Dan Lok

Lack High Quality Leads?

I want to share something with you that will completely revolutionize your business if you let it…

Over the years, created and/or run businesses in multiple markets, from the coaching and consulting space, to different ecomm stores, salons, various business opportunities, and even table tennis.

Over the last few years however, we’ve transitioned from the make money online niche to solely focus on helping experts like you in the coaching and consulting space.

And guess what was one of the FIRST things we did once we made the switch that’s allowed us to make a somewhat smooth transition.

We began to build a new email list of our ideal prospects.

If you don’t have an email list, you’re relying on paid ads, word of mouth, and social media platforms.

All of which could disappear at the drop of a dime.

So, in this newsletter, you’ll get the only two things you need to grow your business FAST.

How to Attract Clients To You Like Bees To Honey

The first thing you need is an ad that captures their attention and gets them to take the action you want them to take.

The goal here is to obtain their email address.

And you do this by offering them a lead magnet.

I’m almost certain you’re aware of this already…

But you’re about to discover exactly how to get your lead magnet right.

Now, before we discuss “which” lead magnet to choose, let’s discuss 3 things your lead magnet absolutely must have.


It must be relevant to your marketplace.

It doesn’t matter how good your lead magnet is if it appeals to the wrong people, all you’ll end up with is a lot of untargeted leads.

Your goal with your lead magnet is to generate as high quality leads as possible even if that means a lower volume.

Perceived Value

Will your market perceive your lead magnet as valuable?

Will it solve a burning problem for them?

Is it something they CAN’T get anywhere else?

Because if your answer is “no” to any of these, they won’t hand over their details so easily.

Your lead magnet should save them time, money, or improve their life in some way.

Serves Your Business’s Purpose

The purpose of you putting out a lead magnet isn’t only to generate leads.

It’s also to work with them as a client.

But if your lead magnet solves their entire problem they won’t need to work with you, will they?

So, make sure it solves a piece of the puzzle, not the entire thing.

How To Decide What Lead Magnet To Use

There are literally hundreds of lead magnets you could put out.

Obviously, as the years go by, what works changes.

But if you’d like some ideas for what lead magnets you could create, here are 5 you may like to consider.


  • Webinars and Masterclasses

Webinars worked very well for us for a long time, but we found they weren’t working as well in recent years.

So, for a while we didn’t have any webinars or masterclasses out there to help our current market

Now we have shorter masterclasses that run for 20-30 minutes.

If you’d like to see our masterclass for coaches and consultants so you can get some ideas, then click here >>

When you watch the masterclass above, you’ll gain insight into how to hit consistent 6 figure months, even if that seems out of reach for you right now.

Some of my clients do regular live masterclasses instead of pre recorded classes.

Personally, I like automated masterclasses.


  • Ebooks and Whitepapers

    These along with the others I mentioned above help position you as an expert in your niche.

    We used my book FU Money as a lead magnet for years, particularly when we were in the business opportunity niche.

    Your e-book should provide comprehensive information/strategies to your prospects.



  • Free Trial

    If you have a membership or subscription site, you could offer a free 7-day trial.

    I would stay away from offering a free consultation or strategy session, because your time is involved.

    You can still offer these sessions, but the prospect must go through a strict qualification process first, and if they’re answering an ad, they’re not likely to be highly qualified straight away.

Now, there are many mistakes you could make with your lead magnet…

But if you click here, you’ll get some ideas on how to write the copy of your lead magnet landing page to capture the most targeted leads >>

In summary, you must know your target audience to create something they’ll find valuable that solves their challenges.

How To Reel Clients Into Your Business Without Added Stress

Now you have high quality prospects on your list, the second ingredient is of course to communicate with them.

Your goal here is to entertain and educate them, and then invite them to work with you periodically.

It’s up to you how often you email your list.

If your emails are always fun to read, there’s no reason why you can’t email them every day.

Ensure you email them things they’ll find valuable and make a pitch now and then for product or service, or free strategy sessions etc.

In our previous newsletter I wrote about how to write emails that get opened and acted on, so check your inbox for either of these subject lines The ultimate marketing newsletter for 2023 OR, ultimate marketing playbook.. if you’re looking for email copy tips.

