
5 Secrets Great Brands Use in Their OmniChannel Strategy (And How Your Company Can Adopt Them)

Coca-Cola was born in 1902. Since then, the brand has been loved and celebrated all over the world.

From “The Great National Temperance Beverage” slogan in 1906 to the recent “Share a Coke”, it’s no wonder that Coca-Cola is an iconic American beverage. And it’s reached far beyond the United States, growing into a global empire over the last 100 years.

Can you imagine Coca-Cola without also thinking about great times? Even the red and white colors and the iconic Spencerian font say happiness.

How has the company maintained a consistent brand over such a long period of time?

Coca-Cola’s secret is simple: branding.


What makes great brands so amazing?

Omnichannel brands stand out because they’re everywhere. They aren’t limited to a physical location, a specific social media platform, or a single marketing method.

Coca-Cola is a wonderful example of a brand with an omnichannel strategy that stood the test of time and succeeded in the process.

But you’re probably thinking, That’s because they’re Coca-Cola. There’s no way my company can get from here to there.

Sure, you’re probably starting out with a fraction of the impact (and budget) that they had. But Coca-Cola didn’t start where they are now either.

So how can you get from where you are to where Coca-Cola and other large companies have grown?

Simple. Study great brands. Pay special attention to the qualities that differentiate stellar companies from the others. Then do your best to instill those qualities into your business today.

Better yet, we’ve already studied numerous companies with strong brands for you. Interestingly, there are 5 common qualities that make these companies stand the test of time.

1. They stand out.

No one ever wanted to buy a product from a company that didn’t have a great story. Or from a brand that didn’t differentiate itself from the competition.

In fact, we often don’t choose products solely because of quality. We buy based on emotion and justify that emotion with logic later.

One of the biggest impacts on a buyer’s emotional decisions is the branding of the company. Does the buyer have a reason to buy from you and not your competitors? Do they feel connected to your company somehow? Why wouldn’t they wait and try it out later?

The best businesses’ brands make obvious two things:

  • Why their product stands out among their competitors.
  • Why customers should buy the product now.

2. They don’t limit themselves.

If you’re trying to impact the world with your company, you’ll need to reach more than a small group of people.

You’ll need to appeal to the old and young, people from the city and country, the rich and poor. You’ll have to bridge the gap between all the little differences that separate people.

This can’t happen unless you’re building a brand that can encompass multiple channels and impact millions of people across those channels.

It’s important, of course, to have a clearly-defined audience. When your company is in it’s beginning phases, it’s best to find a niche audience and to nail your marketing strategy for that group of people.

But as they grow, the best brands use their omnichannel strategy to approach a broader and broader audience.

These companies don’t say, “We’ve maxed out the market. There’s no way our product could reach more people.” Instead, they innovate, so they can reach more people. That’s how they end up changing the world.

3. They educate.

Great brands don’t just blindly share content and hope it strikes a chord with their followers. They strategically position themselves to be an expert voice for the issues relevant to the company brand.

Often building a world-changing brand means changing the way people think about your industry. This takes well-planned content and a brand that reflects the new ideas the company is introducing to the world.

For example, Dan educates salespeople about how to grow from sales associate to top closer in High Ticket Closer. Without Dan’s unique insights into sales, this product wouldn’t be a reality. Without a well-planned content strategy, there would be no way to share these breakthrough ideas with the people who need them.

If you have a product that’s innovative, unique, and world-changing, chances are you have a huge opportunity to educate your target audience about it.

Besides, with the information economy in full swing, people will research you. We all Google companies we like, check out their social media, and visit their website.

If we don’t find what we like, we mistrust the company. After you’ve lost a customer’s trust, there’s not much chance they’ll buy your product.

How can you keep your customers’ trust? Create an omnichannel brand that educates your customers.

4. They entertain.

Entertainment is cheap in today’s world. Many platforms are perfectly built to both educate and entertain, so smart brands build a strategy with a good dose of both.

Gone are the days when you can reach people by putting your logo on a billboard. Today’s customers see through typical ad styles. They’re calloused to the huge letters and flashy music.

So it takes something unique to get today’s generation to notice your brand. Something that makes them laugh. Something that reaches beyond the clickbaity nuisances that today’s customers all tune out.

Calculating entertainment into your strategy is one of the best ways to make sure people remember your brand. (Geico ads, anyone?)

5. They personalize.

The best companies focus on the customer first. They use conversational marketing or work directly with influencers. These companies know their success comes down to how well they can reach the customer.

In today’s world, we’re bombarded with ads at every turn. We also have the ability to do all the background research necessary on any given company at our fingertips.

We’re used to chatbots and retargeting ads.

So what stands out today is the brand that still adds a personal touch to their marketing strategy.


How can you create an omnichannel strategy?

Rome wasn’t built in a day, and Coca-Cola didn’t create its brand without years of trial and error. It will be the same for your company. However, planning a strong strategy beforehand will give you a competitive advantage as you grow your business.

There’s no one-size-fits-all model that will fit every company. One channel may work for some companies while it fails to reach customers for others. There are, however, several universal keys to keep in mind as you’re building a unique omnichannel strategy for your company.

Keep the customer in mind.

Value creation is the most important key to a great brand. Unfortunately, most companies get caught up in following the latest marketing trends.

This approach is a crippling mistake.

Fads pass, but loyal customers will be the advantage your company can have. It stands to reason, then, that every decision you make about the future of your company should be centered around one question: how will this strategy improve our customer experience?

This perspective will help simplify your approach as you build your strategy for the coming years. If you’re not sure what your customers need or want, ask them. Take some time to put out surveys or get on the phone to listen to what your customers are saying.

An investment in your customers now will pay off decades down the road. - Dan Lok Click To Tweet

Compound that growth with years of investment in your customers, and you’ll have a brand as solid as Coca-Cola or any other great company you admire.

Dominate one channel at a time.

Don’t try to take over the world in the same month. Focus on building solid growth in one or two channels that are most important to you. Maybe the best thing to focus on is email marketing or Facebook ads. Maybe YouTube is the channel you should try out first.

This strategy is far more effective than trying to spread out your marketing budget over a dozen channels you want to eventually use.

As you study social media secrets and other tactics to help you expand, you’ll quickly learn which channels are the top priorities for your company brand.

When you’ve dominated the key channels that can help you grow today, you can move on to taking over several more. After you’ve mastered those, you can break through to other avenues of growth. Continue this, and you’ll have your omnichannel brand before you know it.

Remember that everything is sales.

If it’s not selling, it’s probably irrelevant to your ultimate growth. - Dan Lok Click To Tweet

Think about that statement again. What are you doing now that is simply not helping your company grow? Cut it out.

With every Facebook post, every Instagram story, and every tweet, you have to pay attention to basic persuasion secrets that can be the difference between selling your product or failing to do so.

Not everything has to be an outright sales pitch. But every little thing you do either convinces potential customers to trust your brand more or turns them away from it entirely.

As you’re building an omnichannel strategy, cut out anything that doesn’t sell.

Don’t forget your personal brand.

Your personal brand has more of an impact on the company image than you realize. If you instill trust in the people who look up to you, you’ll automatically transfer that trust to your company.

But if you neglect your personal brand or accidentally build an image that is untrustworthy or shady, you’ll hurt your business more than any other marketing fail can.

Even if you don’t realize it, you have a personal brand. It’s yours to take control of. And it’s never too late to get started building a strong one.

If you take the steps now to make your personal brand something people trust, it will be one of the most beneficial assets to your company as it expands.

With these tips, you should be set to build a solid foundation for your company’s growth.

Are you unsure of building your omnichannel strategy alone? Dan Lok has worked with people like Jeremy Hanes and Brian Tracy to help them build strong brands. If you’re 100% committed to success and need some clarity of how to get there, check out Dan’s consulting options.

Whether you choose to build your strategy alone or enlist a consultation with someone like Dan, you’re headed in the right place just by finishing this article.

Now, all that’s left to do is build the omnichannel strategy you need to drive your company to success.

How Publish Your Own Book For The First Time

You always wanted to publish your own book, but the thought of it terrifies you. Perhaps you played with the idea for some time now, but you don’t know where to start.  If writing is your passion, thinking about writing and publishing your own book for the first time can be extremely overwhelming. 

Writing a book takes an incredible amount of time, energy, and skill. You probably did your homework and explored the do’s and don’ts of publishing a book, but all the different advice and tips can be confusing. How do you decide what makes sense for you? 

While learning how to get your ideas out into the world is easier than it ever was before, figuring out what ideas to get out is a little harder. The truth is, you can write a book easily, but writing a successful book is more difficult. You can publish your own book easily too, but you have to be strategic about reaching the right audience. 

To help you avoid some of the most common pitfalls of first-time authors, we will share with you helpful tips for finding the right formula for a successful book.  

Why Publish Your Own Book?

