
The Ultimate Marketing Playbook…

As you may know attention is the new currency…

And as attention spans get shorter and shorter, this means is much harder to grab someone’s attention long enough to move them up your value ladder.

So, in this week’s newsletter, I’m going to give you 3 marketing tips across multiple marketing platforms to help you grab and hold attention so you can make more sales.

Let’s start with social media.

How Engage Your Audience With Social Media

While organic reach may not be what it was when these platforms started…

It’s still one of the best ways to get your message out there for free.

But just because social media is free, it doesn’t mean you should neglect it, or put in less effort.

Treat all your content as if you were paying for it.

Before posting, ask yourself, “Would I post this, if it cost me money to post?”

You’re building your reputation and giving your marketplace value, so put in the effort and make it as professional as possible.

There’s always room for growth if your content isn’t exactly where you want to be just yet. 

As I mentioned, your goal is to capture attention, so here is a video on how to write engaging captions >>

How To Capture Attention FAST With YouTube Ads

Have you ever wondered what makes a good YouTube ad?

Why do some ads make you want to stay until the end, while others prompt you to hit the skip button?

It’s all about the first 5 seconds.

If you don’t grab their attention before the ‘skip button’ becomes clickable, you’re done.

Here’s how you do it.

You must mention their potential to improve their life, using a certain secret, and hint at them doing it in a new way they’ve never heard of.

Here’s an example:

“WHAT?! There’s a way to date the woman of your dreams using the secret hallogen trick without using boring online dating apps or hitting the bars every weekend?”

Your aim is to say the hook in 5 seconds.

Now, there are many different types of hooks you could use, and this video does a great job of breaking down 3 of them >>

It’s part 1 of a 3 part Youtube ad hook video series, and I recommend you watch them all to get as many ideas as possible.

Facebook Ads 

Just like Youtube ads or any ad for that matter, your Facebook ad MUST grab the attention or the user will continue scrolling.

You do this by having an image that stands out, a solid headline, and great body copy.

We once used an upside down image in one of our Facebook ads that performed very well.

Ordinarily this would be easier said than done, unless you had this video as a guide >>

So, if you want to know how to write killer Facebook ads that convert like crazy, then watch the video above.

The best part?

You don’t need to be creative or have any copywriting experience.

All you have to do is follow the proven system in the video.

One Powerful Way Of Keeping Your Audience Engaged With Email

We used to send out a lot of emails, but over the years we’ve scaled our email marketing back to just one per week, as you may know.

Why did we do this?

Because we didn’t want to send you all pitch emails, which we did for a long time.

We wanted to give you more value and that’s why we send out one weekly newsletter with info, strategies, and tips to take you closer to your business goals.

But, if you have the scope to send emails more frequently, writing quick story emails about your business and life is one of the best ways to keep your audience engaged.

Why does this work so well?

Because, people value a good relationship and want to relate to others.

If your audience can see you’re just like them and experience similar challenges, even though you’re helping them with a specific area of their life, this humanizes you, and builds trust.

If you want to know the 3 elements to brilliant storytelling, then click here for a 5 minute video >>

FAIR WARNING: Be sure to tie the story into why you’re asking them to click on the call to action at the end of the email.

The story should give them a reason to click the link, so it could be a personal story about how you changed your life, or perhaps it’s a story about a client of yours who achieved amazing results with your program.

In conclusion, there are many ways to grab one’s attention and engage them in your content.

Don’t rely on any one way, but have a few irons in the fire so you can capture as much of your market as possible.

Until next time,

Go high ticket,

Dan Lok

P.S. – If you want everything to work cohesively in your business, I’m running a 3-day business immersive called the SM.A.R.T. Challenge™

The goal of the challenge is to help you scale, systemize, and sustain your business so it becomes both robust and unbreakable.

The strategies you’ll discover are paramount to your success in the new era of business, which I think you’ll agree is rapidly changing.

Click here for the full scoop on what could be the most intelligent business decision you make this year >>

Creating Irresistible Offers: Boosting Course Sales

Welcome to Day 16 of our Kajabi adventure. Today, we’ll uncover the secrets of crafting irresistible offers that will skyrocket your course sales and leave your potential students craving for more. 

