Strategic Thinking

7 Sales Tips To Multiply Your Sales

If you’re like most business owners, chances are you either dislike or hate selling…

Because it leaves you feeling sleazy, pushy, and inauthentic…

And if you’re sitting there nodding your head, then I think you’ll find this week’s newsletter a breath of fresh air.

Because today I’ll share different selling strategies, tips, and techniques, not just from my personal experience, but also pulled from other resources online…

In the hope they help you sell without selling.

Even if you’re great at sales, you may like to stick around, because I can almost guarantee you’ll find something that will help you elevate your business.

Why Sales Is A Dirty Word

Almost everyone has experienced a sleazy salesperson or two in their lifetime.

You know the ones.

They’re pushy and always trying to “get” you to buy whatever they’re selling.

Everyone hates to be sold, BUT they love to buy.

So it’s easy to see why most have a negative association with sales.

But as you may know, sales isn’t about getting anything.

It’s about helping your prospect solve their problems or achieve their goals.

Why No One Understands What You’re Selling

Before we get into the tactics etc, as you’re a coach, consultant, expert, trainer, or service professional, I feel this is important.

You’re selling a service which is tangible.

Your prospect can’t see or touch your service.

So it’s your job to communicate the value of what you’re selling so they become your client. 

This is what I call “selling the invisible value”.

And the best way to do this is by using the 3 P’s I talk about in the video below.

In short they are Positioning, Psychology, and Price, and you can get a full explanation of each here >>

How To Turn Your Prospect Into The Salesperson

An important technique I teach my clients and mentees is that you must turn your prospect into the salesperson.

The key difference between a typical salesperson and a closer or sales pro, is the questions they ask.

In fact, typical salespeople ask very few questions, they merely talk at the prospect and rattle off a list of features and benefits and reasons why the prospect should buy.

A sales pro, asks the prospect discovery questions to find out why the two of them are even speaking in the first place.

The sales pro finds out their motivations for booking the call, what their problems and pains are, what their goals and aspirations are…

And once they’ve diagnosed the problem, if they think they can help, and they feel there’s a good fit, they’ll close them on their service.

Now there are countless questions you could ask your prospect, and if you need help in this area, you’re welcome to take one of my trainings on the Dan Lok Shop…

But I want to give you 5 very powerful questions I like to ask my prospects that give me vital info to use later in the call >>

When you ask the right questions the prospect automatically opens up and the more they talk, the more they realize why they need your product or service.

Then they practically sell themselves on taking action to solve their problem with your help.

How To Redefine The Word S.A.L.E.S.

I saw a video on YouTube recently where the creator created an acronym for the word sales.

The words he used were Serve, Ask, Listen, Empathize, and Summarize, and it’s very true, [Name].

Your job is always to serve your prospects, and you can’t do that unless you ask the right questions, listen to the answers, empathize with them, and summarize their situation and repeat it back to them.

This shows you truly understand them and when they can tell you understand them, they’re far more likely to choose you as a solution to their problem.

KEY POINT: They won’t care how much you know until they know how much you care.

Click here if you’d like to see the full video of how to sell WITHOUT being salesy >>

I think you’ll find it very helpful.

3 Sales Tips To Help You Sell Covertly and Multiply Your Sales

If you’re someone who runs regular trainings, you may get people who attend more than one training, even if the trainings are very similar.

Whether this is the case or not, you may feel a little uncomfortable pitching at the end of your free training week in week out.

And if so, I want to share a powerful method my friend Sharran Shrivatsaa uses in his business so he can sell after every training he gives each week without feeling like he’s selling.

If you haven’t heard of Sharran, he took his real estate company Teles Properties from $300 Million to $3.4 Billion in 5 years before exiting.

He has multiple other noteworthy achievements under his belt and he often speaks at my events…

And in this video, he shares his unique strategies for selling without selling and getting a constant flow of referrals.

Click here to discover Sharran’s strategies and implement them into your business today >>

Alex Hormozi’s Unusual Selling Method

Have you ever felt like if only you were more dishonest you’d make more sales…

But you know that you’d never be able to live with yourself if you felt like you lied or weren’t completely honest with your prospects?

