
From Start to Success: Hiring Executives for Your Business

When my business started to take off it was exhilarating.

It was like 1000 volts running through my body.

I felt like I was finally running a business.

But as business grew, so did challenges…

Tasks piled up, and the weight of responsibility had started to wear me down.

Realizing I couldn’t do it alone, I sought experienced team members who could share the load. 

Finding the right executives became my mission.

Full transparency: Not everyone I hired turned out to be an A-player, I have some horror stories I’ll save for a future post.

But I did learn through the process the art of hiring executives.

These are the people that will have your back first.

They will take the burden of making every decision off you.

Because hopefully they’ll be SMARTER than you in their area of expertise.
So, buckle up as we explore the art of executives hiring, sharing proven methods to find the best fit for your business’s future.

Table of Content:

  1. The Right Time You Need Hiring Executives
  2. The Organizational Structures You Should Consider
  3. The Role You Should Fill First
  4. The Place You Could Find the Right People
  5. The Hiring Executives Process You Should Know
  6. Conclusion

The Right Time You Need Hiring Executives

Let’s dive into when it’s prime time to bring in some fresh faces to lead the charge in your business!

A image shows a man in suit holding the card with best time on it.

  • During Growth Spurts

Imagine your business is booming, with demand skyrocketing and new opportunities popping up left and right. That’s the perfect moment to consider hiring executives to help steer the ship. 

  • When Big Changes Are Happening

Change is in the air, and your business is gearing up for something big—like launching new products or venturing into uncharted territories. This is the time to bring in executives who’ve been there, done that, and can guide you through the transition. 

  • When You’re Feeling Swamped

Ever find yourself buried under a mountain of tasks and decisions? It happens to the best of us. That’s your cue to bring in reinforcements, especially on the technical side.
Imagine you’re running a services company and struggling to keep up with the ever-evolving technology landscape. Bringing in an executive with a deep understanding of emerging technologies and a knack for implementing innovative solutions could be just what your business needs to stay ahead of the curve.

  • Before Starting Important Projects

Got a big project on the horizon, like launching a new product line or expanding into a new market? Now’s the time to beef up your leadership team. Executives with experience in these areas can be your secret weapon for success.
For instance, if you’re gearing up to take your business global, hiring executives with international chops could be the game-changer you need.

  • When Thinking About the Future

Planning ahead is key, especially when it comes to your business’s future. Hiring executives early on ensures you’re prepared for whatever twists and turns lie ahead.

The Organizational Structures You Should Consider 

Let’s talk about how to structure your team for success! Here are three key organizational structures you should consider.

A man in suit is drawing an organizational chart.

  • Hierarchical vs. Flat Organizational Structures

In a hierarchical structure, it’s like a pyramid—big boss on top, managers in the middle, and employees at the bottom. Works well for big corporations or government agencies.
But in a flat structure, it’s more like a team, with fewer layers and everyone sharing ideas. Ideal for industries where creativity and collaboration matter most, like coaching or consulting.

  • Matrix Structures for Specialized Roles

Now, let’s say you’re working on a big project that requires expertise from different areas, like finance, marketing, and operations. That’s where a matrix structure comes in handy. It’s like having multiple bosses, but in a good way!
Team members report to both project and functional managers, making collaboration seamless. Perfect for consulting firms or services companies juggling complex projects and specialized roles. 

  • Creating Agile Teams for Dynamic Environments

In today’s fast-paced world, adaptability is key. That’s where agile teams shine! Picture them as squads tackling projects in short bursts called sprints. They’re flexible and quick to pivot, ideal for industries like tech startups.
Say you’re launching an online course—assemble an agile team with members from marketing, content creation, and customer support for quick, efficient results.

The Role You Should Fill First

Let’s get down to business and figure out which role you should fill first to take your team to the next level! Here’s how you could do it.

A man is moving a chess

  • Identify Your Biggest Need

Think about what’s keeping you up at night. Is it strategic planning, market expansion, or team leadership?
For example, if you’re a tech startup founder without much marketing knowledge, you might need an executive with marketing expertise.

The name of the game is: Find someone who complements you

  • Look at Your Goals

Where do you see your business in the next year or so? Do you want to expand your services, increase revenue, or maybe streamline your operations? Let your goals guide you in prioritizing which role to fill first.
If you’re aiming to expand into new markets, hiring a sales or marketing executive could be the ticket to reaching your goals faster.

  • Evaluate Your Team’s Skills

Take stock of the talent you already have on your team. Are there gaps in expertise or areas where you need more support?
For instance, if you’re running a services company and struggling with project management, you might want to bring in someone with strong organizational skills to keep things running smoothly.

