
How To Find Your Signature Speaking Style

“All public speaking is, is speaking to one person at a time in front of many people.”

This is just one of the million dollar speaking tips from ForbesSpeaker Deborah Patel. She’s the secret weapon, coach and mentor behind many of the world’s best-selling authors, experts and leaders of Fortune 500 Companies.

I asked her, “How to develop your signature speaking style so you can connect on a deeper level with your audience?”

The advice she gave provided the tools to become a speaker at the professional level, starting with how to work the room.

Watch this video about Deborah Patel’s Signature Speaking Style Tips.

Having The Personal Touch

She said that great public speaking is having a conversation with one person at a time in front of many people. As you make a connection with one person, you move on to the next person at the next table or the next section.

You make eye contact like you’re touching – making contact – as you work your way across the room.

Stay in one direction, and don’t go back and forth like you’re watching a tennis match. You want to give the impression that you are open and vulnerable, sincere and genuine, and humble. Especially in Asia where being humble is key to gaining trust.

You want to be sincere and have a connection with the audience by being able to feel what their concerns are. If they have a question they need answered, you can sense it.

The last impression you want to give is that you’re speaking to sell them something. Instead, you’re speaking to serve a need, and people will recognize that purpose through your connection with them.

If you have that sense of connection, then with one glance, even to someone at the back of the room, you’ll know that person is with you and following what you’re presenting.

Your true mastery as a public speaker shows when you are speaking in front of thousands and you can be flexible. Flexibility is key when you have audience participation.

Audience Participation

When you have a presentation in front of 5,000 to 10,000 people, you can do your opening and cover your main points and issues with the entire group. Then in the middle of your keynote, you can open it up for questions.

It’s a bit dangerous because you have to really know your content. You don’t know what the audience may ask. But for Deborah, it’s both scary and fun to do something like this, as long as you know your material.

When it comes to presentations, you can use questions as a way to break up the presentation or check in with the audience. For example, at some point in your presentation you can open it up for Q and A.

If you find people aren’t responding, then you ask then to take a moment to get a partner and share their top takeaways from the last 30 minutes.

It may require people to step outside of their comfort zone to have that discussion, depending on how you structure it. You might even have had an activity that requires people to practice a concept from your presentation.

Then you ask the group to share what was discussed in the group or partner activity. It’s a way to engage people and show that you’ve been listening when you ask them if they have questions.

Having a high level of confidence is necessary when you open up your presentation to questions from the audience. It’s also necessary when you are selling to them.

Presentation Confidence and Control

I’ve done platform selling – speaking on the stage to promote a product or service. Your presentation has to be practiced or you’ll lack confidence.

Deborah’s advice for those who sell from the stage is to aim to have more polish. If you’re not confident enough, then your insecurities will show. So when you’re more practiced, then focus on serving the needs of your audience.

I couldn’t agree more. I teach my students in the High-Ticket Closer ™ Certification program to speak with confidence in their voice. If you don’t sound confident in what you’re selling, how can prospects be confident in what they are buying from you?

Someone that Deborah has worked with is T. Harv Eker who is a master of selling from the stage. His style was to push people and irritate them for their own good to get them to buy. He needs that tough attitude to get people to move forward and take the next step.

These qualities are not easy to master overnight. When it comes to speaking and presenting, it takes “many masters to make a masterpiece.” If you’re a lifelong learner, you’ll take pieces from all the greatest presenters that you know, whether it’s T. Harv Eker or Tony Robbins to get the results you need as a speaker.

How To Act Natural In Front Of An Audience

Deborah studies how to be a coach, a facilitator or a trainer for those moments when she’s in front of the room and she needs to put people in a training exercise to master their speaking skills.

She says that what you want to do is reverse engineer everything by starting with the end in mind. You want to ask yourself how you want your audience to feel, what stories you want to tell, and what words to use to get the effect you want.

You’ll also vary the volume of your voice. Lower it, like you do when you’re in a conversation. The lowering of your voice happens naturally when you’re having a conversation or when you’re speaking with your loved ones. You also use that voice when you’re having a good time.

You want to master the volume of your voice and the effect it will have on your audience.

The problem is, when people get on a stage or they get in front of a camera, they stop being natural. Their self-consciousness kicks in. So what Deborah does as a coach is build a tool kit that people can use when they need them.

An example of a tool is when you’re in sales and you have people imagine what it would be like to paint the vision. When you’re creating the vision you need to be seeing the vision of say, financial freedom. Then your emotions create pictures, and your emotions need your voice to create this mood in the audience.