I hope you’ve enjoyed this week’s newsletter.

Business is all about testing, so if you put out something that doesn’t hit, it doesn’t mean it sucks, it may mean the copy needs changing.

Copywriting is really the thing that moves the needle in your business outside of closing skills.

To your success,

Dan Lok

P.S. – If you’d like my personal help to install robust systems into your business to help you scale and sustain your growth…

You may like to join us for our next S.M.A.R.T. Challenge™.

Over 3 full days, you’ll get some of my favorite strategies I’ve used to weather the storm of the last 3 years during some of the toughest economic times in history.

Click here for the full scoop >>

Supercharge Your Business with Ama: Kajabi’s Game-Changing AI Assistant

Welcome to a new era of business efficiency, courtesy of Kajabi’s latest innovation – the conversational AI assistant, “Ama”.

Picture this – you have a brilliant business idea, but the clock is ticking, and time is of the essence. This is where Ama steps in, your digital collaborator ready to assist you in creating content, researching topics, drafting emails, and even generating code. 

Yes, you read that right – Ama is your AI sidekick that streamlines your tasks and gives you back the gift of time.

Keen to find out more? 

Let’s explore how you can harness Ama’s power to save time, enhance your content creation process, and ultimately elevate your business.

What Exactly is Ama?

Ama is your virtual content co-creator, an AI-powered assistant designed to understand your needs and respond with actionable solutions. It’s like having a content strategist, research analyst, and coding guru at your beck and call, all wrapped into one intuitive chatbot.

Understanding Ama’s Potential

Ama is not your average chatbot; it’s a virtual assistant designed to work seamlessly within the Kajabi Builder. Its purpose? 

To assist you in creating content, researching topics, generating code, and much more – all aimed at streamlining your business operations.

Have you ever had an idea but struggled to find the right words? 

Ama bridges that gap. You can prompt Ama to research topics, identify best practices, and provide answers. 

The result? 

You’re equipped with the insights you need to turn ideas into impactful content.

Imagine this.. You’re effortlessly drafting a sales email that resonates with your audience, without breaking a sweat. Ama does just that. Whether it’s crafting captivating blog posts or generating compelling copy for your website’s homepage.

With Ama, you can describe your desired outcome, and it will respond with relevant insights to help you achieve your business objectives.

Here’s a glimpse of what you can ask Ama to do for you:

  1. Craft Written Content: Ama can generate drafts for sales emails, blog posts, website copy, and more.
  2. Research Topics: Need information on a specific subject? Ama can provide valuable insights.
  3. Generate Code: Whether for your website or email, Ama can create code snippets to save you time.
  4. Answer Questions: Ama isn’t just a creator; it’s also a knowledgeable assistant ready to provide answers.
  5. Refine Content: If the initial response isn’t perfect, you can guide Ama toward the right direction.

Using Ama is as easy as striking up a conversation. Open Ama within your Kajabi Website Page, Landing Page, or Email Builder. 

Describe your content requirement, and watch as Ama crafts a draft that aligns with your vision.

Not loving the initial response?

No problem. Direct Ama on how to refine it, and watch as it transforms according to your instructions. 

Once you’re satisfied, a simple copy-paste is all it takes to integrate your co-created content wherever you need it.

Getting Started with Ama

Accessing Ama is simple. Whenever you’re in the Kajabi Builder, whether it’s a Website Page, Landing Page, or Email, Ama is right there to assist you.

To engage Ama:

For Website Pages and Landing Pages:

  1. Click on the “Website” tab on your dashboard.
  2. Navigate to the “Pages” tab.
  3. Select the page you want to edit.
  4. Click on the purple AI button at the lower right of the screen.


For Emails:

  1. Click on the “Marketing” tab on your dashboard.
  2. Choose the email you want to work on.
  3. Click on “Edit content” to access the Email Content.
  4. Click on the purple AI button at the lower right of the screen.



Co-Creating Content with Ama

Once you’re connected to Ama, you’re ready to dive into the co-creation process. Describe what you’re looking to achieve, and Ama will respond accordingly. If the initial draft isn’t exactly what you had in mind, no worries! You can provide specific instructions on how to improve it, and Ama will revise it accordingly.