  • Consider Your Industry

Every industry has its own unique challenges and opportunities. Take a look at what’s happening in your industry and think about how it might impact your business.
If you’re an SEO expert in a competitive market, you might need someone to help with marketing and branding to stand out from the crowd.

  • Assess Your Own Strengths and Weaknesses

Be honest with yourself about where you excel and where you could use some help. Maybe you’re a whiz at coming up with new ideas but struggle with the nitty-gritty details of running a business. In that case, hiring someone with strong analytical skills could complement your strengths and shore up your weaknesses. 

The Place You Could Find the Right People

Alright, let’s roll up our sleeves and dive into where to find the perfect people to fill those crucial roles in your team. Here are some top-notch options.

a man is using a laptop with right hand. His left hand is holding a network illustraion.

  • Promotion from Existing Team Members

Look no further than your own backyard! Your current team members already know the ins and outs of your business and culture, so promoting from within can be a great option. 

If you are just starting out, this would not be a great option for you, look outward.

  • Personal Network

Your connections can be a goldmine for finding top talent. Reach out to friends, colleagues, mentors, and advisors and let them know you’re on the lookout for experienced executives. They might have just the right person in mind or be able to introduce you to someone who fits the bill perfectly.

It could even be your clients. I have hired people who were once a valuable client and decided to become part of the executive team.

  • Executive Search Firms

When you need to cast a wide net and find the best of the best, executive search firms are your go-to. These experts specialize in hunting down top-level talent and have access to a vast network of experienced candidates.
Here is a list of executive search firms.

  • LinkedIn

This professional networking platform is a treasure trove of talent, with millions of professionals from every industry imaginable.
To find the right executive candidates on LinkedIn, start by refining your search criteria based on industry, job title, and experience. Then, reach out to potential candidates with personalized messages highlighting the opportunity and why they’d be a great fit. Utilize LinkedIn’s messaging feature to engage in conversations and build relationships.

The Hiring Executives Process You Should Know

1. Create Job Analysis and Job Description

First things first, you’ve gotta craft job analysis and descriptions to clarify expectations, attract suitable candidates. It helps you clarify who you need as well.  I conclude what to do and how to do when creating job analysis and descriptions

A man is writing "job description on the board.

  • Start with Research
    Before drafting the job analysis and description, gather information about the role by consulting with relevant stakeholders, such as department heads. Understand the purpose of the role, its responsibilities, and how it fits into the overall organizational structure.
  • Identify Key Responsibilities
    Break down tasks into specific, actionable items to provide clarity for potential candidates. Focus on essential functions that are critical to the success of the role.
  • Define Qualifications and Skills
    Differentiate between “must-have” and “nice-to-have” to prioritize essential criteria. Include both technical skills and soft skills relevant to the role.
  • Specify Educational Requirements
    This may include degrees, diplomas, licenses, or professional certifications relevant to the industry or specific job functions.
  • Consider Experience Levels
    Determine the level of experience required for the position, whether it’s entry-level, mid-level, or senior-level. Clearly communicate the expected years of experience and any industry-specific experience desired.
  • Include Reporting Structure
    Outline the reporting structure for the role, including who the position reports to and any direct reports the role may have. Clarify lines of communication and accountability within the organization.
  • Highlight Company Culture and Values
    Provide insight into the company culture, values, and work environment to attract candidates who align with the organization’s ethos. Describe the company’s mission, vision, and core values to appeal to candidates who share similar beliefs.
  • Use Clear and Concise Language
    Write the job description using clear, concise language that is easy to understand. Avoid jargon or industry-specific terminology that may be unfamiliar to candidates. Use bullet points and short paragraphs to improve readability.
  • Review and Revise
    Review the job analysis and description carefully before finalizing it. Seek feedback from relevant stakeholders to ensure accuracy and completeness. Revise as needed to reflect any changes or updates to the role.

2. Screen Applications

Once the job posting goes live, the applications will start pouring in. Now comes the fun part—sifting through them all to find the cream of the crop. You’ll wanna look for candidates who meet the initial criteria. I summarize some tips to screen applications.

A man in suit is screening several CV.