There might be a number of reasons why you would want to publish your own book. Regardless of what reason moves you most, one of the main purposes of your writing should be to establish yourself as an authority in your field.

Think about it, when someone says “I am an author” or “I wrote a book” what are the thoughts that come to your mind?

“Oh! She must be an expert in that field!”,

“She has a lot to say about the subject! That means she’s good at it!”,

“I know celebrities who have written books, maybe she is a celebrity too.”

“It would be great to work with her.”

“I want to know more about her.”

These thoughts label someone as an expert in your mind immediately. If you publish your own book, you will also be perceived as an expert almost instantly. 

It’s a bit like when you go see a doctor. Without seeing his qualifications, you already perceive him as an expert. And you trust him instantly. This is the power a book can create for you. 

Like many successful doctors, writing smaller pieces prior to writing a book helps establish that authority you want. If you start with blogs, copywriting, and videos, you create a following. Dan Lok developed his career with short pieces before launching his successful books. 

Now, let’s look at the key steps for writing and publishing your own book for the first time. 

1. Write With Purpose 

“Successful people write a book with an end in mind.” Click To Tweet

This is one of the first principles of copywriting that Dan Lok teaches all his students – have a clear goal for your written piece, and your message will be heard. If you send a sales email to someone without a clear purpose, do you think it will prompt them to action? Probably not. 

The same is true for a book. If you publish your own book, that’s an achievement in itself, but it’s not enough. If you write a book with no purpose, you are going to fail. As a matter of fact, you might even fail at finishing the writing itself if you don’t have a clear purpose. 

If your purpose is to use your book as a marketing tool, then it would be a different type of book. This goal might affect not just the content but also things like the length of your writing. To start the marketing process, you might want to write a short book. 

Students in Dan Lok’s High Income Copywriter® Program always learn how to research the audience before writing even a single word. If you miss this step, you risk writing something that your ideal reader won’t notice. Pay attention to the type of writing they read and think about your purpose to determine the length. 

So before you even set out to begin writing, make sure you are clear on the purpose of your book. Setting a clear purpose and intention for it will allow you to define the type of book you should write. 

2. Keep Your Reader in Mind 

Have you ever heard of the term “Psychographics”?

This is a concept that Dan Lok teaches all his students in the High Income Copywriter® Program. It is one of the most important things that successful writers implement in their work consistently. Dan Lok team relies on it to get all our messages across. 

In short, psychographics is about understanding the personality of your audience. It’s about understanding what your audience does, how they do it, and why they do it. 

Most first time authors tend to write based on their own perspective. They write books based on their understanding of the subject. But successful writers write with their audience in mind. What do we mean by this? 

Let’s suppose you are writing a book about getting a six-pack. You start writing your book and provide 10 very effective exercises that helped you get your six-pack. Let’s suppose that your book only included these exercises.

What do you think will happen? Well, by only writing about the exercises, your book would miss 2 very important steps to getting a six-pack: strong mindset and good diet. 

You see, all copywriters know that writing from your personal perspective and about yourself doesn’t resonate with people. If you do this, you make a lot of assumptions. In the example above, the author assumes that the readers have the same mindset, making the method in the book unsuccessful for those with a weak mindset and a bad diet. 

So if you want to write about getting a six-pack, it would make more sense to first research and think about the people who would want a six-pack. Think as a copywriter:

What do they struggle with? 

Can you identify their needs and desires? 

How can you really help them? 

Thinking like this helps you focus on your audience’s needs, which will lead to more sales.

Meet Your Readers Where They Are

As you think about your audience, think about where they are on their personal journey. If your book does not meet your readers where they are, they will not benefit from it. They might try your exercises, but they will also give up quickly because they are not seeing results fast enough. Unless you educate them on the importance of having the right mindset and pushing through the pain, they will not see value in your book. 

This is why it’s important that you use the right language. In his High Income Copywriter® Program, Dan Lok teaches all his students how to research their audience and find the best way to speak to them. Without this, your book could go entirely unnoticed. 

Your book should match the language that your audience will understand. Using complicated words that might look good to fitness experts will do a disservice to your readers. They will not understand your points and won’t take the right actions.

3. Write About What You Love

One thing is for sure, writing your first book is going to be hard

For that reason, we suggest that you choose something that you are passionate about. There are a few reasons for this.

A. Never Give Up 

Like anything in life, everything you do for the first time is hard. If you are not passionate about the subject of your book, you will give up quickly. 

Think back to the first time you drove a car. Or the first time you skied. It was hard. If you did not like these activities, you would have given up. In the same way, if you don’t love what you are writing about, you will give up quickly because it is too hard. 

However, if you are passionate about your subject, you will push through the pain phase. You might even complain about it. But because you love this subject, you will push through and complete the book. And when you write about something you are passionate about, it does not feel like work. 

This is why Dan Lok says that he never feels like he’s working: his life and work are perfectly integrated because he does what he loves. This is what your book should be to you too – pleasure. Publish your own book by making sure you love working on it. 

B. Become an Expert 

When you are passionate about your subject, you will most likely be an expert at it. This is because you most likely consume countless videos, articles, and books about your subject. In the process, you will most likely learn a lot that you can share with others. 

As more and more people read your book and get value from it, your status in your field elevates. You become someone people recognize for their knowledge and expertise. 

When you write a book as an expert, you will do so faster too as you already know your subject matter inside and out. The words will flow to you naturally and it will be a more enjoyable experience overall. 

C. You Know Your Audience

When you write something that you are passionate about, you are your audience. So you know exactly what they’ve been through as you’ve been through the same journey. For example, if you achieved a six-pack after years and years of trying various things, you know the frustrations that your audience is going through because you are that audience. 

You will know your ideal readers’ psychographics. You could simply look back a few years, remember what you used to do wrong, and what you had to change to achieve your results. This will allow you to create a book that your audience will want to read and that they will benefit from the most.

This is one of the most valuable things that Dan Lok offers through his High Income Copywriter® Program – the lessons he learned on his own journey. The lessons resonate with his students because he was once an inexperienced beginner in copywriting. He knows exactly how to motivate and move them in the right direction. 

 4. Use the Power of Persuasion 

If you want to write a book, you must do so in a way that allows you to sell your ideas. But no matter what your book is about, your reader needs to be persuaded by you. They need to believe in your ideas and concepts for the book to really resonate with them. 

Dan Lok always teaches his copywriting students –  what you think and feel transports to paper. If you don’t fully believe what you write – your audience will sense that. 

Going back to our exercise example, your readers need to be sold on your ideas and concepts in order to implement them. Once they are sold on these new ideas, they can take the right action and finally get the results they want. Therefore, if you are not selling your ideas in your book, you just wasted your time writing.    

Dan Lok teaches all his students about the importance of selling through written words.

“No matter what the goal of your writing is, being able to persuade your readers is the key.” Click To Tweet

Here are 3 ways that can help you better sell your ideas and concepts to your audience.

A. Sell Your Main Concept – The Hook

The reason we suggest that you make sure you understand the purpose of your book first is to be able to write a good hook. You see if you already know your ideal reader and you have a clear purpose in mind, then you have to have a hook to attract your reader too 

Without the hook, people will walk past your book at the bookstore without stopping. Without the hook, your book will be invisible. No one will pay attention to it, and it will be lost in the sea of books lined up on shelves.

However, with the right hook, your audience will feel attracted by your book, even if they are not looking for it. The hook is what gets the reader interested. People will feel the urge to share it with their friends and family even before reading the first page.

Benefits Hook

To achieve this effect, make sure the hook mentions the most important benefit that the reader will get from reading your whole book. It must be so compelling that it draws your audience’s attention from afar.

The hook is usually in the title of the book. Let’s take for example the book The 4-Hour Work Week, by Tim Ferriss. This book has such a compelling message and value that it sold more than 2.1 million copies worldwide in 40 languages.

As for Tim Ferriss’s book, the main goal his audience is after is working 4 hours a week. This is why this is such a successful book.

Similarly, if you want to write a book that will sell, you want your title to be as compelling. Determine the purpose of the book as discussed in step 1. Then, identify the keywords that will relate most to your audience as discussed in step 2.  Use these to create your title.

B. Sell Your Chapters 

The same way you create a hook for the title of your book, you want to create a hook for each chapter. Having compelling titles for each chapter will keep the reader wanting more.

Here are a few examples of chapter titles used in another bestselling book, How to Win Friends And Influence People, by Dale Carnegie.   

      “The Big Secret of Dealing with People”

        “Do This and You’ll Be Welcome Anywhere”

        “A Simple Way to Make A Good First Impression”

        “If You Don’t Do This, You Are Headed for Trouble”

As you can see, these titles are all offering very compelling promises. Many of them are digging into people’s desire to learn “a secret” or giving them “a simple way” to achieve something they need.

