Systems & Processes

Want To Survive The Next Recession? (Do This)

Back in 2020 when the pandemic threw the world economy into a tailspin…

Everyone thought we were in for a world recession…

And while there we did experience some economic turmoil…

Experts are saying that was nothing compared to what’s around the corner.

They say a depression is a very high possibility.

Because recessions tend to happen every 7 years, we’re long overdue for one…

As the last one was the Global Financial Crisis of 2008.

So in this week’s newsletter, I’ll share ways you can prepare and survive the next recession…

And if you’re savvy, make money and expand your business while others contract theirs.

Why Your Mindset is KEY In a Recession

To kick this off, click here to watch this YouTube shorts video to get into the right mindset going into a recession >>

You see, preparing for a recession is all about how you view it.

Most people see a recession as the end of the world, but there’s a small percentage of people who thrive and make more money in a recession.

How To Recession Proof Your Income and Business

In my career, I’ve been through many economic downturns.

And if you look throughout history, recessions actually get shorter and we bounce back faster.

There’s no telling how long the next recession will last, so here are 3 things you can do to prepare for it >>

I truly believe everyone can survive a recession if they’re well prepared.

But you must start as soon as possible.

Recessions affect everyone in different ways, and most people don’t think a recession will affect them, but they’re wrong.

It’s those people who panic when the recession hits, because they weren’t prepared.

They try to fix their situation, but it’s too late.

So let’s assume, you’ve done the things I mention in the video above.

You’ve got one or more skills you can use to make money…

You continue to stack cash and keep it on hand…

And you have a recession proof business.

Another thing you’ll want to do is pay off any outstanding debt.

As interest rates around the world continue to climb, any debt costs you more to service.

Doing these 4 things puts you in a great position to make money during a recession.

As Warren Buffett says “Bad news is an investor’s best friend”…

So, let’s dive into some ways you can take advantage of the upcoming recession and set yourself up for financial success.

How To Make Millions In The Next Recession

The more skills you have, the better chance your business has of surviving.

With the success of your business, ensure you stack as much cash as possible

They say “cash is trash” and normally I’d agree, but in a recession, cash is KING.

You always need cash in case of emergencies.

But when the time comes, you’ll need cash to invest in investments of your choice.

Most people make money from stocks and real estate in a recession.

Why those investments?

Because as people sell to get out of the market to salvage their net worth or pay back debt…

This is the best time to get a bargain.

DISCLAIMER: In no way is this financial advice. You must always do your due diligence before making any type of investment decision and never invest in anything you don’t understand.

Mark Tilbury is someone who’s lived through a few recessions and been very successful at profiting from them.

You may like to check out this video where he discusses his strategies for recession profits >> 

There are so many great YouTube videos out there on how to prepare and profit from the coming recession.

Feel free to do your own research if you want to dive deeper into this topic.

I’m going to leave you with a longer video, you may like to watch by Valuetainment.

Inside you’ll discover:

  • A history of the 10 worst American stock market crashes, and how to prepare for the next one…
  • Why a recession is a good time for you to start a business…
  • How to make millions in the next recession…
  • And so much more

Click here to get Patrick Bet David’s market crash strategies >> 

To recap, develop your skills, pay off any debt, and stack cash, for emergencies and invest when the time is right.

Recessions come and go, and although they can be challenging, you’re more than capable of weathering this storm and emerging financially stronger.

Until next time, go high ticket,

Dan Lok

P.S. – Your business is one of your biggest assets in a recession.

I have expanded during these contractionary times, and the businesses that follow suit also go on to have major growth once the recession ends.

If you’d like to know how to have consistent $100K months in your business, then click here to watch the Advanced Expert Masterclass >>

You’ll get my 6 steps to 6 figures months and you also discover why most coaches and consultants will NEVER hit $100K per month and so much more.

See you there.

P.P.S. – High ticket mastery is fast approaching…

We go live for 3 full days on January 25-27.

During this event, you’ll get the 3-step process I used to sell over $100 million in coaching and consulting services.

To find out what the 3 steps are and for the full scoop on this phenomenal LIVE event, click here >>

3 Types Of Systems EVERY Business Needs

I’m about to reveal how to overcome the one thing that trips so many business owners up…

I’m talking about scaling.

Scaling just doesn’t mean making more money or growing your client base.

It means growing fast, being more profitable, and doing so without more effort on your behalf.