  • Establish Clear Screening Criteria
    Before reviewing applications, establish clear criteria based on the job requirements, qualifications, and skills outlined in the job description. This will help you focus on relevant factors and quickly identify suitable candidates.
  • Use an Applicant Tracking System (ATS)
    Consider using an ATS to manage and streamline the application screening process. An ATS can automate tasks such as resume parsing, keyword matching, and initial screening based on predefined criteria, saving time and effort.
  • Focus on Key Qualifications
    Look for candidates who meet the essential criteria for the role, such as specific technical skills, certifications, or years of experience.
  • Assess Relevant Experience
    Look for candidates who have demonstrated success in similar positions or industries.
  • Check for Cultural Fit
    Look for indications of cultural fit in their resumes, cover letters, and any additional materials submitted with their applications.
  • Consider Additional Materials
    Review any additional materials submitted by candidates, such as portfolios, work samples, or references. These materials can provide further insights into candidates’ skills, accomplishments, and suitability for the role.
  • Utilize Assessments
    Consider administering a brief assessment, such as a personality test like MBTI to gather initial insights into candidates’ personality traits, preferences, and working styles. This can help you identify candidates who are likely to be a good fit for the role and the organization’s culture.

3. Interview

Qualified candidates will be invited to interviews to see if they’ve got what it takes to rock the role. Depending on the position and your preferences, interviews could take many forms, from one-on-one chats to panel discussions and even role-playing exercises.  Here are some recommended questions to interview executives specifically. 

A man is interviewing a lady through a virtual meeting.

  • Leadership and Management Style
      • How do you empower and motivate your team members to achieve their full potential?
      • Can you provide examples of how you’ve successfully led teams through challenging situations or changes?
  • Strategic Vision and Planning
      • How do you stay abreast of industry trends and market developments to inform strategic decision-making?
      • Can you discuss a time when you developed and implemented a successful long-term strategic plan?
  • Team Building and Talent Development
      • What strategies do you use to foster a culture of collaboration, innovation, and continuous learning?
      • Can you share examples of how you’ve built high-performing teams and developed future leaders?
  • Decision-Making and Problem-Solving
      • How do you approach decision-making in high-pressure situations or when faced with ambiguity?
      • Can you discuss a complex problem or challenge you encountered in your previous role and how you resolved it?
  • Communication and Stakeholder Engagement
      • How do you effectively communicate your vision, goals, and expectations to stakeholders within and outside the organization?
      • Can you share examples of how you’ve built strong relationships with key stakeholders, including board members, investors, clients, and employees?
  • Track Record and Achievements
    • What are some of your most significant accomplishments or contributions in your previous executive roles?
    • How do you measure success in your current or previous positions, and what metrics do you use to track progress?

4. Select the Right One

After all the interviews are said and done, it’s time to pick your winner! The hiring team will huddle up and evaluate each candidate based on their skills, experience, cultural fit, and potential for growth within the organization. It’s kinda like assembling your dream team, so choose wisely! Here is another blog shows you how to differentiate between a superstar and a super-talker.

5. Reference and Background Checks:

Before you pop the champagne and send out that job offer, there’s one last step—reference and background checks. You’ll wanna make sure your top candidate is the real deal.  

A man in suit is checking the check list.

  • Reference Checks
    • Direct Contact
      Candidates provide contacts, which may include former supervisors, or professional contacts. You could ask questions about the candidate’s job performance, work ethic, and character.
    • Written References
      Candidates provide written references, which are typically in the form of letters or emails from previous employers or professional contacts.
    • Reference Checking Services
      Some companies offer reference checking services where they contact references on behalf of the employer to verify information and provide feedback.
  • Background Checks
    • Employment Verification
    • Education Verification
    • Criminal Background Checks
    • Professional License Verification
    • Third-Party Background Screening Services
  • Online Research and Social Media Screening
    It provides insights into candidates’ professionalism, reputation, and alignment with company values. but employers must be mindful of privacy and discrimination laws when using this method.

6. Send the Offer

Once everything checks out, it’s time to seal the deal! The organization extends a formal job offer to the selected candidate, complete with all the juicy details like salary, benefits, start date, and any other terms and conditions of employment. It’s like getting the golden ticket to the chocolate factory—exciting stuff! 

A man is hand shaking with a lady within a group of people.


Congratulations on completing this journey to enhance your team by hiring executives! I have covered almost everything from when you should find the executive to how to find the right one.  You’ve gained valuable insights. Now, take the next step in streamlining your hiring process with our talent acquisition tool.
It is designed to assess candidates’ personality, work habits, and more, it ensures you build a team that’s not just skilled but also aligned with your company culture. With this tool in your arsenal, you’re equipped to make informed hiring decisions and take your business to new heights. Let’s get started!

Happy Employees = High Profit?

We’ve all heard the phrases “the customer is always right” and “it all starts with your customer”

But is that really true?

My friend and CEO of 1-800-GOT-JUNK? Brian Scudamore disagrees.

He believes that no company grows sustainably without first taking care of its people.

