social media

Secret Currency Pays You Over And Over?

You may have heard the line “attention is the new currency”

Well, it’s very true.

You can’t expect anyone to pay you if they don’t first pay you attention.

And with so many coaches, consultants, and experts out there, you must have a way of winning attention, and converting that attention into sales.

So in this week’s newsletter, you’ll discover.

How to start and build a thriving community that supports each other and takes action on your offers.

When we ran our High Ticket Closer Certification™ as a business opportunity, we built an amazing community in our private Facebook group.

People loved being there, and although the intention of the group was more for student development than to make sales, the members were engaged and very supportive of each other.

We kicked anyone out who we deemed “bad apples” who didn’t follow our guidelines, but I digress.

Let’s start with…

5 Benefits Of Building A Thriving Community

This list is not exhaustive, but if you can build a thriving community, you’re automatically more in touch with your members.

You’ll gain valuable feedback to help make the community the best it can be.

You can create a safe place for your prospects to share their learnings and takeaways, where they feel understood and can relate to one another.

You can build amazing relationships with your prospects, which in turn creates high levels of loyalty and retention when they finally become clients.

The Difference Between an Audience and A Community

There are pros and cons of each of the above, and here are some of them.

With an audience your pros are your ability to reach more people.

People can share your content… and you can connect with people on platforms that they’re familiar with.

Some cons include, you could fall victim to algorithm changes, you’re competing for your audiences’ attention, and you have no control over the platform.

If you say something the platform doesn’t like, you could be removed forever.

With a community, you have people’s full attention, you can create a private space for your members free from ridicule from non-members, and you have a higher level of control of the platform.

Some cons may include, it’s more difficult to be discovered, your content is only sharable amongst your members, and your members may not spend much time on the platform, which can make things difficult for them.

Overall however, your community should be more about the people than the platform.

The Most Two Important Questions You Must Know The Answer To

Whether your community is free or paid, you must be able to answer these questions.

Why would anyone want to join your community, and why would they stay?

Your goal for your community should be to give immense value no one else in your niche is offering.

You’re creating a community people would pay to be a member of, even if it’s free.

Help them solve problems… level up in their life… share their wins, and many other things.

But don’t give them access to your best stuff.

If you help them level up, eventually they’ll run into more problems, and to solve those problems, they’ll need to invest in themselves at a higher level.

And who do you think they’ll want to help them? You, or someone they’re not familiar with?

The answer is obvious.

What Platforms Are Best For Your Community?

You wouldn’t be running this type of community, but gamers would prefer platforms like Twitch or Discord, because that’s where they spend most of their time.

You want the platform you choose to be as easy to access as possible for your community members.

Some popular choices are Facebook, Discord, Telegram, Slack, plus a host of others.

Initially we used Facebook for our S.M.A.R.T. Challenges, business events, and Dan on Demand etc…

But in recent years we’ve switched to Telegram.


Because the reach in Facebook groups isn’t what it used to be…

And most people use Telegram on their phone, which means they’re far more likely to see the messages and interact with the group.

So, do some research on the platform you think would be best for your members.

How To Grow Your Community

There are many ways to grow your community.

You can promote on your social platforms or podcasts to your current audience.

To ensure you get the best prospects inside your group, you may want them to hit certain criteria before they’re approved to enter, because you don’t want a community of tyre kickers.

You can set up paid ads to reach a wider audience, and you can also set up chatbots on your IG or FB pages to funnel people into your group.

There are many other ways to promote it, but these are just a few examples.

How to Never Run Out Of Content To Post

As you’re building a community around your products and services, you should already have a solid idea about who your ideal prospect is.

With that in mind, you want to think of as many things as possible that are important to them.

What are their goals and aspirations?

What are the common roadblocks, obstacles, and problems they’d like to avoid?

Then you want to brainstorm how your products and services help them either reach their goals or avoid common roadblocks.

Then you can pick one and create content around it and relate it back to your products and services every now and then so when they’re ready to achieve more, they know where to go.

You want a high value to pitch ratio, so 1 pitch for every 4 value posts is a good place to start.

That’s not to say your pitch posts won’t contain any value at all, you can mix the two together.

In closing…

Building a community is a great way of setting yourself aside from your competition and building trust, which translates into greater impact and of course more sales.

Until next time, go high ticket,

Dan Lok

P.S. – If you haven’t heard, our next S.M.A.R.T. Challenge™ starts soon.

You’re seriously running out of time if you want the business secrets and strategies responsible for over $100 million sales in just a few years.

So click here to secure your spot… >>

And I’ll show you how to apply these secrets to your business so you can SCALE, SYSTEMIZE, and SUSTAIN your business for years to come.

Not Sexy, But VITAL For Your Biz Growth…

It’s time we talk about one of the least sexy parts of business…

Everyone online always talks about sales, revenue, and cash in the bank.

