you could choose from, but in this video, you’ll get 3 to think about >>

How to Create Your Secret Language

Having a secret language is one of the most powerful things you can do for your personal brand.

Think of any group you’ve ever been a member of.

More than likely you had certain abbreviations or acronyms you used with the other members only you knew the meaning of.

You may also have had inside jokes only people inside the group would get.

That’s what I’m talking about.

I like to do what I call “Create your own technology”.

I used this method for my book F.U. Money…

And in this video you’ll get further tips on how to create your own secret language >>

How to Build Personal Brand Authority

No matter where you are in your career, if these strategies are new to you, you’ll need to make a few changes if you want your personal brand to be effective.

This means, you’ll need to build personal brand authority.

One of the most powerful ways of doing this is with your tagline.

When I first started out as a copywriter my tagline was “The Whiz Kid of Copywriting”.

I was young and I didn’t want it to hold me back, so I made it obvious and used it to my advantage.

If you look throughout history, you’ll see entrepreneurs, movie stars, musicians and more who used similar taglines after their name.

In this video, you’ll gain insight into how to create your own tagline, so your marketplace sees you as an authority and much more >> 

How to Grow Your Personal Brand and Business Through Specialization

As you’re in the coaching/consulting space and in a specific niche…

This helps you build and grow your personal brand, just by the fact you specialize in one thing.

It gives you the power of authority, so when you’re on a closing call, your prospect can see you’re the ideal person to work to solve their problem.

It always pays to niche down and serve a specific type of person.

Sometimes as a coach/consultant, you’ll solve a specific problem, but your target market can still be broad.

In this video, you’ll discover how profitable niching down can be and how to apply it to your business >>

In conclusion, it would pay you dividends to go through the 5 elements of an effective personal brand, and work one at a time.

This will give you a deliberate and powerful personal brand you can use to generate more revenue with higher profit margins.

Here’s the link to my entire personal branding playlist, if you’d like to study the content and apply it all to your business >>

To your success

Dan Lok

P.S. – Even if your personal brand is on point, you’ll find it difficult to sell your products and services without an irresistible offer.

That’s why we run High Ticket Mastery™, a 3-day business immersive where I show you how to create an irresistible high ticket offer… attract an abundance of high ticket leads on autopilot without ads… and sell your offer without feeling pushy or inauthentic even if you hate selling.

For the full scoop on January’s event click here >>

Can You Succeed Without Business?

As you may know…

I don’t think everyone should be an entrepreneur.

Just as not everyone can make the NBA, become a professional musician, or professional actor.

But that doesn’t mean you can’t make a lot of money.

Because, I have many friends and mentees who have become very financially successful without starting a business.

What’s the secret to their success?

High income skills and the right mindset, and the right investments.

In fact, even if you don’t become a business owner, you still want to adopt entrepreneurial ways of thinking.

So, in this week’s newsletter, I’m going to share with you different ways to think like an entrepreneur…

Because if you change the way you think, you’ll have no choice but to get different and better results.

How To Embrace Chaos

We’re taught to think in sequential steps.

But, business is all about innovation and doing things differently.

Most people think in steps…

But, I teach all my clients and mentees to think simultaneously, not sequentially.

When you do things at the same time, rather than one after the other, you create organized chaos…

And you’ll get far more done.

If you’d like some real life examples of how to think simultaneously, watch this quick presentation >>

Why Positive Thinking Is B.S.

How many times have you thought “if I just think positively, nothing will go wrong.”

Well, if something can go wrong, it will.

And what’s worse, it will go wrong at the same time as many other things in your life.

With that in mind, it pays to be prepared.

Because I believe there are 4 kinds of people in this world.

  1. Those who make things happen
  2. Those who watch things happen
  3. Those who wonder what the hell just happened
  4. Those who anticipate what may happen and act before it does

That’s why I regularly ask myself these 3 questions.

“What could go wrong?”

“What don’t I know?”

“What don’t I see?”

If you ask yourself these questions and think hard about the answers, you’ll be able to anticipate things that could happen in the future and take the necessary precautions.

Great entrepreneurs do this, and they also think positively, but prepare for the worst.