Here’s a step-by-step breakdown of co-creating content with Ama:

  1. Enter your custom conversation prompt and hit send.
  2. Alternatively, choose from the suggested prompts.
  3. Ama might seek additional information through follow-up questions.
  4. Once Ama has all the necessary details, it will draft the content.
  5. Rate the response using the “thumbs up” or “thumbs down” icon.
  6. Continue refining until you’re satisfied.
  7. Click the “Copy Content” button to get your content ready for pasting.

Adding AI-Generated Code to Your Site

If you’re looking to incorporate AI-generated code into your Kajabi site, Ama is here to help. Remember, only proceed if you’re comfortable with understanding and using code. You can add the code by copying it and pasting it into a Custom Code Block.

Here’s how you do it:

  1. Copy the generated code.
  2. Edit the page section where you want to add the code or create a new section.
  3. In the left sidebar editor, click on “+ Add Content.”
  4. Choose “Custom Code” as the Block type.
  5. Paste your code into the Code field.
  6. Save your changes.



Got Questions? We’re Here to Help!

If you find yourself needing assistance while using Ama, don’t hesitate to click the question mark icon at the chat window’s top right corner. This will initiate a live chat with the Kajabi Support team, ensuring you have all the help you need.

And there you have it – a comprehensive guide to making the most of Kajabi’s Conversational AI Assistant, Ama. By incorporating Ama into your workflow, you’ll find yourself with more time to focus on what truly matters – growing your business and achieving your goals.

Ready to experience the future of business management? 

Dive into Ama today and witness how this powerful AI assistant transforms the way you work. Your business deserves the best, and Ama is here to deliver.


Are you excited to supercharge your business? 

Take the first step by signing up for Kajabi and embracing the endless possibilities that Ama brings to your fingertips.

>> Join my FREE masterclass on “How to Get Paid for What You Know” https://www.getpaidmasterclass.com and seize the opportunity to grab your FREE trial of Kajabi + $5,995.00 of FREE bonuses here https://danlok.com/kajabi/.

To your unstoppable success,

Dan Lok

How To Find Your Life Purpose

Quick question…

If I asked you what you think your life purpose is, what would you say?

Could you tell me exactly what it was, or would that question stump you a little?

There’s no right or wrong here, because while I feel that everyone has a life purpose, the problem is we aren’t taught how to figure out what it is.

Usually, we find ourselves working some kind of job after school, and more often than not we’re dissatisfied with that job…

And only when things get completely unbearable do we attempt to change anything.

It’s then we begin a journey of self-discovery…


Searching for answers to questions we didn’t even know we had.

Heck, the average person doesn’t know why they even wake up every morning or go to work.

If you asked me as a 19 year old what my WHY was, I would have told you “to provide for my mom.”

It may not seem like much, but it makes all the difference.

As soon as you know your reason for doing anything, life becomes clearer.

So here’s a snippet of what you’ll discover in this week’s newsletter.

  • How to find your WHY…
  • How to find your unique talents…
  • How to find your life purpose…
  • And more

How to Find Your Why

In 2019 I visited Australia for a business event called Startcon, where I gave a presentation.

I met many success driven individuals and I remember speaking to one kid who was 19 years old.

He was confused with what to pursue in life.

I asked him what his “why” was and he couldn’t tell me.

So, I painted a dark “worst case” scenario in his head based on his life, which is an exercise I take people through to help them figure out their why.

You can get the quick exercise here, if you’d like some help pinpointing your why >>

It doesn’t matter how old you are, understanding your “why” is always important, and as you go through life, your “why” will change as your situation changes.

We’ll touch more on your “why” later in the newsletter, because once you’ve been through the other exercises and you discover your purpose and unique talents, your “why” may change.

I believe each of these 3 elements should tie together and you’ll see what I mean in a moment.

How To Find Your Life Purpose

Many people spend their entire lives searching for deeper meaning but not all of them find it.

On the flipside, there are people who live their entire lives wondering if life has a deeper meaning, but they never even begin searching…

They just believe life is what it is and people who have a purpose are few and far between.

But I believe everyone has a life purpose, and it’s easier to figure out than you might think.

