high-ticket closing

How To Sell Your Services At A Higher Price

One of the secrets to building a successful business is learning how to sell your services at a higher price. However, this can prove to be challenging in today’s saturated market. If you are like most entrepreneurs, you understand that it can sometimes be difficult to read and handle your prospects. While some relationships are smooth sailing, others are rockier and require a lot more finesse.

Every prospect you encounter will be unique. Some will understand your value proposition from the start, while others will be quite stubbornWhy do you think this is? The answer is simple. It’s very easy for your prospect to compare your services to that of your competitors. They think that if someone else is offering the same service for a cheaper price, why can’t you too? 

For example, let’s say you are looking to purchase a cleaning service for your home. You reach out to five different businesses in your town, and they all tell you they can do it as soon as possible for a great price. How do you know which cleaning company will provide you with the best service? This question is the reason why businesses compete to win their clients. Whether you are selling to other companies or to consumers, selling services involves selling yourself and your team’s expertise.

Bob Hooey, accredited speaker and author said:

“If you are not taking care of your customer, your competitor will”.

Start by Looking at Your Prospects

Learning how to sell your services at a higher price is a difficult feat to overcome. If you do a quick Google search, you would see that many publications begin to answer this question by suggesting you work for as many clients as possible and build a good reputation. 

We couldn’t disagree with this idea more. Imagine short-selling yourself just to earn more business. Do you really think this is the way to prosperity? Of course not.

So you might be asking yourself, how can I sell my services for a higher price? The answer is right in front of you. Take a look at your prospects –  do you see something they all have in common?

That’s right, you got it – prospects are human too. This means that they also think in a rational way. In order to earn their business, you need to connect with them on an emotional level and make it clear why you are worth what you say you are. 

If you want to charge more for your services and ask for what you are worth, you need to change your mindset of how you communicate with your prospects. In this article, we will cover three powerful tools you can use when learning how to sell your services for a higher price. 

1. Perfect your pitch

The first step you can use when learning how to sell your services for a higher price is to perfect your pitch. This has to be the most important asset any sales professional can have.

The challenge is, many businesses sound the same as their competitors. More often than not, they only differ by offering their services at a lower price. We already learned that this is not the way to go. 

Let me ask you a question. Do you think the market is oversaturated with businesses right now? A recent study by Statisca concluded that in March of 2019, there were 774,725 service businesses in the United States that were less than 1 year old.

This staggering statistic should not scare you. Instead, it should motivate you. Why? Because despite there being over 700,000 service businesses out there, it’s possible to be a leader in your niche. 

You are Not Selling the Problem, Not the Solution

You see, we live in a world where our prospects are bombarded with cold calls and advertisements every single day. Is your game plan to treat your prospects the same way your competition treats them? Is your game plan to have your well thought out pitch be thrown away in the garbage? Don’t make this mistake

When learning how to sell your services at a higher price, you need to find a way to bridge this communication gap. You need to convince your prospects that you are not like everyone else. So how can you do this? It all starts off by building a relationship with them. 

You are selling the problem, not the solution. Share on X

Prospects are not looking for a solution, they are looking for a way to buy themselves out of a specific problem. For example, let’s say you are a freelance copywriter. What problem are you trying to solve? You could say: My name is Susan, and I write research-driven content that is strictly focused on helping businesses get results.

This is how to sell your services at a higher price. Are you ready to craft your perfect pitch? Below we are going to show you how. Let’s get started.

How To Sell Your Services at a Higher Price

When learning how to sell your services for a higher price, your first impression should be your primary focus. Instead of lowering your price to match your competition, craft a stellar pitch to show your prospects why you are worth it. Here is the four-part formula to writing a stellar pitch:


When you hear the word scarcity, what’s the first thought that comes to your mind? We think about something that is highly in demand, but is limited in its availability. Prove to your prospects that there is no one like you in the market. And if they want to do business with you, they need to act now. 


How can you incorporate exclusivity into your marketing strategy? A simple way to do so is to include words that trigger a feeling of urgency or demand. You definitely aren’t the only service provider in the entire market, and probably not the best. But this doesn’t mean that you can’t advertise yourself to be if you believe you can deliver on the value.


When learning how to sell your services at a higher price, you need to know your competition better than your prospects do. If you are charging your customers $500 an hour for your services, explain how you got to that number.


Do you remember what we said earlier in this article? Your prospects are looking to solve a problem, not find a solution. What results can you promise to your prospects? If you have run successful campaigns in the past, don’t be scared to share those results.

Albert Einstein, German physicist and theorist once said: 

“If you can’t explain it simply, you don’t understand it well enough”.

So you’ve perfected your pitch, the next step is to deliver it to the market. Are you ready? 

2. Practice Asking for Higher Prices 

The second step you can use when learning how to sell your services for a higher price is to practice asking for a higher price. In the previous section of this article, we broke down the components to crafting a stellar pitch. Now you need to prepare yourself to deliver that pitch to the market. 

There are three kinds of prospects:

  1. The few who know everything
  2. The handful that know next to nothing
  3. The majority who know just enough to be dangerous

Out of these three personas, which one do you think is your target audience? That’s right. Your target audience is the majority who know just enough to be dangerous. Why? Because they understand what they are looking for and know what they are talking about.

While this may seem a bit counterintuitive, you want to sell your services to these prospects because you can easily build a connection with them. It also allows you to leverage a very useful tool Dan teaches to all of my students. What is it? It’s called taking control of the conversation.

Take Control of The Conversation

Because you are asking for a higher price, there is a very good chance you will need to close some of your prospects over the phone. However, this should not change how you deliver your message.

The second you let the prospect take control of the conversation, you have lost out on that deal. This means you should take the time now to master your pitch, anticipate questions, and prepare answers for your sales call. Jim Rohn, American entrepreneur and author said:

“Either you run the day or the day runs you”. 

Here’s the truth. When learning how to sell your services at a higher price, you need to prepare for everything. In the business world, preparation is king. In fact, if you have as many possible responses as you can think of memorized for when the prospect brings it up. 

Does this mean you’re not open to negotiation? Of course not. This just means that you have the tools to be in control of the conversation and steer it in the direction you so choose to. 

Three-Step Formula to Perfect Your Craft 

When learning how to sell your services for a higher price, asking for more can sometimes be intimidating. Below we have outlined three exercises you can do to help you prepare for a successful sales call. 

Practice in front of a mirror

To prepare for this moment, practice your pitch in front of a mirror. Take notes of your body language, your facial expressions, and the tone of your voice. Do these features exude confidence?

If you are closing a prospect in person, pay attention to what you do as you speak? What are you looking at, what are your hands doing, what emotions are you showing?

Record yourself 

As you practice asking for a higher price, record yourself. When you listen back to the recording, ask yourself if you sound confident or not? State the price you want loud and proud, don’t show any signs of uncertainty. 

If you are looking to ask for $500 for an hour of your services. Make sure you don’t sound nervous. Ask for the $500 as if you were asking what the weather is today. Show your prospect that you are confident in the value you bring to the table. 

Practice until it becomes second nature

Once you’ve figured out exactly what you are going to say, and how you are going to present it, practice asking for a higher price until it has become second nature to you. A recent study by Very Well Minded concluded that practice accounts for about 80% of the differences between elite and amateur performance. 

This is a strategy Dan Lok has used to help him retain the highest level of productivity each day. Once you’ve mastered your pitch, and are confident in asking for a higher price, what’s the final piece to the puzzle? 

3. Build a Bullet-Proof Pricing Model 

The third and final step you can use when learning how to sell your services for a higher price is to build a bullet-proof pricing model. If you have prepared and delivered an exceptional pitch, this is the final step you need to ensure you have a prosperous career in the service industry. 

What do you think a bullet-proof pricing model is? Let’s look at an example. What if your goal was to make $100,000 this year. Here are three possible options for you to choose from:

  1. Provide a service to 1,000 clients and charge them $100 each
  2. Provide a service to 100 clients and charge them $1,000 each
  3. Provide a service to 10 clients and charge them $10,000 each

Which one of these options looks best? We prefer to provide a high-quality service to fewer clients and in return charge more. Why? Because everyone in the market has a limited amount of one thing  – time.

We each only have 24 hours in a day. Would you rather be frantically looking at trying to close 3-4 clients a day in order to meet your quota, or would you rather just have to close one client a month? 

The answer here is simple. And in order to get to this level, you need to get high ticket clients. This is how to sell your services at a higher price – get clients that earn and pay a higher price. So you might be asking yourself – how can I do business with these high ticket clients?

The Art of High Ticket Closing

In order to close a high ticket client, you must learn the art of being a high ticket closer. These are not sleazy salespeople who want to make a buck, these are professionals who want to provide exceptional service.

As a high ticket closer, you don’t chase clients. Instead, clients come to you. Why? Because you are positioned to serve those who have high business standards and integrity. What would it mean to you if you could close significantly more deals with much less effort?

With these three powerful tools, you can become an unstoppable force in your niche. If you’re ready to make this year the most successful year of your life, now is the time to get started. The power is now in your hands. 


One of the secrets to building a successful business is learning how to sell your services at a higher price. In this competitive market, some prospects will understand your value propositions while others will be quite stubborn. In order to bridge this gap, you need to earn their respect and prove your value to them. From there, it’s essential that you set up a pricing model that fits your business needs. 

Here are three powerful tools you can use when learning how to sell your services at a higher price. 

  1. Perfect your pitch

Many businesses sound the same as their competitors. In order to be a leader in your niche, you need to bridge this communication gap and convince your prospects that you are not like everyone else. 

