
How To Find Your Target Audience Personas In 3 Steps

Are you worried about your engagement rates? Or are the number of people that view your content not where you want it to be? If you want to know how to find your target audience and bump up those numbers, you need to understand your audience.

With so much content being pumped out every single day, getting clarity on how to find your target audience is more important than ever. The attention span of the average online user has decreased tremendously over the last couple of years. This means that people are much more likely to scroll past your content if it does not match their needs or interest. Unless your content directly relates to what these people are searching for, they are not going to be interested, and your engagement numbers are going to stay the way they are.

The biggest problem when it comes to knowing how to find your target audience, is the fact that the marketplace is always changing. The needs of your target audience today may not be the same needs a year later, which is why you always need to keep yourself updated. Knowing how to find your target audience is one thing – keeping them is another. 

If you’re struggling to get clarity on your target audience, you’re in luck. Today we’re going in depth on how to find your target audience personas in just 3 steps.

Step #1: Analyze Your Website And Social Media Traffic

The first step to discovering your target audience personas, is to analyze your traffic. If you’ve been producing content for awhile, chances are you’ve already built up a sizable following. You have traffic that’s flowing through your website on a daily basis, or a number of visitors commenting and watching your videos. If you have these things going for you, that’s good news. You’ll be able to analyze this information and use it to your benefit.

how to find your target audience

When it comes to analyzing your website and social media traffic, you want to determine what exactly is drawing your audience to your website or social media account. This could be factors such as the content you are putting out, what time or day you upload, or how engaged you are with your audience. As you analyze this data in more depth, it’ll reveal a bigger picture as to what kind of content your target audience likes. 

For example, let’s say you’ve uploaded a video every single day for the last 3 weeks to your Instagram account, and during that time your engagement has been doing well. When analyzing your social media traffic, you’ll want to look at what specific factor caused these people to watch or comment on your video. This specific factor could be the time at which you uploaded the video. Or the video was different in terms of content from all the other videos. You can also look at how engaged your audience was, such as the number of likes or comments that they left. All of this is information that will help you determine your target audience.

Don’t Look At What’s Consistent, Look At What Stands Out

One of the biggest mistakes most people make when analyzing their traffic is looking at what’s consistent. For example, let’s say you’ve posted 7 videos over 7 days. 6 of those videos got around 20,000 views, with one video only getting 5,000 views. Looking at this data, you might be inclined to focus only on the videos that got 20,000 views. But in reality, the best way to discover your target audience is to look at what stands out. 

The reason you want to focus on inconsistencies within your data, is because it’ll help you understand what works and what doesn’t. If your data shows you that every single video you’ve posted has gotten 20,000 views, you can’t learn anything. You don’t know what you’re doing right, or what you’re doing wrong. Your data reflects the needs and behavior of your target audience. The better you can understand what factors contribute to that data, the better you can understand your audience’s needs.

how to find your target audience

If there are specific days that stand out, focus on those days. Analyze what factors could have contributed to that particular outcome – whether it’s good or bad. If the outcome is a positive one, you can keep that in mind and experiment with putting more of that type of content in the future. If the outcome is negative, look at what differences are responsible for that negative outcome. That particular day could have been a holiday, resulting in less people browsing the internet and explains why your view count went down.

If you want to know how to find your target audience, focus on the things that stand out. They’ll give you more insight into your audience’s needs than focusing on what’s consistent.

Consistency got you where you are today. Will it help you get to where you want to be? Click To Tweet

Step #2: Audit Your Business Strategy And Compare It To The Marketplace

The second step to discover your target audience personas, is to audit your business strategy. Every time you put out a piece of content, or upload a new blog you should be doing it with a specific reason in mind. There should be a specific outcome that is achieved, which is what your business strategy focuses on. And with the marketplace’s needs constantly evolving and changing, you need to ensure your business strategy reflects those changes.

This is the difference between knowing how to find your target audience and knowing how to keep them. You may be able to attract new visitors to your website or new followers on your Instagram, but unless you understand how their needs change over time you will not have them for long. 

For example, at the time of this article being written – Tik Tok is the newest social media platform that has gained popularity. Since its launch in 2016, in just 3 years it has managed to accumulate over 800 million active users worldwide. Compare this to Instagram’s 1 billion monthly users, and it’s very evident how fast the needs of the marketplace can change.

Analyze What Your Audience Does And How They Behave

One of the reasons why Tik Tok gained so much popularity in such a short time, is because a large majority of its user base are young teenagers from Generation Z. This is why it’s important to understand your target audience persona and who you are catering to. 

how to find your target audience

Understanding the marketplace means also understanding what kind of people are interested in your content. You need to factor in things such as their location, age, gender, ethnicity, and interests. All of these play a part in determining what your target audience’s needs consist of, and are factors you will want to account for when analyzing data. One way to discover these factors is to look at what they’re searching for. 

If you’re using ads to direct traffic to your website, you can view a lot of information about your target audience through Google Analytics. Some examples of information you can use from Google Analytics are

  • Keywords that visitors search for to visit your website
  • Length of time visitors spend on your website
  • Method in which they got to your website (Organic search, links from other sources)

If you produce a lot of content around finance and one of the keywords your visitors searched for was “financial freedom”, right away you can tell this person is probably an adult or older. You can then proceed to look at what actions this person took while on your website, what blogs they may have looked at and what other keywords they searched for. When you put all of this data together, it’ll give you a better idea of what your target audience personas look like. And in many cases, you will have multiple target audience personas.


Creating A Target Audience Persona

Once you’ve gathered sufficient data, it’s time to get clear on your target audience persona. 

When creating a target audience persona, you want to get very specific about who they are and what their needs are. Some traits to include when building your target audience persona are:

  • Age
  • Gender
  • Relationship Status
  • Occupation
  • Who they follow
  • What they might search for
  • How familiar they are with your brand
  • How they spend their free time

The more specific you can get with these traits, the better your target audience persona will be. If you feel the need to include additional information, such as a target audience persona that “may or may not be in a relationship”, chances are you can create another persona and include that information in. The reason being that the needs and desires of someone who’s in a relationship, will be much more different than someone who’s still single and ready to mingle. 

Someone in a relationship might be thinking of getting married and starting a family. They may be concerned with the state of their finances and how they can support a family. This person will be more future-oriented in their thinking, and your target audience persona should reflect those factors.

On the other hand, someone who’s single has different priorities in mind. They aren’t concerned with starting a family – they may be looking to date around and to meet new people. This also implies that this target audience persona consists of a younger generation, who want to spend their youth experiencing all that life has to offer. This person lives more in the moment and is present-oriented with their thinking.

Confused People Do Not Buy

This is why you need to be very specific when it comes to building a target audience persona. Unless you are able to narrow down their traits as much as possible, you are going to create overlaps in the kind of message you’re putting out. That will cause confusion because your audience has no idea who you are trying to target. And confused people, do not buy. 

how to find your target audience

Avoid confusing your audience and yourself by being strict with how you create a target audience persona. If there are any traits that one audience may have that another audience wouldn’t, create a different audience persona to account for that difference. In our own company, we have multiple target audience personas that are based on a variety of factors such as their age, how much income they make and how familiar they are with The Dan Lok Brand.

Once you’ve created and understand your target audience personas, you can begin segmenting them and plan out what kind of content to produce. If you’ve created your target audience persona correctly, you will already know the needs and desires of your target audience. Now, all you need to do is create content that caters specifically to that target audience. The more specific your content is, the more your target audience will feel like you are speaking directly to them.

What’s important to note is that like the marketplace, your target audience persona will change overtime as well. That is why it’s important to frequently compare how your target audience persona matches up with what audience is in the marketplace. As long as you have a clear and solid target audience persona, you’ll be able to effortlessly audit your business strategy to match that audience’s needs.

Step #3: Segmenting Your Audience For Your Email List

Step 3 on how to find your target audience persona, is to segment your email list. We have already covered how to find your target audience persona by analyzing data (In Step 2), thus this section will go into how you can segment your audience for your email list.

Segmenting your audience for your email list is very important. As you have multiple target audience personas, you will also have multiple email lists with different audiences. The last thing you want to do is accidentally send one email list an email that has nothing to do with them. For example, one of the quickest ways you can make your male audience unsubscribe from your email list, is to send them an email letting them know there’s a 50% discount on women’s underwear.

You want to segment your email list to keep your audience engaged. In fact, a study showed that a company managed to increase their open rates by 40%, simply by segmenting their audience. Other benefits also include increased click through rates, increased conversions, more satisfaction amongst their subscribers and decreased unsubscribe rates. Segmenting your audience won’t just help you keep things organized, it’ll help keep your audience happy and engaged as well.

When In Doubt, Ask Your Audience

If you’re wondering what kind of emails to send to your audience, you might believe your target audience persona will tell you everything you need to know. And in theory, that is true and makes a lot of sense. But in reality, the best way to know what your audience wants to receive is to simply ask them.

When your audience wants to opt into an email list, give them a way to choose for themselves. That could mean setting up a checklist of email lists they want to subscribe to, or simply sending them an email from time to time asking them what their preferences are. By letting your audience choose what they want to see, you won’t encounter the mistake of sending them something they don’t want to see. 

how to find your target audience

Remember that you will never know your target audience better than they know themselves. Asking them what they want is a very effective way to keep your target audience personas updated to the needs of the marketplace. It also allows them to feel more engaged, because you’re taking their opinions and feedback into account. This is why the most successful brands and companies often send you surveys asking you to rate their services. They know it is important to hear the voice of their customers, and make sure their needs are met.

