Dan Lok

Designing Stunning Kajabi Course Pages – Elevate Your Online Courses with Visually Engaging Pages

Welcome to our exploration of designing visually captivating Kajabi course pages, where we unlock the secrets to elevating your online courses and captivating your students with striking aesthetics…

Step 1: Accessing the Customization Dashboard 

To begin crafting your masterpiece, log in to your Kajabi account and navigate to the course you want to design. 

Click on the “Customize” option to access the customization dashboard, where the magic happens.

Step 2: Selecting Your Branding Elements 

A consistent brand presence is crucial for course recognition. Start by incorporating your brand’s colors, fonts, and logo into your course pages. 

Kajabi offers a variety of pre-set themes or the option to create your own custom theme to match your brand identity seamlessly.

Step 3: Crafting a Visually Appealing Layout 

Now comes the creative part! Design a layout that complements your course content and enhances the learning experience. 

Use eye-catching visuals and graphics that align with your course’s theme and resonate with your target audience.

Step 4: Organizing Content with Sections 

Organize your course content into sections to create a clear and logical flow. Each section should have a descriptive heading, guiding students through the different modules or topics in your course. 

This improves navigation and ensures that students can easily find what they’re looking for.

Step 5: Utilizing Multimedia Elements 

Enhance your course pages with multimedia elements to engage your students. Embed videos, audio files, and interactive elements like quizzes or surveys. 

These elements break the monotony of plain text and make learning enjoyable and interactive.

Step 6: Mobile Optimization 

In the mobile-centric world we live in, it’s crucial to optimize your course pages for mobile devices. 

With Kajabi’s responsive design, your pages will automatically adapt to different screen sizes, ensuring a seamless experience for students on smartphones and tablets.

Step 7: Testing and Tweaking 

Designing is an iterative process, and A/B testing is your ally. Experiment with different layouts, colors, and content arrangements to see what resonates best with your audience. 

Analyze the data and make data-driven decisions to refine and improve your course pages continually.

Step 8: Call-to-Action Placement 

Strategically place clear and compelling call-to-action buttons throughout your course pages. These buttons can direct students to enroll in your course, access additional resources, or subscribe to your email list. 

A well-placed call-to-action can significantly impact your conversion rates.


Congratulations! You’ve learned the step-by-step process of designing stunning Kajabi course pages that will leave your students impressed and engaged. 

Remember to incorporate your branding elements, create an appealing layout, and optimize for mobile devices. Don’t forget to experiment with A/B testing to fine-tune your pages and ensure they deliver a top-notch learning experience

As you embark on designing your captivating course pages, I invite you to join my FREE masterclass on “How to Get Paid for What You Know” https://www.getpaidmasterclass.com and seize the opportunity to grab your FREE trial of Kajabi + $5,995.00 of FREE bonuses here https://danlok.com/kajabi/.

To your unstoppable success,

Dan Lok

The Ultimate Marketing Playbook…

As you may know attention is the new currency…

And as attention spans get shorter and shorter, this means is much harder to grab someone’s attention long enough to move them up your value ladder.

So, in this week’s newsletter, I’m going to give you 3 marketing tips across multiple marketing platforms to help you grab and hold attention so you can make more sales.

Let’s start with social media.

How Engage Your Audience With Social Media

While organic reach may not be what it was when these platforms started…

It’s still one of the best ways to get your message out there for free.

But just because social media is free, it doesn’t mean you should neglect it, or put in less effort.

Treat all your content as if you were paying for it.

Before posting, ask yourself, “Would I post this, if it cost me money to post?”

You’re building your reputation and giving your marketplace value, so put in the effort and make it as professional as possible.

There’s always room for growth if your content isn’t exactly where you want to be just yet. 

As I mentioned, your goal is to capture attention, so here is a video on how to write engaging captions >>

How To Capture Attention FAST With YouTube Ads

Have you ever wondered what makes a good YouTube ad?

Why do some ads make you want to stay until the end, while others prompt you to hit the skip button?

It’s all about the first 5 seconds.

If you don’t grab their attention before the ‘skip button’ becomes clickable, you’re done.

Here’s how you do it.

You must mention their potential to improve their life, using a certain secret, and hint at them doing it in a new way they’ve never heard of.

Here’s an example:

“WHAT?! There’s a way to date the woman of your dreams using the secret hallogen trick without using boring online dating apps or hitting the bars every weekend?”