Step 1: Unleashing the Power of Compelling Offers

Creating irresistible offers is like sprinkling magic dust on your course sales. A well-crafted offer can captivate your audience, driving them to take action and enroll in your course.

Step 2: Designing Limited-Time Offers and Discounts

Limited-time offers and discounts are the adrenaline rush your course needs:

  • Scarcity Creates Urgency: Emphasize the limited availability of your offer, encouraging potential students to act quickly.
  • Time-Bound Deals: Set a specific expiration date for the offer to push undecided prospects into making a decision.
  • Flash Sales: Surprise your audience with unexpected flash sales that ignite excitement and urgency.

Step 3: Adding Value with Bonuses and Exclusive Access

Enhance the appeal of your offers by sweetening the deal:

  • Value-Packed Bonuses: Offer valuable bonuses that complement your course, providing additional resources or exclusive content.
  • Exclusive Access: Grant exclusive access to live Q&A sessions, workshops, or a private community to entice potential students.

Remember, the more value you offer, the harder it becomes for your audience to resist your compelling offer.

Step 4: Emphasizing the Transformational Benefits

Focus on the transformational benefits your course brings:

  • Address Pain Points: Clearly communicate how your course solves your audience’s pain points and challenges.
  • Showcase Results: Highlight success stories and testimonials from satisfied students to build trust and credibility.

Step 5: Implementing Clear Call-to-Actions

An irresistible offer needs a clear and compelling call-to-action:

  • Use Strong Verbs: Use action-oriented language to prompt your audience to take immediate action.
  • Visible Buttons: Make your call-to-action buttons visually stand out to attract attention.

For more tips on selling anything to anyone with an irresistible offer, watch my video: 

Before we wrap up, remember that crafting irresistible offers is an ongoing process. Continuously test and refine your offers to optimize conversions and keep your course sales soaring.

>> Don’t forget to grab your FREE trial of Kajabi + $5,995.00 of FREE bonuses at and watch my FREE masterclass on how to get paid for what you know at

On Day 17, we’ll dive into the art of optimizing your Kajabi checkout pages for maximum conversions. Until then, start crafting those compelling offers that your audience simply can’t resist!

To your unstoppable success,

Dan Lok

Creating Engaging Course Content on Kajabi

Welcome back, course creator! 

Today, in our exploration of Kajabi, we’re delving deep into the heart of your online course – the content creation process. I’ll be sharing strategies to plan, structure, and deliver compelling course content on Kajabi that will captivate your students and foster a truly immersive learning experience.

Step 1: Planning and Structuring Your Course Content

Before you embark on creating your course materials, take the time to plan and structure your content thoughtfully. Start by outlining the key objectives and learning outcomes you want to achieve with your course. Break down your course into modules and lessons, ensuring a logical flow of information and concepts.

Consider your target audience’s needs and preferences while structuring the content. Keep it organized and easy to navigate, allowing students to progress through the material seamlessly. A well-structured course enhances student engagement and boosts retention.

Step 2: Uploading and Organizing Course Materials

With your course structure in place, it’s time to bring your content to life on Kajabi. Upload your course materials, which may include videos, PDFs, quizzes, and other resources, to the corresponding modules and lessons.

Kajabi’s intuitive course builder allows you to organize your materials with ease. Create visually appealing lesson layouts, and use descriptive titles and introductions to give students a clear understanding of what each lesson entails. 

Remember, a well-organized course makes learning enjoyable and effortless for your students.

Step 3: Keeping Content Engaging and Interactive

Engagement is the key to a successful online course. Keep your students hooked with interactive elements throughout the course. Here are some tips to ensure your content remains engaging:

  1. Video Lessons: Leverage the power of video to deliver your course content. Keep videos concise, visually appealing, and deliver information with enthusiasm. Break longer videos into shorter segments to maintain student interest.
  2. Quizzes and Assessments: Periodically include quizzes and assessments to reinforce learning. This interactivity boosts retention and allows students to gauge their progress.
  3. Discussion Forums: Foster a sense of community by setting up discussion forums where students can interact, ask questions, and share insights. Active discussions enhance the overall learning experience.
  4. Practical Exercises: Incorporate practical exercises and real-world applications to make the learning process tangible and relevant.
  5. Personalized Feedback: Provide personalized feedback to students on their assignments or assessments. This gesture shows your commitment to their progress and builds a stronger connection.