Because let’s be honest…

You may be growing but it likely comes at the cost of more of your time.

You find that you’re so busy being busy you don’t have time to work ON the business because all your time is spent IN the business.

And if you want to scale you must have a number of things in place.

So let’s quickly talk about what you need in your business to scale.

The Missing Link To Scaling Your Business Fast

You may have heard me say this before.

“If your business isn’t systems dependent, it’s dependent on you.”

And if that’s the case, you’ll never attain the time freedom you desire.

Isn’t that one of the main reasons you got into business in the first place?

Here’s a question to ask yourself…

Are you creating an asset or buying yourself a job?

If you want to scale, this video explains in detail why you need a business model that is replicable and scalable >>

Now, I’m not saying you need to create the next Apple or Amazon and hire thousands of employees…

But, if you’re not growing you’re dying.

You need to grow and expand if you want wealth and freedom. 

Without growth, you’ll continue to be a slave to your business, instead of it being a vehicle that brings you wealth, time, and freedom.

Now you may be wondering, “when is the right time to focus on systems, and what systems will I need in my business?”

Good question.

Every business is different, but in some ways, they’re also very similar.

This video explains exactly when and why you’d want systems in your business >>

3 Types of Systems Every Business Needs

Hard systems, soft systems, and information systems are the 3 types of systems.

This quick video explains the different systems in detail so you know exactly what systems you may need in your business >>

When you choose and install a system, it’s important to bear in mind that a system should solve your problems forever, not just once.

Systems are there to make your and your employees’ lives easier.

If you don’t have solid systems in place when an employee leaves they’ll take their knowledge with them, and you have to train their replacement.

But if you have a system in place, you can get another team member to train them on how to operate the system. 

That’s why systems are so powerful and essential.

They’re there to do the heavy lifting for you, and you need them to scale.

How to Install Systems In your Business

A lot of people complicate systems, but if you’re stuck on how to use them in your business…

I’ve got you covered.

Click here to discover how to save yourself stress, time, effort, and money with systems >>

Systems allow you to work on your business and not in your business.

Which is what every entrepreneur needs if they want to scale.

Because not working IN your business all day gives you valuable time to strategize the best ways forward >>

The video above will teach exactly how to work ON your business rather than IN it.

How To Scale your Business

Once you have the right systems, you’re almost ready to scale.

But in order to scale you must know the 3 important numbers I teach here >>

BOTTOM LINE: If these numbers aren’t favorable, you’re in no position to scale.

You must have high margins to scale because as you grow your cost of fulfillment increases and the less profitable you’ll become. 

You also need high margins so you can outspend your competitors.

Don’t forget, it’s the person who spends the most to acquire a customer that wins market share.

Here’s a real-life example of how and when it’s a good time to scale your business >>

At any given moment in your business, you want to be able to know how healthy your business is.

Alex Hormozi breaks down his favorite way of getting a quick snapshot of your business >>

Using the method he teaches in the video above you’ll gain 4 pieces of very powerful data quickly and easily…

So you can see what needs to change in order for you to hit your business goals, continue to grow, and so much more.

I hope you’ve enjoyed this edition of High Ticket Weekly.

But before you go…

In just a few weeks, we’ll be running our next S.M.A.R.T. Challenge™.

When you join us, you’ll get my best strategies to SCALE, SYSTEMIZE, and SUSTAIN your business for years to come.

It’s a 3-day event attended by hundreds of coaches, consultants, and knowledge experts from all over the world.

I highly recommend you join us if you’re serious about your business and want to take it to the next level and stop trading time for money.

You can get the full scoop on the S.M.A.R.T. Challenge™ here >>

See you there,

Dan Lok

P.S. – No matter how big your business is now, you will benefit from having the right systems in place.

So, if you’re stuck on what to implement, then click here, and let’s work through it together over 3 impactful and life-changing days >>

High Ticket Ascension: A Guide for Beginners

Entrepreneurs and business owners are always looking for strategies to scale their businesses and increase their sales. There are plenty of ideas that work, but not all will be effective. Knowing the right business model is what can take your business over the edge.

High Ticket Ascension is a strategy that you can put into effect that can increase your profits. The ascension pyramid has to do with the customer journey and follows the 80/20 principle. This principle states that 80% of your profits should come from about 20% of your business customers.