So apply this to your life to get the best results possible.

Why Money Loves Speed

As you may know, I’ve had many business failures…

And some people experience business failures and it derails them for years.

But I couldn’t afford to wait years to recover.

I had to move fast, and that’s how I managed to fail at 13 businesses and go on to make multiple six figures in a few short years.

It pays you to be nimble and quick with your decisions and actions, as money loves speed.

Because it’s not how much you know, it’s how fast you can implement.

If you’d like to hear a story told by one of my business partners about how fast we implement in our business, click here >>

How Millionaires Stay Productive

Have you ever met someone who is always busy but doesn’t achieve much?

Maybe you’ve been there yourself, and if so, it’s OK.

We’ve all been there at times.

But another way entrepreneurs think is they think in terms of accomplishments instead of tasks.

You could complete many tasks but if they’re not important they won’t move you forward.

When you create a daily ‘to-do’ list, you want to ask yourself…

“What can I accomplish today?”

Then make sure you complete around 3 things that will move you forwards each day.

Over time, you’ll make huge progress.

If you’d like some of my best tips on being productive, watch this quick 6 minute video >>

How To Turn Knowledge Into Money

If you ask most people if they’d like to start a business, my guess is they’d say “yes”…

But they don’t know what they would do.

They may spend a good amount of time trying to come up with an idea no one has ever done, seen, or heard of before.

This is being “inventive”.

What they don’t realize is you don’t need a brand new idea to be successful.

Nothing I do is new, but here’s the secret.

I’ve taken what works and I aim to make it better, faster, simpler, etc.

That’s called innovation.

Are there some people who invent new things?

Sure, think Steve Jobs with the iPod and iPhone etc, but you only need to improve upon things.

If you want a deeper insight into how to be innovative, click here >>

How To Think Big

If you’re going to think, think BIG.

There’s no point in thinking small when it comes to your life.

And with the internet, there’s no reason why you can’t create your dream life.

You’ve just got to figure out what your ideal life looks like, and create it.

Here’s a quick tip.

I’ve achieved quite a lot in my life, but I’ve still got so much I want to achieve.

And I’m driven to leave a legacy.

So what drives me to continue taking massive action despite my achievements?

If you want to know, click here for an emotional speech I gave at the Vancouver Club >>

In closing…

I hope you’ve enjoyed this newsletter, and it’s helped you think bigger, change your mindset a little, and take more action.

Because when it comes to achieving your dreams, action is the only thing that matters.

To your success,

Dan Lok

P.S. – I’ve created something special for you, so you can get more done in less time.

It’s called Get Sh*t Done, and it’s a selection of my favorite productivity secrets in one concise but powerful training.

If you’re ready to make this year your most accomplished year yet, click here to check it out >>

Your Story = Big Success?

You won’t believe how many business owners don’t know this…

Your story is one of the most powerful tools in your arsenal to close clients into your high ticket products and services.

One of my good friends Ivan Nikkhoo, who spoke at the Dragon Summit™ last year shares this belief, and to kick off this newsletter…

I recommend you watch the first 4:17 of this video >>

As you’re watching you’ll soon see exactly why your story is so powerful, and it will set up the rest of the newsletter.

As you may have guessed, you’ll discover how to take your storytelling to the next level so you can close more sales and have a bigger impact.

Why You Ended Up In My Eco-System

It’s quite likely you know the following things about me:

  • I moved to Canada as a teen with my mom not knowing a word of English…
  • I was the invisible kid at school. I was shy and introverted and I got beat up often…
  • I got into business out of necessity because my Dad could no longer send us money after his business partner backstabbed him and he went bankrupt…
  • I failed at 13 businesses before having my first success…
  • I met my mentor Alan at an event and he taught me my first high income skill…

I could go on, but I think you get the point.

Whether it’s one or more of the points above or another part of my story…

On some level you can relate to it, and that’s why you choose to read my newsletter, invest in my products, or become a mentee or client.

If it’s been a while since you heard my story, or perhaps you’ve never heard it, click here >> 


5 Secrets To Brilliant Storytelling

Did you ever wonder why certain stories sticks in your mind?

Furthermore, do you remember the lesson those stories taught you?