When you take care of your people, they’ll take care of your customers, and your customers take care of your brand, reputation, revenue, and profits.

So, in this week’s newsletter, you’ll discover how to hire the right people and create a happy work environment, and a winning culture so your employees are taken care of.

This will in turn bring you higher profits and a much healthier business in more ways than one.

Before we get started, you may like to check out this snippet of an interview I did with Brian at the Dragon Summit™ last year…

Where he talks about the importance of finding the right person not just for your business but for you as well, and much more >>

Why Happy Employees Make All The Difference

The results are in, and studies show that happy employees mean lower employee turnover and higher revenues for the company they work for.

Here’s the thing, it’s a myth that more money is what makes an employee happy.

Sure, everyone wants more money, but if an employee’s job lacks responsibility and trust…

Or they feel like they’re being treated unfairly, or they feel like the things they say are overlooked or seen as unimportant, then this affects their job happiness.

How To Hire The Right People

Depending on the size of your business, hiring the wrong people can and will cost you hundreds of thousands or even millions of dollars over time.

Likewise, hiring the right people will save and make you millions of dollars.

My hiring strategies are quite unconventional.

Most people hire based on someone’s resume, whereas I’ve not read many resumes at all.

In fact, all my team members were hired based on their attitude, and we trained them on the job.

Many of them started in one position, but ended up in a completely different position, as I like to promote from within.

If you’d like some of my best tips and strategies for hiring the right people, then click here to watch this video >> 

How To Build a Winning Team

An average leader only takes the relationship with employees 1 or 2 layers deep.

As a result, the employees won’t stay loyal to them.

So, if you want to be the kind of person your employees will stay loyal to and do anything for, you must connect with them on the deepest level possible.

Now, depending on the size of your business this could be challenging, but still doable.

In this video, Gary Vee shares his method for getting to know and building a strong relationship with your employees >>

The method he shares is simple, yet effective, so set aside some time to implement this, and you’ll reap the rewards for years to come.

How To Create a Winning Culture

You may have heard the saying “no one man is more important than the mission”.

As the CEO of your company, you’ll have to make many tough decisions.

Some of which may be to fire people who don’t fit the culture even if they’re phenomenal at their job.

So how do you create a winning culture?

You first need to identify what your company’s core values are.

At Team Dan Lok, our core values are:

  1. Loyalty
  2. Harmony
  3. Extreme Ownership
  4. High Performance
  5. Constant Improvement

You’ll notice ‘Harmony’ is one of our core values, and that fits in with my previous statement of firing people who don’t fit, even if they exhibit ‘High Performance’.

So what would you like your company’s core values to be?

You could model some of ours and add a few of your own.

But you must first get clear on these, so you know if your employees are a culture fit or not.

How to Be a Better Manager

People ask me all the time, “Dan, how can I best manage my team?”

I used to be a micromanager, and what I realized is, not only does micromanaging waste everyone’s time…

But, I discovered people can’t be managed.

It’s much better for you to create a system for your employees, and your employees will manage themselves.

This makes your job as a leader much easier because your job is to coach and guide your team to success.

Not only are systems important for your employees, but they are essential if you want to scale.


Because you can’t scale if more of your time is being taken up every time you hit a new revenue level.

In this video, I discuss more reasons why you need systems to scale, and why you NEVER want to be the smartest person in your company >>

How to Become a Better Leader

Leadership is a learnable skill, and there are many ways you could become a better leader.

First, you must know what you need to work on…

And this could be challenging, but whenever a problem arises with an employee, think about how your leadership has played a part in that problem.

Then brainstorm ways this problem could have been avoided if different actions were taken.

But if you’d like to know the 10 skills every good leader should have, then click here >>

To summarize this newsletter, if you take care of your employees, they will take care of your customers/clients.

It’s really that simple, but there’s a lot that goes into it, as you’ve just seen.

Until next time, go high ticket,

Dan Lok

P.S. – As I mentioned earlier, systems are vital to your business.

As luck would have it, we’re running our next S.M.A.R.T. Challenge™ on April 19-21.

This is my 3-day business immersive where you’ll gain the secrets and strategies I and my clients use to SCALE, SYSTEMIZE, and SUSTAIN our businesses through any economic climate.

I’ve used these exact strategies to generate over $100 million in my coaching/consulting business, and now I’m handing them to you on a silver platter.

We only run the challenge a few times per year, so don’t miss your chance to borrow my high ticket business playbook and make 2023 your best year yet >>

You Can’t Scale Without This…

Your offer is one of the most important ingredients of your business…

Get it right, and everything about your business becomes easier.