  1. Practice asking for higher prices

It’s much better to be over-prepared than underprepared. Take the time to practice your pitch over and over again until you have mastered it. Anticipate questions your prospects may ask and prepare professional answers. 

  1. Build a bullet-proof pricing model 

If you want to provide high-quality services to fewer clients, this is the way to go. This simple model utilizes the art of high ticket closing so you can position yourself to work with the highest quality clients. 

Dan has prepared a masterclass just going over how you can use a high-income skill to transform your life and your business. If you’re ready to learn how millions of Dan Lok’s students have mastered this lucrative skill, click here to start now. 

How Come My Customers Don’t Trust Me

“How come my customers don’t trust me?” 

In any kind of relationship, trust means everything. It’s one of the most valuable currencies exchanged among humans. And the truth is, you should always assume your customers don’t trust you. In fact, they will not trust you until they have a good reason to trust you.

You can’t exactly blame them for their lack of trust in you or your brand. If you think about it, we can never be sure if we’re dealing with a good guy or a bad guy. There’s always a lingering shadow of doubt in every decision we make to trust. 

Even as a child, we’re taught to stay away from strangers, which reinforces that doubt early on. And in the case we did meet a stranger, the rule was to always say, “No.” 

But even under those circumstances, we also know trust is a powerful lubricant that enhances the right relationships with people. Everyone from top business leaders to academic researchers celebrate the power and virtue of trust. But if that’s the case, it still doesn’t answer the big question: “How come my customers don’t trust me?”

In this article, we’ll take a deeper look at why customers don’t trust you, how it affects businesses and brands, why it’s important, and what you can do to build trust. So let’s get started. 

The REAL Reason Why Customers Don’t Trust You

Contrary to popular belief, the reason your customers don’t trust you actually has less to do with you and more to do with them. And here’s why. The human brain is not as reliable as we think it is. It’s really good at keeping us alive and maintaining our survival. But when it comes to making decisions, it doesn’t always act in our favor. 

Like most people, we rely heavily on emotions when we make decisions. And unfortunately, we can make some terrible decisions based on our emotions and how we feel. According to a Harvard Professor, 95% of all our buying decisions are driven by the subconscious mind. 

It doesn’t matter how much you compare different options in the marketplace and logically think through your buying decision. The reason you buy is largely influenced by your emotions. And you justify those decisions with logic. 

For example, let’s say you once hired someone to help you invest in some stocks. They say they can 10x your ROI in a matter of a few weeks. The idea of making more money catches your attention so your brain serves up a bunch of reasons why it wouldn’t hurt to give it a try. But before all the justification, you actually already made your decision based on greed. 

Now, after you paid this person to help you out, you later realized they didn’t do as they promised and refused to return your original investment. You go home frustrated and upset about the whole incident. And you tell yourself you’re not going to make this mistake again. 

But is that really true? 


Emotions Influence Your Decisions More Than You Realize

It turns out our emotions influence our decision making process more than we think. Even after you’ve thought through your mistake, relaxed and thought about it a little more, the same emotions will still influence your choices days, weeks, or even months down the road. 

So let’s say you’re now shopping for some online courses on photography. But for some reason, you still feel the need to put your guard up and you’re not sure why. 

The same feeling you felt after making that bad investment causes you to put your guard up again. It doesn’t matter that you’re buying something entirely unrelated. Your memory of those emotions is like a standard for future decisions. 

So when you want to make another purchase, you can’t help but be wary because you know what it feels like to take on those risks. You know what it’s like to lose trust in a person. And those emotions are ingrained into your subconscious mind. 

This happens all the time and sometimes they’re emotions you don’t remember. Well, your customers often experience the same thing. It is one of the main reasons why it’s hard for them to trust you. The next time you ask, “How come my customers don’t trust me?”, you’ll know why. 

Consumer Trust Can Make Or Break Your Brand

Have you ever come across a brand or even a personal brand you were very loyal to? Maybe it’s a brand that you identify with. Or maybe you really resonated with a brand’s message. 

This is not a coincidence. Great brands and businesses understand the power of customer trust. It is in a sense “the life force” of a brand because people buy people. They buy from those they like, know, and trust. And that’s what makes a brand so powerful. 

A customer’s trust in a brand is more important today than ever. There is so much noise in the marketplace and people are bombarded with so many options, it’s impossible to count. 

Before the rise of the internet, people often only had to choose among a handful of brands. But now, they’re forced to choose from a global mix of thousands upon thousands of different brands. As a consumer, they’re trying to figure out who they can trust. From a brand perspective, how can you differentiate yourself from the mix? What makes you stand out?

Tung Cheung / Shutterstock.com

Apple’s Secret Sauce To Brand Loyalty 

Here’s a perfect example of a brand that knows how to stand out: Apple. 

With every new iPhone or Macbook Apple introduces to the world, there are millions of shoppers who can’t wait to get their hands on these products. But while many of Apple’s devices come and go, there’s one thing that never changes and it’s Apple’s secret formula for great brand trust. 

Apple’s super-power is their ability to build relationships with people. But we’re not just talking about their customers. We’re talking about “their people” – the people they work with. The way Apple trains their team to engage with their customers is their secret to building trust. 

Here’s how they do it. They used The Ritz-Carlton way of effective communication and tweaked it to fit their brand. Their employees are trained to follow this five-step acronym called A-P-P-L-E from the moment a customer walks into the store and the moment they leave the store. 

  • Approach customers with a personalized warm welcome
  • Probe politely to understand the customer’s needs
  • Present a solution for the customer to take home today
  • Listen for and resolve issues or concerns
  • End with a nice farewell and an invitation to return. 

Carmine Gallo, a senior contributor at Forbes, has studied the Apple Store Brand and has spoken to many former Apple leaders. And he believes the APPLE acronym works well because it doesn’t label the customers as “consumers.” It presents them as people. 

So when “people” walk into the Apple Store they’re buying from someone who makes them feel special. They’re buying from someone who takes the time to give them a unique and personalized experience. And that’s what drives people to come back for more. 

3 Rules For Building Strong Trust With Customers

When you ask, “How come my customers don’t trust me?”, a lot of it has to do with learning about human psychology. Simon Sinek said it best, “if you don’t understand people, you don’t understand business.” And he’s right. Because on an emotional level, people do not want to buy stuff. 

They’re not buying their way into something. They’re buying their way out of something. For example, people buy gym memberships because they want to lose weight. Or they decide to go on a cruise vacation to escape their stressful work environment. 

But beyond that, they want to build relationships with people they can trust and can help them achieve their desires. This need for trust is actually deeply ingrained into human DNA. 

According to the Harvard Business Review, “It all starts with the brain. Thanks to our large brains, humans are born physically premature and highly dependent on caretakers. Because of this need, we enter the world “hardwired” to make social connections…We’re social beings from the get-go: We’re born to be engaged and to engage others, which is what trust is largely about.”

Today, more and more business leaders are asking this question: What do my customers want? And they very well should. We live in a time where people expect more and demand more. But what they want is not more stuff. What they want is an experience rooted in building trust. 

Here are three rules to help you build strong trust with your customers. 

Rule 1. Focus on Developing Trust with the People That Matter The Most

According to the wise words of Simon Sinek, “The very survival of the human race depends on our ability to surround ourselves with people who believe what we believe. When we’re surrounded by people who believe what we believe, something remarkable happens: Trust emerges…

Trust is a feeling-a distinctly human experience. Simply doing everything that you promise you’re going to do does not mean people will trust you. It just means you’re reliable. Trust comes from a sense of common values and beliefs…

And the reason trust is important is because when we are surrounded by people who believe what we believe, we’re more confident to take risks. We’re more confident to experiment, which requires failure. We are more confident to go off and explore knowing that there is someone we trust and who trusts us, will watch our back.”

Most people would agree that your customers are the people that matter the most. You always hear people say your customers should be a priority and they should always come first. And it’s true. They are important but they’re not the most important. 

The people that matter most are the people you work with – your team. They are the reason your business can function every day. Without them, you wouldn’t be able to run the business much less grow it. So in order to build trust with your customers, you have to build trust within your team and put their interests ahead of your own. 

What Navy SEAL Team Strategies Can Teach Us About Trust

Let’s say you’re a member of the Navy SEAL. You and your team are on a mission to attack a target. Before you go attack, you send one of your teammates to go scout the area to see how many enemies are out there. They come back and tell you there are only five enemies in the area. You trust the information and plan to send out only three people. But when you and your three teammates get there, you realize there are actually ten enemies. 

Even though you trusted the information wholeheartedly, you don’t have time to go get extra backup so you head in any way. But knowing you’re outnumbered, you tell your team, “Someone’s going to die. Not everyone is going to come back because someone will have to make a sacrifice.”

Now you have one of two choices. As the leader, you could sacrifice the life of one of your teammates and tell them to go get shot. If you do that, then the remaining two members will refuse to follow you and the mission will be over. Why? Because you chose to put your life ahead of the team and broke the trust. When you break the laws of trust, you no longer have the right to ask, “How come my teammates don’t trust me?” 

The second option you have is to tell your team, “Hey guys, chances are some of us are not going to make it. I don’t know what’s going to happen but here’s what we’re going to do. This is the plan. So we have ten enemies. We have this much ammunition and we’re going to take these positions. But I’m going to be leading from the front and I’ll be the first person to step outside this door. We’re going to be in the middle of bullets and bombs but this is the best plan I can define. I want to get us home safely but I cannot guarantee it. So are you with me?”

If everyone comes back safely, then great. If there’s a casualty, then you did your best. But as a leader, your chances of survival are highest if you are the first one to lead the team out and everyone works together. 