Step 4: Encouraging Continuous Learning

As your students progress through the course, encourage them to explore additional resources and bonus materials to deepen their knowledge. 

Offer supplementary content, such as eBooks, webinars, or case studies, to inspire continuous learning beyond the core course materials.

Additionally, create a sense of achievement and motivation by awarding certificates or badges upon course completion. Celebrate your students’ success and reinforce their commitment to lifelong learning.

Congratulations! You’ve now learned the secrets to creating engaging and captivating course content on Kajabi. Your dedication to delivering valuable content will undoubtedly leave a lasting impact on your students’ learning journey.

>> Before we part ways, don’t forget to grab your FREE trial of Kajabi, along with $5,995.00 of FREE bonuses, by visiting

>> And for more valuable insights, be sure to watch my FREE masterclass on how to get paid for what you know at Keep elevating your course content, and I’ll see you on Day 9 of our Kajabi adventure!

To your unstoppable success,

Dan Lok

Want Consistent Revenue? (Read This)

Recently I wrote a newsletter about how to get quick wins in your business…

And don’t get me wrong, quick wins are great.

But if you’re relying on quick wins all the time, your revenue will be unreliable and inconsistent.

In other words, you’ll find yourself on the revenue rollercoaster.

I’ve been there, and it sucks.


Because it leaves you constantly uncertain about the future.

You can’t plan your life how you want, and what’s worse…

You’re reliant on quick win strategies and referrals.

I always say “if you don’t have a reliable and predictable way to generate revenue in your business, all you’ve got is an expensive hobby.”

So, in this week’s newsletter…

I’ll share what you need in your business to create reliable, sustainable, and consistent revenue, so you can wave the income rollercoaster “goodbye”.

Why Your Program Must Be Evergreen

Before we go further, I’m going to assume you’re not selling low ticket offers.

I teach creating high ticket offers that could be anywhere from $2K – $3K up to $50K -$100K or more.

One of our Dragon 100™ clients made $1.2 million with just 3 clients worth $400K each.

But no matter what the price of your offer, it must be evergreen.

Meaning, you must be able to sign up new clients any day of the month.

Even if your program is 12 weeks long, what you don’t want to do is to only take on new clients after each intake finishes.


Because it can put a ceiling on your revenue.

Chances are you’ll want a break between each 12 week intake, and if you run your business like this you’ll experience waves of revenue every 3 months or so.

But if you can bring new clients in at any moment, this is the first step to consistent revenue.

You can get all your coaching done in a few hours per week, so all your clients can attend and have their questions answered and get what they need.

As your business grows you can extend the coaching calls as needed.

If you’d like know how I run group coaching calls, then click here >>

Why You MUST Control Your Lead Flow

According to, 82% of small businesses rely on referrals as their main source of new business.

Now don’t get me wrong, referrals are great, and I have an entire training on how to get more referrals more often…

And if you’d like to create solid referral system in your business, click here to check it out >> 

But if you rely on referrals ONLY, and you’re one of the 70% of business without a solid referral system (…

That’s what I call “hope marketing”, and hope doesn’t pay the bills.

How To Control Your Lead Flow

So how do you control your leads?

With paid advertising.

There are many platforms you can advertise on, including Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, TikTok, and more.

Your goal with your advertising is obviously to turn your paid ads into profit consistently.

When you can invest $1 and get at least $2 or more back each time, that’s how you create certainty and reliability in your business.

The question is, do you do your own marketing or find an agency to do it for you?

We’ve hired agencies, had experts run our ads, and we’ve also done them in-house.

Each has their pros and cons, and I’m sure not all agencies are the same, but some are more concerned with their bottom line than their client’s.