Your copy is easier to write…

Your message becomes clearer…

Your closers have an easier time selling, and generate more revenue.

Get it wrong, and you may get by for a while, but when it comes to scaling, you’ll run into obstacle after obstacle.

Why An Irresistible Offer Overrides World-Class Sales Copy

Even the best sales copy in the world won’t sell a resistible offer.

For example, you’ll never sell steak to a vegan.

But a vegan will always buy vegan food, even if the food isn’t that high quality, and especially if there are limited vegan options.

Why You Must Never Sell What You Want

Most coaches, consultants, and experts simply become product pushers.

They sell what they want.

When they should be selling what the prospect wants.

A client centric offer to the right person will be irresistible.

So irresistible, they should feel like a fool passing it up.

So, if your offer doesn’t elicit that kind of response in your prospects this could be one of the most important newsletters you ever read…

And if you act on it, it could be the most intelligent decision you make all year.

Because by the time you’re done, you’ll have an offer your market simply can’t refuse.

How To Find Out What Your Marketplace Really Wants

Have you ever heard the phrase “Sell them what they want, give them what they need?”

It’s very true.

As business owners, often we know exactly what our prospects need, and so we create an offer around those needs.

But what they need and what they want are two very different things.

In fact, it may seem logical to start a business around something everyone needs, but it’s actually people’s wants that push them to buy.

No one needs luxury items, and yet the top 100 luxury companies generate $250-300 billion each year.

Here’s a dating niche example.

It’s obvious that if you’re a man looking to improve his dating life, more confidence will help you do that.

But men are more likely to wake up thinking, “I wish I had more dates”, rather than… “I wish I had more confidence, so I could get more dates.”

So if someone were to invest in a dating program, the main goal would be getting more dates, but it’s very likely they’ll experience a wide range of benefits such as higher confidence, greater certainty, more respect, amongst other things.

This is where market research comes into play.

Firstly, compile a list of all the features and benefits of your product or service.

Secondly, hit, Facebook groups, Forums, Reddit, and interview past clients.

You want as much information on different ways they’ve tried to solve their problem, and what their experiences were.

You want to know what those solutions did well, and where they could be improved, so when you create your offer you fill all the gaps.

The 7 Traits Of An Irresistible Offer

As a copywriter, I created offers all the time.

And this is why I firmly believe the more high income skills you have, the higher your chance of business success.

A very high percentage of business owners don’t have any business skills, and that’s why there is such a high failure rate.

But I digress.

Here are 7 traits of an irresistible offer:

  • Easy To Understand

    It’s easy to complicate things when you’re creating your offer, and a confused mind never buys.

    So, keep your offer to one idea.

    What’s the big problem you’ll help them solve, or what’s the main thing your market wants?

  • Highly Desirable (People buy what they want, not what they need, as discussed above)

  • High Perceived Value

    Your marketplace must perceive it as valuable.

    If your offer gives them multiple bonuses unrelated to their problem or goals, they won’t see them as valuable, even though another market may.

  • Easy To Get

    Have you ever been through a confusing process to get something so you gave up before you got what you wanted?

    We all have, and if you make your prospect jump through too many hoops, they’ll look for an easier way to solve their problem.

  • Must Be Believable And Credible

    Nowadays, people are very skeptical.

    It’s common for things to sound too good to be true.

    So you need your offer to be believable and credible, or they won’t take action.

  • It Has Urgency

    You want to give them a reason why they should buy right now.

    That could be anything you like.

    Maybe, you offer partial scholarships to only 10 people.

    Maybe you’re not taking on any new clients for 3 months after this intake so you can focus on client results.

    And if they want to work with you they’ll have to act now, or join the waitlist.


If you’d like further explanation on each of 7 traits, click here to watch my in-depth video >>

5 Questions Your Irresistible Offer Should Answer

Once you’ve created your irresistible offer, your market should be able to answer these 5 questions in their mind, just by looking at it.

  • What is it?

    Is it a product, a service, a program, or something else?

  • How will it help me?

    What’s in it for your prospect?

  • Why should I believe you?

    There are many ways you can get your market to believe you.

    Some of the most invaluable ways are with case studies and testimonials.

  • How much is it?

    This is self-explanatory, as everyone wants to know if their next investment will fit their budget.

  • Why is it relevant?

    Is your solution relevant to the way they’ll consume your content/program.

    If you offer your solution in a way that most people are unable to access it, say perhaps on DVD, when most don’t own a DVD player these days, this may cause you to lose sales.

At the end of this video, I summarize this in a short sentence that makes it easy to know if your offer is irresistible or not >>

Skip to 7:41 for the one sentence summary, or watch the entire video for further clarification on the above 5 questions if needed.