The same principle applies to any business. When you put your team’s interest ahead of your own, you’ll be able to build trust and loyalty among your team. And when you have the support of your team, you’ll have an easier time earning trust from your customers.

Rule 2. Cultivate Consumer Trust Through Transparency and Authenticity 

People have greater expectations and demand more transparency from brands. Studies have shown that 94% of people say that a brand’s transparency is important to their purchasing decisions. 

But if there’s one thing people have in excess supply, it’s choices. They have the option to buy on their own terms and timetable. They can buy whatever they want, wherever, and whenever. 

The downside is that it leaves more room for people to make bad buying decisions which then leads to distrust. And the bright side is that you can establish yourself as an authority brand by being honest and transparent. 

This simply means educating your customers with reliable information and helping them come to their own informed buying decision. This is how you stand out from the crowd and establish what you stand for. 

Southwest Airlines sets a great example of being transparent about their values and beliefs. They’re one of the major U.S. airlines and pride themselves on being the world’s largest low-cost carrier. 

They ran a marketing campaign back in 2015 called “Transfarency” to demonstrate their promise to their customers. The promise to treat their customers honestly and maintain their low-price fares. 

But they don’t stop there. They also added storytelling to their “Transfarency” campaign. And storytelling is one of the most powerful ways to connect with people on an emotional level. 

Southwest Airlines’ vice president and chief marketing officer, Ryan Green, said, “We’re focused on telling customer-centric stories. In addition to talking about our unique differentiators, we want to show customers why we do business the way we do.” The “Transfarency” was so successful it gathered nearly 5 million likes on Facebook alone. 

As a brand, if you can communicate your message in a way that people can feel your honesty and transparency, you’re more likely to gain their trust. So before you jump the gun and ask yourself, “How come my customers don’t trust me?”, you should go back and look at how you’re communicating your message to your customers. 

Rule 3. Commit to Consistency At All Times

How would you feel if you walked into a Starbucks and the barista got your iced, ristretto, 10 shot, venti, with breve, 5 pump vanilla, 7 pump caramel, and 4 Splenda wrong?

You might say to yourself, “My order is super complicated anyway.” And you’ll continue to go about your day as if nothing happened. Now, what if you went to a different location the next day and the barista got it wrong again? You’ll start to feel a little uneasy. 

A big part of Starbucks’ promise to their customers is that you will receive a customized beverage that perfectly suits your taste and dietary preferences. It doesn’t matter how detailed or complex your orders are, you can rely on Starbucks promise. But how many times would you be willing to accept inconsistency in your order?

You see, most people are very unforgiving. With the wealth of choices you have at the touch of your fingertips, you can switch from one brand to the next in an instant. You may have been loyal to Starbucks for years, but if the brand is inconsistent in delivering their brand promise, your trust in Starbucks could change very fast. 

Branding is the best way to separate yourself from the crowd. But if you don’t consistently live up to it, you will lose customer trust and your branding efforts will be pointless. 

So if you want to put an end to your concerns and stop asking yourself, “Why don’t my customers trust me?”, you need to focus on consistently delivering your brand promise throughout your customer’s buyer journey. 

It’s Not Too Late To Regain Trust With Your Customers

If you’ve read this far, you can probably see that the dynamics of trust are very delicate. It’s easily lost when we feel hurt or betrayed by another person’s actions. But in the same way, it can also be regained by understanding how you can rebuild trust. 

Being reliable, transparent, and consistent are all essential to regaining trust with a customer. But without effective communication, it would still be challenging to accomplish. Establishing trust comes back to being able to listen and to ask the right questions so you can figure out why customers don’t trust you and how you can go about fixing it. 

If you want to find out how you can leverage the power of effective communication so that you never have to wonder why customers don’t trust you, then click here to get the Perfect Closing Script.

Are You Building Your Personal Brand By Accident?

Do you consciously think about how you’re building your personal brand? Are you aware of the impact it’s having on you and your business? If you’re not sure of the answer, let us help you find some clarity.

If we were to talk to people you do business with, what would they say about you? Think about your customers, vendors, team members, or your employees. Reflect on how you converse and interact with them. Do you think you would like what they have to say about you?

If we asked them to describe you in only three words, do you think their three words would match yours? If they’re not the same, it’s not necessarily a bad thing. But you may want to ask yourself, “How close would it be?”

You see, this exercise shows how you see yourself versus how other people see you. And if there is a big difference, it means there’s a gap between who you believe you are and how other people perceive you. This gap can be a problem when it comes to building your personal brand.

 “Your brand is what people say about you when you are not in the room.” – Jeff Bezos 

This gap indicates what people are saying about you and your brand, behind your back. Why is this so important?

A survey by HubSpot found that 69.5% of companies say review sites, social media, or word-of-mouth directly drive leads for their businessThere’s a common misconception that a personal brand is a name or a logo. It’s like saying a country’s flag is a bunch of shapes and colors. In reality, it represents the history, people, values and much more. A personal brand goes far beyond the superficial name or logo. What matters is the meaning behind it. 

Every person or business has associations tied to them, allowing you to describe them with just a few words. But not everyone recognizes this, and this is the disconcerting part.

Every Action You Take is Building Your Personal Brand

Imagine you have a friend, we’ll call her Stephanie. And let’s say you have been friends with Stephanie since childhood. She always says she will meet you at a certain time, but she’s always late.
Every time you meet, you know you’ll be waiting for an extra ten minutes. This has happened so many times, you’ve learned to come prepared with work to do during the wait. This a personal brand. How?

Because when you need something done you may start thinking, “I don’t know if I want to call her.” You’ve developed an association with Stephanie being late as not dependable. But what’s interesting is she probably does not view herself the same way.

Instead, she’ll say things like, “It’s no big deal, you know, we’re good friends. You’ve known me for a long time. If I’m 10 minutes late what’s the problem?” But if you value your time, it is a big deal.

“How you do anything is how you do everything.” 

Because after so many years, you don’t know if you can trust her. Something as simple as being ten minutes late can turn into much bigger problems. And you may start thinking, If I cannot trust her with my time, can I trust her with my money? or Can I trust her to meet deadlines? Can I trust her with handling clients? 

This uncertainty becomes an issue, causing unnecessary stress that you could easily avoid. Every action we take, big or small, affects the way people perceive us. Can you see how everyone has a personal brand?

“All of us need to understand the importance of branding. We are CEOs of our own companies: Me Inc. To be in business today, our most important job is to be head marketer for the brand called You.” – Tom Peters in Fast Company

Having a personal brand doesn’t require a large number of followers on Instagram or Facebook. Within your circle influence, you have a personal brand. Your friends, family, and coworkers all have developed an idea of who you are. And this is why it’s important to be conscious of how you’re building your personal brand.

What Exactly is a Personal Brand?

Your personal brand is the perception of who you are as a person. The keyword here is perception because a personal brand is not actually a person.  It is the public’s perception of certain aspects of a person. Why?

Your consumers cannot know you entirely. They only see the strongest attributes you present to them. And it’s important not to confuse your personal brand with your personal image. What’s the difference?

Your personal image is what people instantly see, hear, or perceive of you at a glance. Think of it as a  first impression. On the other hand, your personal brand is what people think of you over the long term. It is a more developed understanding of who you are.

Think of it this way: When someone describes you, they can use positive words such as: Dependable, honest, and intelligent. Or, they can use negative words such as: Flakey, disorganized, and procrastinator. Or, they could use a mixture of positive and negative words to describe you.

Positive or negative, these words add up to  your personal brand. They are not what words you think of, but what words you are known for. Your personal brand is your personal reputation.

Why Building Your Personal Brand Is So Important

In today’s noisy world and oversaturated marketplace, it’s hard to stand out without using a strong personal brand. There is so much competition in the marketplace, and everyone makes the same generic claims.

Everyone is saying, “We’re better”, or “We’re faster”, or “We’re more reliable”. But how can the customer know this is true before trying your product or service for themselves? This is the reason why being better doesn’t provide enough motivation to make a sale. These days, consumers seek a stronger connection.

If people like you they will listen to you, but if they trust you, they'll do business with you.– Zig Ziglar. Share on X

People aren’t buying your products and services. Why? People prefer to buy from people they know, like, and trust. Which means people are actually buying you. They’re buying because they like you, not just because they like your product, and that’s what personal branding is all about.

Without a clearly defined personal brand, your customers don’t know what they’re buying. And a confused prospect  doesn’t buy. But what happens when you have a strong personal brand?

What a Strong Personal Brand Can do for You

When you see the name Michael Jordan, what comes to mind? He’s the world’s greatest basketball player, of course. And if anyone is thinking of buying basketball shoes, Air Jordan products are known as top of the line. Customers can feel the connection to his greatness, even from a small logo stitched on a headband.

What about George Foreman? Even though he was an amazing boxer,  you’re thinking of the George Foreman Grill. Many different brands of grills are on the market claiming to be better. But whether they are, or not, doesn’t matter. George Foreman built a strong personal brand with a fat burning reputation. It’s what everyone knows, so naturally, it’s what most people buy.

This is the power of building your personal brand. It gives you the ability to influence purchasing decisions. Even before customers are aware they need your product or services. How does it do this?

It’s All About Emotions

Personal branding emotionally predisposes consumers to enter into a business relationship with you. It appeals to their desires and touches their emotions. Instead of having a lifeless product or service, it feels more human when a personal brand is attached. This makes it  more relatable. Then something very special happens. This allows you to position your product or service in a way where people feel compelled by an irresistible urge to buy. And it takes no convincing or persuading. They just love your brand that much.