Instead of doing research and guesswork, simply go to the source and get the information you need from there. In many situations, you’ll discover that your audience will offer you a lot of insight as to what they’re looking for. They might even share with you their deepest darkest secrets and needs – things you never thought they would be interested in.

“The customer is always right.” – Common proverb

How To Find Your Target Audience Personas In 3 Steps

Knowing how to find your target audience persona can be simplified to just 3 steps:

1) Analyze traffic data

This is where you analyze the traffic data from your website and social media accounts. Look at factors such as keywords your audience is searching for, how much time they spend viewing content, and where they came from before landing on your page.

You’ll want to analyze any sort of data that stands out from everything else, as that will give you the most insight into how you should pivot your approach. Consistent data will show you what you’re doing correctly, but won’t tell you what you need to do to improve or get better. If you want to keep your audience following you for a long time, you need to make sure you’re taking steps to improve every single day.

2) Create target audience personas

From analyzing your traffic data, you’ll be able to gather a lot of useful information about your target audience and their needs. Using this data, you can create your target audience personas.

When it comes to creating and knowing how to find your target audience, you want to be very specific when it comes to what their behavior and traits are like. If there is any information that would overlap with another potential audience, you’ll want to create another audience persona to avoid confusion. If you’re putting out content and your marketing message isn’t clear, you will confuse your audience. This leads to higher unsubscribe rates, unfollows, and lower conversions.

Confused people don’t buy. Click To Tweet

3) Segment them based on their needs

Segment your audience so that you’re delivering to your audience exactly what they’re looking for. To do this, ask them what kind of content they’re interested in or what their individual preferences are. One of the biggest mistakes people make is trying to guess what their audience wants. In reality, it’s much more efficient to simply just ask them. You’ll develop a stronger customer-brand relationship, and be able to keep your target audience persona’s up to date with the needs of the marketplace.

Discover How Dan Lok Scaled His Business To 7 Figures In 8 Months

Congratulations! You’ve made it to the end of the post. Those are our tips on how to find your target audience personas in 3 steps. Now, what are the chances of you implementing this in your business?

For most coaches, consultants and experts, it is close to zero. Because it is just information.

That’s why Dan Lok has compressed all the resources that you need to scale your Expert business into a single cheatsheet. It is called “The $100 Million High Ticket Coaching and Consulting CheatSheet”. And the best part is you can download the cheatsheet for free. 

Inside, you’ll discover the same time-tested formula, responsible for closing over $100 million in High Ticket coaching and consulting products and services. Download the cheatsheet, print it out, and keep it next to you as you work on scaling your business. Look at it regularly and implement the strategies in your business.

Click here to claim your copy so you can enroll more clients, for higher fees, starting today.

From Brick And Mortar To Click And Order: How Your Business Can Shift To Online Operations

Is your brick and mortar business struggling due to the current global crisis? You’re not alone, but the reason you’re struggling is not only because of pandemic-related business closures. If at all, COVID-19 only sped up what was already happening. The retail apocalypse was already well underway, before this global pandemic began.

Since 2018, 59% of the retail stores have closed down. Why is that? People’s buying behaviors have simply changed with the digital economy. Consumers are feeling more and more comfortable ordering things online. Before the boom of online retailers and e-commerce stores, consumers had to go to a brick and mortar shop and look at the product. They depended on the selection of shops in their city.

Today, however, information and the product don’t belong together as much. What does this mean? Consumers look for a product and then find a shop that provides it at the best price and value. That’s why brick and mortar shops have had to adapt and change their sales process.

But that’s not all. Suppliers have also changed their sales processes. Since it’s so easy now to set up an online store, many suppliers would rather sell their products on their own website than through a brick and mortar store. Suddenly, the manufacturers are cutting out the middle man.

In short, brick and mortar stores have fewer products to sell than before, and consumers don’t want to shop in a store as much anymore. Only shops that provide essentials, like supermarkets, still see frequent visits.

What can you do if your store falls into the ‘non-essential items’ category? Or, what if you cannot go online because your offer is only applicable in person? Examples of this include massage therapy or similar services you typically can’t buy online.

In this article, we’ll go over some tips on how to save your business during this crisis. What can you do to protect your business, income and livelihood?

Even if your business can only deliver services in person, make sure to read the whole article. Because in the end, you might get an understanding of what you can do to save your specific business, too.

brick and mortar store

The Biggest Changes Brick and Mortar Stores Need to Make if Shifting to Online Operations

If you want to shift your business from brick and mortar to click and order, there is more to it than building a website and having a shop-plugin. You see, many brick and mortar store owners make one common mistake. They see their website as only an online version of their real store. But online shopping doesn’t work like shopping offline. Consumers today don’t find stores online by accident or click through the pages for fun.

There are three steps to transform a struggling offline business into a thriving online business:

  1. Help people find you online.
  2. Adapt your product range to that of online shoppers’ behavior.
  3. Encourage the consumer to return to your online store.

If you follow those simple steps in order, you’ll have a very high chance of weathering the storm and thriving despite a global crisis. You might even come out stronger than before. Before we go there, let us give you advice on how to get the most out of this article: Read it with an empty cup.

As Dan Lok often says, two of the most dangerous statements in business are, I know that and, My business is different. It might feel like you already know some of the strategies we’ll discuss. Or, you think your business is different and you and your clients have a special relationship. Your way of doing business is different, right?

Are you ready for the unpleasant truth?

If these differences were enough, you wouldn’t be struggling right now. You only know it if you live it. Study the tips in this article carefully, and allow yourself to accept insights that are radically different from what you intended to do.

Woman online shopping on her laptop

From Brick and Mortar to E-Commerce Success: How to Get Consumers to Find Your Online Store

If you want people to find you online, you can do several things. One of the most essential things is experimental marketing. Why? Right now, there are countless online shops out there offering the same products as you. If you want to stand out, it’s crucial to become visible. You can use short-term and long-term strategies. Which one fits you best depends on your business.

If you want to use Facebook as an advertising platform, make sure to keep Facebook’s strict rules and regulations in mind. For products that are somewhat controversial, Facebook will often not allow you to advertise them. In this case, you can use either Google ads or create educational content.

As a next step, you can optimize this content for search engine visibility. Using this method to promote your business is called SEO marketing.

The Power of Niche Marketing Techniques

If you want to shift to online operations, you may need to become more of a niche business. The most effective marketing happens when you have a niche. Why? Because online shoppers already know what they’re looking for, specifically, do you understand? You see, if you are an offline brick and mortar store, people might like to walk through your shop. They can walk around the and discover different things they like.

Online, however, people look for a product with a purpose and an intention in mind. If you send them to your store with marketing, you also need them to have an intention. Imagine you were a customer yourself. Let’s say you saw an ad that says, Visit the ABC store now, we have all kinds of products.

Would you click it with a serious buying intention? Probably not. The ad isn’t specific enough, or niche enough. You were not looking for something specific, and the ad didn’t give you a clear picture of what is waiting for you.

But what if you were looking for a birthday gift? Imagine you see an ad that says: Trendy Gifts, the gift shop that has the greatest selection of birthday gifts available. How would you react now? This ad was targeting the niche of gift-giving, but the same is true for any kind of niche. In what niche could you specialize? Here are some examples of niche online stores that work:

  • Household products (brooms, cleaning supplies)
  • Athletic apparel
  • Electronics for gaming
  • Beauty products 

Those are just a few of many niche examples.

Why Niches Magically Attract More Customers

Why is having a niche essential? Consumers today want what they are looking for immediately. They neither have the attention span nor the patience to browse for too long. Having a broad range of products isn’t as much of an advantage anymore as it had been a few years ago. But where is the difference between the ads before? Didn’t it say we have the greatest selection of gifts available?

Yes, think about why it works: If you are looking for a specific thing, what good is a vast range of random products? If you are looking for a gift, it’s a hassle to browse through clothes, electronics, household items. But if you have a great selection available for a specific demand, it might be enticing again.

There is another advantage to a niche: You can tap into an existing demand. What’s the benefit? Did you ever have a product in your store that no one ever bought, even if you reduced the price? The reason was probably not the cost, but the fact that no one was looking for it.

If you only offer products a niche that people are interested in, chances are you can sell much more.

There is even more to niches – you can specialize even deeper. Let’s say you want to dive into the beauty niche. You can choose to specialize in organic skincare only. That’s a niche within a niche. You won’t offer all beauty products such as hair products, makeup, and skincare. Only organic skincare. Want to be even more specialized, and even more niche? You could only sell only skincare for the face.

Be careful not to specialize too much. Before choosing a niche, do proper research and make sure that you have a market with a demand waiting for you. Important: Just having a niche doesn’t create demand. Specializing in an existing need and pulling in that traffic is what niche marketing is all about.

Woman with piles of inventory behind her

How to Adapt Your Product Range for Online Success

If you take a look at successful e-commerce entrepreneurs, you will notice a trend. Most of them say, Start with a general store, find one winner and scale that one. This advice sounds simple, but it isn’t easy. That “winner” is a product that sells like the proverbial hotcakes. To find it, you need an intense research process. Also, you have pitfalls to avoid. Before we go into useful advice on how to adapt your product range let’s talk about those pitfalls. This advice might seem counter-intuitive. Especially if you had a brick and mortar store before, this is crucial for a future e-commerce success.

What are some pitfalls or warning signs that you might not be setting yourself up for online success?

E-Commerce Pitfall #1: You are Overly Attached to your Product

Most e-commerce beginners choose a product based on what they like. But you are not your customer. For e-commerce to work, the only thing that counts is data. Analyze the market, see what works and then invest in that product. You might see a product that doesn’t even make sense to you but sells 100 units a day. Then you see a product that looks like people will immediately buy – but they don’t. Be brave enough to drop a product that doesn’t return results as fast as possible. Yes, it might be disappointing to be wrong with your intuition, but this comes with experience. Just move on, fail fast, fail forward and win sooner.