Developing A Sixth Sense

When you’re talking in front of people, then you’re reading them. You’re going to feel what they need to hear. That’s the genius of it.

As you speak more and more, you develop this sense of what’s happening in the room. You could be a room of hundreds and you’ll notice that a group at the back, having a roundtable discussion, has a question that you should address.

It’s this sixth sense that you develop when you make a lot of presentations.

It’s a matter of being present with the room. You have to know your material that you’re speaking about, and be comfortable with yourself and speaking in public. Otherwise, you will not achieve this sixth sense level of awareness about your audience.

You will also have to give up on the idea of giving perfect speeches or presentations. You want to be in control and precise about what’s happening but you can’t control everything. There are things you can control, like technology, like the mic, the sound system, and your opening and pacing, but you can’t control everything.

Perfecting Your Signature Speaking Voice

When you’re closing, then depending on what you’re offering, you want to be very careful about the words that you are using to close people.

So if you are not natural at public speaking, then you have to practice it with that intention, that you are honing in very specific speaking skills.

If you want to get better at perfecting your message, then practice the speech of someone you admire. You can also try to copy a motivational speaker. Just choose a speech to copy. For example, practice delivering the last three minutes of Martin Luther King’s speech. Imitate how the other person speaks.

Later on, when you get better at it, then you can start to develop your own style after you’ve learned the basics for good public speaking. So like learning how to sing, copy six different artists that you like and then your own signature style will start to emerge.

Final Words: Finding Your Signature Speaking Style

If you’re not comfortable speaking in front of an audience, then work on developing that talent. Having that magical amount of eye contact, that natural volume in your voice is very important when making a connection with people.

As a lifelong learner, you can start by imitating the speakers who you admire, and then when you improve, start developing your own style.

Know your material well so you can be comfortable giving up some control, for example, when you ask the audience to ask you questions.

When you have enough practice with speaking in front of large groups, you’ll start to develop a sixth sense – you’ll feel what the audience is feeling. All of these are characteristics of a master speaker.

What do you do to connect with an audience when you are speaking? Comment below.

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How to Create the Story of Your Own Personal Brand

Never start at the beginning. Always start from some point halfway to the top, and work your way backwards. Now you might be wondering what I’m talking about.To create the story of your own personal brand, to be like the book that people can’t put down, you begin with climbing up the mountain.

You see, back in my early days as a copywriter, people didn’t even think I could succeed in business. And before that, when I was in high school, no one wanted to talk to me. So I don’t want to start my story there.

But now that I am a multi-millionaire, a business magnate, internet celebrity and global educator with students and fans around the world… people want to hear my story. They want to know how I became successful, and how I’ll take my success to the next level.

And now that I’ve reached this point and I’m still climbing up, people want to learn how I did it, and they can relate to how I started. They can relate to how I used to struggle to begin my career because that’s where many people are now.

This is a good place to create your story – when you are successful, and people are hungry to know how you got here from your humble beginnings. So this is how your create the story of your personal brand, using one of the following character types.

Watch this video about creating a story of your own personal brand.

The Reluctant Hero: Forced Into Action

People love a good story, and this is how you reel them into your brand, and from there, to build trust in your business.

The first character type is the reluctant hero, the person who is just like us until something extraordinary happens to him. Peter Parker was just a regular teenager, into girls and from a regular family until a radioactive spider bit him.

His life wasn’t the same after that – he had enhanced strength, speed, and reflexes. Special powers to help others. It was his uncle who said, “With great power comes great responsibility.” But Peter didn’t want extra responsibility. He just wanted the power.

Peter changed his mind when he let a thief escape and his Uncle Ben tried to stop the thief instead. When the thief killed his uncle, Peter realized the full meaning of his uncle’s words. Peter became the hero Spiderman whose mission was to find his uncle’s killer and to fight crime.

That’s the reluctant hero. A regular person with flaws just like everyone else but that hero must leave their comfort zone to make a difference in their world. It’s a formulaic storyline we’ve seen in many movies and books and it works. These characters could be any one of us.

Frodo Baggins, a hobbit from The Lord Of the Rings has no special powers and no aspirations to change his life, yet he gets sucked into an epic journey. He meets many fanatical and spectacular characters as he faces extraordinary adventures, but after all that, he’s still just a regular character.

The reluctant hero is a proven storyline that captivates.  

The second type of character is the exceptional man or woman who overcomes great obstacles.