In other words, a great personal brand pre-sells people. Before they meet you, your customers will already be aware of your strengths and personality. You’ll have the power to influence the decisions, attitudes, and actions of your audience. And in turn, you will receive many benefits.

7 Benefits of Consciously Building Your Personal Brand

Become Master of Your Perception

When it comes to doing business in the marketplace, perception equals reality. It doesn’t matter how great your abilities and skills are if the marketplace does not perceive them the right way.

Harris Interactive conducted a survey. It showed how 45 percent of consumers did online research and found content that made them decide not to do business with the person. This is why your online representation is so important.

Consciously building your personal brand allows you to keep growing in the direction you want. And if you are in control of your perception, you can switch directions at any time. When you determine how you are perceived, you are in charge of your destiny.

What else does this do for you? 

Attract Your Ideal Audience and Opportunities

Imagine you were stuck in a business you hated, serving customers you don’t like. And it forces you to put on a facade every day. What’s worse is if the business is successful. You may start feeling conflicted. If you do, this can have a serious negative impact on your mental health and your happiness.

With the right personal branding, this is something you never have to worry about. It sets clear expectations on what your audience should expect. And this acts as a pre-filter, which attracts your ideal clients and rejects potentially bad ones. 

Either they resonate with you, or they do not. Which is a very good thing. If you are selling to everyone, you are selling to no one. And it also provides a win-win situation.

Are You Building Your Personal Brand By Accident? Share on X

Building your personal brand enables you to spend more time serving clients you like. So you can focus on building the business you enjoy. And the clients that would be a bad fit will not waste your time. Your headaches become your competitor’s problem. 

Create Your Own Category and Dominate

Many businesses believe having a better product is all they need to succeed. The problem with this is when you’re seen as a comparison, you’re stuck in the generic pile. To get the most sales it’s best to be in a category of your own.

Think of Apple with its iPhone and iOS. It’s a cool looking product, fun and easy to use. Even the unboxing creates a premium experience. And beyond that, there is the Apple ecosystem: iCloud, iTunes, iMessage, etc. Once you join the team Apple, it becomes difficult to leave.

So while all the other Android devices are battling each other. The iPhone’s premium positioning in its own category allows them to stay on top. This is one of the biggest benefits of building your personal brand. Even though you may be offering the same product or service, your personal brand is unique to you. It’s something your customers can not get anywhere else. And this exclusivity allows you to charge more.

Increase Your Perceived Value

This benefit can add a lot of money to your bottom line. Think about the difference between a bag from Coach, and a bag from Hermes.  Are the materials different? Yes. Are the designs different? Of course. But are they different enough to justify the price difference? Objectively speaking, probably not. But the fact remains the increased perceived value of Hermes bags is remarkable.

According to Fundera 43% of customers spend more money on brands they are loyal to. And with the correct personal branding, you can reap these rewards too. It can influence and persuade your customers to justify higher pricing automatically.

Build Trust With Your Audience

Getting your audience to trust you is very valuable when building your personal brand. According to Invesp, 31% of consumers say trustworthiness is the most important brand attribute. Even more important than creativity and intelligence.

Trust is what creates lifelong, loyal customers and brand advocates. According to Fundera, 56% of customers stay loyal to brands who “get them” and 89% of customers stay loyal to brands who share their values. These are the customers who happily spread awareness of your personal brand without you asking them to. Why?

Because your personal brand will give them something to relate with. They will know who you are, what you stand for, and what you believe in. They won’t perceive you as a stranger. Instead, you’ll feel like their friend. And since both of your views are in alignment, they don’t see it as advertising. Why wouldn’t they share something they value with friends and family?

Be the Thought Leader Within Your Area of Expertise

The leader in any group does not necessarily have to be the best. What matters is if the market perceives them as the best.  This is important because according to a survey done by Harris Interactive, nearly half (42 percent) of people said they Google’d someone before doing business with them.

Being recognized as the thought leader provides you with extreme credibility. Spending more time building your personal brand makes proving your claims easier. Because you are already your consumer’s main source of information.

They look to you first for their answers. Because you provide them with reliable knowledge they can trust. This further differentiates you from your competitors and increases your perceived value. But there’s one more benefit that is really exciting.

More Sales with Less Selling

Imagine gaining more sales with less selling. Or no selling at all. How is this possible? Referrals.

Are You Building Your Personal Brand By Accident? Share on X

What other people say about you is infinitely more powerful than what you can say about yourself. People will even believe the word of complete strangers over those of the company. According to a study done by BrightLocal, 76% of consumers trust online reviews as much as recommendations from family and friends. Talking about features and benefits pale in comparison to when your customers are praising your products and services. In a world as skeptical as today, building your personal branding is a necessity to thrive.

It’s Never Too Late to Start Building Your Personal Brand

With all these benefits, it’s surprising to find out that only 55% of marketers think their internal and external brand are aligned. This disconnect leaves a lot of money left on the table. But this also represents a huge opportunity to position yourself as an expert or authority figure in the marketplace. That’s why you need to start building your personal brand today.

Promoting and maintaining your personal brand does require work. You must remain consistent and transparent at all times. Otherwise, your consumers won’t know if you’re authentic.

It’s difficult to be conscious of all the actions that can affect your personal brand. Some are not as obvious such as the way you walk, talk, and the way you dress. Others are more complex such as your ability to meet obligations, customer service, or your presentation skills.

It can be overwhelming at first to identify and keep track of all these actions affecting your personal brand. But it is necessary to make a plan so you are projecting the attributes you want through all your channels.

This is why we created a digital training series where we reveal to you all our personal branding secrets. Inside you will find all of the techniques Dan Lok still uses to grow his business today. So if you’re interested in building a powerful personal brand, then check out this Personal Branding Secrets Video Training Series.

How To Use LinkedIn To Get More Clients

Perhaps you’ve been wondering what’s the hype around LinkedIn all about? LinkedIn is a business-oriented service and it’s mainly used for professional networking. As a business professional, you might want to know how to use LinkedIn to get more clients?

This business platform has about 660 million users in more than 200 countries worldwide. In this article, I’m going to share the interview I had with Melonie Dodara on how to use LinkedIn to get more clients. 

The interview was great as she shared so much information and insights about the secrets of LinkedIn. Melonie Dodara is a Canadian number one LinkedIn expert and an international best-selling author of the book “The LinkedIn Code”. If you’ve not read it, I highly recommend you read this book. 


The Question Most People Have Is How To Use LinkedIn To Get More Clients

As you already know, Facebook still holds the number one record of users as a top social media platform and a social networking channel. However, with all the different social networks that are available, some are better than others for a certain reason and purpose. 

LinkedIn is the best platform for professional networking but how to use LinkedIn to get more clients? Share on X

The thing with social media is, there are two types: those for making friends and those for making money.

As Melanie said, Facebook is a wonderful social network to stay in touch with family and friends. But it’s not a platform for business professionals. This is where LinkedIn comes in. Now, you might wonder how you can use social networking platforms to bring in more clients? 

Get Connected With Business Professionals And Make Money

LinkedIn needs a certain strategy to fully leverage its purpose. But before we get into the details of LinkedIn strategy, let’s first take a look at what makes this platform special.  So, if you want to know how to use LinkedIn to get more clients… Stay with me until the end. 

As I said earlier, the different social network has certain reasons and purposes. LinkedIn is the number one business social network, there isn’t anything that competes with it. Unlike Twitter, Pinterest, Facebook or Instagram, which can still be used in similar ways, LinkedIn is the only Business Social Network. As such, it requires a unique strategy if you want it to bring you more clients. It doesn’t mean you have you do direct selling, sales pitching, or even promoting your products directly to clients regularly. But you do need a strategy to approach people. 

LinkedIn is a “Business Social Network” and as such it is unlike any other social networking platform out there. Share on X

Understand The Effectiveness Of LinkedIn

Every second, there are two new people joining LinkedIn. In 2015, the number of people on LinkedIn in Canada was 9 million. And in a recent statistic dated September 2019, the number of LinkedIn users in Canada was over 16 millionThat makes up to slightly over 44% of its entire population. However, the largest traffic is still the United States with 161 million users and about 27 million for the United Kingdom. 

Apart from the large traffic on LinkedIn, the average household income of LinkedIn users is $109,000. If you’re going for a more affluent demographic – LinkedIn is perfect for you. Additionally, people are two times more confident about the content and information found on LinkedIn, which means their levels of trust are higher. That’s because, as a business social network. People assume that all content shared is professional and accurate. 

LinkedIn is 277% more effective when it comes to B2B lead generation. Share on X 

A study of over 5,000 businesses conducted by HubSpot, showed that LinkedIn  traffic  is 277% more effective when it comes to B2B lead generation.  Its conversion rate has outranked Facebook and Twitter.

Create A Business Profile 

As an entrepreneur, you must create a good impression of your brandYou see, people want to know who they are doing business with – whether it’s you as an individual or a big company or even a person in a company. What they do first when learning about someone or something new in their professional realm is that they do research. You do that too, right? 

Let’s take the “High Ticket Closer Certification Program” for an example. You may have come across some videos about High Ticket Closing or maybe you’ve seen some of my Facebook and LinkedIn Ads.  I believe, the first action you took was to google “Dan Lok” and “High Ticket Closing.”  

So if people search for you, what will they find? As an entrepreneur, you must have a professional profile and keep it professional across all your platforms. This is crucial. It portrays your personal brand.

Close Deals With Your Professional Profile

Imagine if you’re trying to close a big-ticket deal with a connection you recently made on LinkedIn. Now they search you on Google, only to find unpleasant photos and information about you. Unpleasant drunken pictures from a last wedding you’ve been to? Strange college memories still up there? What do you think a potential business contact would think about you after seeing some of the stuff you have on your social media profiles right now? Would they be gone right away or intrigued to get on the phone with you? 