E-Commerce Pitfall #2: You Don’t Research Enough

It’s not enough to have a deep understanding of the market need. What good is it if you can’t deliver what people order? That’s why it’s just as important to gather intel on your suppliers. Especially in e-commerce, where you can source products directly from manufacturers. Sourcing directly most likely costs you a fraction of what you are paying now. That’s why many e-commerce stores have a higher profit margin than a brick and mortar shop.

Yet, high margins don’t matter if you can’t sell anything. Here are some things you need to look out for:

  • Is the supplier reliable? Check testimonials, ratings, and comments. Give them a small order to test their product quality, and write them messages to test how responsive they are.
  • Is the supplier big enough? What is their stock size, how fast do they restock? How long have they been in business, how long have they been on the platform you use to buy from them?
  • How fast does the supplier ship? Consider this in the shipment times you give your customers. If you have a product that is in high demand and you get many sales, it pays to use a different approach. You can partner with a warehouse in the country you are targeting. Ship several of the high-demand units to it upfront. This way, when you get an order, you can ship the product quickly and improve customer experience. What is a highly in-demand product? A good rule of thumb is if you get 30 orders per product per day.
  • What quality do the supplier’s products have, and how do they deal with faulty units? (What’s the return policy, warranty conditions, repair times?)

E-Commerce Pitfall #3: You Don’t Know Your Metrics

How did you imagine going from offline to online? Some brick and mortar business owners think it just means putting their stock on a website. Those businesses will have an unpleasant awakening soon. E-commerce is a noisy marketplace, and similar online stores will fight you for customers, quite brutally.

Without proper online marketing, it’s highly unlikely to get online customers at all. Since everyone is marketing, you need to outmaneuver the competition. As Sun Tzu said: A battle is won before it is fought.

Sun Tzu also said, If you know yourself and your enemies, you don’t need to fear a hundred battles. If you know only yourself but nor enemies, for every victory, there will be a defeat. If you know neither yourself nor your enemy, you will lose every battle. This wisdom is true in e-commerce as well. If you know what your competition is doing, what they spend in marketing and their strategy, you can win

Important Metrics that can Make or Break your Business

One of the most important metrics for this is the CAC or customer acquisition cost. This metric tells you how much it costs you to acquire a customer. To lead customers from the first click to the sale can be quite expensive. Why? Because unlike offline, the online buying journey has more steps. These steps include:

Seeing an ad

Clicking it

Visiting the site

Looking at the product

Putting it in the cart

Going to checkout 


Even though you only pay for people seeing your ad and/or clicking it, without a sale, this investment is in vain. Their buying journey with you can end at any time, and then your ad was ineffective.

Let’s say you have a product that costs you $5 to source, including shipping, and you are selling it for $19.95. You now have a profit margin of $14.95.

This means you can spend theoretically spend $14.94 to acquire a customer and still make a profit, even if it’s small. Now take a look at the statistics of your campaign. Do your expenses shoot over your CAC? If yes, you are losing money, even if you sell a hundred products.

A Simple Way to Win the CAC War

This might be one of the most significant changes for brick and mortar store owners. Even selling thousands of products doesn’t mean you make any profit.

Make sure to have as high a maximum CAC as possible. Because if you can outspend your competition, you’ll win the war for customers.

For example, let’s say you have a maximum CAC of $100, and your competitor has a maximum CAC of $15

This means you can spend up to $85 more per customer in marketing. This way you will attract more traffic, and you can dominate your competition.

How do you get a higher CAC? Lower your cost for advertising. Now, we’re not saying to spend less on it. You see, some platforms reward you if you get a lot of engagement on your ads.

For example, on Facebook, if your ad gets shared, your cost to run it lowers. This is why the same ad can have a CAC of 15 or 100. Don’t try to do it yourself if you have no experience. It would be less expensive to hire an expert who knows what they are doing.

How to Adapt your Product Range the Right Way

Now that you know how to avoid some critical pitfalls let’s talk about how to find the right product. There are several strategies to do this. The first is to tap into an existing trend, the second is planning for the long run.

To use existing trends, watch social media ads closely. You might notice that certain product ads get thousands of likes in a few hours or days.

For example, if the ad runs for a few days and already has hundreds or thousands of likes, it went viral, which is good. To make sure, look for the product specifically and observe the reaction to other ads for it. If you see an overall high demand, it’s safer to invest in it.

There is never a guarantee that it will work, of course, but you can stack the deck in your favor. You can do this by being very cautious in testing. It might always be that a trend is only short-lived. Once you notice it, it might be declining already.

So don’t only look for one product at a time. The worst number in business is one.

Man giving his wife a present

How to Win Over the Online Consumer

Alright, you have chosen a niche, invested in marketing and are attracting clients. Now what? It’s very expensive to acquire new customers, but very cheap to upsell existing ones.

This means you want to figure out how to build strong relationships with your customers. What bonuses can you give them for staying loyal to you? How are you engaging them? If you make them feel validated and cherished, they will come back to you.

Think of your own buying behaviors online: Why are you coming back to individual sellers? Why do you never come back to others?

To engage customers to return, you can give them specific incentives such as:

  • A discount code for their next order
  • A discount or bonus if they refer a friend to your shop (perhaps their friend gets a discount as well)
  • Add an extra gift to their order for free, as a surprise
  • Ask them for their feedback on your store, and if you implement their feedback, let them know you followed their advice.
  • Include a personalized, handwritten thank you note in their order. This personal note will be appreciated when they open their package.

With strategies like the above, it’s easier to bring your brick and mortar store into the online world.

Image of a store's closed sign

What’s the Most Important Thing Brick and Mortar Store Owners Need Right Now?

With the information in this article, you may or may not have an idea what you can do to save your business and lifestyle as an  entrepreneur. But you likely have more questions:

Which suppliers can you trust? What trends will occur in a few months? Which online marketing strategy works best specifically for your business and your customers?

Of course, you can find this out, if you are willing to invest time and money in trial and error (which will teach you a lot, but take up a lot of your time and resources.) 

Perhaps you neither have time nor money to waste right now. That’s why Dan Lok put together a high-level advisory board. Its purpose is to help distinguished entrepreneurs to create generational wealth even in times of crisis.

Distinguished entrepreneurs are dragons. Dragons are visionaries, wise strategists, fearless leaders, and daring enterprisers. The dragons will either dominate an industry or shape an industry—they are the Kings or Queens of their industry. Dragons can rise above a global crisis, because they have what it takes to survive the crisis.

Do you see yourself as a future King in the online space? Then you’ll want to draw experience from people who already failed for you. You’ll want to avoid pitfalls so you can be more successful faster. Imagine how you can grow if you learn from people 10,20 or 100 times more successful than you are.

If being a dragon sounds like you, click here.

Please note: This a very exclusive group. Only 100 entrepreneurs are accepted, so act now before your seat is taken.

How To Attract Better Clients And Raise Your Prices (With Zero Resistance)

Dealing with difficult clients can be a nightmare. Knowing how to attract better clients will not only increase your business growth, but also your peace of mind.

Most people do not know how to attract better clients. They get stuck in the mindset of thinking their product isn’t good enough, or their price is already too high. As a result, they think that their current clients are the only ones they can do business with. In reality, their limiting beliefs are the only thing holding them back. And the truth is that knowing how to attract better clients has nothing to do with your product, price or the marketplace. It has to do with you.

Think about how you got to where you currently are. You might have a few clients you are working with, and charge them a certain amount. However, every time you try to get new clients and raise your prices, you are met with resistance. And this happens to almost everyone you talk to. Why is this the case? You never had difficulty pitching your price in the past. Why only now, are you suddenly meeting resistance when you are trying to go for something greater?

As you’ll soon discover, one of the biggest reasons why business owners and entrepreneurs don’t know how to attract better clients is because of themselves. If you are struggling to attract better clients and raise your prices without resistance, here are some of my best tips on how to overcome these issues.

If You Can’t Attract Better Clients, It’s Your Fault

If you’re struggling to attract better clients, you need to take a step back and analyze the situation. What is the reason you aren’t able to attract better clients? What’s the common factor that’s holding you back? If you analyze deeply enough, you may come to a shocking conclusion: The common factor is you.

In life, many people struggle to get what they want. This is evident with people who are trapped in the rat race and unsatisfied with their jobs. They go to work every single day from 9-5. They force themselves to wake up sleep deprived. They’re miserable, and would much rather do something else, like chasing their dreams or finally starting their own business. Yet despite their desire, nothing ever changes. They’re still stuck at their boring old jobs, settling for something they don’t want. Why?

The reason is because of themselves. They hold themselves back with their own limiting beliefs. For example, a 23 year old might want to quit their job and become an entrepreneur. Yet they can’t, because they’re afraid they won’t be able to pay the bills. They’re afraid their business venture will not succeed, and they’ll be left on the streets broke. These are fears that they themselves create, that are not reality. 

Until they decide to overcome their own limiting beliefs, they will never find success. The same is true for attracting better clients – unless you believe you can do so, unless you believe you are worthy, you will never get them.

Your Clients Can Sense Your Fear, Doubt And Uncertainty

This is true when it comes to business and in life. Humans can smell other people’s doubt, fears and uncertainty from a mile away. This is why knowing how to attract better clients has nothing to do with the actual product you are offering. Your clients are picking up on your own internal struggle and the limiting beliefs that are in your head. As a result, they don’t believe that you can get them the results they want, because you yourself do not believe that either. If you can’t convince yourself, how can you expect to convince your clients?