But what about the numbers that drive those figures?

I’m talking about marketing metrics.

As you may know, marketing online can get confusing.

You’ve got email marketing, social media marketing, paid advertising, Search Engine Optimisation, sales page conversions, and the list goes on.

So, today you’ll discover some of the most important metrics to pay attention to regarding the marketing channels above…

In the hope that you can improve your marketing so you can see even better results in your business.

Let’s get started

How to Tell If Your Email Marketing Is Hitting Or Falling Flat

Since you’re reading an email newsletter let’s start with email metrics.

Your ‘Open rate’ will give you a clear indication of how your subject lines are performing.

According to, the industry average for all industries is 21.33%. 

You should always aim to improve your open rates, and you can do this by split testing two subject lines at once.

There are a few ways to split test, and your email software should do this automatically for you. 

Essentially, you’re testing two subject lines to see which has better open rates, by sending to only half the list, then the software sends the remainder of the emails to your subscribers with the better-performing subject line.

Over time, you should have a good idea about what your audience responds to, so you can maintain high open rates.

If you’d like a list of eye-watering subject lines that compell your readers to open your emails, then click here >>

You should also keep an eye on how many people unsubscribe, so you know how your content resonates with your audience.

The second metric to monitor is the Click Through Rate (CTR).

This will be the percentage of people who click on the links in your emails. states the average CTR across all industries for emails is 2.91%.

This metric achieves two things…

Firstly, it helps you to know whether your Calls To Action are good enough for your audience to take action on.

Secondly, it lets you know how compelling the body of your email is, so they actually read far enough to read the CTA.

Now, you may not know which needs improving straight away, but at least you’ll know something needs improving and you can slowly optimize your emails to increase your CTR.

If you’d like some tips to improve your email CTR, then watch this quick 1-minute video >>

How To Track Paid Marketing Metrics

Paid ads can be a great tool in an entrepreneur’s toolbelt for growing their business.

As far as Facebook is concerned, there are multiple objectives you can choose to achieve with your paid ads.

These include getting more traffic to your offers, increased engagement on your boosted posts or ads, increased video views, and lead generation amongst others.

Your metrics here will really depend on the objective you’ve set out for your ads.

For instance, a conversion could mean you make a sale, but it could also mean you acquire a new lead.

For paid ads, common metrics to monitor are Click Through Rate (CTR) and conversions.

As with email marketing, the CTR is the percentage of people who click the link on the ad, out of everyone who views it.

According to, the average CTR for Facebook ads is 0.9% across 18 industries. 

Here’s a video that will help you increase your paid CTR so you can pay far less per click >>

How To Make Your Ads Pay

To ensure your paid ads are profitable, you must know your ROAS (Return On Ad Spend).

This is how much revenue your business makes for each dollar it invests in ads.

This metric is even more important than your conversion rate because you could have high conversions, but if your margins aren’t high, then your ROAS will be low.

Done incorrectly, paid ads are a good way to burn cash and FAST!

Done correctly, paid ads will become your license to print money!

So, click here if you want to know how to increase your ROAS on your Facebook ads >>

While we’re talking about ROAS, there are three more very important numbers you MUST know if you want to scale.

These numbers are your Cost of Acquisition (CAC) per customer, your Customer Lifetime Value (LTV), and your cost per lead (CPL).

I shot you a quick video where I break down these numbers and why they’re so important >>

How To Get The Best Bang For Your Buck With Social Media Marketing

Even though social media marketing is free, you shouldn’t underestimate its power.

I know organic reach may not be as wide as it used to be, but there are still benefits of social media marketing, especially if you use TikTok which still has phenomenal organic reach.

Social media metrics give you a good understanding of your brand awareness and referral traffic to your website.

Engagement is key on social media, so even though it’s free, it pays to put a good amount of time and effort into your content.

Key metrics are likes, comments, and shares.

These are commonly known as vanity metrics, but they’re important if you want to know how engaged your audience is.  

Many believe free marketing like Facebook and Instagram is dead, but there are still ways you can increase your engagement on those platforms.

Here is a great video to increase your engagement on IG in 2022 >>

And if you want to increase your Facebook engagement, then you’ll want to watch this video here >>

In the interest of time, I don’t want to make this newsletter too long.

There are other marketing metrics you could consider concerning your Search Engine Optimisation, your sales pages, and your website.

Perhaps, I’ll save those for another newsletter, but I believe you have enough here to help you optimize key areas of your business to see HUGE results.

And of course, you’re welcome to do your own research for ways to improve a specific area of your marketing.

Until next time, go high ticket,

Dan Lok

P.S.If you want to know how to scale to $100K per month, then do yourself a favor and block out just 30 minutes to watch my Advanced Expert Masterclass >>

Inside you’ll get the exact strategies my clients and I used to hit consistent $100K months.