You see, as Melonie Dodaro said, you must always ask yourself this question: Are you making the kind of impression that you want to make? If not, you might want to give your profile a little more care. Your first impression is crucial when making any deals or even a connection on LinkedIn. It’s through this profile that you’re defining your personal brand and value.

If you manage to give a good impression, that’s when you think about what you can deliver. Thinking in terms of delivering value is the number one step in acquiring new clients. 

Define Your Value – What Can You Deliver?

Most people think LinkedIn is mainly for posting jobs and job seekers posting their resume. That’s a big mistake!  Don’t treat LinkedIn as a job-seeking website. With the number of growth in LinkedIn users in the past years, the way you can leverage this social network has completely changed. 

As Melonie said, only 16% of people using LinkedIn for job search. The rest of them, 84% of people, are using it for business. So, if you post your resume on LinkedIn, it’s not going to resonate with that audience that you want to connect with. If you’re looking to use it as a business tool, you must approach it differently. 

3-Step Formula For Success

So, what Melonie has done is that she created a 3-step formula for LinkedIn success

  • Get Found 
  • Attract Your Ideal Client
  • Stand Out
The key to success on LinkedIn is in this 3-step formula – Get Found, Attract and Stand Out! Share on X

LinkedIn is where people will get to know you on a surface level at first. They’ll look at your experience and what kind of value you have provided to the marketplace. And if you have a resume based profile on LinkedIn – that attracts employers but not your ideal clients. Clients will not know what you can deliver that will significantly help them increase or generate their revenue. 

So, when you think about how to use LinkedIn to get more clients, you must think carefully about the details in your profile. I would say this is the most crucial foundation when you start using a LinkedIn account.  Why? Because, if you want to be found on LinkedIn, you must be visible on the first page. If you’re not found on the first page – you’re invisible. You must pay attention to details, deliver value and content, and be consistent. 

Connecting With Powerful And Influential People On LinkedIn

Now, you might still wonder, how to connect with powerful and influential people? As I mentioned just before, first off you must create a professional-looking profile. That way, you’ll be able to stand out among everyone else and it might be easier to get connected with your ideal clients or prospects. 

If you don’t have an ideal first impression, how will you get connected with your ideal clients? Share on X

You must find a way to stand out, so pay attention to the details. If you are “in sales” – what’s your niche? What makes you special? Is there something that makes you different? What value do you bring? Keep all these questions in mind as you tweak all your profiles. If you don’t create a unique profile, you’re most likely to lose leveraging this business tool. 

There are many people using this platform but, in reality, 99% of people are using it very poorly. Therefore, to stand out is exceptionally easy. 

Be Professional And Get Found

As Melonie mentioned, the first step is to get found. Each day, people conduct searches on specific keywords. They might be looking for a certain type of client or prospect. For example:  financial advisor, accountant, lawyer, etc… And usually, people look for someone based on referrals – people they can trust, like a financial advisor. So you can use this fact to position yourself well to be found. And as Melonie said – “Isn’t it beautiful just to get leads to find you?” With the correct use of LinkedIn, you can do just that. 

So, you want to be showing up at the top of the search result. Think about what are the specific keywords that people are using and how to leverage them on your profile. The higher your rank on the search results – the better your profile will be. There are several ways to do that.

To show up on the top of the search results, you want to choose two or three specific keywords. If you’re doing business in a specific geography, you should throw in a keyword that’s based on your business.

Picking The Right Keywords

The key to picking the right keywords is thinking about the keywords that people would use. Most of the time you must think about how they are looking for what you offer. As Melonie mentioned in our interview – instead of just using “accountant” you might think about “Kelowna Account” as that might be something that people are searching for.

Think carefully – what can be your keyword? This is the most important step if you want to know about how to use LinkedIn to get more clients. 

Creative Keywords Could Mislead Clients 

Some people can be too creative with keywords, and it can mislead your clients. So, stick to the general basics of the right words when it comes to keywords. You have to know, not everyone on LinkedIn understands your creativity. 

It’s also really important to choose your three primary keywords which best describe who you are and what you do. When you do that – you can optimize properly. 

There Are 4 Places For Keywords 

According to Melonie, there are 4 places for keywords. The first one is the headline. The headline holds a tremendous amount of weight in the LinkedIn algorithm – it may sound techy but it’s important if you want to find your ideal clients. 

This part of your profile is meant to tell people who you are and who you’ve helped. For instance, a few keywords on your main profile, “Kelowna accountant” and or “business adviser”.  If you watch the video above, you’ll be able to see some examples that Melanie elaborates on more. 

Consistency Is Key

The second place to optimize your profile with your specific keywords is in the title of your current work experience. If you want to boost your profile on the search result you can also include those keywords in your description. 

Consistency is key to success - with the right and consistent use of keywords on your LinkedIn profile you can attract more clients. Share on X

If you’re a business owner, chief executive or founder of a company, it’s advised not to use that as your keywords.  Because of the broadness and generalization of those words – your clients won’t be able to find you. Think about it, nobody will search for; “founder”, “business owner” or “chief executive” unless you’re a salesperson.  Therefore, choosing the right keywords is crucial to get more clients from LinkedIn. 

The next place for your keyword is past work experience. This can be easy for those who have previously done what you’re doing now. I get that for some of you this might be something brand new. But there’s a little ninja trick Melonie has taught me to make all this easier. 

You Can Create A Project-Based Past Experience 

For example, you can craft your profile saying that you’ve worked for someone (maybe a certain company) for a short period and explain a little on your job description. It’s good to have at least one past experience that’s relative and related to what you do now as that’ll help with the search results. 

Another place where you can reflect on past experiences and include keywords is your summary section. As you write it, make sure to include the same two or three keywords again. As you make these changes, you’ll be able to know how many times your profile’s been viewed and shown up in search results. 

Observe Before And After

Keep an eye on how many times you show up in search results. You can use this feedback to keep looking for better words and adjusting. The best thing is that this is all on your LinkedIn profile’s home page, so you don’t even have to work hard to find this data. 

When you make the changes that Melonie has suggested, the change and results in the search ranking are instant. This is how, with LinkedIn, you can be on page 50 and moved up to the first page at an instant with the right keywords. 

Connect And Engage With Your Ideal Client

High Quality and original content will also boost your reputation and authority on LinkedIn. When you fix your search results, your content will be the key factor in attracting more clients.

Your profile must speak to your ideal client Share on X

If you’re writing an article, make your post visible by adding them to Pulse, LinkedIn’s built-in publishing platform. If you’re already producing other types of content, you can add them to your portfolio by simply typing the links into your profile. 

Here are 4 strategies you can use to create compelling content:

  • Write in first-person 
  • Identify who your ideal clients are
  • Share how you can help them
  • Call To Action

Speak to your clients individually and directly. It’s always helpful to learn some copywriting skills to implement these strategies too. Any copywriter will tell you that writing in the first person is the key because it will allow you to identify your ideal clients. 

Let’s say, your ideal client comes about to do a search on LinkedIn. When they land on your profile, it speaks to them directly, it resonates with them. If they read relatable stuff in the first person, they will see themselves in your profile. It will encourage them to take action. The way to get them to take action is to share how you can help them.

This is where you engage with your clients. By talking to them and asking them where and what they’re struggling with, you can help them with problems they’re facing. You can also tell them (or show) exactly how you can do that. 

Speak to your target audience about your audience – not about yourself! Share on X

Remember that clients and prospects will always have this question in mind – What’s in it for me? In reality, nobody cares about you, everyone cares about themselves. Everyone cares about how you can help them. So, if you make your profile all about yourself – it’s not going to resonate with anybody. 

Never Forget To Have A Strong Call-To-Action

Now, if you capture the attention of your client, you have to guide them to action. This is where call-to-action comes into play. 

And the final part is to have a strong call-to-action. You see, Melonie said the first place for your keyword is your headline.

Now, as soon as someone lands on your profile, what’s next? You don’t want to leave your ideal clients hanging by not having a call to action. The whole point and purpose of implementing these strategies are to get clients from LinkedIn. And if you don’t have a call-to-action, you won’t succeed. 

I believe that if you don’t make the sale today, you won’t make the sale tomorrow Share on X

A call to action can be:

  • Book a call with you
  • Link to your landing page
  • Link to a specific webpage
  • Get a FREE consultation
  • Register for your webinar
  • Watch this video

These are some examples of a specific call to action. It doesn’t mean they have to purchase something. It can be an excellent method for lead generation. The call-to-action will depend on your business model and your sales model. With that said, it depends all on what your goals are and what you want to achieve with each post.  That’s why you need to know your target market. 

Editorial credit: IR Stone / Shutterstock.com

How To Know Your Target Market?

Your profile needs to be client-focused and the only way for you to be able to do that is to know your target market. If you don’t understand what their problems are and the language they use, it’s going to be challenging. 

You then need to do a lot of research about ideal clients. One of the easiest ways to do that is to look at your last ten clients that have been your best clients. Who are some people you enjoyed working with? What clients did you go an extra length to help them transform their business? 

You can look into common interests, industries, profits, and perhaps look at their location and dig deeper geographically. Where are most of your clients from, what are their positions in the company – in that way, you’ll get to know your ideal clients better? I’ve mentored thousands of entrepreneurs, business owners and sales professionals specifically on getting to know your ideal clients. 