When interacting with other people, we give off unconscious behaviors that others judge us on. These are things such as our body language, tonality, the words we use and how we carry ourselves. If we speak in a confident manner, with a clear booming voice while standing up straight, others will perceive us as confident. But if we hunch over, and whisper when we are talking to our prospects, how do you think they will react when you say you charge X amount for your service?

Sell Me This Pen, And Do It Consistently

Here’s an example of how unconscious factors affect the clients you attract and the prices you can charge. Hold a pen in your hand, and repeat the following sentence out loud as though you were talking to a client:

“I charge $1 for this pen.”

Carefully note how you said that sentence. Your tonality, speed at which you said it and how loud your voice is. Now say this sentence out loud:

“I charge $10,000 for this pen.”

Did you notice a difference? Most likely when you said the second sentence, it differed from the first way you said it. You might have hesitated slightly, or your voice could have changed. This is because internally, you do not believe that a pen is worth $10,000. 

Now imagine that you are offering a product or service to your clients, and you tried to raise your price that you charge them. When you tell them your price, the exact same thing is going to happen. If you do not believe that your product or service is worth what you say it is, you are going to hesitate. That slight difference in how you say your price, is what your client is going to pick up on. And if they sense that you are conflicted with how much you charge for your service, they will know you are bluffing them.

The 4 Types of Limiting Beliefs That Are Holding You Back

In order to get the kind of clients at the prices you want, you need to overcome your limiting beliefs. As you saw with the pen exercise, unless you fully believe what you are saying, your voice is going to rise like a helium balloon.

how to attract better clients

The reason your communication pattern changes is because of one of these reasons:

  1. You are attached to the sale
  2. You don’t believe in your product
  3. You don’t believe your product is worth that price
  4. You are afraid of your prospect

If you want to overcome your limiting beliefs, you need to change your mindset and do the opposite. For example, if you believe the reason you can’t get what you want is because you are attached to the sale, you’ll need to practice having an ‘I don’t care attitude’.

Let’s go into each of these 4 beliefs, and how you can overcome them.

Limiting Belief #1: Attachment To The Sale

One of the most common reasons people don’t know how to attract better clients, is because they are attached to the sale. They are attached to the outcome of closing the prospect, and are afraid of not being able to make the prospect say yes. If you go into a business meeting with this mindset, you are setting yourself up for failure.

When you are attached to a sale, the way you communicate will come off as needy or desperate. If you’ve been in business long enough, you’ll know one thing: People don’t do business with needy and desperate people.

No one likes to do business with someone who is needy. It’s a trait that puts people off, and makes them uncomfortable. Instead, you should have the mindset that you are good no matter what happens.

One of the core principles I teach all my students as closers, is that it has nothing to do with you. Whether or not you make the sale, has NOTHING TO DO WITH YOU. If you successfully close the prospect on a $10,000 deal, it has nothing to do with you. If you fail to close the prospect and they say no to your offer, it has nothing to do with you. So many people beat themselves up over what they perceive are their mistakes, when in reality it has nothing to do with them. 

The truth is, whether or not your prospect buys is their decision. You can’t force them to say yes. The only thing you can do is influence them to see the value you bring to the table. If they say no, or you think the prospect is a bad fit, it’s completely fine to walk away.

Whether or not you make the sale, has NOTHING TO DO WITH YOU. 

Limiting Belief #2: You Have No Belief In Your Product

Another reason why entrepreneurs don’t know how to attract better clients is that they don’t believe in their product. They don’t believe their product or service can deliver the results they are promising. 

If you are not certain about your product, if you do not display confidence, you cannot influence someone. Your prospect has their own doubts and fears they are dealing with when interacting with you. And if you yourself also display doubts and fears about your product, it is only going to add onto the doubt they have in their minds. 

how to attract better clients

The only way you can influence the person you are talking, is if your confidence level is higher than theirs. Have you ever met a salesperson who seemed so certain about something, that you were influenced to buy what they were talking about? You might not have any idea what the product or service is about, but the way they spoke with such conviction convinced you that it would be a safe decision.

This is why people who are naive fall for scams or bad deals by smooth talking salespeople. They get entranced by the way the salesperson carries themselves, that they don’t stop to actually think about what they’re buying. If you want to learn how to attract better clients and raise your prices, you need to know how to do the same thing. You need to project confidence in the way you carry yourself, and infect your prospect with the same certainty. That is how you get them to say yes.

Certainty is influence. - Ed Mylett Click To Tweet


Limiting Belief #3: Believing Your Product Is Too Expensive

Similar to limiting belief #2, you believe your product is not worth what you are charging. In the pen example, you had no trouble saying that a pen was worth a dollar, because that is the standard market price for a pen. But when you tried saying it was worth $10,000, you suddenly had difficulty doing so. This is because of the price.

Unlike limiting belief #2, this has nothing to do with the product itself. The pen is still a pen in both examples, however the price reflecting that pen is different. The reason why people struggle in knowing how to attract better clients is because deep down they think their product is too expensive. They don’t believe their product is worth so much, or they lack evidence that supports that belief.

For example, suppose you were offering consulting services and you charged $5,000 an hour. If someone had said yes to you before in the past, and you were able to generate for them a 10x ROI because of your consulting, you would easily be able to state your price to your next client. This is because you have evidence from your previous client that what you do works.

However, if you’ve never had a client pay you $5,000 for your services, how could you possibly have the confidence that your advice would work out? You have no reason to believe you can charge so much for your services. Because you have no reason, you have no belief. 

To overcome this limiting belief, you need evidence. This could be from a case study, or a free trial you’ve done for clients in the past. The only way you’ll get confidence, is if you have the evidence to support it.

Confidence comes from competence. Click To Tweet

Limiting Belief #4: Fear of Your Prospect

The last limiting belief that prevents people from learning how to attract better clients, is fear of the prospect. You might be new to the business world and lack experience dealing with people. Or your prospect might be intimidating in some way – either physically or mentally.

If you are afraid of your prospect, that is already a problem. You need to ask yourself why you are afraid, and overcome that issue. Are you afraid they will hurt you? Do you fear they will discover you are a scammer? Or is it something else about your prospect, such as how they look or how they smell?

how to attract better clients

Being afraid of your prospect is actually a more common issue than most people know. Of everyone that you interact with, not everyone is going to like you. And the truth is, they don’t have to. Just like you aren’t going to like everyone you meet, they aren’t necessarily going to like you. But despite how you or your prospect personally feels about each other, you need to put those feelings aside. Your personal life and your business life should be kept separate. You have something they want, and they have something you want. It’s a fair trade and exchange, where both parties walk away as winners.

If you have a valuable product or service that you can offer your prospect, there is no need to fear them. The most common reason why people are afraid of the prospect, is because they have nothing of value to offer them. In that scenario, it is perfectly fine to walk away and not close the deal. After all, you two are not a good fit, which means there is no reason to do business. Move on, and find someone who is.

The 6 Step Process To Learning How To Get Your Dream Clients With Ease

Most people struggle to know how to attract better clients and raise their prices without objections. The biggest reason for their lack of success, are their limiting beliefs that hold them back. 

Unless these limiting beliefs are dealt with, you will not be able to find success. Your prospect will sense your unconscious behaviour, and become turned off or suspicious as to your true motives. 

Overcoming these limiting beliefs is the first step towards getting what you want in business and in life. Unless you’re able to confidently assert yourself, you won’t be able to get the prospect to say yes to your product or your price.

I know many entrepreneurs that struggle to attract the kind of clients they deserve. They’re stuck dealing with bad clients that are difficult to work with, and don’t pay them what they’re worth. The biggest problem is that they put up with these clients, when in reality they are worth so much more. That’s why I’ve put together a 6 step program to help any struggling entrepreneur or business owner overcome these objections to get the clients they deserve.

If you’re tired of being undercharged or dealing with bad clients, and want a step by step system that allows you to attract your dream clients with ease and charge them the prices you want, click here to get my 6 Steps To 6 Figures Formula Program now.

The Blueprint To Building A Sustainable 7 Figure Online Business

How can you build a sustainable 7 figure online business? How is it different from earning 4, 5 or 6 figures online? And how can you scale to success?

It’s very well possible to build a 7 figure online business. The online world offers lots of potential for making money – be it eCommerce stores, affiliate marketing or social media marketing. But if you want to build your online empire, you probably also want to do it fast and make it sustainable.

Dan Lok scaled his business from zero to 8 figures in one year, all by leveraging the power of online opportunities. How did he do that? His success is a mix of many factors such as online presence, using the right strategies to scale, and knowing how to close any kind of deal.

The power of the online world is immense if you know how to leverage it. If you don’t know how to use it yet, that’s no problem. You’ve come to the right place to learn. In this article, we will provide you the blueprint to building a sustainable 7 figure online business.


The Start of Your 7 Figure Online Business?

Your 7 figure online business starts with your mindset. When you want to make a million dollars your mind has to be ready for it. Most people aren’t raised rich, so having that much money is overwhelming to them.

Maybe you have seen people like this before? They have all these ideas about how to make it big but, in the end, they never follow through. They never get started. In fact, they only dream about success instead of pursuing it. Those people don’t have a millionaire mindset.

Instead, they are waiting until they are ready. The issue with that is, you will never feel 100% ready. So they never start. They are full of excuses. Don’t wait until everything is perfect. Start now and build the plane as you are flying it.

When you want to be wealthy, having an online business is one of the easiest ways to get there. But still, you have to be ready for pain and discomfort. Being successful means saying no to many things. It also means making sacrifices. Are you ready for that?