Well, fear not my friend because you’re about to discover a stupidly simple persuasion technique that helps you sell far more than you’ve ever sold before…

But also allows you to be completely upfront and honest with your prospect.

It’s the best of both worlds, and I can think of no one better to teach it to you than Alex Hormozi, author of $100 Million Offers.

So if you want to know how to increase your conversions WITHOUT lying to your prospects, click here >>

A Counter-intuitive Method For Detaching From The Sale

I mentioned this in a previous newsletter…

But detaching from the sale is one of the best strategies to increase your sales.

The problem is, it’s much easier said than done, especially when your business is supposed to make money, and at times, making a sale feels like make or break.

So, I found a video that breaks it down for you very simply.

Skip to the 8 minute mark to discover this counter-intuitive but highly effective strategy >>

In Closing…

There are so many great sales strategies and techniques out there that will completely change the game for you.

But if you just implement some of the strategies in this newsletter you’ll see great results over time and sometimes even very quickly.

Until next time…

Go high ticket,

Dan Lok

P.S. – If you’d like to take the guesswork out of your business and install systems that help you market and sell more of your products and services…

Then you’ll love my 3-day business immersive the S.M.A.R.T. Challenge™.

When you join us, you’ll get 3 full days with me where you’ll discover exactly what I’ve done to SCALE, SYSTEMIZE, and SUSTAIN my business through one of the toughest economic periods in history.

You’ll get actionable strategies you can implement into your business as soon as each day is done

For the full story, click here, and I’ll see you there >> 

Not Paid What You’re Worth?

Coaching can be one of the most rewarding and lucrative businesses you could start…

But, as you may know, you can’t just be a coach, consultant, expert, or trainer, and make a lot of money.

Your business must be a HIGH TICKET business.

One HUGE problem I see many coaches and consultants face is they don’t know their worth.

As such, they give away free strategy or clarity calls…

And don’t charge enough.

So, in this week’s newsletter you’ll discover how to charge what you’re worth, so you can make more money, and give yourself and your family the lifestyle they deserve.

Why Free Strategy Session Don’t Work

I know a lot of the “gurus” out there swear by giving away free sessions…

And on the surface it makes sense.

If you give away a full session and coach someone to help them achieve part of their goals, they’d be crazy not to work with you long term and pay for your time, right?


In my experience, a high percentage of people who take you up on a free session do so because it’s free.

And if you want to hear a funny story of when I first started out doing marketing consulting for free, you’ll love this video >>

So what’s the best way to close new clients?

I shot you a quick video where you’ll discover:

  • Why free strategy sessions are BAD for positioning
  • Why it’s hard to balance how much value to give in each call
  • How to set up a filter to ensure you only speak with qualified prospects
  • My 4 step qualification process that makes the above filter work, and more!

Click here to check out the video >>

So you now know why free coaching or consulting is a bad idea, but that’s only half the battle.

Your next problem could be charging too little for your time.

So let’s talk about that.

3 Reasons Why Undercharging Hurts Your Coaching Business

In my opinion, high ticket pricing is the only way to run a business.


Because low ticket prices create all kinds of issues.

One HUGE problem is your ability to spend money on marketing and advertising.

If your fees are low, there’s no way you can outspend your competitors for clients.

And this is just the beginning.

Here are 3 other reasons why undercharging hurts your coaching business.

  1. A new client doesn’t add much to your bottom line.

    If you’re going after cheap clients with a low cost offer, you’ll likely see a big client turnover as they aren’t very committed.

    You’re constantly having to hunt for new clients but if your margins are low, one client doesn’t make much difference to your business.

    Versus, high ticket clients which could mean an extra few thousand to your business.
  2. Naturally, if one client doesn’t make a huge difference to your business, you need far more clients to make 6 figures.

    Rather than 20 $5K clients to make $100K, you’ll need 200, $500 clients.

    Remember, Business is a game of margins not volume.
  3. The less they pay, the less committed they are, as I mentioned above, but they also value you and your expertise less.