Communication Skill Is Important In Your Personal And Professional Life

Honestly, from the way I look at it if you have a certain communication skill, not only it’ll help you get more clients but also become a great salesperson. The best part about High Ticket Closer Certification Program is that you don’t need to be so knowledgeable about your product. Just like what Melonie said earlier – They only care about how you can help them.

So, knowing the right communication technique and skills will give you the opportunity to engage with your client with finesse. May it be to help them transform their business or generate more revenue because when you’ve mastered this skill. It will also transform your life – personal and professional. 

Stand Out Significantly From Others

The more you use LinkedIn, the more you will see the value of it. You will also notice another people’s profile that’s being poorly done – they’re completely blank. 

This is easy to fix – have a professional headshot. People want to see who they are dealing with – upload a professional picture of yourself. When people see a smiling face – that’s an inviting aura. To strengthen your LinkedIn profile is that you can upload a video to your profile.

It can be an introduction video or a professional video. In that way, you’re marketing yourself and showing your communication skills to your ideal clients. Talking about skills, on LinkedIn, you can add your skills and endorsement to your profile.

For example, if you have a copywriting skill that you’ve learned a few years ago, you can add that into your profile. It could be just a short certification program – add it. Any additional skills you’ve acquired in the past years will be an added advantage to your profile.

Many people fail to see the power of social proof. Share on X

Here’s another video I want to share with you. It’s about the 5 things you’re not utilizing in content marketing on LinkedIn. 

Final Thoughts On How To Use LinkedIn To Get More Clients

It’s basic psychology – we trust our social network. People trust what they see online, and if people like you then more people will like you because of that. Does that make sense?

So, you’ve followed the 3-steps here and you’ve rank #1 on LinkedIn. What’s next?

If you want to know how to use LinkedIn to get more clients, I recommend you read “The LinkedIn Code” book by Melonie as she shares more in-depth tips and principles for LinkedIn in her book. 

(Featured Image Credit: 13_Phunkod / Shutterstock.com)

How To Bring Personalization To Your Email Marketing Strategy: 7 Simple Techniques

An effective email marketing strategy is an essential and powerful marketing tool for any business.

With so many marketing tools available today…

Email still continues to be a great channel of communication with your audience.

With emails, you have the chance to directly reach your customers and prospects.

You can make a connection with them. And send your latest offers, promotions, and important updates, direct to their inbox.

It is not surprising 56% of marketers consider their email marketing strategy to be very important. And 30% consider it important.

Overall, marketers consider retention to be the best use of email (59%).

Followed by brand promotion (57%) and conversion (52%).

What’s more…

According to a survey done by Litmus, email marketing has an average ROI of 38:1.

While emails give great results, it has become important to personalize them.


Why Personalize Your Email Marketing Strategy?

Why personalize email marketing strategy

It should come as no surprise that people receive lots of emails in their inbox every day.

I am sure you do too.

The Radicati Group found that the average office worker receives 121 emails per day.

So how does a business stand out?

Well, that’s where personalization in your email marketing strategy comes in. It can cut through the clutter and capture the attention of your target customers.

You target an email campaign to a specific subscriber by leveraging the information you have about them.

Yes, personalizing takes time and effort. But all the research suggests that it gives incredible results.

eConsultancy’s study found:

74% of marketers who used personalization strongly agreed that it improved customer engagement.

An Experian study discovered that email personalization can boost transaction rates up to 6 times.

Hence, a personalized email marketing strategy:

  • Helps your emails stand out
  • Improves CTR
  • Increases conversion rates

And yet…

Most businesses have not implemented personalization in their emails. 

eConsultancy reported that only 5% of companies focus on personalizing emails.

Note that personalization goes beyond just mentioning your subscriber’s names.

It is a broad term. There are various degrees to which you can personalize.

What I see most commonly, is basic email personalization:

  • Subscriber’s name in the subject line
  • Their name in the email copy

On the other hand, an advanced personalization technique means…

Tailoring the content of the email to meet every single one of your subscriber’s needs.

Business owners and marketers have to identify ways to connect with customers on a deeper level.

Here are 7 powerful techniques to drive deeper relationships with your customers:


1. Segment Your Audience

This is the very first thing you have to do when you personalize emails.

It is the core foundation for the personalization of your email marketing.


Because when you segment your subscribers into different relevant categories…

You will be able to send uniquely crafted emails that speak to their needs.

Think about it…

If you receive an email that is not relevant to you, what do you do?

Ignore it. Delete it, perhaps. Right?

The more relevant your audience, the more likely they will open your email.

And the more likely they will take the desired action you want them to take.

So how do you segment your audience?

You could start with:

  • Location
  • Gender

Moreover, you could use any information they provided when they signed up for your email list.

An advanced personalization email marketing strategy derives from a subscriber’s behavior:

  • Are they an active or an inactive subscriber?
  • What are their interests?
  • Did they participate in your events or contests?
  • Download any specific content?
  • Which pages do they visit?

Behavior-triggered emails are real-time reactions to how your customers are using your product. Trigger emails have a 152% higher open rate compared with traditional emails.

Data collection is key here.

You could create and target your ideal buyer personas.

According to HubSpot:

“A buyer persona is a semi-fictional representation of your ideal customer. It is based on market research and real data about your existing customers”.

Looking to make your buyer persona? Check out this free persona generator by HubSpot.

Create unique combinations of potential customer profiles. And you will take your first step in personalizing your email marketing strategy.


2. Humanize The Sender

If you are sending out emails under your company name, then you need to rethink your strategy.

Have you noticed…

When you receive an email the “from” name is highlighted. Usually, it’s written in larger and bolder text.

Almost all the email clients do it. Desktop or mobile.

It is done so you can easily identify who has sent you the message.

Before you even open it, you know who has sent you the email.

Most likely, you also make up your mind whether you are going to read that email or not.

Hence, the “from” field is very important. And it’s often overlooked.

You see…

People are more likely to open emails received from a person. Even more, if it’s a person they know or someone they could relate to.

It could be you as the owner of the company. Or a particular account manager who is associated with a subscriber.

If a sales manager is handling the subscriber’s account, use his name to send the email.

The bottom line: Your audience will trust and relate to an email that comes from another person, as opposed to a business. You need to use a person’s name in the “from” field.

Take personalization up a notch by using the sender’s face instead of your logo.


3. What’s It About?

The subject line is the second most prominent element in the inbox.

Just like the sender’s name, it stands out. It has a darker and heavier text compared to the body copy of the email.

So how can you use that to your advantage?

Well, you could reference your individual subscribers by their names, in the subject line.

Marketing Sherpa’s research shows:

Including a name in the subject line can increase open rates by 29.3% on average.

That’s a significant reason to add it to your email marketing strategy.

What’s more…

For consumer products and services companies, subscriber’s name in the subject line produced a boost of 41.8%.

But remember, don’t overdo it. If you do it in every email, your subscribers may start ignoring it.

Moreover, personalization doesn’t just mean adding your subscriber’s name to the subject line.

It could also mean talking to your subscriber. 

What do I mean?

I will give you an example here.

Let’s say you are offering your services as a copywriter.

When sending out your latest newsletter you could go with either:

  1. Increase Your Revenue OR
  2. I Increased XYZ’s Revenue By 10%

Which email is your target audience more likely to open?

You see…

In the 2nd subject line, you are talking to the subscriber.

Even better, you are backing it up with a statistical claim and a clear benefit to your audience. A result that you have already delivered.

Similarly, using “your/you” is also an effective way to personalize your email marketing strategy.


4. Email Content

The content of your email should be targeted to meet the specific needs of your target audience.

Here are a few guidelines:

Write To The Subscriber

This is the most common technique for email personalization that most companies implement.

Addressing their subscribers by their names at the beginning of the email.

However common, it is important to note it is an essential step that you need to take.

Don’t you appreciate it when someone takes the time to remember your name?

Similarly, your target audience will too.

Your subscriber wants to feel unique, spoken to and special. When you talk to them directly, they are more likely to respond positively. Share on X

Talk, Don’t Type

Talk To Your Subscribers

There are several types of email content that you could send to your subscribers.

Before we get into the types of content, let’s just talk about the tone of your emails.

Keep your language simple, engaging and conversational.

Imagine the subscriber reading your email, is your friend.

Use an informal tone. And avoid using complicated words.

Break up your emails into an easily readable and scannable form. It shouldn’t overwhelm your readers.


It is all about your audience understanding your offering in the simplest way possible.

Types Of Content

The type of content you send out depends on your company. And the value you want to provide your subscribers.

Here are a few examples of tailored content:

Solutions to their problems

How to overcome a problem is one of the best ways to engage your subscribers.

If you provide them solutions, they are more likely to become your customers.

And if they are already your customers, they are more likely to return.

Tell a story

Stories are a powerful way to connect with your subscribers. 

It could be a customer’s experience of using your product or service. How did your product help them?

You could share your own or your company’s story.

Or it could be something interesting from your travels. You could even wrap a piece of informational content in the form of a story.

Tell a story to personalize email marketing strategy

Tips & Tricks

You could send helpful advice on how to get the most out of your product or service. Tell about the features they haven’t used yet or aren’t aware of.

Ensuring that your subscribers learn something new will increase their loyalty and satisfaction.

Product Recommendations

If you run an e-commerce store, you could offer and suggest relevant products to your subscribers.

Keep track of their purchasing history to provide recommendations based on their previous choices.

It can also help you create an inclusive sense of community. You could include popular products purchased by similar customers to encourage conversions.


Celebrate important moments or milestones in your relationship with the subscriber.

Furthermore, you could add advanced personalization to your emails by sending behavior triggered emails.

These types of emails can be easily automated.