To build your 7 figure online business you want to be aware of all this. At the same time, make sure you’re doing something you enjoy. Don’t do what everybody else is doing because it’s trending on social media. Find something that resonates with you.


How Can It Be Sustainable?

An online business – or any business really – is sustainable if you can make a decent income without you working more. Or, in other words, you earn more money per hour without working more. How’s that possible? An online business has an advantage in this because many processes can be automated.

You put your product online and automate the selling process. You don’t need to be there and for some offers, you don’t need any sales staff at all. It’s basically selling itself after you’ve set everything up.

Sustainable business is also not dependent on your time. When you work in a 9-5 job, for example, you get paid for your time. When you run an online business, however, and want to scale to 7 figures, you need to make much more money in one hour as you did before. So, the sales cycle you will be building has to be repeatable many many times. So sustainable actually means scalable and repeatable.

Build Your Personal Media Platform

To build a 7 figure online business you’ll definitely need a strong online presence. The more social media platforms you are on the better. There’s nothing like “too much” presence online. People need to know who you are and what your message is. Only then can they build trust in you – And they will only buy from you if they trust you.

Every social media platform has a different audience. So, if you are active on many of them, you have the power to address several audiences. Dan Lok has big accounts on every major social media app and they are definitely a reason for his huge success. As of now, his youtube has 2.5 million subscribers. So, everything he does is seen by millions of viewers each day.

If you pick one platform to start, then it should definitely be youtube. Why? Because youtube has the second most powerful search engine on the whole web. So, it’s your best place to start. But to scale up and get to 7 figures, you want to be omnipresent – you want to be active on every big platform.

To build your 7 figure empire, be present everywhere and outperform your competition. Through the content you put out, people connect with you and become your fans. This is vital because people buy people. There needs to be a human element in everything you do.

Once they know you and understand your “why” and your message, selling to them is much easier. A brand that has a face is always more successful than a brand that has just a logo. Why? Because people don’t connect with logos. There is no emotional connection.

So, when you do your personal media platform right, it makes your clients chase you – instead of you chasing them.


What’s Your Message?

The next aspect that will make your 7 figure online business successful is your message and your personal brand. The most important point is, you have to stand for something. Most people make the mistake of trying to market to everyone. That doesn’t work because you become too generic. Generic doesn’t stand out.

To have a clear message you have to identify your target audience. And I repeat – your target audience isn’t everyone. Find out whom you want to serve. Men? Women? Students? Fitness junkies? After you’ve identified your audience you can model your message and brand accordingly. The right brand message is often polarizing. The right people will love you for it and the wrong people will be completely turned off – and you want it that way.

Your personal brand is extremely important for your online presence. It helps you to build a tribe of loyal fans who love you and want to buy from you. Having this kind of relationship with your fans is a form of social capital. According to Dan Lok himself, social capital is often more valuable than financial capital. If you know how to use your social capital wisely, you can turn it into financial capital anytime you need it – it’s almost like a byproduct.

Your personal brand is strongest if you base it on your talents and values. That’s when you are most authentic. When you boil it down, your personal brand is you. Of course, there are some things you won’t share online, but everything you share becomes part of your personal brand.

When you boil it down, your personal brand is you. Click To Tweet

Products For 7 Figure Online Business

The next thing you’ll need for your 7 figure online business is a product to sell. It can be anything from a product you developed, to online training, or already existing products that you sell via an affiliate link. All these options are valid.

When you come up with a completely new product and your own idea you want to keep some things in mind, however. Before you start investing time and money into its creation check the market. Is there any demand for your product?

Is this something people really care about? In other words: is there a starving crowd hungry for your product? The thing is, you can’t create new demand in the market. You have to find out which demands and desires are already there. Then you offer a product following that.

If inventing your own product isn’t for you, then you want to look into affiliate marketing. It allows you to leverage products that already exist and to earn a commission from selling those.

But the best product to sell is online training or courses. This works especially well if you have a certain expertise in any field. Maybe you are a fitness expert, a growth hacker or an eCommerce owner… All you need to do is record online seminars, turn them into a program, and sell them.


How To Create Your Own Course

Creating your own online course is the easiest way to start your online business. Keep in mind, it has to be valuable, however. The people taking the course need to be able to create actual results. You will then take those results and use them for further marketing. Their success helps to build your brand further.

Now, how do you create such a course? First, it has to be a topic you know a lot about. Preferably something where you are already successful. Then you get into the thinking. How did you get successful? How can you reverse engineer your success for others? Spend some time on this. This is one of the cornerstones of your business.

A course that doesn’t work kills your reputation. Don’t create it just to make quick money. It should be something you actually care about,  a message you want to share with this world. If it’s important to you, you will automatically create a better experience for your students too.

The best courses are split into several training sessions. It could be 4 weeks long or maybe 7 or 8 weeks. Give the students assignments so they can track and further their growth. You also don’t want to leave them alone with a bunch of videos. Create a support system around your course. Maybe there is a Facebook group or other kind of community? Create something that allows them to stay connected.


Scale Your 7 Figure Online Business With Premium Offers

The next step to your sustainable 7 figure online business is your offer. Huh? Don’t you have your product already? That’s true but your offer isn’t your product. An offer is your product plus value. It’s so vital that your prospects see the value in your offer. Maybe you include bonuses or other benefits?

Either way, to get to 7 figures you want to have premium offers. Those are offers that cost a bit more and are marketed towards affluent people. If you rely on low ticket offers alone, it will be so much more difficult to reach 7 figures.

How To Drive Traffic

Now, a product, an offer, and a social media presence are nice, but won’t help you much if nobody notices you. That’s why traffic is a key element of building a 7 figure online business. You need to drive traffic to your social media channels and your product.

The best source to drive traffic to your personal media platform is through Facebook ads or Google ads. However, SEO for Google is a bit harder to understand and running Facebook ads also got more difficult. That’s why many influencers start out on YouTube where the search engine is way easier to understand.

Anyway, from the source of your choice, the users enter your funnel. What’s a funnel? Imagine it like this. You might publish a YouTube video. At the end of the video, you leave a link to your product. From the product page, you send visitors to the next page where you offer them upsells. They check-out and are now in your system. In the future, you can send them through new funnels – by sending them an email, for example

So, the funnel is the path the users go through until they buy from you. It’s also what you use to get them to buy again. It’s a repeatable pipeline. You set it up once and now it’s generating income for you by itself.


Traffic Superstar: Webinars

One of the best ways to sell your online course or training is through a webinar. Webinars are so successful because they do the selling for you. They provide your lead with all the information they need because, usually, you give them some free content.

If a prospect likes the webinar content they will likely buy your course. So, the webinar automates your sales process. Automation is the only way to build a 7 figure online business. You can’t scale your business that far if you do every sales conversation one on one.

A well-built funnel with a valuable webinar will do the selling for you. You set it up once and it generates money while you sleep, travel, or do whatever you enjoy. It ensures that you have time for bigger business questions and strategic planning instead of having to worry about the daily business operations.

So, with your funnel, you drive traffic to your webinar. However, after the webinar, the funnel doesn’t stop. You want to make sure your funnel is well developed and tells the prospect what to do next. Do they go to the next page? Should they wait for an email from you? Whatever it is, set the expectations right from the beginning.

Webinar Success Through Platform Closing

Before the webinar can do the selling for you, you have to create it. There is one crucial thing you want to pay attention to. In a webinar, you are basically holding a sales pitch (a very valuable one). Usually, you start with the content that you promised. At the end of the webinar, you pitch your paid program.

For this to be successful, you’ll need a skill called platform closing. It’s a special form of closing sales because you aren’t in a face to face conversation with the prospect. They are watching a recording of your selling. That means you can’t ask them any questions and you have to guess how ready they are to buy.

Platform closing is used when you sell something on stage – hence the name. A webinar is similar to a stage, as the communication is from one person (you) to many (any prospect that watches the webinar).

For platform closing to succeed you need to build up a universal pain that all your potential prospects share. You also have to handle common objections and answer pressing questions. Building that perfect webinar might take a while.


7 Figure Online Business Made Easy

Maybe you are thinking now “this all sounds like a lot of work”. It’s true, to follow this blueprint you need some endurance. And you also need to be willing to deep dive into the different aspects of your business. You need to become an expert on how to create online courses. Learn how to build a funnel. Think exactly about your target market and your branding message.

Or, you could hire people who do it all for you. But, there is one more thing you could do. If you are a serious influencer or entrepreneur and already earn $300,000 in revenue – then you might qualify for Dan Lok’s High Ticket Influencer program.

This program is for you if you want to scale your business to 7 figures beyond using social media, generate predictable ROI every month, and want your business to run even when you’re not there.

High Ticker Influencer encompasses everything from marketing, sales, branding, finances, production, and everything else you’ll need to scale your empire. Explore the 12 weeks intensive HTI here. 

The Ultimate Social Media Guide For Influencers To Build A Global Empire

There’s no denying the power social media has when it comes to building your brand and growing your business. Strategizing a complete social media guide is therefore essential to the success of your brand and business.

Building a real following on social media is key to growing your business, and everybody knows it.

Every single day, millions of people, who happen to be your exact target customer, are scrolling through social media. What will catch their eye? How can your social media content grab their attention?

You might also be wondering, Which social media platforms are the best ones to focus my social media marketing efforts on? This is one of the many questions that makes influencers and business owners feel overwhelmed about developing a strategic and comprehensive social media guide.

That’s why I want you to think of this article as the influencer’s complete social media guide for building a global empire.