Exceptional Person Who Overcomes a Challenge

People are intrigued by characters who are good at what they do. They also love underdogs who thrive against all odds and the skepticism of others. Here’s a real life example of how someone without limbs overcame a huge challenge.

Nick, a famous motivational speaker without arms or legs, inspires millions and millions of people with his positivity. He’s an exceptional man who’s overcome challenges everyday.

For us, brushing our teeth is a simple task. For him, it’s a big challenge but he’s overcome it. We’re inspired by people like him. If you search for him online and study the message he’s trying to convey, you’ll noticed he’s narrowed down his message to mostly Christian-based philosophies. He’s found his audience.

Another example is one of the highest paid motivational speakers in the world, Tony Robbins. At one point he was overweight and broke, living in a one bedroom condo, until one day when he got sick of his life. He went for a run along the beach, then wrote in a private journal, “No more!”

Tired of who he had been, he wanted to work on himself and his psychology. He wanted to inspire others and started doing seminars on personal power. He taught people how to master’s psychology… and that brings us to where he is now. Successful and a household name.

It’s a familiar storyline.

Us Versus Them

The third type of character is us versus them. It works well because it’s based entirely on the fact that we as human beings create our own belief systems based on completely irrational beliefs.

Let me give you an example. Usually we like to blame our problems on others so it’s us versus them. When you meet someone and you both don’t have anything in common yet you have a common enemy, that instantly bonds you. You have the same enemy.

So hypothetically let’s say I don’t like Donald Trump and you don’t like Donald Trump. When we watch him in the election, we instantly have a common enemy. We can talk about a lot of things including his hair.

Here’s another example. Let’s say I am selling natural herb supplements online. I can easily talk about how in the past I wasn’t very healthy so I was overweight and sick a lot. I tried Western medicine but it didn’t quite work for me. Then I stumbled on Chinese medicine.

Then in my journey I discovered these supplements and they are amazing. I have this mission I want to share with you so I put together these products and I set up this company. Now we are fighting against these pharmaceutical companies.

They actually don’t want you to get well because if you get well you won’t buy their medicine anymore. I want to focus more on prevention and that’s what these supplements do.

A Formula For These Stories

So with these stories, you can see there’s a formula. When you use an us-versus-them storyline you stumble upon a secret. The secret proves there is a problem with the market or something similar. It’s the market’s fault.

For example, in the case of the natural supplements, the fault is the pharmaceutical companies out there selling their drugs and teaching the doctors to get them to write prescriptions. You vow to fight against them and unite on your mission to solve the problem.

You emphasize that by buying your product, your client becomes one of us, the good guys. If you don’t buy the supplements, then you support the evil pharmaceutical companies. Or you buy the supplements and you become one of the good guys who fight against evil.

It’s a very powerful formula, so you want to use it with caution.

One of the things I used to do was talk about how most internet marketing gurus haven’t been there and done that. They talk about things that they don’t have firsthand experience in. So it’s us versus them when I talk about a lot of these other people, the so-called gurus who are selling information. That’s an example of what I do in my business.

Them. So that’s an example of what I do in my business.

Now, after you’ve got your character type, you work on character crafting.

How To Craft A Character

To make a character compelling and irresistible he’s got to have some flaws. Nobody likes to meet a person who is just far too perfect. The perfect family, the perfect kids, the perfect home. People don’t want that.

They want to see a bit of loss that will reveal the character’s motive, their human side. They want you to be transparent because real people have flaws. We all have flaws and we’re all a work in progress.

You sustain your tribe’s interest over time to the degree and extent that you’re willing to be transparent. If you want to have a strong character you have to be transparent. If you want to have a powerful personal brand you have to be transparent.

Look at Superman as an example. Superman is almost perfect. What is his weakness? Kryptonite. If you take away that weakness, think about it. It won’t be as fun to follow his story. You can’t kill him, he doesn’t get hurt, and he can dominate everything.

Final Thoughts On Creating Your Branding Story

What draws an audience to you is the type of character you create. The reluctant hero, who is forced to leave his comfort zone and take on a new mission. He or she is just an ordinary person, which makes this person relatable.

Another character type is the exceptional person who overcame an obstacle. We admire this person because they have faced challenges that we haven’t. They inspire us.

And finally there is the us versus them story type. We bond instantly with another person because of a common cause or belief. We take their side so we can either become the bad guy or the good guy.