    Versus, high ticket clients who are committed and truly value your time, expertise, and what you have to offer.

    They know real results take time, and they’re not afraid to put in the work to get what they want.

For 2 more reasons why undercharging hurts your business, click here >>

How To Calculate What Your Time Is Worth

No matter how much you want to make per year, your time has a specific value.

If you don’t know what that number is, you’ll likely invest your valuable time into tasks that won’t take you closer to your goals.

Put another way, if you invest your time into a task so you can save $50 an hour, but your time must be worth $200 an hour…

Then you haven’t saved $50. You’ve lost $150, because you could have earned $200 and outsourced the task for $50.

So, if you want to calculate how much your time must be worth in order to hit your income goals…

Click here for a very powerful video on the value of time and charging what you’re worth >>

In the above video, you’ll also discover WHY you may not be charging what you’re worth and more.

How To Know Your Worth and Ask For It

As you saw in the last video, your goal should be to ask for as much as the market is willing to pay.

If your clients are getting value and a good return on investment, then they’ll have no problem paying you what you’re worth.

Price is only a problem in the absence of value.

That’s how I’ve been able to go from charging $5K an hour, to $10K, and now to $25K per hour.

Because they’re not paying for my time, they’re paying for the value I bring to the hour.

Here’s a short clip from High Ticket Mastery™  where I talk about charging what you’re worth and the two common reactions people have when you tell them your price >>

In Closing…

Stay away from free sessions…

Don’t undercharge…

Know what your time must be worth…

And always charge as high as the market is willing to pay

Until next time… go high ticket,

Dan Lok

P.S. – If you want to charge what you’re worth, then you won’t want to miss the S.M.A.R.T. Challenge™…

Where over 3 mindblowing days, you’ll get the exact blueprint I’ve used to sell over $100 million in coaching and consulting in just a few short years.

You’ll also surround yourself with hundreds of high level coaches, consultants, and experts, as you get my favorite strategies for SCALING, SYSTEMIZING, and SUSTAINING your business in any economic climate.

Everytime we run the challenge we step it up a notch, and if the last challenge is anything to go by, then this one will be a force to be reckoned with.

So, click here for the full scoop and secure your seat while you still can >>

3 Ways To Upgrade Your Environment Fast..

You spoke, and we listened…

A few weeks ago we sent an email asking what topics you’d like us to cover, and one thing that stood out was you wanted to hear more of my stories.

So, in this week’s newsletter, you’ll discover some of my personal stories about why your environment is KEY to your success, and how to upgrade your environment to help you achieve your goals.

The Day I Got Arrested…

I was a punk kid in my early teens.

I hung out with gang members…

Got up to no good…

Smoked cigarettes…

And was on the fast track to nowhere.

One day, mom and dad had to pick me up from the police station.

One policeman said to my dad “If you don’t get your son out of here, he’ll end up in jail.”

Not long after that, dad decided to move mom and I to Vancouver, Canada.

A brand new environment where I couldn’t get into trouble any longer.

The Day I Realized I Could Become a Millionaire

As you may be aware, after failing at 13 businesses, I met my mentor Alan Jaques.

Alan taught me how to write sales copy, which was my first high income skill.

After I’d been out on my own for a while, and one day Alan asked me…

“Dan, I’m thinking of getting a few smart people, kind of like a mastermind, and we’ll get together once a month and brainstorm ideas. Do you want to join us?”

There I was, a kid in his early twenties, making low 6 figures in income, being invited to a millionaire only mastermind.

Of course, I said “yes”.

I remember the first few meetings were very awkward.

I felt out of place.

They were talking numbers I couldn’t even fathom.

5, 8, 10 million dollars etc.

At each meeting, I got more comfortable being around them.

And although I was usually very quiet, I began to share some of my ideas.

To my surprise they actually liked them.

One day, after about 6 months, we were at lunch, when it finally hit me.

I thought, “These guys are making 50 times more money than I am, but they’re not 50 times smarter, and they don’t work 50 times harder than me.”

It was at that moment, I had an identity change, and realized that if I wanted to, I could become a millionaire.