Your aim is to say the hook in 5 seconds.

Now, there are many different types of hooks you could use, and this video does a great job of breaking down 3 of them >>

It’s part 1 of a 3 part Youtube ad hook video series, and I recommend you watch them all to get as many ideas as possible.

Facebook Ads 

Just like Youtube ads or any ad for that matter, your Facebook ad MUST grab the attention or the user will continue scrolling.

You do this by having an image that stands out, a solid headline, and great body copy.

We once used an upside down image in one of our Facebook ads that performed very well.

Ordinarily this would be easier said than done, unless you had this video as a guide >>

So, if you want to know how to write killer Facebook ads that convert like crazy, then watch the video above.

The best part?

You don’t need to be creative or have any copywriting experience.

All you have to do is follow the proven system in the video.

One Powerful Way Of Keeping Your Audience Engaged With Email

We used to send out a lot of emails, but over the years we’ve scaled our email marketing back to just one per week, as you may know.

Why did we do this?

Because we didn’t want to send you all pitch emails, which we did for a long time.

We wanted to give you more value and that’s why we send out one weekly newsletter with info, strategies, and tips to take you closer to your business goals.

But, if you have the scope to send emails more frequently, writing quick story emails about your business and life is one of the best ways to keep your audience engaged.

Why does this work so well?

Because, people value a good relationship and want to relate to others.

If your audience can see you’re just like them and experience similar challenges, even though you’re helping them with a specific area of their life, this humanizes you, and builds trust.

If you want to know the 3 elements to brilliant storytelling, then click here for a 5 minute video >>

FAIR WARNING: Be sure to tie the story into why you’re asking them to click on the call to action at the end of the email.

The story should give them a reason to click the link, so it could be a personal story about how you changed your life, or perhaps it’s a story about a client of yours who achieved amazing results with your program.

In conclusion, there are many ways to grab one’s attention and engage them in your content.

Don’t rely on any one way, but have a few irons in the fire so you can capture as much of your market as possible.

Until next time,

Go high ticket,

Dan Lok

P.S. – If you want everything to work cohesively in your business, I’m running a 3-day business immersive called the SM.A.R.T. Challenge™

The goal of the challenge is to help you scale, systemize, and sustain your business so it becomes both robust and unbreakable.

The strategies you’ll discover are paramount to your success in the new era of business, which I think you’ll agree is rapidly changing.

Click here for the full scoop on what could be the most intelligent business decision you make this year >>

Kajabi Affiliate Program: Expanding Your Reach

Welcome to another exciting day in our Kajabi journey! Today, we’re diving deep into the world of affiliate marketing with the powerful Kajabi Affiliate Program.

This is your golden ticket to unleashing the potential of a vast network of partners who can help you spread the word about your courses and boost your sales.

Get ready to explore the incredible benefits of the Kajabi Affiliate Program and discover how to set it up, manage it effectively, and motivate your affiliates to take your course business to new heights.

Understanding the Kajabi Affiliate Program

The Kajabi Affiliate Program is a game-changer for course creators. It allows you to collaborate with affiliates who will enthusiastically promote your courses on their platforms or to their audiences. 

The best part? 

They get rewarded with a commission for each successful sale they drive. It’s a win-win for everyone involved.

Setting Up Your Affiliate Program

Setting up your affiliate program on Kajabi is as easy as a few clicks. Head over to the Kajabi dashboard, find the Affiliate tab, and follow the intuitive setup process. 


The Affiliate Program is only available with the Growth and Pro Plans. Check out kajabi.com/pricing for more details.

►► Grab a FREE trial of Kajabi + $5,995.00 of FREE bonuses here: https://danlok.com/kajabi/.


You can customize commission rates, provide promotional materials, and monitor affiliate performance without breaking a sweat. Kajabi handles the technicalities, so you can focus on what you do best – creating exceptional courses.

Managing Your Affiliates

Your affiliate program’s success lies in effectively managing your partners. Regular communication is key. Keep your affiliates informed, provide them with valuable insights and resources, and nurture a sense of collaboration. 

The more engaged your affiliates are, the more passionately they’ll promote your courses.

Incentivizing Your Affiliates

To supercharge your affiliate program, consider offering enticing incentives beyond commission rates. 