It really comes down to asking yourself a few key questions, and here they are.

  • What do you love to do?

    I’m talking about the things you’re passionate about that put you into the flow state where hours seem like minutes.

    I’m talking about things that others may see as “work” but you love them so much you’d happily do them for free.

    Now, if you spend a lot of time trying to figure this out but you come up empty handed, it tells me you haven’t tried enough things.

    In that case, make a list of all the things you’d like to try but haven’t yet.

    Try as many of them as you can until you find the few you absolutely love.

    You may find you discover new things that weren’t on your initial list, and that’s OK.

    The more things you try the more you’ll discover about yourself and what you do and don’t like.


  • What are you good at, and what are your natural talents?

    As a child you may have really enjoyed art, acting, music, or other things you tried in school, and people told you that you were really good at…

    But because society taught us that people in those careers either make a lot of money or barely any money at all, you gave up on your childhood dream.

    Well, that may have been the case, but because of the internet, there are people doing what they love online and making more than they made at their 9-5.

    If you’re stuck with how to find your natural talents, I have a very powerful video for you with 7 questions to help you do just that >>


Skip to 4:33 for the fourth question, and or feel free to watch the entire video if you’d like to hear me explain the above three questions further.

How To Tie It All Together

After going through these questions and doing the exercises, you should now know yourself on a much deeper level.

Hopefully, you’ve had some “a-ha” moments and you’re now more clear on your life purpose.

If not, that’s OK.

As long as your why, your unique talents, and your life purpose all work together, even if you’re not 100% clear…

The further you go on your journey, the clearer things will become.

I hope this newsletter has helped you gain some clarity in your life and journey to success.

Until next time,

Dan Lok

P.S. – If you’re working a 9-5 you dislike that stops you from achieving your dreams, one of the best ways to free up time and make more money is by developing a high income skill.

I have many high income skill trainings at the Dan Lok shop.

So, click here to find one that interests you >>

A high income skill will not only help you make more money and give you time and location freedom, but it will also help you pursue your life purpose once you’ve figured it out. 

5 Enemies To Your Success

We’ve covered a lot in these newsletters so far…

But today, I want to share with you some common enemies to your success.

Most of these are within your control, and a few aren’t…

But that doesn’t mean you can’t do anything about them.

So, get ready to discover 5 common enemies to success and how to overcome them.

Why Your Comfort Zone Is Your Income Zone

I teach this in my High Ticket Closer Certification™

This especially applies to closers because for some people talking to strangers is uncomfortable.

But, the more strangers they talk to, the more they’ll close, and the more money they’ll make.

It’s really that simple.

But what’s simple in theory isn’t simple in practice.

So, where are you stuck in your comfort zone in life and business?

The comfort zone has a way of sneaking up on you and keeping you there, unless you’re actively working to stay out of it.

In fact, around 80% of people avoid change even if that change is positive or beneficial.

So, you’re not alone.

Take note of things you’re comfortable with, and then devise a plan to get out of your comfort zone.

It’s likely you know what to do, you’re just not doing it.

For instance, everyone knows how to lose weight, but very few actually do it.

Let’s move on.

What Is Learned Helplessness?

People who experience learned helplessness always look for something to blame.

The economy is bad…

My partner doesn’t want me to to change…

My boss doesn’t want me to progress in my job.

You fill in the blank.

Of course, these are all real obstacles in their mind, but when it comes down to it, they’re looking for a scapegoat as to why they can’t change.

So if you’re in this position, recognize that some of the biggest companies like General Motors, IBM, Whatsapp, and many more started during a recession.

I’ve had mentees who worked a full time job with young kids and a family who transitioned from their job into full time closing positions.

If you want it bad enough you’ll find a way, if not, you’ll find an excuse.

Why The Path Of Least Resistance Is Best Left Alone

I get it, we all want success YESTERDAY.

We all want to take the easiest path to our destination.

But the easy path never brings you what you want and everything worthwhile takes time.

No one achieves success overnight.

Behind every success story are months and years of struggle, failure, and self-doubt.

But the important thing is you adjust your strategy as needed… fail forward… and never give up.

