Personal Mastery

Is Closing The Skill For You?

In business, nothing happens until a sale is made…

This is why I believe sales is the #1 business skill.

So, in this week’s newsletter we’ll talk all about closing sales.

My goal with this newsletter is to help you decide whether closing is the skill for you to develop this year, so you can go on to impact businesses with your skills…

And in doing so, create a financially successful, location independent life you love.

So to kick this newsletter off, click here to watch this video on the Art of Closing Sales >>

When you watch it, you’ll discover the 3 things you could get from a sales interaction, and how to use a “No” to your advantage.

The 3 Levels of Closing

When you hear the word ‘closing’, what comes to mind?

Perhaps you think of someone selling over the phone.

Perhaps it’s someone selling to a small group of people.

Or perhaps they’re selling from the stage to a large crowd.

Whatever you think closing is right now…

I want you to watch this video so you get an idea of the 3 levels of closing and where you should get started >> …

And why even if you have aspirations to get to level 3, you shouldn’t skip any steps. 

How To Close At The Beginning Of The Call

How you start your sales call is very important.

But you may be surprised to know that the closing process starts BEFORE you even get on the phone with your prospect.

Now some of the things you’ll discover in a moment may be out of your control as a closer…

Because the business owner will have to take care of them.

But imagine how invaluable you’ll be to a business you close for if you make some of these suggestions?

If you want to know how to “pre-sell” your prospects before you get on the phone, then click here to watch this powerful video >>

This video will also give you a good idea of what to look for in a potential client, so you know who you should do business with.

5 Powerful Questions To Ask Your Prospects

If you’ve been following my work for a while, you’ll know I think old school sales methods are out of date and no longer work.

With that said, there are still salespeople who use these methods, and all they do is talk AT the prospect.

They get through the entire presentation without knowing anything about their prospect.

What sets average salespeople apart from high ticket closers are questions.

So, here’s a VERY compelling video for you >>

As you watch, don’t underestimate the POWER of these simple questions.

How To Use Reverse Psychology and Catch Your Prospect Off Guard

When you speak with prospects, you’re not always going to get people who are 10 out of 10 and ready to take action on your offer.

Oftentimes, people know they have a problem that needs solving so they book in a call…

But they’re not too keen on giving you the info you need, let alone taking action to solve their problem.


Because the thought of things being different to what they’re used to scares them.

So in order to get your prospect’s needs from below a 5 to above a 5, you must use what I call reverse psychology.

Reverse psychology is a high level technique that catches your prospect off guard and almost forces them to tell you the truth.

Because if you didn’t know, PROSPECTS LIE all the time.

Click here to arm yourself with the skill of using reverse psychology >>

How To Master Your Vocal Tonality and Close More Sales

Whether you’re selling in person, over zoom, on the phone or on stage, your vocal tonality is KEY to your success.

But if you’re selling on the phone where they can’t see you, then your vocal tone is EVERYTHING.

So how to ensure you inject emotion into your closing calls and speak with the right tonality that makes your prospects want to buy?

Luckily, I’ve got you covered.

There are countless things you NEVER want to say in a closing call, but the bottom line is this…

Never sound like a typical salesperson.

If you do, you’ll lose the sale in the first few seconds.

For an example of what NOT to sound like, watch this short video >>

As far as vocal tone goes, there are many tones you could use at different times during your sales calls.

I can’t possibly address them all here, but if you want to know how to inject emotion with tonality into your sales calls, then you’ll love this video >>

What To Do When The Prospect Says No 

As you may have seen in the first video of the newsletter, there are 3 things you can get out of a sales call.

  1. A Yes
  2. A No
  3. A Lesson

Now, a “no” isn’t always a bad thing, especially if you’re speaking with a prospect you think would be a nightmare client.

But what if they are someone you’d like to work with?

Then you can do what I suggest in this video >>

If you implement this tactic, you’ll gain more business over time and make more money, and you’ll see why when you watch the video.

One Secret To Close More On The Phone 

I’ve been closing on the phone for over a decade, and out of all the tricks and tactics I’ve learned in that time…

There is one secret that makes the biggest difference in your sales calls.

This trick switches your frame from the salesperson to the expert, and completely changes the game.