This never would have happened if I hadn’t accepted Alan’s invitation and upgraded my environment.

The Day My Fish Died

Back in 2019, I had a large fish tank.

Many of the fish became sick, and sadly, one also died.

I called the fish tank expert and I asked him what I could do to treat the other fish.

He said “Dan, if your fish are sick, you don’t treat the fish, you treat the water.”

I thought about it for a minute, and realized he was completely right and how this analogy applies to life and success.

A lot of people downplay their environment but, as you’ve read above, your environment is highly influential.

Change your environment and you’ll change your life.

Now, before we get into ways you can change your environment and upgrade the people you hang out with.

Click here to watch this video for powerful insights into how I managed to continually upgrade my peer group to hit higher and higher levels of success >>

3 Ways To Upgrade Your Environment To Win In 2023

If you’ve been following me for a while, you’ll know I truly believe in the power of mentorship.

With that said, the quickest way to find success centric people is by joining a paid program online.

It’s the simplest solution, and if you find a mentor with a large community, you’ll find no end of people to connect with and meet up with if you’re in the same city.

Yes, you’ll need to invest money, but depending on what you’re looking for, it doesn’t have to be thousands of dollars, although it could be.

Another way is by attending live events.

The investment is typically far greater, as you have to pay for flights, accommodation and ticket costs, etc, unless the event is local to you.

But live events are one of the best places to connect with people all looking to level up in life.

If you’re lucky enough to live in a big city there will be successful people you could approach and perhaps ask them to mentor you like I did.

Typically this is a long shot, unless people already pay them to mentor them, because they’re busy and have no reason to mentor a stranger.

But it’s worth a try, as long as you bring something to the table and have something they need, which in my case with Alan was me helping him around the office.

How To Find Successful People If You Live In A Small Town

If you’ve got nothing going on in your city or town, my best advice is to move.

If you’re serious about your life and success, relocating to a bigger city is one of the best things you can do.

Not only will it upgrade your environment automatically, when you step outside your comfort zone like that, it forces you to level up just by the fact you’re in a new environment.

You’ll unlock a new confidence you never knew existed.

You’ll be forced to meet new people.

And more than likely, because your family and friends expect you to act a certain way…

When you’re in a new environment, you’ll actually reinvent yourself and do things outside your norm.

How To Create An Environment For Success

If you work a 9-5 your environment will be mostly out of your control, but do what you can do to make it as conducive to success as possible.

I like to have what I call wealth triggers in my home office…

And if you’re someone who works from home already you may like to add some to your office too.

You can get an idea of some of my wealth triggers here >> wrote a great article on other ways besides adding wealth triggers you could upgrade your work environment and set yourself up for success.

You can check it out here >>

I hope you’ve enjoyed this week’s newsletter and discovered why your environment is so important as well as ways to upgrade it.

See you in the next one

To your success,

Dan Lok

P.S. – If you want to make 2023 your best year yet, click here to check out my “Your Best Year Ever” training >> 

Inside, we’ll work together to turn your biggest goals into your personal reality in 12 months or less.

Click the link above for instant access

Clients Get The Better Of You?

No matter how you look at it, your clients either make your business a pleasant dream, or chilling nightmare…

We’ve all had clients from hell…

But what I’m talking about is not making things harder than they have to be, even if you have great clients.

So, in this week’s newsletter, you’ll discover 5 ways you can improve how to deal with your clients to improve both your and their satisfaction.

Why You Should STOP Solving Your Clients Problems

“What Dan, I shouldn’t solve my clients problems?”


Here’s what I mean.

If you’re a consultant, then solving your clients’ problems is part of your job, but if you’re a coach…

Your job is to give them what they need and provide guidance and support so THEY can solve their own problems.

The reason for this is twofold.

If you solve every little  issue they have:

  • You’ll be overworked and underpaid…
  • They’ll ALWAYS be dependent on you, and NEVER grow…

Neither of those outcomes is favorable for either of you.

So, by all means be there for them, give them everything they need to succeed, but NEVER enable them to remain helpless.