Even though you don’t know what is in these chapters, you want to read them. Wouldn’t you agree? This is the same feeling you want your readers to experience when going through your table of contents.

C. Sell With Stories

Even if you’re not writing novels, you should always have compelling stories in your book. The fact that you write about something technical or business oriented doesn’t mean that it shouldn’t be relatable and memorable. Quite to the contrary actually. 

One thing that Dan Lok always teaches his students is that stories sell. Why? Because they are memorable and pull people in. This is especially true for well-crafted stories. The guiding principle behind copywriting is to establish an emotional connection because people act on their emotions.

So whatever your book focus might be, make sure you include memorable stories. Stories are filled with emotions. Using a story, you can explain your concepts and ideas and make them relatable and interesting to the reader too. 

Why are stories so important?

It is rather simple. From the start of time, humans have always loved a good story. Even in ancient times, people assembled around a fire to tell stories to entertain each other. Stories are also great ways to share wisdom or to teach a concept while keeping the audience engaged.

Simply including some stories in your book will bring life to your ideas and concepts. Stories are also key to allow the reader to feel present and part of the journey you share through your book.

Stories also help the reader experience some of the concepts and ideas that may seem vague or abstract. They allow the reader to visualize the scene and feel the emotions. A story can inspire a new decision that can be life-changing. 

5. How to Publish? 

So you wrote a book – what now? You finally accomplished your life long dream of becoming an author and finished your manuscript. But where do you go next? 

A few years ago, the most popular way to publish a book was through a publishing company. That has changed

Traditional Publishing

For this to happen, the aspiring author had to call as many publishing companies as possible. And their chance of being published was minimal. For example, the original Harry Potter book was rejected 12 times by publishing companies. 

Apart from the fact that it might take weeks to a year before you get an accepted offer, there is a lot more that happens after a publishing company accepts to publish your book. From drafting and negotiating contracts, to royalty conversations, there is a lot more behind publishing a book than meets the eye.

Fortunately, things have dramatically changed. Amazon has given the ability to anyone to write and publish their own books. 


Self-publishing means publishing one’s work independently and at one’s own expense. 

The cost of publishing your own book varies greatly from $100 to $2,500. The potential costs you might want to incur include editing, cover design, formatting, marketing, and more. One of the most popular self-publishing companies for authors is Kindle Direct Publishing

By following the steps on the platform, you could publish your book within days. This includes providing you with the right book template to use based on the purpose of your book. Kindle Direct Publishing also gives you ideas of cover design you might want to use. 

Most importantly, Kindle Direct Publishing shows you the step-by-step process to have your book listed on Amazon so you can start selling your book online.

6. Promote Your Work 

Listing your book on Amazon will increase your chances of having your book read by more people. However, just having your book out there is not enough. You still need to sell your book.

Most authors who self-publish think that their book will sell just by being available. Unfortunately, it does not take long for them to realize that no one is interested in paying to read their book unless they are convinced this is a good investment. 

What these authors are doing wrong is this – they are not proactive. It is true that they have done a great job to finish their book and get it published. However, the work does not end there. They have to sell the book. This is why it’s important to have a copywriting mindset and a sales strategy.  

There are 2 main ways to effectively sell your book at a minimum cost.

Become An Amazon Best Seller

This method involves good planning. Usually you start the book launch 14 days before the date of the actual launch. At this point, you want to start building the intrigue about this new book that you have written, and it’s the launch date. 

Over the 2 weeks period, prepare a series of content about your book, ready to go out to your social media audience. Make sure you use all the networks you have at your disposition from email lists, customers, business partners and even friends and family. You want to make sure as many people as possible are aware of your great book launch.

It is relatively easy to become a bestseller on Amazon. The bestseller award is given based on a 2-hour window. If your book is sold more than other books in the same category within the first 2 hours after launching, your ranking improves and could be ranked #1. 

Testimonials and Endorsements

Another great strategy is to perform interviews with various influencers where you get the chance to promote your new book. Throughout the 2 weeks process, you want to spread out content about your book. You want to keep the intrigue around the content, while also selling the benefits the book will bring to your audience’s lives. 

Grow Your Book Sales

Now, another very important step to take to make sure you have a successful book launch is to create a highly converting sales page

What does “sales page” mean? 

The sales page of your book is the description of your book. The reason some books do not sell as well as others is that authors of successful books use all possible ways to promote. 

As you can see in The 4-Hour Work Week book example, Tim Ferriss successfully used the description of his book as the sales page. 

To create a highly converting sales page you want to use all the strategies we shared in this article and those that Dan Lok shares in his High Income Copywriter® Program

Write Your Way To Success

As you can see, the process of writing your first book and getting it published is rather simple. What is hard is to make sure as many people as possible get their hands on your book and benefit from your work. This process involves a lot of selling in print. Unfortunately, this highly valuable skill is not taught at school or at university. Still, it is the most important skill for every writer and entrepreneur.  

Knowing how to “read” your audience, persuade your reader, and promote your writing is the key to a successful book. If you want to discover all the secrets of influencing and selling in print, then you might want to check out Dan Lok’s High Income Copywriter® Program

As the author of 13 bestselling books, Dan Lok decided to put together this webinar that teaches you how to take your writing skills to the next level and generate reliable income with any writing project you chose. Register to the webinar for this free webinar by clicking here now. 

How To Connect With Your Audience In A Meaningful and Unforgettable Way In The Age of Digital Platforms

Are you looking for ways to connect with your audience on a more meaningful level?

Whether you are a business owner or an influencer, you open up a door of opportunities the moment you build a presence on social media. One of those opportunities is the possibility to connect with your followers.

Connecting with your audience is powerful. When you see your follower count, it’s easy to forget that your fans are real people. But they are; when you start connecting with them, you can get them to be more invested in you.

Imagine this: your audience is so invested in you that checking your social media becomes part of their daily routines.

Becoming part of your audience’s routines allows you to build social capital. Your social capital encompasses all your relationships and is often more valuable than money. You can turn social into financial capital anytime you need to. 

In other words –  when you have followers who feel connected and invested, you have an easier time selling your products and services. 

So forming a meaningful and authentic connection with your audience is worth your time and effort. Not only will you enjoy meaningful relationships, but you can also leverage them to generate income.

Further below, we’ll show you how to connect with your audience in a meaningful way. We’ll also go over how to raise interest in your personal story, and how to stand out in the age of digital platforms.

You’ll discover that this works – whether your personal brand already has a huge following, or yours is a local business starting out in the digital world. 

The “Reality TV Factor”


How can we claim that building connections and leveraging social capital works for anyone?

All you need is to know one thing –  the thing that will give you an edge in understanding human psychology.

It’s not about the tools. Whether you use Instagram Stories, YouTube lives or Facebook groups is less important; what really matters is understanding human psychology. If you understand how people think and why they feel connected to you, the platform you use doesn’t matter.

The one thing you have to master is what we call the Reality TV Factor. Simply put, it’s the reason why reality TV is successful, and why people remain basically glued to their seats while their favorite reality TV show is aired.

The same approach also works on social media. So what’s the success recipe of reality TV and how can you emulate it? The answer: authenticity and emotional stories. 

The people we see on reality TV appear authentic and real to us. Hollywood stars we see in blockbuster movies, however, often seem superhuman: we think we can never achieve what they achieved.

But the stars of reality TV shows are humans – like us. Sometimes it’s just the girl next door, who has an unfortunate backstory but still tries to audition for a singing career.

It is the people with relatable struggles who inspire us to keep going. Reality TV always seems to showcase the backstories of the participants. Usually, the person with the most dramatic backstory is the audience’s favorite.

Share Your Story And They Want To See You Succeed

So how to connect with your audience in a meaningful way? Share your backstory. Tell your audience why you are doing what you are doing.

Which obstacles did you have to overcome? How did you get to where you are today?

If you are an influencer building a personal brand, your backstory is your personal story. If you are using social media for your business, a great backstory to tell us how you got your business idea.

A great story showcases your Why. It explains to your audience why you do what you do. 

A perfect example is Dan Lok himself. He often talks about his story – how we wanted to make money to support his mum but failed at 13 businesses and how he finally met his mentor and things started to go uphill for him.

His backstory shows us that he is a human being. He is not a superhuman multi-millionaire who never struggled. He faced obstacles, but he kept overcoming them.


If you tell your personal story, your audience becomes invested in you. They keep coming back for more and want to see you succeed.

If you tell your personal story, your audience becomes invested in you.

Sociology professor Beverley Skeggs said the following about reality TV, which also holds true for social media:


[…] people connect to other people who have the same values, who behave in the same way. We do get swept up in it, wanting to be behind somebody, wanting them to do well.


As long as you are authentic in sharing your story, your audience will become invested in you. When it comes to connecting with your audience, you want to be real and authentic.

Don’t Be A Superhuman

To connect with your audience in a meaningful way, show them that you are a human being – just like them. In fact, having flaws and hardships in your life will make you more authentic. If you are too perfect, you become less relatable.