It’s easy to implement and if you want to know what it is, then click here >>

If I could give you just ONE secret that makes the BIGGEST difference to your sales calls, it would be the one in this video >>

In Closing…

There’s a lot that goes into the perfect closing call.

What I’ve given you here merely scratches the surface, but if you’d like to see me do a live sales roleplay then you’re in luck.

Click here for a roleplay I did with one of our audience members at a recent event of ours and get ready to take notes >>

I hope this newsletter has helped you decide whether you’d like to become a high ticket closer or not.

To your success,

Dan Lok

P.S. – I almost forgot, if you think closing is the skill for you, then feel free to check out my closing trainings at the Dan Lok Shop >>

Expert Money Management Secrets You Must Know..

I’ll never forget my financial difficulties…

Even when I started making a lot more money, I was still reckless with it.

I spent it like it was going out of fashion, and invested in 10 bad tech projects which lost me A LOT of money.

One of the most important things to have in your arsenal is your ability to manage money, no matter how much you earn…

Because, if you can’t manage $5K per month, you won’t be able to manage $50K per month.

Managing money is a habit and skill, however, a lot of people think they’ll be able to manage money better the more they earn.

But what always happens, is the more they earn, the more they spend.

So, in this week’s newsletter you’ll discover some of the ways I like to manage money, and how to ensure you keep more money every year.

Let’s begin…

3 Financial Goals You Must Have Every Year

If you want to succeed financially, there are 3 things you absolutely must do.

This is outside of investing, which is a whole other topic,  because if you don’t do these things, you won’t have any money to invest.

I’ve already sent out a newsletter on how to invest your first $1K.

You may like to check your inbox for that one, but as a recap, I believe the best way to invest your first $1K is by reinvesting in yourself.

That will give you the biggest return month on month.

So here are your 3 goals.

  1. Increase your earnings by at least 10% per year…
  2. Increase the amount you save each year…
  3. Increase the percentage of your income you save…

Really, if you achieve goals 1 and 3, you’ll achieve goal 2 at the same time.

How To Know How Much To Save At Different Income Levels

As you earn more, you should naturally increase the amount you save.

If you don’t, you’ll allow yourself to spend all the extra money you earn, and you’ll never make any progress.

So here’s how much you should save at every level of income up to $1 million.

Less than $50K save 10%.

More than $50K but less than $200K save 15%.

More than $200K but less than $500K save 25%.

More than $500K but less than $1MM save 35%.

More than $1MM save 50%.

It’s important you don’t fall into the trap of living a lavish lifestyle as your income increases.

I know it’s tempting, and there’s a time and a place for that, if you’re making a lot of money.

The good thing is, you don’t need to make millions of dollars to live an amazing lifestyle.

If you follow what I teach in my book FU Money, you’ll see you can live your dream life without earning millions of dollars.

How To Allocate Your Money Effectively

Believe it or not, money has 4 jobs.

To spend, save, invest, and donate.

It’s important you give to causes or people less fortunate than yourself and pay your success forward.

So, how do you manage your paycheck each month, so you have money to save, spend, invest, and donate?

Here’s how.

I learned this strategy from the book The Richest Man In Babylon by Samuel Clason.

For the purpose of this exercise let’s pretend you make $1K per month.

Each month you’ll put a certain amount into a designated bucket so you know how much you can spend, save, invest, and donate etc.

Necessities = 60% or $600 

Investing = 10% or $100

Learning = 10% or $100

Emergency = 10% or $100

Fun = 10% or $100

As you can see above, we’ve allocated the full $1K to different buckets.

You can keep track of these in a spreadsheet each month or put them in different bank accounts.

You never want to touch your emergency funds, unless you absolutely need to, and it’s important you only use the money in each fund for its specific purpose.

The fun money you can do whatever you want without feeling guilty.

3 Money Traps To Avoid Like The Plague

Unfortunately, there are many money traps the average person falls victim to during their lifetime, that kill their chances of financial success.

Not Having a High Income Skill

You hear me talk about this particular trap all the time, and that’s not having a high income skill.

I believe everyone who wants to be financially successful should have a high income skill.