Exclusive bonuses, early access to new courses, or special rewards for top-performing affiliates can motivate them to go the extra mile for your business.

Crafting Effective Affiliate Promotions 

Encourage your affiliates to create authentic and compelling promotions for your courses. Supply them with key selling points, success stories, and testimonials from satisfied students. 

Authenticity is a potent force in affiliate marketing that can’t be underestimated.

Leveraging Webinars and Joint Ventures

Webinars and joint ventures are a dynamic duo to amplify your affiliate program’s impact. Host webinars with your affiliates to showcase your courses and address potential students’ queries in real-time. 

Collaborating on joint ventures with other course creators or businesses expands your reach even further.

Tracking and Analyzing Performance 

In the affiliate marketing realm, data is your ally.. 

Leverage Kajabi’s robust analytics to monitor affiliate performance, conversion rates, and the revenue generated through affiliates. 

These valuable insights will guide you in refining your strategies and continually optimizing your affiliate program.


Congratulations! You now possess the insider knowledge to unleash the full potential of the Kajabi Affiliate Program. By setting it up strategically, managing it effectively, and inspiring your affiliates, you’re ready to expand your course business reach like never before. 

Stay tuned for Day 19, where you’ll discover the secrets to delivering exceptional customer support and establishing effective communication on Kajabi Until then, keep thriving and growing!

►► Ready to elevate your course business and take customer support to new heights? Join my FREE masterclass on how to get paid for what you know: https://www.getpaidmasterclass.com

To your unstoppable success,

Dan Lok

Customer Support and Communication on Kajabi

Well done, you have made it this far! Today, we’re delving into the crucial world of customer support and communication on Kajabi. 

As successful entrepreneurs, we understand that keeping our students happy is the key to long-term success. 

So, let’s explore the best practices for setting up top-notch support systems, responding to inquiries promptly, and establishing effective communication channels to engage with our valued students.

The Importance of Excellent Customer Support

Delivering exceptional customer support is not just a checkbox; it’s the heart of our course business. When our students feel supported and heard, they’re more likely to thrive in our courses and recommend us to others. 

Make sure to prioritize their needs and concerns, and let’s get started on building those strong connections.

Setting Up Support Systems

On Kajabi, setting up support systems is a breeze..

Utilize the Help Center feature to create a knowledge base where students can find answers to common questions. Provide detailed documentation and tutorials for seamless self-help. 

Additionally, make sure to offer contact options like email or a ticket system for personalized support.

Responding Promptly

Time is precious, and prompt responses matter. Aim to answer student inquiries as quickly as possible. Even if you don’t have an immediate solution, acknowledge their message and let them know you’re working on it. 

Your attentiveness will earn you trust and respect.

Utilizing Kajabi Support Resources

Kajabi has your back when it comes to support. They offer 24/7 support through chat and email to assist with any technical or platform-related issues. 

Don’t hesitate to leverage their resources and take advantage of the extensive support they provide.

Communication Channels for Updates and Engagement

Keeping your students informed and engaged is a game-changer. 

Use Kajabi’s communication tools, like email campaigns and announcements, to provide updates on course content, events, and special offers. Regular engagement builds a sense of community and excitement around your courses.

Creating a Community Forum

Fostering a sense of community among your students is invaluable. Consider setting up a private community forum on Kajabi where students can interact, share insights, and support each other on their learning journey. 

A thriving community leads to higher engagement and satisfaction.


Congratulations! You’ve now unlocked the secrets to providing top-notch customer support and establishing effective communication on Kajabi. By setting up support systems, responding promptly, and engaging with your students, you’re taking your course business to the next level. Remember, happy students lead to thriving businesses.

►► Ready to elevate your course business and take customer support to new heights? Join my FREE masterclass on how to get paid for what you know: https://www.getpaidmasterclass.com

►► And grab a FREE trial of Kajabi + $5,995.00 of FREE bonuses here: https://danlok.com/kajabi/

Let’s create an exceptional learning experience together!

To your unstoppable success,

Dan Lok

Effective Marketing Strategies for Your Kajabi Course

In this article, we’ll discover some powerful marketing strategies to help you promote your Kajabi course and attract more students. 

As an entrepreneur, I understand the importance of effective marketing, and I’m excited to share my insights with you.

Harnessing the Power of Social Media:

Social media is a goldmine for marketing your Kajabi course. With billions of active users, platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn offer excellent opportunities to connect with your target audience. 