Most people on social media get it the wrong way around. They think they have to show how amazing their life is, the great vacations they go on and so on. While this may attract attention, it does not remain relevant for long.

If you put up a facade, your audience will realize it and draw away from you. So, don’t feel like you have to be perfect to build up a following on social media. You might do much better if you aren’t.

The thing is, many people don’t have a particularly exciting life. To some degree, you are representing the ideal life they would want for themselves. But this ideal life isn’t about having fancy cars and living in a penthouse.

What people are interested in is who you are as a person and how you overcome hardships in your life. By sharing your story and being yourself, you give them the dramatic aspect that is missing in their lives. 

What’s more, your digital platforms become addictive – like a TV show. Your audience keeps coming back to see how you are doing.

Now you know that building meaningful connections on social media is possible. Let’s get into actual strategies. What steps can you take to share your story with your audience?

Build A Community

Besides authenticity, there is another thing people on social media crave: a sense of community. They might feel disconnected in real life, and social media makes it much easier to feel like a part of a community.

Facebook groups are currently one of the best tools to connect with your audience and to build a strong community. Facebook groups are great because your audience comes up with the content. 

So it’s not just you alone putting out content. Other members of the group can post too. It also allows your followers to engage on multiple levels: they get a chance to interact with you as well as with other like-minded people.

Many influencers and business owners invite their customers to join a Facebook group. But you can still turn to Facebook groups if you are just starting out and have no paying customers. 

You can invite existing followers to join by telling them that you’ll publish exclusive content in your group.


Create A Dialogue

To connect with your audience, you want to create a space for dialogue. 

It’s easy to post something,  then leave the platform and never reply to any comments or messages. But that doesn’t help you connect with your audience meaningfully.

What you want to do instead is reply to comments and messages often. Be responsive and engaged. This is especially important in the beginning when you rise to your first thousand followers.

Nearly all digital platforms want lots of engagement on their platform. If you put out content that people want to engage with, you will be rewarded by the platform. For example, you’ll show up in other people’s feeds more often.

When you create a dialogue, you help the social platform to create a positive experience. Now only will the platform love you – your followers will, too. 

Engaging with your audience shows that you appreciate them. It makes them feel validated and appreciated. So don’t be afraid to chat. 

Once you have several thousand followers, it might get harder to follow up with every comment. It’s okay not to reply to everyone but make an effort to answer the most pressing questions.

If your audience grows bigger and it’s hard to keep up with comments, shares, and messages –  here is what you can do.

Timed Engagement

Tell your audience when you will release new content. Then, let them know that you will be active in the comments for 30 minutes after you posted. This strategy is great for two reasons.

First, it gives your audience a reason to subscribe to your platform. If you are a YouTuber, make sure to tell your followers to activate the bell icon. If you are on Instagram, your followers can turn on notifications.

This way, they will be notified after you post and will be able to hang out with you.

This strategy also allows you to generate engagement right after posting. On most platforms, the first hour after you post will determine how successful your post is.

So if there isn’t much engagement within the first 30 minutes, you probably posted something your audience is less interested in. You can evaluate it and try something different next time.

Get Personal

Especially if you are a business owner, you might be thinking to make your social media only about your business. You showcase your products or services and give professional advice.

While some fans appreciate this, connecting with your audience means getting personal.

If you talk only about business and sales, you lose the Reality TV Factor. There is nothing for your fans to get invested in, nothing that entertains them and nothing to keep them coming back for more.

You can keep it professional and still get personal. A great example of this is Tuft and Needle Mattresses. They talk about their story, explain how and why they started their business; their audience feels connected to them as they emphasize care for mattresses.

They don’t talk about their tragic personal backstory – but they are telling an inspiring story and connecting with their audience in a meaningful way.


Go Behind The Scenes

Do you know what Russell Brunson says about connecting with your audience? What your fans enjoy most is seeing your journey.

They want to see what you do on a daily basis to achieve your goals. So if you wonder how to connect with your audience, remember: you don’t have to be creative. All you need to do is document your daily life.

Talk about what you are doing, why you are doing it, and what your next steps are. Show them your life in the trenches of your daily business. You’ll instantly be more authentic and form meaningful connections.

Sense of Belonging

Another powerful way to connect with your audience is by creating a sense of belonging. All influencers who connect with their followers in an unforgettable way do this.

1. Sense of Community

When you look at famous YouTubers with a strong fan base, they often share jokes with their audience. Outsiders don’t understand these jokes at all.

It’s likely that these inside jokes came to be during a video or live stream. Their audience remembers and keeps referencing them; over time, this creates a strong bond and a sense of community.

2. User-Generated Content

User-generated content is a fancy way of saying that you let your followers come up with ideas and share them on your social media.

When you look at Dan Lok’s YouTube channel, for example, he has a video format called Boss In The Bentley: his followers ask questions, and he answers while sitting in his Bentley.

3. Giveaways, Competitions, and Challenges

Connect with your audience by hosting special events with prices.

Ideally, the price is something unique to you, something they can only have if they join your event. Giveaways and competitions are also great for connecting with new followers.

Go Live

How-To-Connect-With-Your-Audience-In-A-Meaningful-and-Unforgettable-Way-In-The-Age-of-Digital-Platforms-Graphic-05 (1)

Going on a video live stream on YouTube, Facebook, or Instagram is one of the best ways to form a connection with your audience. Live streams are what comes closest to face-to-face conversations just like you would have with a friend.

If it’s your first live stream, you want to prepare some topics in advance. Your fans will likely ask questions, but it’s great to have something prepared for when the chat goes quiet.

Live streams are usually even more authentic than reality TV. All you do is record yourself talking. You likely don’t have a producer or manager who tells you what you are allowed to say –  you can just be yourself and talk to your fans.

Reality TV is popular, but most of us know that at least some aspects of it are likely staged. But we suspend our belief in order to enjoy the show. 

This simply means that you can be more authentic on social media than on TV and form even stronger bonds with your fans.

How To Be Authentic?

Now, some people think they have to fake their life in order to be popular on digital platforms. They only show their finest holidays, rides in expensive cars, and fanciest outfits. While this will attract some followers, most of the population has seen enough in-authenticity.

They see through the smoke and realize it’s fake. What your audience likely wants is for you to remain genuine and real. 

They don’t care about your expensive watch or handbag. They want to know how you got there, what you had to overcome, and ideas on how they can do the same.

Being fully authentic in public isn’t that easy. You might worry that you aren’t enough. But some people might need to hear exactly your story to get motivated – so don’t let anything stop you.


Be Yourself, Build An Audience And Make Money From It

Have you ever wondered how influencers make money on digital platforms? How did Dan Lok build his YouTube and go from local business owner to an international 8-figure entrepreneur?

He achieved all that and more by building his personal media platform, which allowed him to connect with his dream customers faster than ever before.

If you want to build a business on your personality, be yourself, and share your vision with the world, our High Ticket Influencer (HTI) Program is for you. In HTI, Dan Lok collected all his high-level advice for creating your platform, building your tribe, and monetizing it.

If that sounds like the life you are after, check out HTI here.

How To Strengthen Your Brand Reputation By Using Disruptive Technologies

If you ask business owners what they’re doing to strengthen their brand, you might get a variety of answers. Some might think that only the big guns think about branding. Some might have no idea how to even get a brand at all. But the truth is, every company, no matter how big, has a brand.

Now, more than ever, building a good brand is easy. Surprisingly easy. You don’t need to pay expensive graphic designers for logos- you can use an app. You don’t need to put your employees through a daylong session with a photographer – great photos can be taken with phones too.

Template website builders can create websites in hours. Their quality can match what professional web designers do for most users. Unfortunately, this comes with a downside. Now that everyone can be a brand, it’s harder to be number one.

But do you need to be number one to be on top? Do you even need to be the first? The answer you’ll get in this article might surprise you. But here is a quick peek: Perception is reality. You only need to be perceived as superior and consumers will treat you so.

Now, as you will learn, this is not as easy as it sounds. But by the end of this article, you’ll know how to shift perceptions and gain this superiority status. You’ll understand what you need to strengthen your brand and become a disruptor at the same time.

How To  Strengthen Your Brand By Becoming A Disruptor

You’ve probably heard the term disruptor before. But what does it actually mean? Can only startups become disruptors? How do you go about it? Do you need to be innovative?

In this article, we’ll discuss what you need to disrupt an industry. You’ll discover what steps you can take to do so. But let’s begin by defining disruption first.  According to its official definition by Clayton M. Christensen, disruption has five  criteria:

1. It’s a process, not a product or service, that occurs from the fringe to mainstream

Are you hoping that your product will be the new Netflix? You’ll be disappointed. Powerful disruptors didn’t change the game the day they came out. Blockbuster refused to buy Netflix many times before. Few people took Wikipedia seriously as a source of information at first.