This may sound too good to be true, but by following the Ascension Model, you can achieve this. Plenty of industries, businesses, and entrepreneurs follow this model. Here is a guide for business owners, coaches, and consultants to understand High Ticket Ascension and implement it in their own businesses.

First, What is The Ascension Model

Let’s cover the basics: what is high ticket ascension? This is a business model that’s meant to take your clients through a growth journey. In this method, as a business owner, you offer multiple products on five different tiers that should take your customers and clients to the next step of their journey.

The trick is to create products that don’t compete with each other but rather build on the previous tier. It should feel like a step forward in which clients are able to gain more knowledge or experience.

One of the ascension model benefits is that you can work with clients and customers throughout the journey, from when they start at the base of the pyramid to if and when they reach the top. You’re able to find new clients while also maintaining previous client relationships.

Who Can Use This Method?

Any business can use a client ascension method, but it’s a great way to stay competitive in the market. It’s ideal for businesses like coaching or B2B services, or are hobby related, or promote an enhanced self like weight loss.

The Five Tiers

Your ascension pyramid should have five tiers that increase in offerings as well as price. The five tiers, from bottom to top, are entry-level service, basic-tier service, middle-tier service, high-tier service, and top-tier service.

As clients choose to move up the pyramid, they pay more in price but also get a more luxurious or personalized product. Gradually, customers will filter up, paying for the higher tiers, but you’ll also have new customers entering at the lower tiers.

Have a signature program and higher tiers that build off that initial program. In this method, you can offer more in-depth programs at a higher price, such as one on one or small group coaching that can help customers solve issues they may be facing from the initial program, like weight loss or sales conversion.

High Ticket Ascension Can Increase Profits

If there’s a method that works, then why try to change it? As an entrepreneur or business owner, you’re always looking to be more successful, find new clients, and increase your profits. To do this, you need the right strategy.

There is a way you can improve the customer journey and your profits. Plenty of businesses use High Ticket Ascension, so why can’t you? Paired alongside quality product offerings, you’re guaranteed to see growth in your customer base and bottom line.

Ready to take your business to the next level? Take a master class on getting paid for what you know, plus more strategies and tips for becoming the best in your business.

Not Sexy, But VITAL For Your Biz Growth…

It’s time we talk about one of the least sexy parts of business…

Everyone online always talks about sales, revenue, and cash in the bank.

But what about the numbers that drive those figures?

I’m talking about marketing metrics.

As you may know, marketing online can get confusing.

You’ve got email marketing, social media marketing, paid advertising, Search Engine Optimisation, sales page conversions, and the list goes on.

So, today you’ll discover some of the most important metrics to pay attention to regarding the marketing channels above…

In the hope that you can improve your marketing so you can see even better results in your business.

Let’s get started

How to Tell If Your Email Marketing Is Hitting Or Falling Flat

Since you’re reading an email newsletter let’s start with email metrics.

Your ‘Open rate’ will give you a clear indication of how your subject lines are performing.

According to, the industry average for all industries is 21.33%. 

You should always aim to improve your open rates, and you can do this by split testing two subject lines at once.

There are a few ways to split test, and your email software should do this automatically for you. 

Essentially, you’re testing two subject lines to see which has better open rates, by sending to only half the list, then the software sends the remainder of the emails to your subscribers with the better-performing subject line.

Over time, you should have a good idea about what your audience responds to, so you can maintain high open rates.

If you’d like a list of eye-watering subject lines that compell your readers to open your emails, then click here >>

You should also keep an eye on how many people unsubscribe, so you know how your content resonates with your audience.

The second metric to monitor is the Click Through Rate (CTR).

This will be the percentage of people who click on the links in your emails. states the average CTR across all industries for emails is 2.91%.

This metric achieves two things…

Firstly, it helps you to know whether your Calls To Action are good enough for your audience to take action on.

Secondly, it lets you know how compelling the body of your email is, so they actually read far enough to read the CTA.

Now, you may not know which needs improving straight away, but at least you’ll know something needs improving and you can slowly optimize your emails to increase your CTR.

If you’d like some tips to improve your email CTR, then watch this quick 1-minute video >>

How To Track Paid Marketing Metrics

Paid ads can be a great tool in an entrepreneur’s toolbelt for growing their business.

As far as Facebook is concerned, there are multiple objectives you can choose to achieve with your paid ads.