Engage with your followers by sharing valuable content, conducting live sessions, and running targeted ad campaigns to attract potential students.

Mastering Content Marketing:

Content is king, and a well-crafted content marketing strategy can work wonders for your Kajabi course. 

Create informative blog posts, videos, and podcasts related to your course’s topic to position yourself as an authority in your niche. 

The Secret is to share your content across various platforms and encourage your audience to sign up for your course.

Building Strategic Partnerships:

Collaboration is a powerful tool in the world of marketing. Look for strategic partnerships with influencers, other course creators, or relevant brands in your industry. By cross-promoting each other’s offerings, you can tap into each other’s audiences and expand your reach.

Optimizing SEO for Course Visibility:

To boost your course’s visibility in search engines, you need to optimize your website and course content for SEO. Identify relevant keywords and incorporate them into your website’s meta tags, headings, and content. 

Additionally, create a blog section on your Kajabi website and publish SEO-friendly articles regularly to attract organic traffic.

Hosting Engaging Webinars and Live Events:

Webinars and live events are excellent opportunities to showcase the value of your Kajabi course and connect with your audience in real-time. Deliver valuable insights and actionable tips during these events, and offer exclusive discounts or bonuses for attendees who enroll in your course.

►► Watch the FREE masterclass on how to get paid for what you know: https://www.getpaidmasterclass.com

Leveraging Collaborative Efforts:

Joining forces with other entrepreneurs or influencers in your industry can be a game-changer. Consider hosting joint webinars, guest posting on each other’s blogs, or co-creating content. This collaborative approach can significantly expand your course’s reach and credibility.

Implementing the “Best Strategy to Get Clients Fast”:

You can also apply my “Best Strategy to Get Clients Fast” to market your Kajabi course. In my article on this topic, I discuss the importance of focusing on your ideal clients and delivering a high-value offer that addresses their specific pain points. By adopting this approach, you can attract more students to your course who genuinely resonate with your content and offerings.


As you embark on marketing your Kajabi course, remember that a combination of strategies works best. Embrace the power of social media, content marketing, SEO, and collaborations to build a strong presence in your industry. 

By following these effective marketing tactics and leveraging you’ll position yourself for success and attract a steady stream of eager students to your Kajabi course.

Now, it’s time to take action and implement these marketing strategies. Your success awaits!

>> If you haven’t already.. Grab your FREE trial of Kajabi, along with $5,995.00 of FREE bonuses, by visiting https://danlok.com/kajabi/

Tomorrow, we’ll uncover the potential benefits of the Kajabi affiliate program for course creators, guiding you on how to set up, manage, and incentivize affiliates to boost your course sales.

To your unstoppable success,

Dan Lok

5 Amazing Stories To Aid Your Success Journey..

When you look at successful people online what do you see?

Do you see their cars, houses, clothes, and lifestyle and think…

“How did they even get started?”

“How hard did they have to work, or did they work smart instead?”

“What skills did they acquire to get to where they are?”

Well, if you had similar thoughts to those above, you’ll love this week’s newsletter…

Because today, you’ll discover how well-known influencers got their start in business and the skills they developed to achieve great success.

So, let’s get started.

How a Former Drug Addict Became a $600 Million Real Estate Tycoon

After losing his father and his older brother, a young Italian man from Lake Charles, Louisiana turned to drugs and alcohol at age 16.

Despite life’s many challenges being thrown at him he graduated high school and earned a university degree in accounting.

He got his start as a salesman in car dealerships, located throughout Texas and California.

It wouldn’t be until age 25 that he began to seek help and get his life together.

He attended rehab, where his counselor told him he’d “fail in the real world.”

This only pushed him to prove his counselor wrong.

He first saw success as a Consultant to car dealerships helping them with their sales and marketing, and he used this money to branch out into real estate.

Today, he’s the CEO of multiple companies, has a net worth of around $600 million, and is a world-renowned author, speaker, investor, coach, and sales trainer.

His name is Grant Cardone, and his first high income skill was closing.

How A Shy Student Built an 8 Figure Online Empire 

After nearly flunking out of a United Kingdom college due to a gaming addiction, a young Malaysian man returned home unemployed, broke, and $42,200 in debt.

He managed to land a job paying $330 per month.

One day while showering he had a stark realization.

There was no way he’d be able to pay off his college debt on his salary.