You can use them for:

  • Up-selling
  • Cross-selling
  • Welcome
  • Re-engagement
  • Dynamic content offers
  • Cart abandonment and so on.


5. Personalized Call-To-Action

A strong call to action (CTA) is one of the most important elements of your email marketing strategy. 

Unbounce’s study showed 1st person CTAs had a 90 percent better conversion rate than 2nd person CTAs in emails.

Hence, for a personalized email experience, design CTAs from the reader’s point of view.

First-person CTAs create a reading experience that feels tailor-made for the individual.

You want your subscribers to feel like they’re in control of the process.

And using the first-person language makes them feel that it’s their decision to click or not.

For an even higher level of personalization…

You could automate calls to action depending on the person reading them.

Let’s say your subscriber clicked on your CTA and downloaded a pdf. Now next time they will see a different (but relevant) call to action.

Targeted and customized CTAs will be a unique and personalized experience for your subscribers. 

Dynamic CTAs work hand in hand with dynamic content. Using dynamic content means your email will populate based on when it is opened, rather than when it is sent.


6. Where Are They Going Next?

Personalization that begins in an email should continue to flow to your landing page.

That means your email and landing page should have a consistent look and copy.

Moreover, they both should have the same personalized call to action for the subscriber.


Because if the entire journey of your audience is streamlined…

There will be less confusion in their minds. They could easily keep following the path to conversion.

A HubSpot study of 330,000 CTAs on websites found:

Personalized CTAs performed 202% better than any other types of CTAs.

So just like in your email, keep your CTAs personalized on your landing page.

Also, ensure that the content of the landing page supports your email’s content. Or reflect your reader’s next interests (the reason they clicked on the CTA).

This will lead to the customer having a unified experience. And it will make them more likely to convert.

You could have different landing pages for different customer segments. So when you write custom emails for each segment, the landing page should have similar content.


The focus is to convert subscribers based on their specific interests in your business.


7. Timing & Frequency

An integral part of a personalized email marketing strategy:

To deliver your email when your subscriber is ready.

It’s likely that not all your customers are in one location. Or respond to emails at the same time.

Email Send Time is important to email marketing strategy

By testing different times, you will know the best time for your emails.

Find out when your emails are opened and engaged with, the most.

With email software, you can easily track the time and date, your messages were read.

Use that data to send emails at the best times for a particular “segment”.

You can even go beyond that by identifying the data of each subscriber.

Behavior such as:

  • When are they opening your email
  • When and how are they engaging with your content

This way you can further personalize emails by sending messages at the best time for each individual customer.

Furthermore, not every subscriber would want to receive an email at the same frequency. 

You should give your subscribers the option to maintain a sense of control.

For example…

Someone could be likely to engage with your content twice a week. While another subscriber could be more responsive once a month.

It’s always best to give your audience an option to choose:

  • How often they would like to receive your emails.
  • What types of content they would like to receive.

The best way to do that is to ask questions through feedback.

Survey your subscribers. And use that information to further tweak and personalize your email marketing strategy.


The Art Of Writing High Converting Emails

High converting email

Emails are a highly lucrative form of getting traffic to your website.

If you are not already utilizing personalization in your email marketing campaigns then you are missing out.

There is no doubt that a personalized email marketing strategy can bring you more revenue.

Personalization gets customers engaged with your business.

But as I mentioned earlier…

Most businesses are unsure of what to do when it comes to personalization.

62.26% of consumers feel “happy” and “excited” to respond to a personalized email from a business.

And yet…

Businesses are content with sending out generic emails to their subscribers.


Because crafting and delivering personalized emails isn’t quite as easy.

You first need to understand how to write effective emails.

But revenue-based writing is an art. And not everyone knows how to write high converting email copy.

Writing compelling emails is a golden opportunity to stand out from your competition.

For the best ROI, there are two ways you could go:

  • Hire a professional copywriter: The right copywriter could give you great results. Save your time.
  • Write the emails yourself: Learn to write compelling copy for your business. Save your costs.

But doing it yourself isn’t as hard as it sounds.

The art of revenue-based writing or copywriting is nothing new. You just have to know the right words. And where and when to use them.

That’s why I have put together a in-depth training. So you could discover the little known art of copywriting.

In this training, I will also show you 3 other untapped writing opportunities…

That can benefit any business. And help you take your business to the next level.

The best part?

You don’t need a degree or any sort of experience to get the best out of this free training.

What Do All Female Billionaires Have In Common?

All self-made female billionaires in this world have their own stories of how they achieved their success. All of them have blazed their own trails, and been through their own unique journey to reach their current billionaire status. But are you curious about what they all have in common? Do you wonder what valuable traits all female billionaires share with each other?

Thanks to the advancements in technology, education, and social media, there has never been a better time to become a billionaire. More and more super-successful business women all around the world are joining the ranks of billionaires than ever before. 

You might be familiar with female billionaires in America such as Oprah Winfrey, Kylie Jenner, Judy Faulkner, Diane Hendricks, Katie Rodan, Sara Blakely, Anastasia Soare, Tory Burch and more. While most female billionaires are from the US and Europe, many notable Asian businesswomen are breaking down barriers and entering billionaire-status as well. 

According to the UBS 2019 Billionaire Report, “more than half of Asia’s female billionaires are self-made,” a higher proportion than anywhere else. And within the last five years, there has been a 46% growth in female billionaires. With the expansion of successful businesswomen entering the scene, female billionaires as a whole are quietly gaining a competitive edge over men. 

But the big question here is, what commonalities do these successful businesswomen share to accelerate their way into the billion-dollar club? Although each of them earned their wealth differently, they all share valuable traits. Here are what all self-made female billionaires have in common. 

Female Billionaires Don’t Make Sacrifices

It doesn’t matter how you define success, you and I are both well aware that it’s not a stroll in the park. Every person who aspires to achieve success in life understands that it’s not easy and requires a lot of hard work. 

But a big problem I see in society is this: success comes with sacrifices. People think they have to give up the things they enjoy in life like their guilty pleasures, time with their family, hanging out with their friends, etc. The idea that success and sacrifice have to go together has been giving a very negative connotation. 

“So Dan, what do you mean? What happened to hard work and sacrificing the things I like to do?”

Tony Robbins answers this question best: “If you think it’s a sacrifice, you shouldn’t do it.”

Instead, you should have the mindset that you’re actually sacrificing your success by watching TV or spending money on luxury items you don’t need, instead of investing in your business.

When it comes to achieving success, you do need to work hard and put in the effort but consider this. Picture yourself making these sacrifices:

  • “I can’t hang out on the weekend anymore.”
  • “I’m sorry, I just don’t have time to go to the movies anymore.”
  • “Unfortunately, I need to make sure I work at least 10 hours every day.”
  • “I just can’t spend money recklessly anymore.”
  • “I need to make sure I’m reading 30 minutes in the morning and 30 minutes at night.”

How does it feel when you’re saying these things to yourself? When you look at it from this perspective, it feels overwhelming, suffocating, and it looks like you’re sacrificing a lot, right? But it doesn’t have to feel that way. 


Female Billionaires are Great at Prioritizing

Instead of sacrificing, look at everything you do as a choice and a way of prioritizing your life. Think of it this way. You’re not sacrificing your free time but you’re choosing to spend your time to improve your skill sets. You’re not sacrificing fun activities but you’re gaining knowledge by reading a book. 

Female billionaire Diane Hendricks also thought that she had to sacrifice certain things in her life. But what she did instead was prioritized. She saw everything as a choice she had to make to grow her company.

When it came to spending time with her kids, she made a choice to block out weekends and certain times of day to stop working and enjoy quality time with her kids. Another simple thing she would do is make sure she and her family enjoy dinner together at the table every night.

In the life of a billionaire, you have to understand a work-life balance does not exist. It’s all a matter of how you look at your life and how your mindset shapes your lifestyle. When you have this mindset of prioritizing, you no longer focus on what you’re missing out on. Instead, you’re focusing on what you’re getting out of your life. Because ultimately success is not a destination, it’s a journey. 

Success is not a destination, it’s a journey. Share on X

They Relentlessly Believe in Their Vision When Nobody Else Does 

All self-made female billionaires started out their journey with a vision. They knew where they wanted to go and what they wanted to do. But found it hard to get anyone to care. And what they came to realize is this: No one will support you until you give them a reason to care. 

On their entrepreneurial journey, they had to overcome that obstacle. They had to accept that their journey would be lonely, in the sense that most people will not support their vision. They had to learn how to push through barriers and believe in their vision, their values, and their mission more than anyone else.  

One of the fantasies many people have when they embark on their own journey to becoming successful is they expect their friends and family to support them on their endeavors.

When the truth is that no one will support you – not even your family members. If you’re someone who is used to receiving motivation and support from other people when you’re facing challenges, then your journey to success will be very hard to endure. And chances are, you won’t last very long. 

Why Most People Care What Other People Think, And Why Female Billionaires Do Not

Have you noticed how sometimes people will appear like they don’t care about what other people think? If you pay closer attention, you’ll see that everyone is affected by what other people think and do. 

For example, think of the girl who doesn’t pursue her dreams because she’s afraid her friends and family will judge her. Or, the guy that has been working out for years at the gym but always thinks other people have more attractive muscular abs. 

As human beings, it’s normal to have that drive to be accepted and feel a sense of belonging. Why? Because we’re inherently social creatures. Today, one of the reasons why people gravitate towards belonging to a group is uncertainty. And while there’s nothing wrong with the desire to belong to a group, you shouldn’t attach your identity to a group.