In closing…

Once you have a solid irresistible offer, you’ll notice many areas of your business improve just for this reason.

Any business I’ve built is built around the irresistible offer I create based on what the market truly desires.

Until next time, go high ticket,

Dan Lok

P.S. – Our next S.M.A.R.T. Challenge™ is just around the corner…

And if you’d like to spend 3 full days with me and hundreds of other high level coaches, consultants, experts, and trainers…

Where you’ll gain invaluable and groundbreaking insights into how I sold over $100 million in coaching and consulting…

And what it takes to SCALE, SYSTEMIZE, and SUSTAIN your business through any economic climate…

Then I strongly suggest you join us.

The event is completely virtual, so there are no excuses.

We only run this event a few times per year… so click here for the full scoop >>

Is Your Biz Stuck?

Recently I’ve been thinking about business growth…

As entrepreneurs, we’re always striving to grow as fast as possible…

And your business can only grow as fast as you do.

Believe it or not, there is such a thing as business that grows too fast.

I have my own story about that, I’ll share before this newsletter is over.

But before I do, I wanted to give you some tips, strategies, and content to help take your business growth to the next level, and quickly.

FAIR WARNING: There’s no shortage of businesses that literally grew themselves out of business, so you must be careful with some of this info. Sometimes it pays to grow slowly, in fact, it’s a bit of a dance between growing your business and sustaining that growth over time.

What To Do If Your Business Feels Stuck

“For every level there’s another devil.”

That is to say, as soon as you solve a problem in your business, another one appears almost instantly.

Whenever I speak to business owners about their problems, they almost always say things like…

“I have a lead problem”…

“I have a sales problem”…

“I have an employee problem”…

And the list goes on.

But when it really comes down to it, our business problems are just personal problems in disguise.

I always say “You don’t have an income problem, you have a skill problem.”

Each of the above problems can be solved with the right skill…

And as entrepreneurs we must constantly acquire skills to make our business journey as smooth as possible.

Here is a short snippet from our recent High Ticket Mastery™ event, where I explain this in detail >>

I also discuss self-sabotage language that keeps you stuck in business and life, and more.

How To Use The “King Pin Strategy” For FAST Business Growth

When I got started as a copywriter, I looked for clients everywhere.

I didn’t have a specific niche, and basically I targeted anyone with a pulse.

Before long, I realized ‘if I try to speak to everyone, I’ll speak to no one.’

And that’s when I learned what I now call the “King Pin Strategy”.

I used this strategy to get a testimonial from one of the best known marketing gurus at the time, Jay Conrad Levinson, author of ‘Guerilla Marketing’.

So what does the “King Pin Strategy” entail?

To find out, I explain how it works here, and how you can apply it to your business >>

How To Get More Customers

Did you know that if you were to take a sample of 100 people, only 3 would be looking to buy your offer right now.

A further 7 people would be open to it, and interested.

30 people aren’t thinking about it, but could be convinced.

30 don’t think they’re interested, but could become customers in future.

30 know they’re not interested, and will never buy from you.

The problem most business owners face is they’re only talking to the 3 people who are ready to buy now…

And they’re competing with all the other businesses also talking to the same 3 people…

While they ignore the other 67 potential customers.

So, how do you speak with the rest of the market, and what action do you take to win them over?

I explain it all in this video, where I use delicious mooncake as an example >>

One Powerful Trick To Increase Your Sales

So far, we’ve talked about how to get more customers, but how do you get more sales?
Well, if you want to know how to close more sales without spending another dime on marketing, then this video is for you >>

The strategy in the video above is something all successful businesses use, and I explain how a business like McDonald’s uses it, as well as how to apply it to your business.

3 Steps To Grow Your Business Fast

My good friend Sharran Shrivatsaa grew his real estate company from $300 million to $3.4 billion in 5 years.

So, if anyone knows about growing fast, it’s him.

One day I asked him what were some of the things he did to grow so quickly, and he told me there were 3 things.

  1. Singularity of focus
  2. Cadence of accountability
  3. Good process drives results

Luckily, I recorded the entire conversation, and posted part of it on YouTube for business owners just like you.

Sharran goes into detail on the 3 things he did to drive his business’s growth here >>

He also discusses the 3 ways to get leverage in your business so you can achieve your goals faster.

This video is truly one not to miss.

How To Grow Your Business Exponentially

If your offer isn’t repeatable, it isn’t scalable.

One of the secrets to scaling is simplifying.

You should have the same offer, the same pitch, the same, the same funnel, and the same process.