Go in with the mindset that you have to work hard and that it won’t be easy. But with the right framework, you have a chance to succeed.

2. Originate in low-end (less demanding customers) or new market (where none existed) footholds

This means that disruptive technologies originally don’t appeal to mainstream demand. They satisfy a need that first occurs in emerging markets or is unimportant to the current market. What does this mean?

A new product or technology doesn’t always have to be the very best. It can be a cheaper solution with fewer features than the current incumbents offer. Not every customer needs a space station’s worth of technology in their pockets. Especially if it costs a monthly salary to buy.

Some people are happy with a $200-$300 smartphone. They don’t need the latest features.

Your solution could also meet demand current incumbents don’t address. Going back to our Netflix and Wikipedia example: You remember,  before them, consumers needed to go to public libraries and video rental stores. It seems ages ago, doesn’t it?

3. New firms don’t catch on with mainstream customers until quality catches up with their standards

This is important. Most disruptive offers are seen as inferior. Consumers won’t buy only because your product is cheaper. Looking back at Netflix and Wikipedia:

Libraries cost a rental fee for books, the same as video rental stores. Wikipedia was free and Netflix charged significantly lower fees. This didn’t give their customers a reason to use them yet, did it?

Netflix needed to step up their game. In the beginning, they offered to send DVD’s to you via mail. They offered a longer return time, so you can conveniently watch them. But only after Netflix became a video streaming service, the market cherished their offer.

In the case of Wikipedia, people didn’t trust the information at first, as everyone could edit it. Wikipedia became a credible source of information after they started monitoring their sources.

4. Success is not a requirement and some business can be disruptive but fail

You might ask: Isn’t the whole point of disruptors to be more successful than their contemporaries? 

But remember, it’s a process, not a product or service. Yes, you might have a solution that would be highly disruptive but the market won’t go crazy over you at first.

To master this phase, excellent marketing and presence in the marketplace are crucial. We’ll tell you about this later on.

5. The new firm’s business model differs significantly from the current industry leaders

This is usually what disruption is known for. The big players were not able or willing to go with the times. As a consequence, they were disrupted by a company that thought outside the box.

We’ll give you an easy process to find a spot to disrupt the market later on as well. But for now, let us remind you that you don’t have to tick off all the boxes to become disruptive or succeed as a new company.  Yet it helps to know those aforementioned influencing factors ahead of time.

Let’s take a deeper look into those criteria of successful disruption and how you can use them to become successful disruptors.

Once you have a clearer understanding of it, you’ll see why the disruption strategy further down might work well for you.

Before You Strengthen Your Brand, Focus on People

Focus on the people in your company specifically. Disruption needs innovators, out-of-the-box thinkers, and leaders.

How can you build a disruptive company without the people to support the process? Not getting traction in the market can be tedious, mentally taxing, and frustrating. It’s easy to lose faith and give up. But with the right team on your side, executing a disruptive idea is easier.

Dan Lok says: An average idea with an excellent team is worth way more than an excellent idea with an average team. But how do you get such an excellent team?

Train for innovators 

Innovation is a learnable skill. So make sure to give your staff the relevant knowledge, skills, and abilities. Look for a strong desire to be the first and prepare them for heavy competition trying to keep you down. This will happen sooner or later and if you’re prepared, that’s one more step towards success.

Change the culture

 Allow employees to explore, experiment, and bring in new ideas. Let them be on the offensive and take initiative on their ideas. Most companies try to play it safe when they start but disruption needs another approach.

Hire for disruptors

Being unconventional requires unconventional methods to hire people. Put a hiring process in place to see their creativity, thinking skills, and problem-solving skills.

With the right team by your side, you can now focus on earning your place in the mainstream. To be truly disruptive, make sure to start from scratch. Don’t just try to work within the boundaries as everyone else. Step completely outside the box and approach from an angle no one else comes form. As Albert Einstein put it: We cannot solve problems with the same mental state in which we created them.

Strengthen Your Brand By Superior Presence

This a powerful strategy that Dan Lok used to build his global empire. Remember, a successful disruptor makes customers feel that the quality of the product meets their standards. Yet, value is very subjective, right? But if you control how people perceive you, there is a good chance you also control how they perceive your offer.

People don’t buy because they understand that you’re better. They buy because they feel understood by you. So get in their daily lives, and be in front of them as much as possible. 

Ask yourself – how can I be constantly in front of my target audience?

You see, it usually takes 5-20 touchpoints until a client considers to buy from you. Why is that? Today’s market is very crowded and consumers get bombarded by different ads constantly. 

So what then if you don’t have a huge advertising budget? Well, this could be a challenge. It’s hard to overcome loud competition and cut through the noise.

This is tough for disruptors especially.  At first, customers don’t know, like, or trust you. Yet, with increasing touchpoints, you gain increasing attention and trust.

What can you use to get exposure? Technology and tools that is accessible to the masses, relatively cheap and free: Content. Use blogs, YouTube videos, webinars, social media posts, podcasts, emails…to just name a few. 

You might wonder – Which of those platforms and tools should I use? The short answer is – all of them. If this is not possible yet, focus on the medium that your ideal prospect is most comfortable with.

Strengthen Your Brand With Content Variety

It pays great dividends to use funnels as well to educate and warmup your clients. A rule of thumb is, for every $1000 you want to charge give them one hour of valuable and relevant content.

What kind of content can you create? Anything you like, but there are two types of it: Paid and Organic.

Paid content entails anything that you pay for like Facebook and Google Ads. Organic content is anything you put out for free, like blogs, emails or social media posts.

You can mix and match them together, to create automated value ladders for your clients. This way, you’ll be able to engage them when they are ready, on their time and on their terms.

This way you will be different and more valuable. Remember,  any company can just put out one ad hoping to get their business. But putting out content is beneficial to you in more than one way:

  • It enhances brand awareness
  • It allows you to prepare your clients.  You can pre-handle objections, filter out unqualified prospects, and more
  • It gives you an authority status.  By creating content on every platform, you’ll gain a stronger status in your industry.

Imagine you’re looking for a product and there are multiple providers.

One of them has thousands of posts, hundreds of articles, and you see their ads everywhere. The others only have a great website and a newsletter. hat would you think if you were the customer?

How To Strengthen Your Brand And Penetrate The Market

How else can you make your audience appreciate you? Make it easier for them to explore your product or service. Show them you truly understand them.

Become your own client. Walk a few miles in their shoes, look for their most pressing problems. A problem is a product, as Dan Lok says.  See what they are using to solve those problems. 

What current solutions can they access? Are they sufficient? If not, what’s missing? That’s where you can come in and give them what they are looking for.

You can use this checklist to do your research:

  • Scan the market for strong demands. Are there certain hot products available currently? Do any of those get criticism for certain missing or unwelcome features?
  • Find that one pressing demand you want to satisfy and map out your ideal audience
  • Become your ideal audience and recreate their lifestyle. What is their life like, why are they using the product or service you want to disrupt? What are possible alternatives and what does your future customer like and doesn’t like about it?
  • If you found the missing piece of the puzzle, now strategize how you can solve it easier. How can you do it cheaper, and more conveniently for your customer?  Ask yourself: Why didn’t the competition address this pain point yet?
  • Once you have your solution, it’s time to become visible. Find a proven formula and strategy to market within your niche. Execute the blueprint with your team

Once you have traction and people are picking up on your offer, it’s time to scale. Use a combination of social media, paid and organic traffic and remote teams.  Remote teams increase your agility and allow you to use employees more efficiently. They don#t spend long times in commute and could even work in different time zone. This way, you can quickly react to what happens in the market. Especially if your competition tries to make a move against you.

Don’t underestimate the power of social media. When you want to strengthen your brand take a look at which social media platforms can help you. If you’re more in the B2B space, LinkedIn might be a good choice to start.

Facebook can give you great insights into your metrics and has a lot of data on your audience. TikTok and Instagram are also very powerful, especially with teenage audiences. Now, some of those platforms still count as low value or low status. This is why the established businesses rarely use them, if at all.

This might be one of the pathways into the mainstream. Appear where your competition doesn’t go. From there, you can build up a powerful following under the radar of the incumbents. As with many disruptors, they might only notice you when they can’t ignore you anymore.

It’s Not Easy To Strengthen Your Brand As A Disruptor – Unless You Know This

If you want to shortcut this path, you might find value in Dan Lok’s program created it for his high-level clients. You see, many companies want to hire Dan for consulting to grow faster, manage their teams better and become crisis-proof.

Yet, he has to reject most of those requests as he has only a very limited amount of time available. This is why he created the High Ticket Influencer Program. It’s a blueprint on how to dominate your industry by becoming the most influential company in the niche.

You’ll learn how to build an elaborate content system to attract clients.  What’s so special about it? It warms them up and sells for you while being fully automated and consistent.