No matter which character type you choose for your personal brand story, you want to have a character who is flawed. A perfect character is uninteresting and unrelatable. It would be like watching an undefeatable Superman rid his world of his enemies in two seconds because he is  invincible.

Which character type is your favorite? Comment below.


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How To Systematize Your Business If It Isn’t Working

Remember when you first started your business and you measured time from one deadline to the next, one task to the next?

One of the biggest challenges you’ll have when you start a business is the number of tasks that you’re taking on.

You’re the expert at everything. You wear the suit and make executive decisions and chat with clients. You roll up your sleeves to make the coffee and fix the photocopier when it breaks down.

The business becomes a part of you so you are living and breathing and dreaming it from morning until night.

At this point, your friends and family are probably wondering where you’ve gone, if you can be separated from your business the way employees can be separated from their jobs. Clearly, you need to make some changes to your professional life so you can have more of a personal life. But how?

The good news is, it’s possible to systematize your business if it isn’t working. It starts with a closer look at all the roles in your company, and then deciding how you can delegate responsibilities to other people.

Watch this video on how to systematize your business so you’re working on it, not in it.


1. Decide What All The Aspects Of Your Business Are

In a typical internet business, for example, you have so many aspects to manage. You have content, copywriting, list building, getting traffic, having offers, technology, and finance. These are some key areas you have to focus on.

Right now, you may be working on all of the areas shown below.

You could be working on all of these areas of your business.


In each of these seven aspects, you may also be working on any or all of these tasks.

You could be completing all of these tasks.


Maybe you’ve done most of these tasks before, maybe you don’t know how to even begin doing some of these things, like a teleseminar or RSS feed.

As you expand your business, you will need some help with any of these seven areas. At this moment, let’s pause and take a look at the org chart of your business to see where you need help.

2. Draw Out An Org Chart And Decide On Roles In Your Organization

An organizational chart, or org chart, shows all the roles in your business, from you, the CEO, to everyone else in management and those with the least amount of responsibility.

This is what an org chart looks like for a typical business with one person. Now you can see why entrepreneurs seem to have split personalities. You have to do all the roles and handle all of the tasks.

No wonder you’re overwhelmed! You’re the only one in your org chart.


You can also see that this format cannot work over time. You cannot sustain it.

If you aren’t feeling the exhaustion already, you will. You can’t just stick your head in the sand and hope the problem will go away.

Now instead of just putting your name on all of the roles and responsibilities, like you did in the org chart above, diagram it out more clearly by role. You have several responsibilities but they all contribute to the same end objective.

As the CEO, your objective is to work on the mission. You are the leader, the conductor of the team. To turn your dreams into reality, you need to figure out what roles contribute to your mission.

Every business has four core functions: operations, finance, marketing, and people. Each function includes different responsibilities. When you’ve figured out the functions of your business, you can start clarifying expectations for each role.

Decide on roles and describe each role.


3. Assign Names That Clarify Your Expectations For Each Role

Define and name each position in your business but give careful consideration to each name. For example, there is an assumption of seniority when you call someone the Director versus calling someone the Sales Manager.

The way you create a title also makes a huge difference. For each position, assign a name that shows your expectations for each.

If you called someone a Marketing Manager, what do you think that person’s job would be? What if you called that same person the Chief of Revenue Generation instead? Notice how the purpose for that person changes depending on the role you assign them.

4. Systematizing Your Business Requires A Clear Plan

You are not your business. You are you. You create value in the marketplace and you create wealth for your family.

To separate yourself from your business, start delegating others for the other roles in the organizational chart. It may not happen overnight. You will still be in many of the roles when you start.

Over time, you will find someone to be your Chief of Revenue Generation. That is their role. Their responsibilities will be to generate revenue for the company, and that may include different aspects of marketing.

But to systematize your business, you must first decide on all the roles and responsibilities in your company, starting with you as the CEO. Over time, you will find people to take on those responsibilities as you delegate more tasks to other people, while you continue to oversee the mission.

This method is the first step to take so you’re working on your business, not in it.

Are you working on your business, or in it? Comment below.

The Best Strategy To Get Clients Fast

If you’re like most entrepreneurs, you want to grow your business fast. But if you want high-paying clients, then you must be willing to go against conventional wisdom.

Not everyone can be your client. If you say, “Anyone is my client,” then you’re in trouble.

Many new entrepreneurs think everyone and anyone with money is a potential lead. But for you, you must be more selective.