You rinse and repeat this over and over and that’s how you scale from 6 to 7 figures, and from 7 to 8 figures etc.

I explained this to the attendees of High Ticket Mastery™ recently, and I think you’ll get a lot out of this video >>

When you watch it, you’ll gain insight into exactly how 6, 7, and 8 figure businesses work when it comes to bringing in prospects and turning them into clients.

What Happened When My Business Grew Too Fast

When we first launched High Ticket Closer™ at the end of 2017, I had no idea it would blow up the way it did.

We hit 8 figures in just under 10 months, and had to adjust for all that growth.

We hired new people like they were going out of fashion.

We employed around 15 copywriters, and had hundreds of closers from all over the world selling our products and services.

Our systems and processes started to crack.

There were simply too many people to keep track of, and our expenses shot through the roof.

When Covid hit, I was forced to let half my core team go.

We had to come back down to earth and restructure, and streamline things or we would have gone out of business.

There’s a lot more I could say, but the bottom line is this…

If you grow too fast without the right systems in place, you’ll eventually grow yourself out of business.

This is why I’d like to invite you to our next S.M.A.R.T. Challenge™.

It’s my 3-day business immersive where you’ll discover how to SCALE, SYSTEMIZE, and SUSTAIN your business, so you don’t fall victim to rapid or slow growth, or a tough economic climate.

By the time the 3 days are over, you’ll have a “done list” not a “to-do list” of tasks completed, so you can hit the ground running.

The event is specifically for coaches, consultants, and experts, like you, so if you’d like the full scoop on this transformative event, click here >>

Hope to see you there,

Dan Lok

P.S. – We only run the S.M.A.R.T. Challenge™ a handful of times per year, so if you miss this one, you’ll only have another one or two chances to get my best business strategies this year.

As you may know, my hourly rate is $25K, and you’ll get me for 3 full days at a tiny fraction of that.

Don’t sleep on this.

Secure your spot to the S.M.A.R.T. Challenge™ here >>

Post-Launch Strategies: Growing and Scaling Your Course

Congratulations on successfully launching your Kajabi course! 

Now that your course is live and students are embarking on their learning journey, it’s time to shift your focus to post-launch strategies that will enable you to grow and scale your course effectively. 

In this comprehensive guide, I’ll walk you through proven strategies to promote continued enrollment growth, maintain course quality, and explore opportunities for expansion.

Strategy 1: Leveraging Testimonials and Success Stories 

One of the most powerful ways to attract new students post-launch is through testimonials and success stories from your existing students. 

Reach out to your satisfied students and request their feedback on the course’s impact. 

Use these testimonials on your sales page, social media, and marketing materials to build trust and credibility with potential students.

Strategy 2: Implementing Referral Programs 

Word-of-mouth marketing can be a game-changer for your course’s growth. Create a referral program that incentivizes your current students to invite their friends and colleagues to enroll in your course. 

Offer discounts, bonuses, or exclusive content as rewards for successful referrals.

Strategy 3: Engaging with Your Audience 

Stay actively engaged with your students through various communication channels. 

Host live Q&A sessions, webinars, or virtual meetups to address their questions and provide additional value. A thriving and interactive community fosters loyalty and encourages students to continue their learning journey with you.

Strategy 4: Ongoing Content Updates 

Keep your course content fresh and relevant by regularly updating it with new insights, case studies, or industry developments. Continuous improvement enhances the value of your course and encourages students to return for additional learning opportunities.

Strategy 5: Upselling and Cross-selling 

Once your students have completed your core course, offer them advanced or specialized modules as upsells. Cross-selling complementary courses or resources can also add value to their learning experience. The goal is to retain existing students by providing them with additional learning opportunities.

Strategy 6: Webinars and Workshops 

Webinars and workshops are powerful tools for post-launch promotion. Host free webinars on related topics to attract new leads and showcase your expertise. Offer limited-time discounts or bonuses to attendees to drive enrollments.

Strategy 7: Analyzing Data and Metrics 

Track and analyze data on student engagement, completion rates, and feedback to gain insights into the effectiveness of your course. 

Use this data to identify areas for improvement and tailor your content to meet your students’ needs better.

Strategy 8: Creating Evergreen Funnels 

While the initial launch may be live, consider setting up evergreen funnels to continue enrolling students automatically. 

Evergreen funnels allow you to attract new students and make sales even after the launch phase has ended.

Strategy 9: Diversifying Offerings 

Explore opportunities to expand your course offerings or create additional courses in related niches. 

Diversifying your offerings can attract a broader audience and increase your revenue streams.