In this program, Dan explains how to leverage webinars and social media to become nearly omnipresent.  This enables you to sell with powerful messages 24/7. Furthermore, you’ll learn how to make your disruptive offers into high ticket offers and l increase your margins. 

As a bonus, you’ll also gain access to Dan’s directors of Copy, Revenue, and Advertising. This way, you get insights on possible weak spots before they become a serious problem. 

But all of this is just the tip of the iceberg.

If you ever wished to have Dan’s influence, reach, and status, then this is the program for you.  It contains the exact, step-by-step blueprint to replicate what Dan did in record time. 

If you want to become a disruptor and strengthen your brand, check the High Ticket Influencer Program here.

Email Subject Lines That Get Opened: 20 Of The Best Examples

Being an email copywriter who specializes in email marketing, means being able to write email subject lines that get opened. You see, the subject line is the first thing people read whenever they get an email. In fact, research shows that 35% of email recipients open emails based on the subject line alone.

If you’ve spent hours crafting the perfect sales email, but your subject line doesn’t grab their attention, you’ve just wasted hours of your time. In order to get your clients results from email marketing campaigns, it’s crucial to understand the kind of subject lines that get opened.

subject lines that get opened

Based on our own email list and past campaigns that have been most successful, here are some of the best examples of subject lines that get opened.

1. Humor

“I accidentally fell into the toilet”

“Eagle steals man’s hat”

Email subject lines that contain humor are one of the top types of subject lines that get opened. 

People love humor. Most of the news and headlines you see today are about negative mishaps and filled with doom and gloom. When you send an email with a humorous subject line, it immediately stands out from every other negative email that they’re constantly spammed by on a daily basis. And when you stand out from everyone else, you have people’s attention.

You could tell a joke, or describe a funny event that recently happened. As long as there’s lighthearted humor in the subject line, your readers will be curious to find out more.

2. Numbers and Statistics

“Top 20 Subject Lines That Get Opened”

“15 Foods To Help You Lose Weight”

Using lists and numbers is another extremely popular type of subject lines that get opened. 

Naturally, humans do not like to leave things undone. Our preferred behavior is to finish one task, and then move on to do the next. Having to leave a task in the middle of it makes us feel very uncomfortable. That’s why if you’ve ever been interrupted while in the middle of something, you get irritated or frustrated, because you now have to stop and put your focus on the person talking to you. 

Numbers signify that there is something the reader can look forward to. You are making the reader a promise ahead of time as to what they can expect, such as 10 different ways to do something.

Once your reader decides to read the first item on the list, they are already committing themselves to finish the entire thing. As they go through the list one by one, the thought that there are still 5 or 3 more items they haven’t read about, will constantly be in the back of their mind. Until they finish the list, they will not feel comfortable leaving the page.

On our YouTube channel, statistics show that our YouTube videos with numbers in them – such as 10 Closing Tactics That Make Prospects Say Yes or 15 Ways to Write Sales Copy That Sells perform much better than videos that do not have numbers.

So, if you want to increase your email open rates, use numbers in your subject lines.

3. Shock

“Trump declares war on Iran”

“A global recession has finally arrived”

Humans are naturally curious creatures. We like to explore the unknown, and when presented with an opportunity to do so, it is very tempting for us to listen to our natural instincts.

When you use shock or surprise in a subject line, you are tapping into that curiosity that all humans have. That’s why news headlines use shocking headlines such as BREAKING NEWS to get your attention and make you want to know what’s going on. 

A subject line that makes the reader go WHAT?! is an example of one that uses shock. Make your reader open their eyes in disbelief, and your readers will find it irresistible to open the email.


4. The Real Secret To [Blank]

Human beings are naturally curious and we want to know secrets.

We often feel that there is something we ought to know in order to avoid making mistakes that we make.

Now “secret” is a word that might be a bit overused in marketing. But this subject line actually plays on that – it shows the real secret, no just any secret.

Here are a few examples:

“The Real Secret to Fat Burning” 

“The Real Secret to a Perfect Wedding” 

Curiosity combined with the need to be “in the know” will get this email opened. Make sure that what you write in this type of emails is also realistic so that you earn and keep the trust of your readers.

5. The Fastest Way to [Blank] 

Now, if you could choose – would you pick a slow or a fast way to do something or get somewhere? Do you want something fast or slow?

We live in a world of instant gratification. We are conditioned to be impatient, and we do not want to wait for anything.

So if you offer a method for getting a desired outcome or goal faster – you will grab your reader’s attention.

“The Fastest Way to Start Your Business” 

“The Fastest Way to Make 10K a Month” 

Do you see it? – Instant results.

What makes this subject line effective is that it makes a very specific promise. But you have to make sure that you remain realistic. You always have to focus on making a credible and believable promise.

If you say something outrageous such as “The Fastest Way to Make  Million Dollars Overnight” – you will lose trust because that is not a realistic promise. People will not take you seriously after that.

Underpromise and your email will overdeliver in this case. If you make them a promise that readers read and think “I can do better than that” then you challenged them with your email and they will continue reading your emails.

6. Here’s a Shortcut for [Blank] 

So just as we would choose fast if we had to pick between fast and slow, between easy and hard we would want easy. Right? Everyone wants to find easier ways to get things done and achieve things.

So this subject line implies that you have yet another solution for your reader. Can you see how simple and yet powerful this subject line really is?

“Here’s a Shortcut for…

…Achieving the Most in the Least Time”

…The Best Marketing Strategy”

When you use this type of a subject line, and if your offer can get your prospect an instant gratification, then you will increase your sales. This could be a software offer or a course offer – anything they can click right away and get immediately.

7. One-Word Subject Lines

If you’re struggling with coming up with subject lines that get opened, and you can’t think of a good one, use a one-word subject line.

At first glance, you may think this would never work. But in practice, it works very well because it’s a pattern interrupt. The fact that it’s just one word, makes it stand out. Most email subject lines are lengthy, have some cheesy joke or something that arouses their curiosity. 

But a one-word subject line has none of that. In fact, it has NOTHING, except that one word. Because it’s so simple, that’s why it works. Your reader will look at it, become confused, and be curious to open it.

The best way to write a one-word subject line is with a greeting. Greet the reader with a subject line such as Hey, to let them know the email is intended for them. Some other good one-worded subject lines are questions, which we will get into later.

Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication. - Steve Jobs Click To Tweet

8. FREE Anything

“FREE stuff inside”

“Do you want a FREE sofa?”

People love free stuff. When you put the word free into the subject line, your reader is immediately going to feel there is something in it for them.


Remember: Everyone on this planet is tuned into the radio station WIIFM – What’s In It For Me? If you cater to their desire to have something to gain, you will get their attention. 

The word free implies there is something for them to gain at no cost. There are no strings attached. No hidden fees. Nothing that would make them suspect you want something from them. When someone has everything to gain and nothing to lose, they are going to be interested in your offer.

Using a subject line with the word free is best used when you want to offer a free sample or gift. One of the biggest problems copywriters make, is that they use the word ‘free’ to bait the reader into clicking, only for them to realize they have to make a purchase. If you use ‘free’ as clickbait, your readers will lose trust in you in the future. You may get results in the moment, but using ‘free’ as clickbait will only hurt long term customer relationships.

With any method you use, be sure you understand the consequences and intended actions that method will result in. Don’t sacrifice short term gains if it means long term losses. You will lose more in the long run.

9. How To Survive [Blank]

One of the subject lines that would get attention is the one that indicates some kind of solution to a problem that your reader might have. So the idea is that your question implies useful information that might help them resolve an issue or relieve some kind of pain.

As human beings, we often avoid discomfort. We often need to make adjustments.

If your email indicates some kind of solution to discomfort and pain the chances are – it will be open.

For example:

“How to Survive…

…a Financial Crisis” 

…a Bankruptcy” 

…a Heart Attack” 

These are all subject lines that make people curious and indicate some sort of solution. People want to learn and these types of emails can give the reader a satisfaction of learning or doing something new.

10. Limited Time Offers

“Flash Sale Ends at Midnight”

“Limited-Time Winter Blowout Sale”

Humans naturally like to procrastinate. When there is no deadline, there is no urgency. And if there is no urgency, there is no reason to take action immediately. Instead, we will delay something for as long as possible.

If you want to get results from your emails as a copywriter, put a time-sensitive offer into the copy to get your readers to take action immediately. A sale that lasts for only 2 days will get a lot more attention than a sale that lasts for a month. To your readers, they’ll read it and think “I still have time, there’s no reason for me to buy just yet.”

The problem is that over the next 30 days, your readers are going to forget all about the sale. They’ll go on with their daily lives, and hear of other sales that are going on as well. When they encounter one that only lasts for a few days, they’ll forget all about yours, because they’ve already spent all of their money.