Because, compared to a high income job where your company decides what your income is, the better you are with your high income skill, the more money you make.

Not Having Financial Goals

I’m always shocked when I ask people what their financial goals are, they don’t have a specific answer for me.

If you want to be successful, you must have clearly defined financial goals.

“Making more money” isn’t a financial goal, it’s a wish and a hope.

“$10K per month” is a clearly defined goal.

It tells you how close or how far you are from hitting your goal.

So, get clear on the amount of money you’d like to make, and if you can’t hit that goal with your current job, then it’s time to upskill to something that will help you get there.

Once you hit your goal and can maintain that level of income for at least 6-12 months, it’s time to set a new goal.

Not Being Financially Literate

As making money is the whole reason you go to school, you would think the school system would teach us how to make, manage, keep, and multiply money.

But unfortunately, it doesn’t.

And although it teaches you to read and write it doesn’t teach financial literacy either.

What you don’t know can hurt you, so you must take it upon yourself to become financially literate.

If you want an overview of financial literacy, then click here for a beginners guide >>

There are 3 more money traps you could find yourself in, so click here and watch the first 3 in this video I shot for you >>

There’s a lot more we could talk about it, but I think you have enough to work with.

If you implement just a few of these strategies, you’ll be in a far better position financially in the years to come.

To your success,

Dan Lok

P.S. – You hear me say it all the time, but a high income skill is your key to making more money, even in your spare time on top of your 9-5.

If you’re yet to begin developing your first high income skill, then click here to check out some of our trainings at the Dan Lok Shop >>

Unsure What Skill To Develop?

The world is changing rapidly…

And it’s a good idea to stay up to date with skills in high demand.

So in this week’s newsletter, I’ll share some of the skills I believe are the best to develop in 2023 and beyond.

FAIR WARNING: This list is not exhaustive, and there are many more skills you could develop if none of these excite you.

Due to the explosion of online businesses, we’ll focus on online skills you can do independent of your location, so you can design your life exactly how you want.

The Day My Client Told Me I Was Full Of Sh*t

In the early 2000’s I was on the phone with a marketing prospect, doing my thing, when suddenly he said…


We’ve only been speaking for a few minutes and you’ve already made multiple grammatical errors, and you speak with a thick accent…

And you think you’re going to write my marketing campaign?

I think you’re full of sh*t!”

Then he hung up on me, and I was left feeling confused and inadequate.

Why would this man would attack me, when all I wanted to do was do a good job and provide for my mom.

It was at that moment, I decided to develop what I believe is the most important skill in business.

I’m talking about closing.

If you love talking to people and you’re more of an extrovert, then closing could be the skill for you.

And personally, I don’t think AI will replace this skill.

People want to talk to humans, not computers or robots.

Why Video Editing Is a Highly Sought After Skill

With 2.68 billion users and 3.7 million videos uploaded to Youtube EVERY DAY, the platform is showing no sign of slowing down.

TikTok has over 1.5 billion users and continues to grow, and Instagram has over 2.35 billion users.

Facebook is now pushing video ads more than picture ads, so it’s safe to say that the demand for video has exploded and will continue to grow for years to come.

If you love making videos or video editing, then there’s no reason you can’t edit videos for online businesses or offline businesses who realize they need an online presence to stay relevant.

Why Copywriting Is Still in High Demand

As you may know, Copywriting was my first high income skill, taught to me by my first mentor, Alan Jacques.

I used this skill to hit my first 6 figures and pay back $150K of debt.

With the rise of AI, some business owners are using ChatGPT to write their own copy, but here’s the thing, [Name].

Most of them aren’t copywriters, and most don’t know how to use the AI properly.

That’s where you come in.

If you’re ready to take action, and get into copywriting then this is your chance.

Because it always pays to stay ahead of the curve.

A copywriter who uses AI to streamline their research process and get the copy to 80% complete before they add the finishing touches, will outperform writers who don’t use it.

In this video I give the AI prompts to write about high ticket sales and then I rate it out of 10, so if you’d like to see my final thoughts on whether it will replace copywriters, click here >> 

As I mentioned in a previous newsletter, you must know how to write good copy, before you use the AI or you’ll run into problems.