Most advice out there recommends that you talk to everyone you know, get involved in local business communities, optimize your website, and get into as many social media platforms as possible. But what happens if you try to catch a fish with a tiny net in an enormous sea?

You’re lucky to catch a fish or two! So if you’re patient enough to grow your business slowly, if you want to talk to dozens of people to get your first client, then follow those conventional strategies that require a high degree of time and effort. Eventually, you will find your first client. But your troubles don’t end there.

You’re new and no one has heard of you, so your first client doesn’t want to pay you hundreds or thousands of dollars. You might even have to offer some advice or service for free, just to get your first testimonial. Meanwhile, your rent and your phone and electricity bills are waiting to be paid. So what can you do to cut through this slow and painful growth stage? Is there a way to fast forward this process?

Back when I was running my one-man advertising agency as a copywriter, I was trying to get clients from all over the place. I would do the work for anyone who would hire me. As long as the client breathed, they were good enough for me. Everyone was my customer.

However, over time and with more experience, I realized that to grow my business, I had to use one powerful strategy which I’m going to teach you today to get that ideal high-paying client fast.

Watch this video to learn how to grow your business faster.

The Kingpin Strategy to Get Clients

Here’s the problem. If everyone is your customer, then nobody is your customer. What I needed was that one account that would improve the quality of my clientele. I didn’t need dozens of clients paying me a few hundred each for my services.

I just needed a couple of high-ticket clients paying me thousands for the same service. My goal was to make the same income with fewer clients. So what I had to do was find the kind of client I would attract when I had more experience… and attract that client now.

When I was struggling as a copywriter, I came across a book called Guerilla Marketing. It’s a very famous book series on small business and marketing written by Jay Conrad Levinson. Now Jay has sold over 20 million books worldwide for the Guerrilla Marketing series. He was one of the most well-known educators and marketing gurus of our time before he passed away. So I approached Jay.

At the time, Jay was marketing a Guerilla Marketing Association membership. I went to his website and saw what he did so I rewrote the entire page. I sent it to the Guerrilla Marketing Association and got a reply from Jay personally. He thanked me because I had delivered value before asking for anything in return.

“Wow, you know what, young man, that’s very nice of you,” he said. He actually used the material and it helped him to generate more sales. Afterwards, I asked him, “Hey, Jay, since you’re getting value, is it okay if you give me some kind of recommendation and endorsement?” He said he was more than happy to do that. And he did.

That was my first Kingpin client.

By getting Jay Conrad Levinson, a well-known marketing guru with credibility and authority for so many small business owners, I could approach potential clients differently. I could say, “I have an endorsement from Jay Levinson who wrote Guerilla Marketing, who sold 20 million books.” That reference impressed my next client.

At the beginning of your career, when you’re  establishing credibility and reputation, don’t chase everybody. Decide on the one person or company that will launch your career and serve them.

For example, in the tech world if you could work with Google or Amazon or Microsoft you could get then get other high quality clients. Everybody else will look at that account and say, “If you’re good enough for them, you’re good enough for me.”

You skip that learning curve and grow your business much faster. You can also use this technique to draw in more customers at one time.


The Kingpin Strategy To Get Clients Fast

Let me give you another example of the Kingpin Strategy from a different perspective. In the United States, they have these huge events. The Learning Annex back then was doing massive conferences with 5,000 to 25,000 people using this Kingpin Strategy.

They would bring in “Kingpin speakers,” such as Donald Trump before he was president, Tony Robbins, Robert Kiyosaki, and Bill Clinton to draw people in.

They paid them a huge speaking fee to have them show up at the event. At the same time, platform speakers or platform closers who aren’t paid to be there will offer their programs or products. They would make a 60-minute or 90-minute pitch on stage to draw in the crowd.

These events don’t make money from 5 to 20 thousand people’s tickets.They make money from these platform closers. The event organizer would do a split with anything that the closers sell. Imagine if someone is speaking to 10,000 people and he is selling a $1,000 package.

If he sells 500 of them a day, a multi-day event would generate millions of dollars. The platform closures would get a 30 to 50 percent commission because the organizers are the ones spending all the money. The organizers made millions upon millions of dollars from these conferences going around North America, even the U.K. That’s how the business model works.

That’s the Kingpin Strategy from a different perspective. So ask yourself the question. Who is that one company, that one organization you could get that would change everything. From then on, you leverage that one person’s name or that organization’s name for the rest of your career. Before you know it, you go from a nobody to a somebody.

How will you apply the Kingpin Strategy to get new clients? Comment below.

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