11. Celebrities

“Warren Buffett’s best investing secrets”

“Elon Musk’s new space rocket”

People love to know about the latest news about celebrities. Ask yourself, do you know anyone who always keeps themselves up to date about the hottest celebrity gossip? 

Humans are naturally drawn to others who are successful or have a following. It is a sign that they are important, and as people, we want to associate ourselves with important figures.

Celebrities draw a lot of attention because of their status. If you want to generate a lot of attention, use a well-known person’s name in the subject line to get the reader’s attention.

12. How I [Blank] 

Chances are when your subscribers sign up for your emails, they value your opinions, experiences, stories…

So, if you start your emails with this – you will give them the impression that you’re about to share something important and personal with them.

“How I Grew My…

…Youtube Channel”  

…Found My Soulmate Online” 

…Permanently Removed Headache”

The key with this type of email is to be as personal as possible. Be vulnerable. Open up about difficult times and make a connection with your reader. Show them that you understand where they’re at.

These emails use the power of story to connect with the reader. If you create a story that provokes an emotional reaction, you will be able to bond with your reader and engage them directly.

For more ideas, watch the video below.

13. Best or Worst

“The Best Foods To Eat In 2020”

“The Worst Sales Tactics You Are Using”

No one pays attention to mediocrity. As humans, we pay the most attention to things at extreme spectrums – such as the best or worst of things. 

That’s why news outlets and media always focus on first place winners. You see magazines and articles talking about who won Gold at the Olympics, but never anything about who came second place. We are not wired to pay attention to the losers – we aspire to become the winners and as a result pay attention to them the most.

Use words that imply extremes such as best, worst, greatest, amazing, and terrible to  get your reader’s attention. 

14. About Your [Blank] 

This type of subject line is one of our favorites. It generates a lot of curiosity.

When your readers read a subject like that they wonder – do you know something I don’t know?

“About Your…




You see how this would make someone want to read on?

15. Hot News

“The Outcome of Trump’s Impeachment”

“Presidential 2020 Candidates”

Any kind of events that have recently taken place are another good example of subject lines that get opened. 

People are naturally curious about what’s happening around the world. They may not be impacted by it directly, but they still want to keep themselves in the loop. 

Just like people like to keep themselves up to date with the latest celebrity gossip, people want to know what’s going on in the world. Take advantage of the latest news and events to make your readers click.


16. Valuable Advice 

“Top Superfoods You Should Eat”

“Why You Shouldn’t Bathe Naked”

What kind of person gives advice? Someone who is an expert on that topic, who has in-depth knowledge on what to do.

As humans, we listen to those with authority. We perceive them as someone who knows more than we do, and give them our attention even though it may not be true. Subject lines that give the reader advice influence them to think of the email content as important. 

Giving advice is also another way of catering to the reader’s desire of what’s in it for them. You are giving them free, valuable advice they can implement in their lives. And everyone loves free stuff.

17. Get Niche

“Best Sales Techniques For Life Coaches”

“Top 10 Asian Entrepreneurs Of 2025”

When you state a niche, you are catering to a very specific audience. And if your audience falls into that niche, you make your reader feel special, as if the email was written for them. Making your reader feel special implies there is exclusivity – something that only a handful of people will have access to. We value things that are exclusive, and by making your reader feel exclusive, they will feel valued.

For example, if you are a coach in the fitness niche, which subject line would you respond more strongly to?

“Biggest Mistakes Fitness Coaches Make”

“Biggest Mistakes Coaches Make”

The more specific you are with your audience, the more likely you will get their attention. Know your audience, and you know exactly what will succeed.

18. Familiarity

“Long time no see”

“It’s been a while”

Have you ever received an email from someone you didn’t know? What was your first reaction?

An email inbox is a very personal thing, something that people don’t like anyone getting into. That’s why we hate spam mail and advertisements, because they are a nuisance and people we wouldn’t give our email address to in the first place.

If you want to get the attention of your reader, make the subject line feel personal. Use their name in the subject line, or write the subject in a way that implies you know each other. Familiarity will make people lower their guard, which means clicking on your email instead of hitting delete.

19. Emojis

“Hello :)”

“$$ The Best Way To Make A 6-Figure Income From Home $$”

Another example of email subject lines that get opened are ones that contain emojis.

Emojis are so effective, because they help to clarify the message that is being said. For example, compare these two subject lines:

“Only For You :)”

“Only For You”

In this example, the subject line without an emoji gives the reader no context. By putting a simple emoji such as a heart or smiley face, you are conveying a certain emotion to the reader. When your readers know the emotion behind a message, they are much more likely to resonate with it.

Most emails don’t use emojis in the subject line. By inserting some emojis from time to time, you’ll immediately stand out from everyone else.

20. The Biggest Mistake [Blank] Make 

The idea behind this subject line is to focus on the negative to help people avoid unwanted outcomes. So what is the trick? Well, people do not like making mistakes and facing consequences.

What makes this subject line so powerful is that it doesn’t talk about just any mistake. This subject line is about the biggest mistake. This is the type of mistake that everyone tries to avoid at any cost.

“The Biggest Mistake…

…Husbands Make” 

….Car Buyers Make” 

…Writers Make” 

How The Right Email Subject Lines Can Make You a 6-Figure Income 

Now, if you wish to write perfect emails with the right subject lines – you could have access to all these subject lines plus two hundred thirteen subject line templates.

You could simply fill in the blanks and immediately use in your email and all your marketing.

You can find all these templates on Instant Scripts. This is the ultimate shortcut software that automates the process of writing great copy for you. Click here, and check it out now.

How To Find Your Target Audience Personas In 3 Steps

Are you worried about your engagement rates? Or are the number of people that view your content not where you want it to be? If you want to know how to find your target audience and bump up those numbers, you need to understand your audience.

With so much content being pumped out every single day, getting clarity on how to find your target audience is more important than ever. The attention span of the average online user has decreased tremendously over the last couple of years. This means that people are much more likely to scroll past your content if it does not match their needs or interest. Unless your content directly relates to what these people are searching for, they are not going to be interested, and your engagement numbers are going to stay the way they are.

The biggest problem when it comes to knowing how to find your target audience, is the fact that the marketplace is always changing. The needs of your target audience today may not be the same needs a year later, which is why you always need to keep yourself updated. Knowing how to find your target audience is one thing – keeping them is another. 

If you’re struggling to get clarity on your target audience, you’re in luck. Today we’re going in depth on how to find your target audience personas in just 3 steps.

Step #1: Analyze Your Website And Social Media Traffic

The first step to discovering your target audience personas, is to analyze your traffic. If you’ve been producing content for awhile, chances are you’ve already built up a sizable following. You have traffic that’s flowing through your website on a daily basis, or a number of visitors commenting and watching your videos. If you have these things going for you, that’s good news. You’ll be able to analyze this information and use it to your benefit.

how to find your target audience

When it comes to analyzing your website and social media traffic, you want to determine what exactly is drawing your audience to your website or social media account. This could be factors such as the content you are putting out, what time or day you upload, or how engaged you are with your audience. As you analyze this data in more depth, it’ll reveal a bigger picture as to what kind of content your target audience likes. 

For example, let’s say you’ve uploaded a video every single day for the last 3 weeks to your Instagram account, and during that time your engagement has been doing well. When analyzing your social media traffic, you’ll want to look at what specific factor caused these people to watch or comment on your video. This specific factor could be the time at which you uploaded the video. Or the video was different in terms of content from all the other videos. You can also look at how engaged your audience was, such as the number of likes or comments that they left. All of this is information that will help you determine your target audience.

Don’t Look At What’s Consistent, Look At What Stands Out

One of the biggest mistakes most people make when analyzing their traffic is looking at what’s consistent. For example, let’s say you’ve posted 7 videos over 7 days. 6 of those videos got around 20,000 views, with one video only getting 5,000 views. Looking at this data, you might be inclined to focus only on the videos that got 20,000 views. But in reality, the best way to discover your target audience is to look at what stands out. 

The reason you want to focus on inconsistencies within your data, is because it’ll help you understand what works and what doesn’t. If your data shows you that every single video you’ve posted has gotten 20,000 views, you can’t learn anything. You don’t know what you’re doing right, or what you’re doing wrong. Your data reflects the needs and behavior of your target audience. The better you can understand what factors contribute to that data, the better you can understand your audience’s needs.

how to find your target audience

If there are specific days that stand out, focus on those days. Analyze what factors could have contributed to that particular outcome – whether it’s good or bad. If the outcome is a positive one, you can keep that in mind and experiment with putting more of that type of content in the future. If the outcome is negative, look at what differences are responsible for that negative outcome. That particular day could have been a holiday, resulting in less people browsing the internet and explains why your view count went down.

If you want to know how to find your target audience, focus on the things that stand out. They’ll give you more insight into your audience’s needs than focusing on what’s consistent.