As with anything, there’s a right way to do something and a wrong way, and storytelling is no different.

We’ve all heard someone tell a terrible story, and oddly enough, sometimes those are just as memorable.

Wouldn’t you agree?

So here are 5 secrets to tell a brilliant story.

 1. Set the stage

Every great story starts with something like “Once upon a time…” or “Back in 2003…”, or “Many years ago…”

This tiny detail sets the scene and gives the listener context on the story.

2. Be Specific

If you’re describing something, make sure you’re as detailed as possible.

This helps the listener create a picture in their mind.

They may picture you as a younger person, or the car you’re driving, or the house you lived in, etc.

This increases their investment in and engagement with the story..

3. Take Your Listener On An Emotional Journey

No doubt you’ve been through many struggles to get to the point where you’re now coaching or consulting people on their life and business.

When you tell your story, you want them to feel exactly what you experienced all those years ago.

4. Create Mystery In Your Story

If you want to hold peoples’ attention, create open loops in your story.

This forces them to want to keep listening, so they can close the loop in their mind.

This could be as simple as teasing some information and saying “I wanted to know what would happen if…”

The listener hears this and thinks, “I wonder what happened?”

So they keep listening.

You should constantly add mystery to your story and then release the tension by revealing what happened.

5. Relay The Moral Of The Story

Every story must have a purpose, and if you tell a story in a business setting, it’s to elicit some kind of action in your prospects, hopefully investing in your services.

How Tell A Story And Pitch Your Services

Steve Jobs is widely regarded as one of the best storytellers in business.

Over the years he’s used story to pitch the iPhone, iPod, iPad, and many other successful Apple products.

Jobs’ stories have literally changed the world and how we consume information and media.

So let me ask you a question…

Would you like to know Steve’s storytelling structure, so you can apply it to your business?

If so, in this video, the presenter breaks down every detail of Steve’s iPhone pitch >>

After applying this to your business, you’ll have a solid presentation that should help you convert prospects and impact many more lives.

Where To From Here?

If you plan on doing more presentations, whether they be live or virtually, you’ll want to brush up on your public speaking skills.

And as you may know I’ve been a professional speaker for many years now…

But it wasn’t always like that for me.

In fact, I was very shy and introverted when I first started, but I’m living proof that anyone can at least improve their speaking and delivery.

This is why I created a training called Public Speaking Secrets, so if you’d like my personal help improving your speaking, click here >>

Until next time,

Go high ticket,

Dan Lok

P.S. – Due to popular demand, we’ve decided to run another S.M.A.R.T Challenge™.

If you missed the last one, I highly recommend you attend if you want to bulletproof your business before the next recession.

When you join us, you’ll discover my favorite secrets and strategies that allowed me to sell over $100 million in my coaching business in just a few years…

As well as how to SCALE, SYSTEMISE, and SUSTAIN your business for years to come.

Click here for the full scoop here >>

High Ticket Ascension: The Key to Unlocking Your Business’s Growth Potential

As a business owner, you’re always looking for ways to increase your revenue and grow your business. One way to achieve this is by implementing a high ticket ascension strategy. This approach involves offering your customers a series of increasingly expensive products or services that provide more value and greater benefits than your lower-priced offerings.

The concept of high ticket ascension is simple: instead of selling a single product or service to a customer, you sell them a series of products or services that are priced progressively higher. Each product or service in the series provides more value and benefits than the one before it, and customers are encouraged to “ascend” up the ladder by purchasing the next product in the series.

By implementing a high ticket ascension strategy, you can tap into your customers’ desire for high-quality, premium products and services, and increase your revenue at the same time. Here are some key benefits of this approach:

  1. Increased customer lifetime value: By offering a series of high-ticket products and services, you can increase the lifetime value of your customers. This means that each customer will generate more revenue for your business over time, which can help to offset the cost of acquiring new customers.
  2. Improved customer satisfaction: High ticket ascension allows you to provide your customers with more value and benefits, which can lead to greater satisfaction and loyalty. When customers feel that they’re getting more value than they’re paying for, they’re more likely to stick around and make repeat purchases.
  3. More efficient marketing: By targeting your high-ticket products and services to your existing customers, you can save on marketing costs and increase your return on investment. Your existing customers already know and trust your brand, so they’re more likely to be receptive to your higher-priced offerings.