Why You Must Track Your Clients’ Progress

Tracking your clients’ progress is essential if you want to keep your clients long term.

But as your client base expands it can get difficult to manage.

You’ll want to create a Google doc or spreadsheet with a tab for each client.

On each tab you’ll have where they were before starting with you…

And you can monitor their progress each week or month that passes based on specific metrics.

You can spend a little time each week filling in the sheet for all clients, or hire a virtual assistant if you’re too busy…

And this gives you a solid idea of where each client is and what they need to reach their goals and continue progressing.

How To Manage Your Clients WITHOUT Overwhelm

Do you ever feel like you’re being led by your clients or they have a little more control than you like?

I see this far too often in coaching/client relationships.

The key to managing your clients is training them so they know where the lines that must not be crossed are.

You want to be there for your clients, but you other life and business priorities too.

Unless there’s an emergency, they can’t just call you whenever they want.

If you’d like to know how I manage my clients, then click here to watch this short but insightful video >>

Remember, you’re the leader in this relationship.

You set the ground rules with compassion of course, because you’re often their only line of support on this journey.

How To Have Tough Client Conversations Without Losing Your Cool

Being a leader has many difficult moments…

And having tough conversations is definitely one of them.

In my opinion B.S. has no place in a coaching and consulting, or training relationship.

Your ability to do your job well relies heavily on your ability to tell your clients what they NEED to hear, not what they want to hear.

Things may get awkward.

Your clients may not like it, but it’s essential to both your current and future success.

So how do you have those tough conversations with your clients?

Good question.

In this video, Mel Robbins outlines the 4 things to do that make having difficult conversations easier >>

In short they are:

  1. Acknowledge responsibility
  2. Define the outcome
  3. Listen & validate
  4. Restate the outcome

But I suggest you watch the 4 minute video to gain full insight into how to have difficult conversations.

How To Ensure Your Clients Don’t Quit Early

There’s nothing worse than putting so much time and effort into your business, programme, and clients, only to have them pull out before the programme ends.

Your lifetime customer value is very important, so if you run a 12, 24, or 36+ month program…

Your success hinges on your clients not quitting early.

There could be many reasons why they may want to leave.

Four of the biggest reasons are:

  • They don’t feel like they can keep up so they have to quit
  • They’re unhappy with the experience so they fire you
  • They found a service they feel is better so they exchange/fire you
  • They’re experiencing time, financial problems, or personal problems

The question is, what can you do to ensure they don’t quit?

As always, effective communication is KEY, which is where your new tough conversation skills become vital.

I shot you a quick video on how to have a high client retention rate >>

How To Understand Client Lifetime Value

The lifetime value of each of your clients is one of the most important Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) in your business.

Here’s how you calculate it.

Say you have 10 clients and you have been working with you for a total of 32 years.

Your average client relationship then lasts for 3.2 years.

Let’s say your profit for each client on your $5K program is $3.5K.

This means your Customer Lifetime Value is $11.2K which is $3.5K profit x 3.2 years.

When you know this number you know how much you could spend to acquire each customer and still remain profitable.

This also highlights how important client retention is, because the lower your LTV, the less you can spend to acquire customers and the less profitable your business.

In Closing…

Your business is a never ending puzzle with pieces that can go almost anywhere.

I hope this newsletter has helped clear up some of the ways you can keep your clients and yourself happy and your business more profitable.

Until next time… Go High Ticket,

Dan Lok

P.S. – The countdown till our next S.M.A.R.T. Challenge™ is well underway.

If you weren’t aware, the S.M.A.R.T. Challenge™ is our 3 day business immersive where you’ll discover the exact strategies and secrets we used to generate over $100 million in our coaching/consulting business in just a few years.

You could say, I’m handing you my business playbook on a silver platter.

We go LIVE on July 26th, and our recent challenge surpassed all expectations.

This is truly an event you won’t want to miss if you’re serious and committed to the success of your business.

You can get the full scoop and save your seat here >>

Launching Your Kajabi Course – My Proven Steps for a Successful and Profitable Launch

Welcome to an exciting chapter of our Kajabi journey, where we’ll unveil the thrilling process of launching your online course to the world.