Why Digital Marketing Is The Skill To Develop

The term digital marketing can be confusing at times, because while it’s simply marketing online, there are multiple skills that come under the digital marketing umbrella.

So let’s break down some of them for you so you can identify which skill you think would best suit you.

DISCLAIMER: While you could develop all these skills, it’s wise that you focus on one for a few years before you stack on another skill.

How To Give Your Future Clients Free Google Traffic

Search Engine Optimization or SEO uses website content, keywords and backlinks to drive free traffic from search engines like Google to websites.

It’s vital for businesses who want to be discovered organically, which is a dream come true for every business.

Of course the traffic the business receives is free, but they’ll pay you handsomely for your ability to help them rank on the first page of Google.

If you like the idea of research and strategizing with your clients about how to drive more traffic to their website, SEO could be for you.

Why Social Media Marketing Is The Future of Ecommerce

Many years ago, I partnered with an Ecomm business that sold Pandora bracelet charms.

I helped them with their digital marketing, and in 2012 we were named the ‘Online Retailer of The Year’ by Canada Post.

In 2022, shopping on social media really exploded and this trend is set to continue.

But it’s not just EComm businesses that advertise on social media.

Any business owner who’s smart knows a good portion of their customers can be found on various social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, TikTok, and YouTube.

If you think advertising could be interesting then starting a social media advertising agency, or becoming a media buyer (someone who buys advertising space online) may be something to look at.

And with this skill, you’ll also develop your Copywriting skills, so you can kill two birds with one stone.

Now that doesn’t mean you should learn every type of copy, you’ll only focus on writing ads for social media.

Why Email Isn’t Dead

Email continues to be an effective way to generate revenue for companies of all sizes.

Many think email is dead, but if you can build a strong relationship for the email list of the businesses you work with, it will be very lucrative for you and your clients.

You could focus on email copywriting and also develop the skill of email marketing/list management at the same time, and you’ll make a very good income.

In Closing…

As I mentioned, this list is not exhaustive.

Other skills you could develop include funnel building, web design, cyber security, coding, and blockchain programming, just to name a few.

I hope you’ve found this newsletter valuable, and you’ll take action on one of these skills.

Because, in a few years you’ll look back on this moment, and say one of two things.

Either “I’m glad I got started when I did, because now I’m financially secure, and living my best life.”

OR “I wish I’d got started back then.”

The choice is yours.

To Your success,

Dan Lok

P.S. – While I don’t have trainings on all the high income skills I mentioned above, if you’d like to check out some of my trainings and ignite your income, then click here to visit the Dan Lok Shop >>

Why Success Is Possible At Any Age

At times success seems like a nearly impossible feat, doesn’t it?

I remember when I was in my late teens, I’d tried 13 businesses.

All of them failed.

I’d amassed $150K in debt, and to say I’d dug myself a big hole would have been a huge understatement.

But, I went on to create a 6 figure income and multiple 7 and 8-figure online businesses over a 20+ year business career.

So in this week’s newsletter, I want to give you a few stories of entrepreneurs who saw success at a very early age.

The aim of this newsletter is to show you that you already have what it takes to succeed, you just need to tap into it…

And to prove to you, no matter how old you are, success is possible for you.

And if you read until the end, you’ll discover the unlikely success story of two Englishmen who beat all odds to succeed in the music industry.

Let’s dive in.

How a 16-Year-Old High School Student Became a Candy-Selling Kingpin

Hailing from Walthamstow, Nathan John-Baptiste ran a candy-selling operation across 3 schools, employing 12 friends.

Buying wholesale, he undercut supermarkets by selling every item for just 50 pence or 1 pound.

Using social media to spread the word, he soon became inundated with customers.

His daily takings were around 200-300 pounds per day, clearing him over 1000 pounds per week.

To get a glimpse into the mindset of a 16-year-old entrepreneur and what drove him to start a business, click here >>

How Two “Sisterpreneurs” Built a Multi-8-Figure Bath Bomb Empire

Launched in 2015, Da Bomb Bath Fizzers started in the basement of the family home of Isabel & Caroline Bercaw.

The huge bath bomb fans were saddened by the fact bath bombs disappeared when they finished dissolving, so they created their own line of bath bombs that contained a fun surprise inside.