But why should you listen to my advice when it comes to social media? Well, I have built a personal brand from scratch and I’ve become a social media influencer with millions of followers. I have over 1.5 million followers on Instagram, and over 1.7 million followers on Facebook. I also have over 2.4 million subscribers on my YouTube channel. That’s why so many people want to learn my social media secrets.

Someone looking at Dan Lok's Instagram account

My massive social media following is a big part of the reason why I’m so successful. You see, you could sell the best product or the most valuable service, but it means nothing if nobody knows your product or service exists. 

Social media is the best way to make sure your brand and product are both highly visible and well-known among active consumers. Customers can’t consider purchasing your product or service without first knowing that it exists. Social media is one of the best ways to spread the word.

In this day and age, formulating a social media guide isn’t just about being “tech-savvy”. It’s about understanding your target audience and knowing which social media platforms will work best to engage them. You also need to know how to best maximize the potential of each of those social media platforms.

Social media marketing is also about consistency, brand image, and let’s not forget about conversion rates. One million Instagram followers, for example, doesn’t mean much if your followers are not converting into actual customers. However, if you post content that converts your social media followers into customers, you’re heading towards next-level success.

Why Should You Be Using as Many Social Media Platforms as Possible?

Some influencers focus too heavily on only one or two social media platforms. But why shouldn’t you engage as many as possible? It’s kind of like the basic principle of diversifying your assets. You never want all of your eggs in one basket when it comes to investments, so why wouldn’t the same principle apply to marketing?

Part of the reason why many social media influencers focus solely on one or two social media platforms is because they don’t really understand how to use or maximize the other ones. Nobody ever provided them with a comprehensive social media guide. Perhaps they know how to use Instagram and Facebook, but they don’t know how to use YouTube or LinkedIn. 

Knowledge is power, and that’s why I’m offering this comprehensive social media guide to help you understand how to use other very powerful social media platforms that you are not currently maximizing or using. By not using them, you’re leaving money on the table, and I want to help you stop doing that.

In this social media guide, I’ll explain exactly what social media can do for your business and brand. With a well-established plan and commitment to long-term consistency, you’ll be building your own global empire in no time.

Social media guide on an iPhone showing different social apps

Creating a Personalized Social Media Guide

Before we get into specific social media strategies for different social media platforms, consider your brand’s specific goals. The best brands are authentic ones. Therefore, crafting a personalized social media guide that aligns with your brand is essential.

Recently, I revealed some of my insider secrets on creating a personal brand based on your own unique superpower. Your superpower is your special skill, gift, or area of expertise. Your brand story often involves the story of how you became an expert in your specific niche.

It goes without saying that your personalized social media guide will be based on your personal brand and your signature style. An influencer who’s personal brand revolves around outdoor adventure and sells survival kits, for example, would probably have a certain theme in mind for all their social media platforms. They’d post plenty of exciting videos and photos of beautiful scenery. They’d evoke excitement in their target audience with videos of stunning hikes, waterfalls, and cliffs.

Understand that while this article’s general social media guide is helpful, it still needs tweaking based on your personal brand in order to be effective. For example, Apple’s Instagram feed should look completely different from your own, because their brand is completely different from yours.

And, how you engage the consumer on Instagram will be completely different from how you engage them on YouTube. An effective social media guide requires research on the various social media platforms, and how they work.

Friends looking at a social media post together

Branding Strategies

While exposure is good, great press is even better. Crafting an effective brand strategy is vital to your success, but what exactly is a branding strategy?

The way I like to think about it is finding your target audience, and researching everything there is to know about them.

Unless your product is sliced bread, it’s unlikely that your business will appeal to everyone. Instead of trying to please the entire marketplace, narrow your focus to your target demographic. Choose your niche, and choose it wisely.

Target your marketing efforts on social media, with the eventual goal to find loyal brand advocates. Brand advocates are defined as anyone who would vouch for your business without being paid to do so. They recommend your brand simply because they love your brand. Finding brand advocates on social media is even better, since they are likely to have an audience of their own to promote your brand to. 

Think of it this way: As a musician, would you rather have five ultra-dedicated fans, or twenty fans who are only somewhat invested in your brand? You’re likely to be better off with five dedicated fans since they’ll promote your music on their own, play your songs for their friends, and drag their friends to all of your concerts.

Brand advocates also help build your brand’s credibility, and improve your brand’s reputation. Positive marketing about your brand is better when coming from a secondary source other than your own self-promotion. I’m much more likely to trust a recommendation from my close friend, than the brand that is recommending itself. Makes sense, right? 

One of the best ways to get brand advocates is to connect with your audience on a deeper, emotional level. This requires that you have a very strong and relatable brand image, and great personal branding.

First, Hone in On Your Personal Brand 

If you haven’t done so already, the first thing you need to do is get crystal-clear on what your personal brand is all about, what your signature style is, and what you want to be known for. 

You need to take the time to consider what your brand voice sounds like, how your brand comes across, and what your central themes are. Figure out how you stand out in the marketplace, and which pain points you solve for your audience. In turn, crafting a personalized social media guide will give you a clear image of your brand and where it fits in the marketplace.

It’s also crucial to gain clarity on who your target demographic is. Why? Because certain demographics use certain social media platforms more than others.

This will certainly require effort, but remember, in order to get somewhere you’ve never been, you have to do something you’ve never done. 

Investing in social media in itself is useful since it forces you to establish your brand in entirely new ways. Once you start maximizing the potential of all the social media platforms that are available to promote your brand, the results might surprise you.

Perhaps the conversion rates from one social media platform will be much higher than you expected, and it could simply be that your target audience uses that platform more. TikTok, for example, is a video-sharing app that has a lot of Gen Z users. Gen Z users are under the age of 25. Perhaps that generation is your target consumer, and that’s why your social media marketing efforts on TikTok paid off. 

In general, when it comes to a social media guide, I typically advise that people get crystal-clear about their personal brand and what it stands for, first. Now, let’s go over some of the most popular social media platforms that carry the highest potential for return:

Facebook Marketing

Facebook is still considered to be royalty in the social media world, with 2.3 billion active users. Since it’s one of the most popular social media platforms, it’s a no-brainer that you include Facebook marketing in your social media marketing strategy. Best of all, you can share photos, sales copy, videos, and blog posts on this platform. In that sense, think of Facebook as the swiss-army knife of social media. 

According to a 2019 study conducted by Pew Research Center, 3/4ths of adult Facebook users visit the site on a daily basis.

One of the many benefits of marketing on Facebook is that you can post a wide variety of content so your consumer won’t feel unengaged. So, how do you create different types of content that still feel aligned with your brand?

The key is to alternate. If you’re marketing your brand on Facebook, don’t post two videos in a row. Maybe one day you’ll share a video, but the next day you’ll post an insightful blog post.

On Facebook, I’d also suggest sticking to a specific posting schedule in order to stay consistent. My loyal followers always have a new piece of content to look forward to, and they generally know when to expect a new post.

Friends taking a selfie for Instagram

Instagram Marketing

While you should do your best to market yourself on as many social media platforms as possible, Instagram is a great place to begin. Why? Because Instagram has over 1 billion monthly active users, making it the perfect platform to start building your global brand.

According to Oberlo, Instagram users spend at least one hour daily on the platform, making it the second-most engaged social site underneath Facebook. Instagram uniquely utilizes solely videos and photos, which are likely to receive higher engagement than text alone.

Clearly, mastering Instagram marketing is vital to the success of your business. Instagram is also one of the easiest platforms to partner with influencers and brand ambassadors.

Building your following on Instagram is also in your best interest because marketing on the platform gets even easier once you have at least 10,000 followers. You’re able to share embedded links driving traffic to your website directly from your Instagram stories once you have 10,000 followers or more. 

A picture is worth one thousand words, so make sure your Instagram images stand out from the crowd. For example, the popular American grocery store Trader Joe’s clearly spends a lot of time strategizing their Instagram content. Each photo Trader Joe’s posts is beautifully shot, and valuable, giving the consumer valuable information while still advertising their brand. 

Growing your Instagram following will require dedication and patience. Remember that growing an impressive social media following takes time. That’s why you can’t get discouraged if the growth isn’t happening fast enough for your liking. Is your goal to be an influencer with over 100,000 followers? Be strategic and consistent, in order to achieve these loftier goals in due time. 

YouTube video being filmed

Video Marketing

A whopping 87% of video marketers say that their brand videos have increased direct to traffic to their brand’s website. You may be wondering, What is it that makes videos so powerful?

Well, for one thing, videos have the ability to engage multiple senses at once. The consumer is able to both see and hear your brand’s message, making it that much more engaging. And, evoking that much more emotion. 

Think of it this way: Is your phone harder to ignore when it both rings and vibrates when a call comes through, compared to when it rings with the vibration turned off? With more stimuli comes more capacity for grabbing your prospect’s attention.

I’ve learned from experience that creating videos across various social media platforms, maintaining a consistent brand voice, is an extremely effective branding strategy. Moreover, many social media platforms offer more ways than ever before to embed videos in posts. Instagram developed the ‘Instagram Story’ which allows influencers to market themselves to their Instagram following in video format, and other platforms like Facebook allow videos to be posted as well.

Some social media platforms are entirely about video content, such as YouTube and TikTok. 

Video-focused platforms such as YouTube will be covered more in-depth below, but the first step is to understand the power of video marketing. When developing a social media guide to follow, make sure that video-focused platforms such as YouTube are part of your plan.

If your competitors utilize video marketing and you don’t, that’s where you could lose a lot of followers and customers. 

YouTube Marketing

YouTube has a shockingly massive, dedicated user base. As of last year, this social platform reported having over 2 billion monthly active users. This is the number of people that are actively using YouTube on a regular basis, and actively watching YouTube videos in their spare time. 