He searched “How to make money online”, and began implementing some of what he’d learned.

After 7 months, he made his first $7 dollars online.

After receiving the Paypal notification he rushed into his mother’s room to tell her the great news.

“It’s only $7. You’ve been at this for 7 months already.”

She was right but he knew that if he could repeat this over and over again then this was just the beginning.

What happened over the next 7 years was nothing short of amazing.

He built an 8 figure empire that continues to grow.

Today he is an author, speaker, and on stage closer, but his first high income skill was digital marketing.

His name is Peng Joon, and in his words “Marketing is the skill that pays the bills.”

How a Belarusian Immigrant Became a Digital Marketing Mogul

After immigrating to the US from Belarus in 1978 a young boy lived in a studio apartment in Queens, New York with eight family members.

He started his first business (a lemonade franchise) at age 7 and sold tens of thousands of dollars worth of baseball cards during high school.

While working at his father’s liquor store he took over operations and launched it online in the mid 2000’s

He grew the liquor store from $4 million to $60 million a year.

He co-founded VaynerMedia with his brother in 2009, without raising startup capital.

In 9 years they grew their company to 800 employees, servicing large companies such as PepsiCo, General Electric, Johnson and Johnson, Chase, and many more.

He is of course Gary Vee, and today he is an serial entrepreneur, influencer, highly paid speaker, angel investor, 5x NYT bestselling author, and CEO.

He describes himself as a “purebred entrepreneur” and his first skill was sales.

How a Kid From the Ghetto Became Known as The Trillion Dollar Man

Growing up in the tough Varrios of East Los Angeles, Daniel was in and out of trouble.

His father believed in tough love, and never accepted any nonsense from his kids.

Dan spent many nights in jail for various alcoholic incidents, and his father once instructed his friends in the police force to beat Dan and teach him a lesson.

He got his start as a financial analyst on Wall Street and went on to become the president of Houston-based oil company, Western Resources Inc. A company which listed on the London Stock Exchange in 1984.

He grew Western Resources to $450 million at a time when oil prices had collapsed.

Throughout his career, he’s had many great achievements including being number #1 in real estate sales while still in graduate school.

He’s been a speaker and business coach for many years and lives in Guthrie Castle in Scotland.

He is none other than my second mentor, The 1 Trillion Dollar man, Mr. Dan Peña.

His first high income skill was closing.

How a Chinese Immigrant Who Couldn’t Speak English Become a World-class Speaker

I’ll spare you the suspense here because this next story is mine.

If you don’t know my full story, I immigrated to Canada from Hong Kong with my mother at 14.

I couldn’t speak a word of English.

I was shy, introverted, and unconfident.

I was bullied often.

I got into business out of necessity to provide for my mom when my father went bankrupt and could no longer send us money.

But, things weren’t all smooth sailing.

I failed at 13 businesses and amassed $150K of debt by the time I hit my late teens.

I had a chance meeting with my first mentor and successful entrepreneur Alan Jacques at one of his events.

He taught me my first high income skill, which was Copywriting.

Over the years I would add consulting, closing, digital marketing, and speaking to my toolbelt.

I’d make multiple six figures in my early twenties.

I’d speak all over North America to thousands of people.

I started multiple online businesses, some of which were extremely successful.

I retired twice at age 27 and 30 and got bored fast.

I started an education business in 2017 that hit 8 figures in under 10 months.

Today, I’m the Chairman of Dragon 100™, and the managing partner of the DragonX Capital venture capital firm.

I’m also a professional speaker and online influencer with tens of millions of followers.

My first high income skill as I mentioned was Copywriting…

And I write this newsletter to you today to show you that none of the people featured here were born into money.

None of us were born with a silver spoon in our mouths.

We all worked extremely hard to get to where we are, but we’ve all achieved something amazing and continue to impact millions with our message.

We all started with a skill, and then added more skills as we progressed on our journey.

And if we can do it, so can you.

But you have to start somewhere.

If you’re yet to develop your first high income skill, that’s a great place to start.

Click here to check out some of my high income skill trainings at the Dan Lok Shop >>

To your success,

Dan Lok

P.S. – If you ever want to start a business there’s no way you’ll succeed without at least one high income skill.

Truthfully, the more skills you have the better your chances of successs.

So, don’t take business skills lightly.

Pick one that resonates with you here >>