These include getting more traffic to your offers, increased engagement on your boosted posts or ads, increased video views, and lead generation amongst others.

Your metrics here will really depend on the objective you’ve set out for your ads.

For instance, a conversion could mean you make a sale, but it could also mean you acquire a new lead.

For paid ads, common metrics to monitor are Click Through Rate (CTR) and conversions.

As with email marketing, the CTR is the percentage of people who click the link on the ad, out of everyone who views it.

According to, the average CTR for Facebook ads is 0.9% across 18 industries. 

Here’s a video that will help you increase your paid CTR so you can pay far less per click >>

How To Make Your Ads Pay

To ensure your paid ads are profitable, you must know your ROAS (Return On Ad Spend).

This is how much revenue your business makes for each dollar it invests in ads.

This metric is even more important than your conversion rate because you could have high conversions, but if your margins aren’t high, then your ROAS will be low.

Done incorrectly, paid ads are a good way to burn cash and FAST!

Done correctly, paid ads will become your license to print money!

So, click here if you want to know how to increase your ROAS on your Facebook ads >>

While we’re talking about ROAS, there are three more very important numbers you MUST know if you want to scale.

These numbers are your Cost of Acquisition (CAC) per customer, your Customer Lifetime Value (LTV), and your cost per lead (CPL).

I shot you a quick video where I break down these numbers and why they’re so important >>

How To Get The Best Bang For Your Buck With Social Media Marketing

Even though social media marketing is free, you shouldn’t underestimate its power.

I know organic reach may not be as wide as it used to be, but there are still benefits of social media marketing, especially if you use TikTok which still has phenomenal organic reach.

Social media metrics give you a good understanding of your brand awareness and referral traffic to your website.

Engagement is key on social media, so even though it’s free, it pays to put a good amount of time and effort into your content.

Key metrics are likes, comments, and shares.

These are commonly known as vanity metrics, but they’re important if you want to know how engaged your audience is.  

Many believe free marketing like Facebook and Instagram is dead, but there are still ways you can increase your engagement on those platforms.

Here is a great video to increase your engagement on IG in 2022 >>

And if you want to increase your Facebook engagement, then you’ll want to watch this video here >>

In the interest of time, I don’t want to make this newsletter too long.

There are other marketing metrics you could consider concerning your Search Engine Optimisation, your sales pages, and your website.

Perhaps, I’ll save those for another newsletter, but I believe you have enough here to help you optimize key areas of your business to see HUGE results.

And of course, you’re welcome to do your own research for ways to improve a specific area of your marketing.

Until next time, go high ticket,

Dan Lok

P.S.If you want to know how to scale to $100K per month, then do yourself a favor and block out just 30 minutes to watch my Advanced Expert Masterclass >>

Inside you’ll get the exact strategies my clients and I used to hit consistent $100K months.

Growing Your Business’ Reach Through Client Ascension

When it comes to growing your business, there’s no better way to move forward than by helping your clients reach their goals. Achieving high ticket and sales ascension with client ascension processes is a method to increase profits for both you and your customer base. Read on for 6 tips on how you can use client ascension to grow your business:

Understand Your Customer’s Needs and Wants

When it comes to client ascension, it’s important to understand where your customers are coming from. Ask questions and listen closely to their answers so you can create a plan that meets their current needs and helps them reach their desired end goals.

To create an atmosphere of client ascension, you should also make sure to be open and honest about any changes or obstacles that may arise. When customers know what to expect, it builds trust and encourages them to continue working with you.

Create High-Value Offers

When customers are looking for high ticket ascension, high-quality products and services are what will help them move up the ladder. Invest in creating high-quality content that adds value to your customer’s experience. Ensure that your products and services are high-quality and reliable and provide real solutions to customer issues. By providing high-value solutions tailored to your customer’s needs, you can show them the path they need to take in order to reach their goals. Doing so will help create a strong bond of trust between you and your clients.

For example, if you’re providing high-ticket services like consulting or coaching, make sure to provide valuable advice and feedback in every session. Not only will this make customers more likely to continue the high-ticket ascension process, but it will also create loyalty and help customers recommend your services to others.

Follow Up Regularly

It’s important to check in on ascension efforts regularly to ensure that your customers are making progress on their goals. This will help you stay engaged with them throughout the process, which is essential for client ascension success. To ensure follow-up, you can set automated reminders and emails to keep customers informed of their progress.