Why You Must Upgrade Your Beliefs

One of the biggest reasons more people don’t achieve their life goals is they have preconceived ideas about what’s possible for them.

If your mindset doesn’t grow, you’ll never grow, and to get what you want out of life, you must grow, wouldn’t you agree?

This is also true for you if you’ve already achieved some success.

What got you here won’t get you there.

Every level of success requires multiple mindset and skillset upgrades to get to the next level.

Some of the best ways to upgrade your mindset is by spending time with people who are decades ahead of you.

If you’re making $5K per month, you want to hang around people making $50K-$100K+ per month, not $10K per month.

My first mentor Alan let me spend time with him and his friends who all made multi-millions each year, and it expanded my thinking like nothing I’d ever experienced.

Why Progression > Perfection

When you first start out in anything, there’s a tendency to want things to be PERFECT.

You want to release the perfect video…

Have the perfect closing call…

Write the perfect sales page…

But in my opinion, perfection is paralysis.

You’ll never get anywhere if you strive for perfection.

What you’re looking for is progress.

As long as you progress a little bit each day, week, month etc, eventually you’ll look back on where you are now and barely recognize yourself.

I always say, “you can’t have quality without quantity.”

Remember, you don’t have to get it perfect, you just have to get it going.

So make a start on your goals and reassess every 3-6 months to track your progress.

Why Your Environment Is More Powerful Than Your Willpower

If you’ve been following me for a while you’ll know how powerful I believe your environment is.

It will truly make or break your success.

I’m sure you’ve heard the quote “You’re the average of the 5 people you hang around most.”

Now, there may not be any significance to the number 5, but you can be damn sure if your friends are coasting through life, you’ll end up doing the same.

On the flipside, if you had just 2-3 ambitious, driven, and committed friends all with similar goals and aspirations, my guess is your life would change pretty quickly.

So, where can you find people like this?

You could try various entrepreneurial meetup groups, or paid business events etc.

Why You Must Have More NON-NEGOTIABLES In Your Life

I was going to keep it to 5 enemies to success, but here’s a bonus.

Something I teach in my High Income Copywriter Certification™, is the idea of having non-negotiables in your life.

Most people simply don’t have enough non-negotiables in their lives.

This means, things you do every day without fail, that you know will improve your life.

For my mentees in HIC it was studying high converting marketing pieces every day and writing copy.

For you, it could be anything you believe will take your life to the next level.

So, what are the 2-3 things you’ll make time for every day no matter how busy you are?

Make a small list and make sure you do them every day without fail.

In Closing…

There are many more enemies to success I simply couldn’t write about in this newsletter…

But I’ve given you enough to work on that once removed will add huge value to your life in the short, medium, and long term.

To your success,

Dan Lok

P.S. – Since mindset is the thing that drives 80% of your success, and there are always new mindsets to gain as you grow…

Click here to check out my range of mindset and motivation trainings at the Dan Lok Shop, and choose one you feel suits you best >>

You… A Powerful Public Speaker?

I’ll never forget how nervous I was…

It was high school English class, and in order to pass, I had to give a speech to the entire class.

Just the thought of doing this made me wish I was invisible to the world…

So, on the day of the speech, I skipped class to hide in the toilets.

The truth was, to most of my classmates, I was invisible.

I never put my hand up or spoke in class, due to the fear of saying something stupid.

After my teacher told me she couldn’t pass me if I didn’t present a speech, she also offered to help me write it.

So, I faced my fear and agreed.

It actually didn’t go too badly, and the best part… I was… I didn’t die!

This made me want to conquer my fear of speaking, and so I joined Toast Masters, so I could also improve my English and gain more confidence.

I remember how nervous I was speaking in front of the others in attendance.

As I felt I wasn’t a good speaker, I made sure I worked on it extra hard.

In fact, I was a member of two Toast Masters groups at one point, so I had double the speeches.

And do you want to know something funny?

After one of my speeches one day, a colleague said to me “Dan, you know you’re a natural speaker?”

I almost fell out of my chair.

“There’s nothing natural about what I do, trust me.” I replied.

And guess what else…

Out of all the people in my group who wanted to become professional speakers, I was the ONLY ONE to make it happen.