Consistency got you where you are today. Will it help you get to where you want to be? Click To Tweet

Step #2: Audit Your Business Strategy And Compare It To The Marketplace

The second step to discover your target audience personas, is to audit your business strategy. Every time you put out a piece of content, or upload a new blog you should be doing it with a specific reason in mind. There should be a specific outcome that is achieved, which is what your business strategy focuses on. And with the marketplace’s needs constantly evolving and changing, you need to ensure your business strategy reflects those changes.

This is the difference between knowing how to find your target audience and knowing how to keep them. You may be able to attract new visitors to your website or new followers on your Instagram, but unless you understand how their needs change over time you will not have them for long. 

For example, at the time of this article being written – Tik Tok is the newest social media platform that has gained popularity. Since its launch in 2016, in just 3 years it has managed to accumulate over 800 million active users worldwide. Compare this to Instagram’s 1 billion monthly users, and it’s very evident how fast the needs of the marketplace can change.

Analyze What Your Audience Does And How They Behave

One of the reasons why Tik Tok gained so much popularity in such a short time, is because a large majority of its user base are young teenagers from Generation Z. This is why it’s important to understand your target audience persona and who you are catering to. 

how to find your target audience

Understanding the marketplace means also understanding what kind of people are interested in your content. You need to factor in things such as their location, age, gender, ethnicity, and interests. All of these play a part in determining what your target audience’s needs consist of, and are factors you will want to account for when analyzing data. One way to discover these factors is to look at what they’re searching for. 

If you’re using ads to direct traffic to your website, you can view a lot of information about your target audience through Google Analytics. Some examples of information you can use from Google Analytics are

  • Keywords that visitors search for to visit your website
  • Length of time visitors spend on your website
  • Method in which they got to your website (Organic search, links from other sources)

If you produce a lot of content around finance and one of the keywords your visitors searched for was “financial freedom”, right away you can tell this person is probably an adult or older. You can then proceed to look at what actions this person took while on your website, what blogs they may have looked at and what other keywords they searched for. When you put all of this data together, it’ll give you a better idea of what your target audience personas look like. And in many cases, you will have multiple target audience personas.


Creating A Target Audience Persona

Once you’ve gathered sufficient data, it’s time to get clear on your target audience persona. 

When creating a target audience persona, you want to get very specific about who they are and what their needs are. Some traits to include when building your target audience persona are:

  • Age
  • Gender
  • Relationship Status
  • Occupation
  • Who they follow
  • What they might search for
  • How familiar they are with your brand
  • How they spend their free time

The more specific you can get with these traits, the better your target audience persona will be. If you feel the need to include additional information, such as a target audience persona that “may or may not be in a relationship”, chances are you can create another persona and include that information in. The reason being that the needs and desires of someone who’s in a relationship, will be much more different than someone who’s still single and ready to mingle. 

Someone in a relationship might be thinking of getting married and starting a family. They may be concerned with the state of their finances and how they can support a family. This person will be more future-oriented in their thinking, and your target audience persona should reflect those factors.

On the other hand, someone who’s single has different priorities in mind. They aren’t concerned with starting a family – they may be looking to date around and to meet new people. This also implies that this target audience persona consists of a younger generation, who want to spend their youth experiencing all that life has to offer. This person lives more in the moment and is present-oriented with their thinking.

Confused People Do Not Buy

This is why you need to be very specific when it comes to building a target audience persona. Unless you are able to narrow down their traits as much as possible, you are going to create overlaps in the kind of message you’re putting out. That will cause confusion because your audience has no idea who you are trying to target. And confused people, do not buy. 

how to find your target audience

Avoid confusing your audience and yourself by being strict with how you create a target audience persona. If there are any traits that one audience may have that another audience wouldn’t, create a different audience persona to account for that difference. In our own company, we have multiple target audience personas that are based on a variety of factors such as their age, how much income they make and how familiar they are with The Dan Lok Brand.

Once you’ve created and understand your target audience personas, you can begin segmenting them and plan out what kind of content to produce. If you’ve created your target audience persona correctly, you will already know the needs and desires of your target audience. Now, all you need to do is create content that caters specifically to that target audience. The more specific your content is, the more your target audience will feel like you are speaking directly to them.

What’s important to note is that like the marketplace, your target audience persona will change overtime as well. That is why it’s important to frequently compare how your target audience persona matches up with what audience is in the marketplace. As long as you have a clear and solid target audience persona, you’ll be able to effortlessly audit your business strategy to match that audience’s needs.

Step #3: Segmenting Your Audience For Your Email List

Step 3 on how to find your target audience persona, is to segment your email list. We have already covered how to find your target audience persona by analyzing data (In Step 2), thus this section will go into how you can segment your audience for your email list.

Segmenting your audience for your email list is very important. As you have multiple target audience personas, you will also have multiple email lists with different audiences. The last thing you want to do is accidentally send one email list an email that has nothing to do with them. For example, one of the quickest ways you can make your male audience unsubscribe from your email list, is to send them an email letting them know there’s a 50% discount on women’s underwear.

You want to segment your email list to keep your audience engaged. In fact, a study showed that a company managed to increase their open rates by 40%, simply by segmenting their audience. Other benefits also include increased click through rates, increased conversions, more satisfaction amongst their subscribers and decreased unsubscribe rates. Segmenting your audience won’t just help you keep things organized, it’ll help keep your audience happy and engaged as well.

When In Doubt, Ask Your Audience

If you’re wondering what kind of emails to send to your audience, you might believe your target audience persona will tell you everything you need to know. And in theory, that is true and makes a lot of sense. But in reality, the best way to know what your audience wants to receive is to simply ask them.

When your audience wants to opt into an email list, give them a way to choose for themselves. That could mean setting up a checklist of email lists they want to subscribe to, or simply sending them an email from time to time asking them what their preferences are. By letting your audience choose what they want to see, you won’t encounter the mistake of sending them something they don’t want to see. 

how to find your target audience

Remember that you will never know your target audience better than they know themselves. Asking them what they want is a very effective way to keep your target audience personas updated to the needs of the marketplace. It also allows them to feel more engaged, because you’re taking their opinions and feedback into account. This is why the most successful brands and companies often send you surveys asking you to rate their services. They know it is important to hear the voice of their customers, and make sure their needs are met.

Instead of doing research and guesswork, simply go to the source and get the information you need from there. In many situations, you’ll discover that your audience will offer you a lot of insight as to what they’re looking for. They might even share with you their deepest darkest secrets and needs – things you never thought they would be interested in.

“The customer is always right.” – Common proverb

How To Find Your Target Audience Personas In 3 Steps

Knowing how to find your target audience persona can be simplified to just 3 steps:

1) Analyze traffic data

This is where you analyze the traffic data from your website and social media accounts. Look at factors such as keywords your audience is searching for, how much time they spend viewing content, and where they came from before landing on your page.

You’ll want to analyze any sort of data that stands out from everything else, as that will give you the most insight into how you should pivot your approach. Consistent data will show you what you’re doing correctly, but won’t tell you what you need to do to improve or get better. If you want to keep your audience following you for a long time, you need to make sure you’re taking steps to improve every single day.

2) Create target audience personas

From analyzing your traffic data, you’ll be able to gather a lot of useful information about your target audience and their needs. Using this data, you can create your target audience personas.

When it comes to creating and knowing how to find your target audience, you want to be very specific when it comes to what their behavior and traits are like. If there is any information that would overlap with another potential audience, you’ll want to create another audience persona to avoid confusion. If you’re putting out content and your marketing message isn’t clear, you will confuse your audience. This leads to higher unsubscribe rates, unfollows, and lower conversions.

Confused people don’t buy. Click To Tweet

3) Segment them based on their needs

Segment your audience so that you’re delivering to your audience exactly what they’re looking for. To do this, ask them what kind of content they’re interested in or what their individual preferences are. One of the biggest mistakes people make is trying to guess what their audience wants. In reality, it’s much more efficient to simply just ask them. You’ll develop a stronger customer-brand relationship, and be able to keep your target audience persona’s up to date with the needs of the marketplace.

Discover How Dan Lok Scaled His Business To 7 Figures In 8 Months

Congratulations! You’ve made it to the end of the post. Those are our tips on how to find your target audience personas in 3 steps. Now, what are the chances of you implementing this in your business?

For most coaches, consultants and experts, it is close to zero. Because it is just information.

That’s why Dan Lok has compressed all the resources that you need to scale your Expert business into a single cheatsheet. It is called “The $100 Million High Ticket Coaching and Consulting CheatSheet”. And the best part is you can download the cheatsheet for free. 

Inside, you’ll discover the same time-tested formula, responsible for closing over $100 million in High Ticket coaching and consulting products and services. Download the cheatsheet, print it out, and keep it next to you as you work on scaling your business. Look at it regularly and implement the strategies in your business.

Click here to claim your copy so you can enroll more clients, for higher fees, starting today.