To implement a high ticket ascension strategy, start by identifying the products or services that are most valuable to your customers. Then, create a series of progressively higher-priced offerings that provide more value and benefits with each purchase. Make sure to communicate the value of each product or service in the series, and encourage your customers to ascend up the ladder by purchasing the next offering.

In conclusion, high ticket ascension is a powerful strategy for increasing revenue and growing your business. By offering a series of high-quality, premium products and services that provide increasing value and benefits, you can increase customer lifetime value, improve customer satisfaction, and make your marketing more efficient. So if you’re looking for a way to take your business to the next level, consider implementing a high ticket ascension strategy today.

Ready to take your business to the next level? Join High Ticket Mastery now and unlock the secrets to achieving massive growth and profitability. Don’t wait, enroll today and start seeing real results! >>

Blueprint To Kick The 9-5..

I want to share a quick story with you…

I was in my late teens and I’d been working at the supermarket for nearly one year.

One day, I got to work and my boss started yelling at me, and calling me names.

This wasn’t the first time this had happened, and I was growing tired of it.

That day, I decided I’d had enough.

Not just of him, but the whole situation.

I hated the work, I hated the commute, and obviously I hated my boss too.

So, I did what almost anyone would do in that situation…

I told him “I QUIT!”

Actually, I said a few other things to him I won’t repeat, but you get the idea.

So, maybe you’re in the position where you’re done with your job and you feel like quitting.

You’re not alone.

But I don’t advise you to do what I did…

Instead, read this newsletter to discover what I’d do differently if I had my time again.

This will help you make a smooth transition, and you’ll also get an insight into what pitfalls to avoid when you end up working from home.

What To Do Before You Quit Your Day Job

So, if you’re certain you want to quit your day job, you’ll want to start a high income skill side hustle first.

I define a high income skill as a skill that can make you a MINIMUM of $10K per month.

The main two high income skills I teach are closing (sales) and copywriting (selling using the written word).

These two skills are in high demand online.

But they aren’t the only two skills you could develop.

In fact, there are many others to choose from…

And I share them in this blog article where you’ll also discover how to make your first $10K online >>

When choosing a high income skill, it’s important you choose something that resonates with you.

For example, if you’re more of a technical person, you may like computer programming.

If you love talking to people, closing could be a good option for you.

If you’re creative, then you could try graphic design or copywriting.

The opportunities are endless.

Making The Leap From Job To Self-Employed

So, let’s assume you’re at the point where your high income skill consistently makes you money every month.

You want to get to the point where you’re making double your monthly income.

Here’s why I say this.

Imagine making double your monthly income in your spare time.

Imagine how much more you could make when you quit your job and jumped in feet first.

If you quit before having this set up, you’ll panic when reality kicks in and you have to pay your bills, mortgage, and put food on the table, etc.

Now when you get to the point you’ve fully transitioned, and you’re working from home full time, here are some…

Deadly Working From Home Traps To Avoid

There are a number of traps that could affect your focus, productivity, and personal data security…

And quickly turn your work from home dream into a NIGHTMARE.

One of the biggest traps is knowing when to stop work.

This can be a challenge, especially if you’re on a roll or have a tight deadline.

But in my experience, if you don’t make time for work, rest, and play, you’ll wind up burnt out.

This will destroy any so-called “perks” of working from home.

I highly recommend you read this article on how to avoid the 9 other work from home “traps” >>

To recap, don’t be stupid like I was.

Quitting your job in the heat of the moment may seem like a good idea, but we all have financial responsibilities.

I was lucky everything worked out, but it always pays to have a solid plan, plus it gives you something to work toward.

With the extra money you make, you can save to invest for the future, so it’s a WIN/WIN.

Until next time,

Dan Lok

P.S. If you’re ready to dive into the world of high income skills and you’re more creative and love writing, then click here to check my copywriting trainings >>

If you’re more of an extrovert and love connecting with and speaking with people, then click here to check out my sales and closing trainings >>