2 billion monthly active users is huge. Clearly, it’s imperative to produce video content on YouTube if you want to grow your business, build your brand, and build a global empire. 

A wide variety of audiences, demographics and communities use YouTube. That’s why YouTube is the perfect place to target your audience. And, since videos are so engaging, your video content is likely to produce higher rates of return when crafted the right way.

In other words, if your YouTube content is good enough, it can generate loads of qualified leads, sales, and brand advocates. Your YouTube channel can also become a source of passive income on its own through YouTube’s partnership program.

Why else is using YouTube important for building your social media empire? Since YouTube is owned by Google, that means your YouTube videos will automatically have a high chance of getting ranked on Google.

All you have to do is come up with a plan to make sure your videos stand out, have value, and engage viewers.

You could hire a copywriter to create engaging video scripts, rather than winging it when you create your videos. Or, get some training from a YouTube master on how to succeed at video marketing.

Whatever you do, make sure that your video content remains true to your brand. Keep your brand image and brand voice consistent across all of your social media platforms. 

Comparing monthly active users of various social media platforms

What About TikTok?

TikTok is one of the newer social media platforms that features a never-ending feed of 15-second videos. Impressively, the app already has 800 million active users. However, how are you going to use just 15 seconds of video content to your advantage?

As it turns out, 15 seconds can be just enough for certain brands and influencers to promote themselves. Stars like Loren Gray and Spencer X have emerged from the TikTok app with fully-fledged businesses, just by showing off their unique personalities and talents via these short video clips.

You could use TikTok videos to incorporate your product or service into a funny skit, or to connect with your consumers. These short videos help you connect with your audience on a more personal, lighter, more humorous level. Moreover, there are a number of TikTok influencers you could collaborate with to improve your own exposure.

Though TikTok is a young platform, it’s important to get involved before the market becomes too saturated. In other words, since TikTok is newer, that means many of your competitors aren’t yet using TikTok. If you start using it now, that’s just another way that your brand can get ahead.

Social Media Copywriting

Though we are in the age of photos and videos, do not underestimate the power of copywriting. Learning the art of crafting persuasive sentences can make your business appear more elevated and professional. Advanced copy also helps you position yourself as an expert and helps you communicate your message to your target audience.

But what if you simply don’t have time or the interest to learn copywriting? Consider hiring a professional copywriter to help you write your social media copyl. Not only can copywriters save you time, but they can also optimize your content making it more search-engine friendly. Social media copywriters and SEO copywriters can help you maximize your social media marketing campaigns.

Copywriters can write video scripts for YouTube, copy for Instagram captions, persuasive Facebook ad copy for better Facebook advertising results, LinkedIn posts, and more. 

Improving the quality of your content and copy on social media is one of the best strategies to include in your social media guide.

If other brands, influencers, and businesses are posting social media content that has not been well thought-out, and they don’t have copywriting skills, what does that mean for you? It means that if you develop copywriting skills or hire a professional social media copywriter, you’ll have a competitive advantage in the form of extra-persuasive copy on your social media platforms. 

Remember, anything you can use to set yourself apart from other businesses is to your advantage. 

Someone updating LinkedIn profile

LinkedIn Marketing

As said by Bill Gates, “Power comes not from knowledge kept, but from knowledge shared.” Apply this helpful piece of advice to your marketing strategy. By teaching your followers valuable information or sharing knowledge, you can drive traffic to your brand and build credibility. 

One of the best social media platforms to do this on is LinkedIn. The platform features many blog-style articles usually regarding business or branding advice. If you can teach other like-minded professionals in your industry something they’ll find valuable, they’re more likely to purchase or recommend your product.

Moreover, LinkedIn is also a great way to network with those in similar industries who may be a bit further along than you are. Use this to your advantage by using LinkedIn to find mentors, or people to collaborate with. Offer to take someone you admire out for lunch, to hear about their journey. 

A presence on LinkedIn is also a great way to get clients, since LinkedIn is full of professionals with money.

Man persuading woman in sales meeting

The Art of Persuasion 

You should aim to build your social media following even when you’re offline. Your goal should be to wake up every morning to new followers – but how can you persuade people to follow you on social media? One popular technique is to incentivize loyal consumers to follow you online in exchange for a discounted good or service.

For example, perhaps your local coffee shop offers a free baked good to any patron who shares a photo of their coffee on their Instagram account, and tags the coffee shop.

Tagged posts are a great way to drive traffic to your business and build brand credibility.

Take some time to consider what powerful words or phrases you can use when persuading others to follow you on social media. Shift your perspective to that of a consumer. What words or phrases would lead you to buy a product after viewing it on your social media feed?

Friends looking at Facebook post

Social Proof and Influencers

What is social proof and why is it important? The term ‘social proof’ refers to the expectation that people tend to follow accounts that already have a large following, lots of positive reviews from the public, or follow accounts that have been endorsed by a celebrity or public figure. 

You may be wondering how the concept of social proof relates to your branding strategy. Well, for starters, 97% of consumers report that online reviews affect their buying decisions. Therefore, building a sustainable brand requires testimonials from people not affiliated with your business. Simple enough, right?

One of the best ways to utilize the power of social proof, is to invest in brand endorsements from popular influencers. These social media influencers typically have a large, highly loyal following who listen to everything they say, do, and recommend. 

Is it worth the money you might have to spend to get one of these public figures to promote you on their social media? Yes. Do your research, first, though. Ensure that their following is loyal, legitimate, and engaged. You should also ensure that their following is composed of the type of people you want to target.

You can always start by partnering with less expensive, micro-influencers, and work your way up to big-time social media influencers for brand endorsements.

Which Social Media Platforms are the Best for Building Your Empire?

You may be wondering which of the platforms are the best for your social media brand strategy. In short, all of them. However, you’ll want to make sure that you target a select few first to maximize your engagement. 

In fact, I’ve learned that there’s essentially a holy trinity of social media platforms based on their engagement and content output. For these reasons, I recommend Instagram, YouTube, Facebook and LinkedIn as your focuses on social media branding. 

For one thing, Instagram and YouTube have the most active monthly users which make driving up your engagement easier. They also allow notably longer videos than other sites like TikTok. While TikTok is still great for connecting with a certain audience, longer videos mean more time to explain your brand. Makes sense, right? 

LinkedIn is set apart from most other social media sites in that it’s a huge community of professionals. Dedicating yourself to branding on LinkedIn will improve your copywriting skills making you a better business person overall. 

These three media outlets also have another vital factor in common: They all work well to utilize social proof. All outlets have comment sections and ways to network with similar businesses and influencers in your community. The more credibility you build, the better. 

Social Media Marketing Education

While you create your social media branding strategy, don’t stop learning. You may feel like seeking out information could distract from your marketing technique. However, don’t make this mistake.

Instead, use new information to your advantage. I’ve learned to adjust my strategy as I take in newfound social media marketing insights with great success. While it is tough to learn and act simultaneously, you’ll be a better business person for it. 

The only reason successful businesses thrive is their underlying commitment to adaptation. As any branding expert, my success has largely fluctuated over the years. I keep at it, although because I trust my ability to adapt to a new normal. Evolution is only possible when you’re open to change. 

So, is it worth the money to invest in some social media marketing training, coaching, or educational course on social media? If you want to be an influencer, then yes, it’s definitely a good idea. This is you investing in yourself, which is smart if you want to achieve your goals faster.

Learning to harness the power of social media takes time. Rome wasn’t built in a day, so neither will your global empire. Continue to educate yourself, follow through consistently with your branding strategy, and watch as your business begins to grow. 

Are you ready to maximize your social media platforms for ultimate growth? If you’re ready to build the kind of social media following that grows your business and takes it to the next level, enroll in my High-Ticket Influencer Program here.

Man excited about new social media followers

Have You Ever Wondered What The Most Popular Social Media Influencers Do That Works?

Many people ask me,

Dan, how did you do it? How did you get over 1.5 million followers on Instagram, and over 1.7 million followers on Facebook? How did you get over 2.4 million YouTube subscribers?

When I’m constantly asked these questions, I realize that people don’t just want a social media guide from me. They want my social media secrets.

So now, for a limited time, you can access my most closely-guarded social media secrets by ordering your personal copy of my Social Media Secrets Vault. Here, you will gain access to my Instagram secrets, my YouTube secrets, my copywriting secrets, and even some closely-guarded persuasion secrets.

These social media secrets are what you need to build a global empire, and build the kind of social media following that will take your business to the next level.

Friend telling a secret
In my Social Media Secrets Vault, you’ll learn how to get your first 10,000 followers fast, along with an Instagram checklist, a coveted YouTube cheat sheet on how to create superior videos, and many other social media secrets. I tend to guard these secrets with my life, so consider this a limited-time offer. Order my Social Media Secrets Vault here.

How To Get Consulting Clients Fast At The Beginning Of Your Career

If you ask any new consultant what their biggest fear is, they’ll probably all say the same thing: I have no idea how to get consulting clients fast. At the beginning of your career, it can feel impossible to get anyone to choose your business over someone else who’s more well established.    

If you’re like most entrepreneurs, your goal is to scale your business as fast as possible. But if you want to earn high paying clients, you must be willing to do things out of the ordinary. The issue is, many new entrepreneurs are not selective with the clients they take. They think that anyone with money is a potential lead for their business.

Here’s the truth, if everyone is your customer, then no one is your customer. Click To Tweet

 So what do you need to do to get consulting clients fast?

Is Networking Really the Answer? 

Most publications on the internet begin to answer this question by telling you to build your network, get involved in local business communities, and talk to everyone you know. But is this really the smartest way to do this? 