The kid from Hong Kong who spoke with a thick accent.

But that just goes to show the power of putting in the work.

So in this week’s newsletter, you’re going to get some of my best tips on improving your public speaking…

So you can turn yourself into the best public speaker you can be.

Even if you don’t plan on becoming a paid public speaker, this will help you in many areas of your life, especially at work.

After all, the better you are at public speaking, the more money you’ll make.

Why Public Speaking Is North America’s Biggest Fear

As you may know, public speaking is feared by almost every person on the planet.


There are many reasons…

They fear being judged or evaluated negatively by the audience.

This of course leads to shame, embarrassment, and failure.

Having bad past public speaking experiences also contribute to and confirm this fear, which can lead to a loss of confidence and even social anxiety.

So, there are many factors at play, and I deep dive into more of them here >>

How To Overcome The Fear Of Public Speaking

It’s likely you’re in a catch 22 situation.

Do you overcome your fear of public speaking before you get on stage next, or do you face your fear and get on stage to overcome it?

The truth is, it’s a bit of both.

Obviously, I’m a far better speaker today than I was way back when I started, because of all the hours I’ve put in.

But there were some very powerful mental tricks I did to overcome my fear of speaking in front of others.

In short they are focusing on your audience, visualization, and what I like to call the “power move”.

If you’d like a more in depth explanation, then I clear all this up for you here >>

How To Find Your Speaking Style

You may look at great public speakers like Tony Robbins, Oprah Winfrey, or Steve Jobs and think…

“They’re great, but that’s not really my style.”

I get you.

That’s why it’s important you find your own signature style.

The way I did this is by studying great public speakers and using some of their techniques and style in my speeches…

Then eventually, I took what worked for me and developed my own style from that.

One afternoon, I had the pleasure of sitting down with Forbes speaker Deborah Patel, where she shared some of her pro speaking tips to help you connect with your audience and create your own speaking style.

Click here to watch the short interview, I guarantee you’ll get a lot out of it >>

How To Hook Your Audience and Keep Them On The Edge of Their Seat

It doesn’t matter whether you’re speaking in front of a small group, doing an office presentation, or speaking to hundreds or even thousands of people…

There are things you can do to make your presentation fun, engaging, and memorable.

And the best part, you don’t have to be famous to hook your audience in.

In fact, no one will listen to a boring speech delivered by even the most famous person in the world.

So, in a moment you’ll get the chance to discover 7 of my most effective public speaking secrets.

These secrets, will help you:

  • Become unforgettable…
  • Let the audience know why they should listen to you…
  • Command their participation in a smooth way…
  • Be entertaining…
  • Set the right expectation and stop your audience thinking “I’ve heard of this before”
  • And much much more

So, click here for 7 public speaking secrets so effective, you’ll have you audience eating out of the palm of your hand >>

In closing…

Public speaking is one of the highest paid skills on the planet.


Because every event needs speakers, and if you can convey your message and get people to act on your presentation, you can literally print money from the stage.

When you combine closing and copywriting skills with public speaking skills, you’re in a league of your own.

So, if you’d like my help honing your public speaking skills, click here to check out my training Public Speaking Secrets >>

It’s a tiny investment but has the potential to have an immense impact on your life and financial future.

To your success,

Dan Lok

P.S. – It’s not often someone like me who’s spoken on stages all over the world reveals their most closely guarded secrets for giving phenomenal public speeches.

So, don’t miss your opportunity to grab Public Speaking Secrets while it’s fresh on your mind and take your speaking and income to brand new heights >>

Face These 5 Common Biz Struggles?

At any time as a coach, consultant, expert, or trainer you face multiple BIG challenges in your business…

As I searched the internet for a topic for this week’s newsletter, I stumbled across an article that outlined 100 common challenges faced by coaches and consultants.

So, I thought I’d take 5 challenges and help you overcome them, whether you’re facing them now or will in future.

The end result of course is you solving the BIGGEST problem most coaches and consultants face, which is…

They struggle to find and close new clients.

FAIR WARNING: I’m only scratching the surface here, as there were 100 to begin with and I’m sure there are many more than that.

If you can work through these, over time, your business will be unrecognizable from where it is today, and you’ll generate more revenue, and improve your business and life overall.