Only 10 and 11 years old at the time, their bath bomb business has since grown to more than $20 million in annual revenue.

They juggled the running of their business while attending high school with their parents’ help.

For the full scoop on the now 18 and 19-year-old entrepreneurs, and what it takes to run a $20 million business click here >>

Is This Kid From California Richard Branson’s Youngest Business Partner?

Frustrated at the size of his school locker, Carson Kropfl reinvented the skateboard so he could ride it to school, and locker size was no longer an issue.

What started out as a means to an end, quickly became popular amongst his friends and school peers.

Carson was featured on Shark Tank at age 11, and received funding from none other than Sir Richard Branson to mass produce the “lockerboard”.

His company is valued at over $300,000 and he sells his boards online and in local retailers.

To find out how Carson gives back to the community and discover more about this 13-year-old CEO, click here >>

Click here if you’d like to see how Carson performed and negotiated with the sharks on Shark Tank >>

Why You Should Take a Page From This High School Football Player’s Playbook

Christon “Truth” Jones is a 14 year old author, speaker, and investor.

He wrote his first book at age 8 and made $5,000 in 90 days.

He then learned to trade the stock market and grew his portfolio from $3,000 or $1 million in two years.

Today, he speaks at events, continues to trade the markets, and teaches others how to win.

He has aspirations of playing professional football and continues making money in order to achieve his lofty income goals.

Click here for a glimpse of a day in the life of a teenage millionaire and to discover what he’d like to achieve by age 20 >>

How A College Dropout Became The World’s Youngest Billionaire

I could write a laundry list of people who dropped out of college and university and went on to achieve wild success…

And more than likely you would know many if not all their names.

The simple reason for this is that college doesn’t teach you about money, and business, period.

Now that doesn’t mean there isn’t a place for college, but if you want to live the life of your dreams, and make an abundance of money…

A college degree isn’t likely to help you get there unless you use it as a stepping stone to go on to bigger and better things.

Enter Alexandr Wang, a college dropout and CEO of Scale AI…

A start-up he co-founded in 2016 that helps companies put their raw data to work for AI and machine learning.

He owns 15% of Scale AI which is valued at $7.3 billion USD, and works with some of the biggest companies in the world such as Paypal, General Motors, and Flexport.

Click here to discover some of Alexandr’s valuable life lessons and what makes his company sit on the cutting edge of the future of the world >>

Finally, the moment you’ve been waiting for…

How Two 70-Year-Old English Rappers Found Huge Success In Their Retirement Years

They say the music industry is the toughest industry to find success in.

In the pre-internet days, being signed to a major record label was pretty much the only way to find success.

But these days, the music industry is a different ball game… one any musician can play.

This makes it possible for two retired Englishmen who rap about beer and cigarettes to find wild success.

And that’s what Pete and Bas have done.

They’ve come a long way from releasing their first single online to gaining over 800K Instagram followers, and over 400K listeners on Spotify, to playing sold-out shows.

Don’t believe me?

Click here to check out their Instagram >>

Why Anyone Can Achieve Success

So there you have it…

People from all walks of life achieve success at different stages of their lives.

You’re more than capable of making something happen for yourself.

I believe in you.

To your success,

Dan Lok

P.S. – Your skills always determine your success.

So, if you want to set your own schedule and work from anywhere in the world, I can’t think of a better way than a high-income skill.

That way, you don’t have a business with all the expenses and stress.

You’re responsible for one thing only, and that is usually generating revenue with your skill.

If want to know which skill you were born for, then click here to take this short High Income Skills Quiz >>

How To Unlock Your Full Potential

Do you ever get the feeling you’re not quite living up to your full potential?

Perhaps you work a 9-5 and you think…

“If I continue like this for the rest of my life, I can’t see myself hitting greater and greater heights.”

It’s a very common issue in todays’ world, and it’s not your fault.

The reason you may feel that way is likely because you’re not inspired to achieve great things in that job.

You don’t have the desire to become the best “fill in the blank” that you can be.

But, if you pursue something you’re completely passionate about, while you may not hit your full potential straight away…

If you work hard at your craft, eventually you’d be pretty damn good at what you do.