Provide Incentives for Referrals

Encouraging happy customers to refer others can be a great way to grow your business’s reach. Offer rewards or discounts for each referral, as this can be a powerful incentive for people to spread the word about your services. This will aid in the client ascension process by helping you reach more high-ticket customers who are likely to take advantage of high-value services.

Be Open and Honest About Client Expectations

One of the most important aspects of client ascension is setting realistic expectations from the outset. Make sure you’re transparent about what your services will and won’t do for them, so they understand the value you can provide and have realistic expectations of their results. When customers have questions, make sure to answer them honestly and promptly.

Final Thoughts

By following these tips, you’ll be well on your way to growing your business’s reach through high ticket ascension, sales ascension, and client ascension. With a combination of high-value offers, excellent communication, and incentives for referrals, you can create long-term relationships with customers that benefit both parties.

If you want to learn more about client retention and ascension, attend one of our next events.

The Fast Emergence of the AI Industry: How Not to Get Left Behind

What does AI mean to you?

Do you think of Terminator or the power of humanity’s creations? Are you scared or excited? Is it confusing or clear?

AI, for many, has become a catchphrase. 

General statements about the future mean very little. Wouldn’t you agree?

You don’t need a grand explanation of the possibilities of AI in the future. And you certainly don’t need a dire prediction about AI taking jobs away.

What you do need is a clear understanding of AI today and the best way to adapt to the changes it will bring to our world. 

Overview of the AI industry

You may be wondering, exactly what is AI?

AI, short for artificial intelligence, is tasks that are performed by a machine or by a program that requires some element of intelligence to complete. 

The AI industry is focused on building machines that complete projects or solve problems that normally would require human intelligence. 

The field of artificial intelligence was actually founded way back in 1956. But our fascination with the way the brain works has existed long before the beginning of the official industry. Philosophers have tried to categorize human action. Scientists have studied systems behind the way we think. Everyone has wondered at a psychological trick or two. 

While the buzz around the topic has only become mainstream in the past decade, AI has existed longer than most people realize.

The AI Industry Today 

How immersed in AI are you?

Actually, if you’ve used Siri or Alexa today, you’ve already interacted with AI. 

Other examples of the AI industry at work today include:

  • Augmented reality (real-to-life experience through a set of goggles) 
  • Chatbots (website AI that starts conversation with customers) 
  • Self-driving cars (allows drivers to relax and enjoy the trip)
  • Amazon’s transactional AI (gives users suggestions based on past purchases) 
  • Google Nest (regulates temperature, lights, and other simple household elements) 
  • Pandora’s music AI (finds related music based on 400 preset qualities) 

Have you used any of these common AI technologies recently? We all have. Our day-to-day life has been completely transformed whether we realize it or not.

What AI Means for Individuals

We can’t get beyond the fact that artificial intelligence is advancing rapidly. It’s transforming our world right under our noses.

Watch this video where Dan Lok shares 7 jobs that will disappear in the next 20 years due to AI (and what you can do about it).

As you can see, technology in general has replaced many jobs that required humans with computers.

Remember cashiers at the store? Now, we have automated checkouts. 

Remember agents at the airport? Now, we have kiosks to handle practically everything. 

Artificial intelligence is also infiltrating jobs held by:

  • Factory workers
  • Phone operators and telemarketers
  • Bank tellers and clerks
  • Warehouse stockers and packers
  • Stock traders 
  • Bomb technicians 
  • Surgeons 
  • Hotel staff 

It makes sense why most people fear AI will take over all jobs.

Here’s the bright side: even if AI replaces many jobs that we know today, it will also create new opportunities. This is the way every technological advancement in the past has worked as well.

Even if AI replaces many jobs that we know today, it will also create new opportunities. - Dan Lok Click To Tweet

Back when Elias Howe invented the sewing machine, seamstresses boycotted the idea. One sewing machine could replace the work of up to 10 women. Yet the invention of the sewing machine only made the fashion industry more profitable. It’s created more jobs, not less. 

Yes, those jobs were different from the ones required before the machine. The end result was not less work but more.

How to Adapt to the AI Industry 

AI has the potential to change the job market in a similar way to the sewing machine. However, its impact will be ten times greater. 

How should you approach AI? 

It’s not just about the jobs that will be replaced. It’s about your future career opportunities and income potential.