Most people make the mistake of blindly adopting the belief systems of others around them instead of living based on their own set of rules. And that can become a problem when you are pursuing your own goals.  Because you’re living and measuring your actions by other people’s standards and not based on your vision and values. 


That’s why female billionaires learn to cultivate their own self-awareness. They understand that they cannot rely on other people. If your values don’t align with those around you, you shouldn’t expect them to understand where you are, what you’re doing, or why you’re doing it. The best person you can rely on is yourself. 

Rely on your own set of values to guide you to your destination. Don’t waste your time waiting for validation from others because you’ll be disappointed. Be driven by your own personal mission and have a vision for how you want to live your life. 

They Believe in Creating Their Life, Not Being a Victim in Life

Successful female billionaires understand that they are in direct control over certain aspects of their life, like their choices when it comes to working smarter and harder. Unlike unsuccessful people who play the role of the poor, struggling victim, female billionaires take responsibility for their life.

They have the ability to navigate around problems that stand in the way of their goals and refuse to let those problems define who they are. They think critically about how many different ways they can solve issues that come up. Unlike many people who freeze or give up, they will do whatever it takes to workaround roadblocks and continue to pursue their goals. 

According to T. Harv Eker, one of the most important lessons when it comes to success is that “you are the one who creates your success and you are the one who creates your mediocrity.” How do people create mediocrity? They play the victim game. Eker says there are three ways to can identify a victim mentality:

  • Blame: Victims who like to blame will do anything to say the reason for their problem is because of anything and anyone except themselves. These are people that blame the economy, the government, their employer, their parents, their partner, etc. 
  • Justify: Victims who don’t blame will justify their problems and rationalize by saying things like, “Money is not that important.”
  • Complain: Victims who choose to complain are the worst of them all. Why? Because they are so focused on everything that’s wrong in their life. And Eker believes that “whatever you focus on expands.” So if you focus on problems, you’ll get more problems. If you focus on solutions, you will get more solutions. 

Female billionaires understand that challenges and setbacks are part of the journey to success. Instead of playing the victim, they think of ways to overcome challenges that stand in their way.

Female Billionaires Have an Unwavering Commitment to Create Wealth and Abundance 

Do you ever hear a successful person say they will try to work harder or try to commit themselves to success? Probably not, right? The definition of the word commitment itself is to devote yourself unreservedly. Which means you’re doing everything and anything it takes to make things happen. 

When people say they will try to do something, it doesn’t make much sense to me. Why? Because there is no gap between action and inaction. 

You don’t have to “try” to take action, you can just do it.

For example, let’s say I ask you to run. Could you do it? Yes. You could run.

What if I asked you to not run? What would you do? Good. You don’t run. 

Now, what if I asked you to try to run? What would you do? If you’re thinking you run, then that’s where you’re wrong. How can you try to run? It either you run or you don’t run. You do it or you don’t. There is no in-between. 

The same applies to commitment. You are either committed or you’re not. And most people are not committed to achieving success. They always put a limit on how much they’re willing to do, how much they’re willing to risk, and how much they’re willing to sacrifice.  


Female billionaires do not make half commitments. They go all in or they don’t go in at all. Their billionaire status came as a result of focus, tenacity, courage, applied knowledge, effort, and a strong billionaire mindset. As T Harv. Eker says, “If you are not fully, totally, and truly committed to creating wealth, chances are you won’t.”

If you are willing to focus on making a commitment to your success, then you’ll be rewarded. The universe will assist you, guide you, and even create miracles for you that are beyond your wildest imagination.

They are Excellent Self-Promoters

Successful female billionaires are almost always excellent promoters (or marketers). You might be wondering, “Why do they need to be good self-promoters?” If you recall earlier, does anyone care about you or what you have to offer? No.

People don’t care, and they won’t care until you give them a reason to care. Before you offer anything to the marketplace, you need to answer the question, “What’s in it for them?” Today, the way that people buy is very different from how they made purchasing decisions in the past. Consumers are more skeptical than ever. And anyone who is in the world of business understands that they are selling certainty in an uncertain world. They are easing their consumers’ minds.

This is exactly one of the main reasons why female billionaires today are so successful because they understand the marketplace. If they know their product or services can help their potential customers, they will feel morally obligated to do everything in their power to promote their products or services to serve that purpose. You’ll notice that they’re not only great marketers, but they are also great leaders. 

Because to be a leader, you have to know how to engage, inspire, and persuade people to buy into your vision. Let me give you a perfect example: Think about how female billionaire Kylie Jenner is able to leverage her massive following on social media. 

You might disagree. But without her ability to effectively communicate with her followers and the design of her lean business model, the success and fortune she has amassed from her new cosmetics business, Kylie Cosmetics, wouldn’t have been as successful as it was. 


Don’t be intimidated by what you don’t know. That can be your greatest strength and ensure that you do things differently from everyone else. - Sara Blakely Share on X

They Embrace What They Don’t Know

Three of the most dangerous words you can say in the English language is “I know that.” And the three words that might be your greatest asset is “I don’t know.” Female billionaires embrace what they don’t know. Why? Because it’s the knowledge they don’t know that allows them to make the greatest impact in their business and in the world.

If you think about it, you don’t know what you don’t know. That’s why it’s essential you continue to learn and grow. According to T. Harv Eker, “Nothing in the world is static. Everything alive is constantly changing. Take any plant that isn’t growing, it is dying. It’s the same with people as well as all other living organisms: if you are not growing, you are dying.”

A lot of the time it’s interesting to see that the people who need to learn the most are those who are broke. They’re the ones who say, “I already know that,” “I don’t have time,” or “I can’t afford it.” While millionaires, multimillionaires, and billionaires are all saying, “If I can learn just one new thing or make one improvement, it’s worth it.” 

Most of the time, people are lying when they make excuses and say they can’t afford education because they don’t have time or money. What they’re really saying is, “I don’t I believe I need it badly enough.” Now for some people, they actually might not be able to afford it, but if their desire is strong enough, no price is too high. 

Success at the end of the day is simply a learnable skill that’s based on applied knowledge. And it’s not so much about getting rich financially. It’s more about who you have to be in character and mind to get rich.

They Believe That Money Only Amplifies Who They Already Are 

Money and wealth magnify the person you already are. Money itself is neutral. It’s not good or bad. It can only amplify the person that is using it. If for example, you use money with bad intentions, chances are you will face the bad consequences that come with it. And if you use money with good intentions, then you will see the good consequences that come with it. It’s as simple as that, as a cause-and-effect relationship.

Sara Blakely, female billionaire and founder of Spanx, says, “I feel like money makes you more of who you already were. I don’t subscribe at all to the belief that money is the root of all evil. I think money is a wonderful thing. It’s great to share. It’s fun to spend and it’s fun to make. I’ve always had a positive outlook on what money can do.” 

When female billionaires have new opportunities come across their desks, their decisions are not just based on facts but also on trusting their gut instinct. And deciding whether or not it aligns with their principles and core values. 

So by choosing to invest their wealth into different opportunities that are aligned with their true and authentic self, the money simply amplifies those decisions and allows them to materialize. If you look at female billionaire Oprah Winfrey, she is well-known for her philanthropic efforts and this is how she makes decisions and sees where she can “have the most impact or do the best” in the world.


They Take The Road Less Traveled to Reach the Top 

If you take a look at all the female billionaires in the world, what do you realize? None of them took any special shortcut to reach their billionaire status. Some might have had an easier start than others. But overall they all had to endure a journey full of twists, turns, detours, and obstacles. 

The road to wealth and success is full of dangerous traps, haters, and deadly pitfalls, which is the exact reason why most people don’t take this path. The people who take this path, like female billionaires, have an unwavering commitment to their goal. They know that whatever challenges they’ll be forced to face, they have to be willing to be bigger than their problems. 

Because ultimately, as T. Harv Eker puts it, “Your outer world is merely a reflection of your inner world.” This means that how you view your problems is a reflection of how you see yourself. If you have a big problem, then you have a small mind. If you have a small problem, then you have a big mind. 

The secret to success is to not avoid, throw away, or shrivel up like a raisin when you encounter problems; the secret is to grow yourself to a level where your problems are so small they look like tiny grains of sand. 

So that leads me to say that this path is not meant for everyone. Some people are more content with their 9 to 5 jobs, enjoying their weekends, and living their current lifestyle. And that’s completely okay.

But some people are tired of working at their 9 to 5 jobs. They want more freedom, more money, more success, and more fulfillment in their life. All this boils down to one simple desire: they want to be a better version of themselves. 


Do You Have What it Takes to Take The First Step Towards Becoming a Self-Made Billionaire?

If you feel stuck at your 9 to 5 job and you want more success, more financial confidence, and more freedom in life but you don’t know exactly where to start or how to get there, then I recommend you to first invest in yourself by acquiring a High-Income Skill. 

How would you feel if I told you that you have a High-Income Skill which allows you to earn 6, 7, or even 8 figures a year in your spare time? Think about it” How much would an extra $10,000 a month change your current financial situation? How much would that kind of money change your life?

This skill is one that pays you based on how much value you can deliver to the marketplace. So the more value you deliver and the faster you deliver, the more you get paid. And the great thing is it’s an in-demand skill that influencers, businesses, and companies are hungry for. 

Imagine what it would be like if you could start earning $10,000+ or more every month with nothing but a phone, WiFi, and be able to work just a few hours a day. 

So what learnable High-Income Skill am I referring to? It’s a skill that I learned when I was first getting started on my journey to become who I am today, and it’s called High-Ticket Closing. If you want to learn how you can transform your life, mindset, finances, and skills so you can achieve freedom and become a self-made billionaire then click here to apply for a FREE session with one of my high-income advisors.