An example of this is  

Strategy 10: Partnering and Collaborations 

Consider partnering with other course creators or industry experts for collaborations. Joint ventures can expand your reach to new audiences and introduce your course to potential students who may not have discovered it otherwise.

As you implement these post-launch strategies, remember to stay attentive to your students’ needs and continuously seek opportunities for improvement. 

By combining effective marketing tactics with a commitment to delivering exceptional learning experiences, you’ll position yourself for continued growth and success in the world of online education.

To your unstoppable success,

Dan Lok

P.s. If you haven’t already…

►► Grab your FREE trial of Kajabi + $5,995.00 of FREE bonuses here:

►► Watch the FREE masterclass on how to get paid for what you know:

Best Practices for Kajabi Course SEO

Greetings, fellow course creator!

Today, we’re exploring the art of optimizing your Kajabi course for Search Engines (SEO), a digital magic wand that can lead eager students straight to your virtual classroom door

So, let’s roll up our sleeves and uncover the best SEO practices that will make your course shine brightly in search rankings!

Understanding the Power of SEO for Course Pages

Before we delve into the nitty-gritty, let’s grasp the importance of SEO for your Kajabi course. Imagine your course as a hidden gem that awaits discovery by eager learners. By implementing effective SEO strategies, you’ll elevate your course pages, making them easily discoverable by students who are actively seeking knowledge in your niche.

Keyword Research: Unlocking the Language of Your Audience

The foundation of successful SEO lies in thorough keyword research. These keywords are the words and phrases that your potential students use to search for courses like yours.

Conducting keyword research helps you understand the language of your target audience and allows you to align your content with their search intent.

Begin your keyword research by identifying the main topics and themes of your course. Utilize tools like Google’s Keyword Planner, SEMrush, or Ubersuggest to explore relevant keywords and their search volumes. Aim for a mix of high-traffic keywords and long-tail keywords, which are more specific and less competitive.

Optimizing Course Pages: On-Page SEO Magic

Now that you have your precious keywords, it’s time to weave them into the fabric of your course pages. Start by optimizing your page titles, URLs, and meta descriptions. Craft compelling and keyword-rich titles that entice readers while accurately representing your course content.

Next, ensure that your URLs are clean and descriptive. Avoid lengthy strings of numbers or irrelevant characters. Instead, create concise URLs that give readers a clear idea of what to expect on the page.

Additionally, don’t forget to craft engaging meta descriptions. While not a direct ranking factor, a well-written meta description can significantly impact click-through rates, driving more organic traffic to your course pages.

Creating Valuable Content: The Heart of SEO

SEO isn’t just about sprinkling keywords everywhere; it’s also about providing valuable content that resonates with your audience. Search engines love content that genuinely helps and educates users. Thus, focus on creating high-quality, informative, and engaging content that answers the questions and needs of your potential students.

Diversify your content formats to cater to different learning preferences. Use a mix of text, images, videos, and interactive elements to keep your audience captivated throughout their learning journey. Remember, the longer students stay engaged on your course pages, the better your SEO signals become.

Building Backlinks: The Popularity Factor

In the world of SEO, backlinks are like votes of confidence from other websites. When reputable sites link back to your course pages, search engines perceive your content as valuable and authoritative. As a result, your pages are more likely to climb higher in search rankings.

Reach out to relevant blogs, industry publications, and websites to pitch your course content for potential collaboration. Guest posting, partnerships, and providing valuable insights can earn you those coveted backlinks, driving more traffic and boosting your SEO standing.

Monitoring and Improving: The Ongoing SEO Journey

SEO is not a set-it-and-forget-it affair; it’s an ongoing journey of monitoring and improvement. Keep an eye on your course pages’ performance using tools like Google Analytics and Kajabi’s built-in insights. Track your keyword rankings, organic traffic, and user behavior to identify areas for enhancement.

As you gather data, be ready to refine your SEO strategy based on real-world insights. Continually update and optimize your content, refresh keywords, and adapt to evolving search trends. The more you invest in your SEO efforts, the greater the rewards in terms of organic traffic and student enrollments.

Captivate the World with SEO-Optimized Courses

Congratulations! You now hold the keys to unlocking the true potential of SEO for your Kajabi courses. By implementing these best practices, you’ll captivate the world with your valuable content and attract eager learners who are searching for precisely what you offer.

kajabi testimonial 3

Before we part ways, remember to seize these fantastic offers below:

►► Grab your FREE trial of Kajabi + $5,995.00 of FREE bonuses here:

►► Watch the FREE masterclass on how to get paid for what you know:

To your unstoppable success,

Dan Lok