Get ready to discover my proven steps for a successful and profitable launch!

Step 1: Setting Clear Objectives and Goals 

Before anything else, define your launch objectives and goals. What do you aim to achieve with this launch? 

Increased enrollments, revenue targets, or building your email list? 

Having clear goals in mind will guide your strategy and keep you focused throughout the process.

Step 2: Building Buzz with Pre-Launch Marketing 

Create a sense of anticipation and excitement around your course by implementing pre-launch marketing strategies. 

Utilize social media, email marketing, and content marketing to tease your audience with sneak peeks and valuable insights about your course’s content and benefits.

Step 3: Building a High-Converting Sales Page 

Your sales page is your virtual storefront, so make it compelling and persuasive. Craft compelling copy, highlight the benefits of your course, and include testimonials or success stories to build trust with potential students. 

Don’t forget to incorporate your irresistible call-to-action buttons!

Step 4: Preparing Course Materials and Content 

Ensure that all your course materials and content are ready for delivery before the launch. This includes videos, PDFs, quizzes, and any bonus materials you’ve promised. 

Take the time to test your content to ensure a seamless learning experience for your students.

Step 5: Creating Promotional Content 

Diversify your promotional content to reach a wider audience. Consider creating blog posts, podcasts, videos, or hosting webinars related to your course topic. 

Share valuable insights and establish yourself as an authority in your niche to attract potential students.

Step 6: Hosting Live Launch Events 

Live launch events, such as webinars or Q&A sessions, can be powerful tools for engaging your audience and driving conversions. 

These events allow you to address questions, showcase the value of your course, and create a sense of urgency to encourage immediate enrollments.

Step 7: Implementing a Countdown Timer 

Harness the power of urgency by implementing a countdown timer on your sales page. This will create a fear of missing out and prompt potential students to take action before the launch period ends.

Step 8: Collaborating with Affiliates 

Leverage the Kajabi affiliate program or collaborate with influencers in your niche to extend your reach and attract a broader audience. Affiliates can help drive traffic and generate additional enrollments, increasing the overall success of your launch.


Congratulations! You’re now equipped with my proven steps and checklist for a successful and profitable Kajabi course launch. 

Remember to set clear objectives, create pre-launch buzz, and prepare your course materials meticulously. Engage your audience with live launch events, promotional content, and affiliate partnerships to maximize your impact.

►► Grab your FREE trial of Kajabi + $5,995.00 of FREE bonuses here:

►► Watch the FREE masterclass on how to get paid for what you know:

To your unstoppable success,

Dan Lok

Supercharge Your Business with Ama: Kajabi’s Game-Changing AI Assistant

Welcome to a new era of business efficiency, courtesy of Kajabi’s latest innovation – the conversational AI assistant, “Ama”.

Picture this – you have a brilliant business idea, but the clock is ticking, and time is of the essence. This is where Ama steps in, your digital collaborator ready to assist you in creating content, researching topics, drafting emails, and even generating code. 

Yes, you read that right – Ama is your AI sidekick that streamlines your tasks and gives you back the gift of time.

Keen to find out more? 

Let’s explore how you can harness Ama’s power to save time, enhance your content creation process, and ultimately elevate your business.

What Exactly is Ama?

Ama is your virtual content co-creator, an AI-powered assistant designed to understand your needs and respond with actionable solutions. It’s like having a content strategist, research analyst, and coding guru at your beck and call, all wrapped into one intuitive chatbot.

Understanding Ama’s Potential

Ama is not your average chatbot; it’s a virtual assistant designed to work seamlessly within the Kajabi Builder. Its purpose? 

To assist you in creating content, researching topics, generating code, and much more – all aimed at streamlining your business operations.

Have you ever had an idea but struggled to find the right words? 

Ama bridges that gap. You can prompt Ama to research topics, identify best practices, and provide answers. 

The result? 

You’re equipped with the insights you need to turn ideas into impactful content.

Imagine this.. You’re effortlessly drafting a sales email that resonates with your audience, without breaking a sweat. Ama does just that. Whether it’s crafting captivating blog posts or generating compelling copy for your website’s homepage.