Want to stay ahead of the curve? Dan Lok has put together several ways you can do just that. 

Try these approaches as you work to stand out while AI changes our world: 

Learn to operate computers. 

In many cases, a machine doing its job will need a human to regulate it. 

Why not focus on learning as much as possible about these machines and how to operate them? 

The seamstresses who succeeded best in the era of the sewing machine were the ones who started using it. In the same way, the job seekers who stay ahead of the curve in the next decade will know how to manage AI. 

If you’re working for a company just starting to invest in AI, take the time outside work to do the research into the technology. Don’t miss a chance to learn and operate it. Be the first person to offer yourself as the company integrates artificial intelligence into its daily process. 

Even if you don’t want to be at your current job forever, your understanding of the technology behind AI will be invaluable to your career. If you start your own company someday or quit your current career to pursue something new, you’ll only benefit from having a basic understanding of AI technology. 

The majority of people will just sit around and accept that their job is being stolen from them by AI. You can be better than that. Instead, focus your attention on becoming a master of the AI industry in the space where you work. 

Invest in innately human skills.

Artificial intelligence is quickly overtaking easily automated jobs. These jobs often require repeated tasks rather than complex problem solving. 

You can be disappointed by this, or you can take the opportunity to invest in skills that humans can do far better than robots. 

In the end, AI taking the mundane tasks off your plate should only help you build your career in a more efficient, better organized way.

As more and more artificial intelligence is entering into the world, more and more emotional intelligence must enter into leadership. - Amit Ray, AI scientist Click To Tweet

What are the skills humans are good at that AI cannot capture?


While some highly-advanced robots can mimic human empathy to a certain extent, AI has not been able to truly replace the beauty of human connection. 

Someone who is highly intuitive and quickly understands how people think is an asset no matter where they are headed career-wise. 

Thankfully, empathy isn’t just a random talent that only certain people have. By taking time to listen to people, ask questions, and show genuine interest in their lives, you’ll be the person a robot can never quite replace. 


Sales and empathy are highly connected. Although the way people sell and the products they provide are different from 100 years ago, the basic skill of selling hasn’t changed.

Sales has been around since the first humans bartered goods. And it’s not likely to be replaced just because some new technology comes along.

Spend some time learning the basics of sales and how to be not only good but great at it. No matter how far technology advances in the next decade, you’ll be able to use your sales skill to create opportunities for yourself. 


As humans, we are innately creative. Watch any child pick up a pen and paper, and they’ll quickly draw a depiction of how they see the world (even if it’s just a stick figure family).

Invest in your creativity. Start a business or a side hustle. Try something you’ve never done before. Learn a musical instrument or take a painting class.

In the end, working your creative muscles will be one of the best ways to stay ahead of the curve as the AI industry takes over non-creative jobs. 

Complex problem solving 

Your brain is extremely good at focusing on a single problem and quickly coming up with a unique solution. It’s crazy how much you can do with 10 minutes and specific concentration on a single idea you need to figure out.

In today’s world, many do not practice the skills needed for complex problem solving. We have information coming at us from every possible angle. Most of us don’t take the time to sit, think, and allow our brains to work their magic. 

If you take the time to become great at problem solving, you’ll outpace both other humans and robots in your value to the world. - Dan Lok Click To Tweet 

Imagine a person who has worked to build the above skills. Now, imagine someone else who has done the same thing every single day. Who will the AI technology replace? 

Those who take the time to invest in the skills that make us great as humans will have the edge as the differences between humans and technology become apparent.

Stay up to date with the changes and teach others.

The third and final way to beat the changes coming to our world by way of AI is simply to become the teacher. 

As the world changes, it will be hard for many people to keep up. This means huge opportunity for entrepreneurial folks who are willing to do the research it takes to understand the AI industry. 

Companies, individuals, and schools will all need education about artificial intelligence. They’ll need to know how to implement it, how to learn about it, and how to lead the charge in AI advancement.

This field is ripe with opportunity. Become the researcher others look to. Learn to be the person they go to for solid teaching about the industry. Make your voice an authority in the space while you spend time learning about its current advancements.

If you can become a master of one or all of these skills, you’ll pave your own road to success as the artificial intelligence industry grows. In the end, the advances in technology will be a net gain for society. 

The choice is up to you. Will you build the skill it takes to stay ahead of the curve?