Heck, you may already have something in life you’re damn good at, but you’re not doing it as a career.

So, if any of that rings true to you, in this newsletter, I’ll share with you different ways to unlock your full potential.

The First Step To Unlocking Your Full Potential

I alluded to this above, but you’ll never hit your full potential doing something you dislike.

So, the very first thing you must do to hit your full potential, is to try enough things until you find something that lights you up.

This should be a strong reason why you get out of bed every day.

Now, if you can find a business skill such as Digital marketing, Graphic design, or Copywriting, then you’ll find it far easier to transition into that as a career, rather than something like art.

While I believe you’re capable of achieving anything you want, I think you’ll agree, being paid as an artist may be a little more difficult than being paid for an in-demand business skill.

If you’d like help discovering your passion, then watch these two videos by a friend of mine, Improvement Pill – How To Discover Your Passion >>

This second video breaks down 11 different areas such as interpersonal skills, movement, and linguistics, so you can pinpoint more closely what your passion is and how to work it into a career >>

A Simple Way To Unlock Your Potential

Let me ask you something.

When was the last time you challenged yourself?

That could be physically, mentally, environmentally, or in another way.

The reason I ask is, you’re full of biological potential that unlocks every time you challenge yourself.

Imagine regularly unlocking parts of yourself you never knew existed.

Well, you can be doing something as simple as moving to a new city, for example.

There is solid science backing this claim, and Jordan Peterson does a great job of explaining how it works here >> 

One thing is certain…

You’ll never reach your full potential unless you continually challenge yourself.

What To Do If Challenging Yourself Scares You

I get it.

Doing new things all the time is scary at first.

After all, if you did new things on autopilot you wouldn’t be reading this newsletter.

But what I’ve discovered is the best way to step outside your comfort zone is to break your goal down into smaller tasks.

That way you’re not overwhelmed at the mere thought of taking the first step toward your full potential.

In another Jordan Peterson video, he explains this concept to Joe Rogan >>

After watching this video you’ll know exactly how to increase your courage and bravery so you can begin to achieve your full potential. 

Muhammed Ali’s Secret To Reaching His Full Potential

If you were to ask someone like Muhammed Ali what his secret to success was, what do you think he’d say?

Train multiple times daily…

Jump rope…

Hit the speedball…

Run 10 miles a day…

If you had similar thoughts, you’d be wrong.

You see, in order to reach your full potential, often it’s NOT the things you do to get there, it’s the things you DON’T do.

For example, if you want to be productive, it would be the things you don’t do, like NOT watching YouTube or scanning Facebook or Instagram every hour, that would make you successful.

And while Muhammed’s answer is a little funnier than the above, his message is the similar >> 

So if you want to hit your full potential, creating a “not to-do list” of things to avoid every day is a great step to help you get there.

What Really Stops You From Achieving Your Full Potential

I alluded to this earlier, but the real thing that stops you or anyone from achieving their full potential is FEAR.

Lucky for you, you get to choose what fear means to you.

Does it mean False Evidence Appearing Real…

Forget Everything And Run…

Or Face Everything And Rise.

I know what I’ve chosen, now you must decide.

As the new year has just begun, step into this new year as you would like to step into the rest of your life.

If you’ve sat on the sidelines watching others play the game for too long, then see this newsletter as your kick in the butt to get working towards your goals.

If you’re already well into the game, then keep going and don’t stop until you’ve reached your full potential.

I know you can do it.

To your success,

Dan Lok

P.S.If you want to unlock your full earning potential, then click here to check out some of our trainings at the Dan Lok Shop >>

I’m certain you’ll find something that will take your income to the next level.

Leverage Your Effort For Max Return..

Have you ever thought to yourself…

“If only I could duplicate myself, my business would run smoother and more profitably”?

If so, you’re not alone.

Trying to be everywhere in your business is a challenge every coach, consultant, or expert faces throughout their career.

And whether you’re at the stage where you can hire a Chief of Staff, or a Chief Operating Officer or not…

There are things you can do to effectively “duplicate” yourself in your business to leverage your time better.

How To Leverage Your Time If You’re a Solopreneur

If you’re the only person in your business, you’ll feel run off your feet at the best of times.