With Ama, you can describe your desired outcome, and it will respond with relevant insights to help you achieve your business objectives.

Here’s a glimpse of what you can ask Ama to do for you:

  1. Craft Written Content: Ama can generate drafts for sales emails, blog posts, website copy, and more.
  2. Research Topics: Need information on a specific subject? Ama can provide valuable insights.
  3. Generate Code: Whether for your website or email, Ama can create code snippets to save you time.
  4. Answer Questions: Ama isn’t just a creator; it’s also a knowledgeable assistant ready to provide answers.
  5. Refine Content: If the initial response isn’t perfect, you can guide Ama toward the right direction.

Using Ama is as easy as striking up a conversation. Open Ama within your Kajabi Website Page, Landing Page, or Email Builder. 

Describe your content requirement, and watch as Ama crafts a draft that aligns with your vision.

Not loving the initial response?

No problem. Direct Ama on how to refine it, and watch as it transforms according to your instructions. 

Once you’re satisfied, a simple copy-paste is all it takes to integrate your co-created content wherever you need it.

Getting Started with Ama

Accessing Ama is simple. Whenever you’re in the Kajabi Builder, whether it’s a Website Page, Landing Page, or Email, Ama is right there to assist you.

To engage Ama:

For Website Pages and Landing Pages:

  1. Click on the “Website” tab on your dashboard.
  2. Navigate to the “Pages” tab.
  3. Select the page you want to edit.
  4. Click on the purple AI button at the lower right of the screen.


For Emails:

  1. Click on the “Marketing” tab on your dashboard.
  2. Choose the email you want to work on.
  3. Click on “Edit content” to access the Email Content.
  4. Click on the purple AI button at the lower right of the screen.



Co-Creating Content with Ama

Once you’re connected to Ama, you’re ready to dive into the co-creation process. Describe what you’re looking to achieve, and Ama will respond accordingly. If the initial draft isn’t exactly what you had in mind, no worries! You can provide specific instructions on how to improve it, and Ama will revise it accordingly.

Here’s a step-by-step breakdown of co-creating content with Ama:

  1. Enter your custom conversation prompt and hit send.
  2. Alternatively, choose from the suggested prompts.
  3. Ama might seek additional information through follow-up questions.
  4. Once Ama has all the necessary details, it will draft the content.
  5. Rate the response using the “thumbs up” or “thumbs down” icon.
  6. Continue refining until you’re satisfied.
  7. Click the “Copy Content” button to get your content ready for pasting.

Adding AI-Generated Code to Your Site

If you’re looking to incorporate AI-generated code into your Kajabi site, Ama is here to help. Remember, only proceed if you’re comfortable with understanding and using code. You can add the code by copying it and pasting it into a Custom Code Block.

Here’s how you do it:

  1. Copy the generated code.
  2. Edit the page section where you want to add the code or create a new section.
  3. In the left sidebar editor, click on “+ Add Content.”
  4. Choose “Custom Code” as the Block type.
  5. Paste your code into the Code field.
  6. Save your changes.



Got Questions? We’re Here to Help!

If you find yourself needing assistance while using Ama, don’t hesitate to click the question mark icon at the chat window’s top right corner. This will initiate a live chat with the Kajabi Support team, ensuring you have all the help you need.

And there you have it – a comprehensive guide to making the most of Kajabi’s Conversational AI Assistant, Ama. By incorporating Ama into your workflow, you’ll find yourself with more time to focus on what truly matters – growing your business and achieving your goals.

Ready to experience the future of business management? 

Dive into Ama today and witness how this powerful AI assistant transforms the way you work. Your business deserves the best, and Ama is here to deliver.


Are you excited to supercharge your business? 

Take the first step by signing up for Kajabi and embracing the endless possibilities that Ama brings to your fingertips.

>> Join my FREE masterclass on “How to Get Paid for What You Know” and seize the opportunity to grab your FREE trial of Kajabi + $5,995.00 of FREE bonuses here

To your unstoppable success,

Dan Lok