Let’s go.

Why Coaches Or Consultants Can’t Articulate Their Value

Have you ever felt unaware of how amazing you are and the value you give?

If so, you’re not alone.

Because you’ve worked so hard to attain your skills, and they come as second nature to you now…

It’s easy to think that everyone can do what you do, but they can’t.

And if you’re unaware of how amazing you are, you’ll find it difficult to articulate your value.

QUICK TIP: Write down all the things you can do related to your business and the results your clients get.

This will help you get crystal clear on the value you give so you can see how impactful your work truly is.

This helps you get clear on…

Your Core Offer

Creating an irresistible/no-brainer offer is vital to the success of your business.

You want an offer people feel stupid saying “no” to.

There are 7 traits of an irresistible offer, and they are…

  1. It must be easy to understand…
  2. It’s highly desirable…
  3. It has high perceived value
  4. It’s easy to get…
  5. It must be believable and credible…
  6. It must have low or no risk…
  7. There must be a reason to buy NOW…

If you’d like clarity on each of these traits, I cover them all in detail here >>

Once you have an irresistible offer, it helps you…

Differentiate Yourself From Other Coaches And Consultants

Have you ever been in a sales interaction where the salesperson tried to tell you why their product was BETTER than their competitors?

If you’re constantly trying to justify your value, you’re in a losing battle.

Sure you want your product/service to be better, but you also want it to be DIFFERENT.

And guess what…

Once you’ve created an irresistible offer, your offer will not only be better than your competitors but it will be VERY different too.

There are many ways you can differentiate yourself from your competition, and it all starts with studying them.

You want to know them better than they know themselves.

In this video I cover 3 ways to beat your competition, one of which I’ve just mentioned >>.

Another two ways you can differentiate yourself is with your story.

Your story is unique to you, and no other company, coach, or consultant can replicate it.

I wrote about this in a previous newsletter, but sharing your story is a VERY powerful tactic in business.

Having a unique selling proposition (USP) is also KEY to differentiating yourself from your competitors.

Your USP could be as simple as getting to work with you versus working with a big company who hires a college graduate to serve their clients.

Finding your USP will require some brainstorming, but once you find it your business becomes more robust and unique.

Why You NEVER Want To Trade Time For Money

Even if you raise your prices often, scaling your business is impossible if you trade time for money.

It blows my mind how many coaches and consultants I see who can’t escape the time for money trap.

But when you’ve nailed your irresistible offer and its delivery, you’ll no longer trade time for money and you can take your business to brand new heights.

That’s why I’ve set my hourly rate so high.

Because if I limit the number of people who can make that investment, it protects my time.

And I suggest you do the same.

You don’t need to charge what I charge, but you should make sure only the most serious and committed clients get your time.

This brings me to the next problem I see often, which is…

Having No Systems In Place

You may have heard me say this before…

But systems are VITAL to scaling your business, and escaping the time for money trap.

I always say, “You don’t manage people, you create systems that manage people.”

Once you have the right systems and processes in place your employees can follow…

There’s no uncertainty in your business…

They free up time…

And things run more smoothly, and most importantly…

Your employees can do a great job and feel good about coming to work.

The good thing is you don’t have to wait until your business reaches a certain size before you create systems.

You can create systems now that will serve you for years to come.

If you’d like to know how I created some of the systems in my businesses, then you’ll love this video >>

In Closing…

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again…

Fix these issues and your business will be like night and day from where it is now…

You’ll have more free time, better clients, and more money, and who doesn’t want all those things?

Till next time, go high ticket,

Dan Lok

P.S. – In July, we’re running our next S.M.A.R.T. Challenge™, and guess what we’ll be covering over 3 transformative days?

Over 3 powerful days you’ll get the exact business blueprint I’ve used to generate over $100 million in just a few years in my coaching/consulting business.

I’ll show you how to install the right SYSTEMS into your business, so you can SCALE and SUSTAIN your growth, even during tough periods of economic uncertainty, and more.

This is an event not to miss if you want to take your business to new heights but don’t know how.

Click here for the full scoop and secure your seat for what will be an EPIC 3 days together >>