And if that’s you, then it’s absolutely VITAL you create systems and ways to streamline your operations.

I’m talking about templated emails, simple spreadsheets to record your sales and expenses each month, and other systems that make your business run smoother.

If you find you’re sending out the same emails often, create a template you can copy and paste so you only have to change minor details.

Sit down for a small amount of time each week to record any sales and expenses that came in in the last 7 days.

By the end of the month, your records will be top notch and it may only take 10-20 minutes.

Every time you notice “time vampires” sucking your time out of your day, that’s an area you could potentially systemize.

Be sure to document the process, so when you do hire an employee, they can pick up the task with minimal supervision in the beginning and ultimately zero supervision.

You can also find software online that saves you time, depending on the task.

An obvious example is social media post-scheduling.

How To Leverage Your Knowledge As an Expert

EVERY coach, consultant, or expert should leverage their knowledge online.

I’m talking about books and e-books, podcasts, online courses, lead magnets, webinars, etc.

You likely know this already, but what I’ve learned over the years is, we don’t always do what we know.

And to know and to not do, is to not know.

So, if there are any areas you could improve upon in your business when it comes to leveraging your knowledge…

Think of this newsletter as a kick in the butt to make it happen.

How To Ensure Your Material Reaches a Wider Audience

Speaking of leveraging your knowledge, this next strategy will work best for coaches and experts.

It has to do with creating certification programs that teach others your methods for getting clients amazing results.

You can effectively duplicate yourself with every new person you bring under your umbrella.

You sell the program and potentially get a cut of each client they coach, depending on how you set it up.

This allows you to spread your message faster, and also brings you multiple income streams in addition to your client work.

We have many certification programs in our business, most notably the High Ticket Coach™ Certification.

The potential here is limitless.

If you want to know how to create a high ticket program, then click here >>

How To Leverage Your Time With Group Coaching

I wrote an entire newsletter about group coaching and why I believe it’s the holy grail to not only scale your business but also leverage your time.

Look out for it in your inbox if you’d like to review it, the subject line was “Why group coaching eats 1-on-1 for breakfast…”

You can save so much time and make far more money with group coaching it’s not even funny.

Here are some of my best tips on running group coaching calls >>

How To Double The Size Of Your Business

I mentioned the job title Chief of Staff earlier in the newsletter.

A Chief of Staff is someone who thinks like you and can do things like attend meetings on your behalf, make key decisions, as well as carry out certain tasks you would normally do.

Hiring one is one of the quickest ways to duplicate yourself in your business, and has the potential to help you double the size of your company…

But like you, they can only do so much.

Eventually, your business will grow to the point you need another Chief of Staff because you can’t scale an employee.

At this stage, instead, what you want to do is hire a Chief Operating Officer.

A COO designs and implements systems and processes so a competent person can carry out key tasks overseen by the COO.

(Side note: I’m likely to do an entire newsletter on hiring key employees such as a COO in the future, so keep your eye out for that one.)

Of course, if you want to hire anyone in your company, you must stop micromanaging, if that is something you do.

I used to do this a lot, and I think it’s something almost every business owner does at first until they realize it’s stopping them from doing their job and their business from reaching its full potential.

How to Stop Micromanaging

The counter-intuitive thing about micromanaging is that it does the exact opposite of what we intend.

We think it will make things run smoother, and more effectively, and that tasks will be done to a higher standard…

But all it does is waste your and your employee’s time.

Not to mention it’s frustrating for all involved.

If micromanaging is something you do, then click here for 3 ways to stop >> 

So there you have it…

No matter the size of your business, there are always ways you can leverage your time, to save you trouble, and make your business more efficient and profitable.

Whether it be creating digital versions, your own systems, using software, passing on your expertise to others, or hiring key employees.

I hope you enjoyed this week’s edition of High Ticket Weekly, until next time…

Go High Ticket,

Dan Lok

P.S. – If you want to know how I weathered the storm of the last 3 years of what’s been the toughest period in economic history…

Click here for the full scoop, on how to SCALE, SYSTEMIZE, and SUSTAIN your business for years to come >>

So you can build a robust business that withstands the test of time.