Imagine you spend hundreds of hours talking to prospect after prospect just to close your first client. Not only did you waste your time and energy, but your client may not even want to pay you. You might even have to offer some advice or services for free, just so you can earn your first testimonial. 

According to Forbes, 58% of freelancers have experienced not getting paid for their work. So you might be thinking to yourself, what’s the harm for working for free for the first couple of clients? After all, you’re trying to build your portfolio. Setting the bar low early on can be a vicious cycle. Do you think you’re worth nothing to the market? And what about your rent, phone bills and electricity? They aren’t going to pay themselves. 

Don’t get me wrong, this strategy works perfectly if you’re trying to grow your business slowly. But that’s not why you’re here. You want to learn how to get consulting clients fastIs there a way to fast forward your results? 

Back when I was just entering the market as a freelance copywriter, I was trying to get any client I could. I was all over the place. I would do work for anyone who hired me. However, over time I learned that this strategy did not work. In fact, it was quite demoralizing. I found myself swamped in work, and only being paid a fraction of what I was worth. That is until I started applying the Kingpin strategy to my business. Are you ready to learn how to get consulting clients fast? Let’s get started.

How to Get Consulting Clients Fast – The Kingpin Strategy 

Let me ask you a personal question. Who is the one business, or person that if you got, it would change the rest of your career? You see, that’s the key of how to get consulting clients fast. In my first few years struggling as a freelance copywriter, I came across this book called Guerrilla Marketing by Jay Conrad Levinson. It’s a very famous book series on small business and marketing. 

Jay Levinson is a well-known author who has sold over 20 million books worldwide. At the time, he was one of the most well-known educators in the marketing space. So what do you think I did? I approached Jay. 

On his website, Jay was marketing a Guerilla Marketing Association membership. When I visited his website for the first time, I noticed that it could use some work. So I took the initiative upon myself to rewrite the entire page and sent it to the Guerilla Marketing Association. 

To my surprise, Jay personally responded to my email. He thanked me for my hard work. So what exactly did I do? I delivered value up front without asking for anything in return. Jay ended up using the material I sent him to generate more sales by running a much more successful marketing campaign. Instead of asking Jay for money, I asked him if he could give me some kind of recommendation and endorsement? He was more than happy to do so. 

Why Recommendations Work?

That was my first kingpin client. By getting Jay Conrad Levinson, a well-known marketing guru who has sold over 20 million books in his career, I could approach potential clients and leverage the endorsement Jay gave to me. This reference impressed client after client. 

This is how you get consulting clients fast. You see, at the beginning of your career, you’re working on establishing credibility and a reputation in the market. Chasing client after client just won’t cut it. More often than not, they will question your ability to write good copy. 

According to Help Scout, it is anywhere from 5 to 25 times more expensive to acquire a new client than it is to keep a current one. That’s why I followed a different route. I invested my time into one person or company that I knew if I could get would change everything. From there, I leveraged their name and brand for the test of my career. Before I knew it, I went from a nobody, to a somebody. 

If you were reading carefully, you might have picked up on a few strategies that I used to earn my first kingpin client. Can you name them? Here are three strategies you can use to earn your first kingpin client, and kickstart your freelancing career. 

Deliver Value First: The Winning Formula to Get Consulting Clients Fast 

If there’s one thing I want you to take away from all of this, it’s the importance of delivering value first. This has to be the sole reason as to why Jay responded back to me in the first place.

Let me ask you this. Let’s say instead of rewriting Jay’s webpage, I emailed him saying, “it looks like your webpage can use some work, let me rewrite it for you”. Do you think Jay would have even read the email, let alone reply?

This is why delivering value first is so crucial. Remember, Jay never asked me to email him, nor was he looking to make his webpage better. That’s why I needed my value proposition to be remarkable, and give Jay a reason to talk about it. 

Aaron Scildkroud, CEO of How About We said that, “Everything we do is oriented towards making good on our value propositions. To the extent that we achieve this, we believe our target market will love our product or service and our business will work”. Do you see what I mean? This is how to get consulting clients fast. Here are three reasons why delivering value first can give you an advantage in the market.

  1. Grabs the attention of your client.
  2. Gives your client a reason to pick you over your competitors.
  3. Allows you to show off the quality of your work.

Why does this work?

By delivering value first, I grabbed the attention of Jay’s team. Why? The answer is simple. I provided my expertise without asking for anything in return. I pointed out an area of their business that could be improved and improved it for them at no cost. This simple action gave Jay’s team a reason to talk about me. 

Let’s say you are in a crowd filled with 500 people who are all trying to get the attention of one client. Do you think yelling “pick me, pick me” is going to work? Of course not. 

When you are establishing your credibility early on, you don’t have a massive portfolio or hundreds of customer testimonials to back you up. But what if you somehow got a mega horn, and was able to overpower everyone else around you. Imagine what that could do for your freelancing career.

That’s exactly what I did. I became the 1% in the market and delivered value first. And look at the result. I got a personalized response from Jay, and afterward got an endorsement. 

Create a Compelling Offer No One Can Turn Down 

One of the most important steps of how to get more consulting clients is to have a compelling offer. The challenge is, most businesses sound the same to their competitors. They often only differ by offering their products or services for a lower price. These offers are not very compelling. 

Let me ask you a question. Do you think the market is oversaturated with freelance writers? 

According to Forbes, as of 2019, 35% of U.S. workers are now freelancing the report found. The total number of freelancers in the U.S. has increased to 57 million, up by 4 million since 2014.

Don’t let these statistics discourage you. Instead, let it motivate you. You can be part of the 1% group who take it upon themselves to add value first. So what do you need to do?

You have to stop and think about how you can make your offer as compelling as possible. Think about what your target really wants, and why they would benefit from it. In the early stages of your career, you need to do everything you can to build your portfolio.

Portfolio Building

Let me give you an example. Let’s say you are in the coding freelance business, and you want to get your first Kingpin client. 

You look online and find an article about how Google’s firewall was recently breached. So you take it upon yourself to code an updated, more secure firewall and send it to the Google headquarters. You wait patiently. One day passes, two days, a week, a month, you never get a reply. So what now?

The good news is, you have a piece of work in your portfolio to show potential clients. Additionally, Google isn’t the only Kingpin client in the coding world, maybe next month you take a shot trying to earn a response from Facebook.

This is the secret of how to get consulting clients fast. Stay consistent, and continue to build your portfolio. Remember, everyone’s Kingpin client looks different, and you may not even know who yours is until you least expect it. 

Make a Memorable First Impression

Making a good first impression can make or break a business. Positive experiences tend to create long-lasting relationships when negative experiences create doubt, uncertainty, and confusion. Studies have shown that once you make a good first impression, people tend to ignore any information that could disprove it. 

The key to getting consulting clients fast revolves around this idea. So you might be thinking to yourself, what if I don’t plan to ever see my clients face to face, how can I still make a good first impression?

The answer is simple: take the time to write memorable emails to your clients. A Memorable email is one that drives emotion and encourages action. It’s the first step to building a relationship with your client.

Here are three ways you can write enticing emails that will leave your clients with a great first impression. 

1. Personalize your emails.

Marketing Land concluded that US companies send more emails per month than the global average of 1.38 million. 

That’s a staggering amount of emails. How do you think you can get your emails to stand out in your clients’ filled inbox? Start off by adding a personalized touch.

Taking into consideration the person’s name, business, and even time zone can significantly improve your reach to them. This removes the idea that you’re sending out emails on an automated basis. 

2. Keep it short and use enticing headlines. 

Would you open an email with a headline that said, “Open this right now – urgent”. Chances are you would completely disregard it, and treat it as spam. 

Your clients are humans too. Avoid giving them a reason to ignore your emails. The second you sound desperate or sound like a robot, you’ll leave a bad first impression.

Focus on using short catchy headlines (5-7 words at most), and keep your emails short. Your call to action should also be clear and concise. This way, you remove any confusion and make it clear why you are emailing them. 

3. Delivering unexpected value.

Delivering unexpected value is the equivalent of exceeding your client’s expectations.  Don’t get me wrong, businesses send out free webinars, trainings, and videos all day long. What makes this approach any different? It’s because you are providing value that is specific to your clients’ business. 

This is why I took the time to understand Jay’s business, and write copy that resonated with his brand. I didn’t just send him some random web page I created, I sent him a webpage he could use today for his business. 

Judy Sheindlin, more well known as Judge Judy said, “Number one – and I want you to emblaze this on your brain – you only have one chance to make a first impression”.

Your first impression colours your future interactions. And believe it or not, it’s crucial for your success. This is the key of how to get consulting clients fast at the beginning of your career. And want to know the best part? You can use this advice in both your business and your life. The options are endless. 


So are you ready to apply the Kingpin strategy to your business today? It’s the strategy I used to get consulting clients quickly and fast forward to my results. 

Here are the three ways I earned my first Kingpin client:

  1. Deliver value first
  2. Create a compelling offer no one can turn turn
  3. Make a memorable first impression 

Once you’ve identified the one person or company that could change everything. Use these strategies to earn their respect and endorsement. From there, you can leverage their name and brand for the rest of your career. This is how to get consulting clients fast at the beginning of your career. 

Before you know it, you’ll go from a nobody who was making a couple of hundred dollars a month, to somebody who is earning thousands a month. If you’re someone who is looking to advance their consulting career further, click here to view my High Ticket Influencer Program.

This program is for serious entrepreneurs, influencers, and forward thinkers who want to scale their business to 7-figures and beyond. If you’re hungry and want more, High Ticket Influencer is the answer. We’ll talk soon.