I’ve lost millions of dollar working with some agencies, so I shot you a video on 3 factors to consider BEFORE hiring and agency >>

Do not skip this video, because if you work with the wrong agency, it could cost you your business, or worse.

What To Do If You Want To Do Your Own Marketing?

I realize there is a lot to learn in business.

At the very least you’ve got to learn sales, but marketing is also a very valuable skill that pays dividends for your time invested.

As of October 2022, Facebook has 2.93 billion monthly active users, so it could be a great place to advertise your business.

But as I don’t have a Facebook ads training…

You’ll have to find someone you resonate with, and who has similar results to what you desire to teach you the skill, if you’re not ready to hire an agency.

To get you started however, here is a proven ad formula by an agency owner who’s spent $70 million on ads for his clients over the last 10 years >>

A Final Secret To Consistent and Predictable Monthly Revenue

This next secret comes with a strong caveat.

DO NOT try to implement all of what you’re about to see at the same time.

You’re a coach, consultant, expert, or trainer.

The last thing you want is to dilute your focus and end up with shiny object syndrome.

With that said, if you want another method for creating predictable monthly revenue…

Then creating strategic multiple sources of income is the way to go.

Now, you may already have multiple sources of income, or it could be something you’re yet to start…

But in this video I discuss 8 different sources of income, and all you have to do is pick the one that resonates with you >>

In Closing…

First and foremost, having consistent high quality leads is the KEY to dependable revenue.

Once you’ve got this in place, then you’re ready to work on other streams of income, because the streams of income mentioned in the video are like icing on the cake.

Until next time, go high ticket,

Dan Lok

P.S. – If you want to know how to generate an unlimited amount of high quality leads consistently, then you’ll love the S.M.A.R.T Challenge™.

It’s my 3-day business immersive, where you’ll discover the secrets and strategies I’ve used to take my business to 8 figures, and thrive regardless of what the economy is doing.

Our next event is July, so click for the full story and to secure your seat >>

Want To Become A Copywriter? (Read This)

Recently I asked for your input about different topics to write about for future weekly newsletters.

And one of the most popular things people wanted to know was how to get started as a copywriter and find your first client.

So, in this week’s newsletter we’ll cover just that.


What Does a Copywriter Do?

Before I learned copywriting from my mentor Alan, he explained to me what it was.

Like most people, I mistook it for Copyright.

I thought it had something to do with patents, but I was wrong.

So, if copywriting is new to you, in simple terms it’s what I like to call “closing in print”.

A copywriter’s goal is to get the reader to take a specific action.

That action could be anything such as clicking a link or signing up to a masterclass, or buying a product or service.

Why Copywriting Is So Powerful

When you can read your prospect’s mind you can write to them about their problems and position your solution in such a way that they absolutely must have it… you’ve got a very unique skill indeed.

If you look around online, everything that’s not a picture or a video is copy.

It’s everywhere in the online and offline world, and yet no one seems to realize.

They don’t realize they’re being sold everywhere they look.

From signs and billboards, to emails, to ads, to books, to movie scripts. 

Everything is selling an idea.

Some of the highest paid people in the world are professional copywriters, so not only is copy creative and fun, you can also make great money doing it.

How To Find Good Copy To Study

If you’re signed up to different newsletters or email lists like mine, you’ll get marketing emails a few times per week, sometimes even daily.

Now of course, not all emails are good to study, but if you’ve been on my email list for a few years, you can study my old emails.

Make a list of the niches you’d like to write for and find email lists to join and begin studying the emails you receive.

You’ll start to notice patterns, and you’ll pick out things that make a good sales email.

Another site I highly recommend is which is a database of all different types of high converting sales copy.

PRO TIP: When I started out, Alan told me to hand copy winning promotions.

It’s up to you if you do it, but I’d strongly suggest it if you want to get good fast.

Why Email Is A Great Place To Start

In my first year as a copywriter I wrote sales pages for my clients.

But to be frank, sales pages are difficult to learn straight out the gate.

They require a huge amount of research and time and are often 40 or more pages long.

Most beginners would feel overwhelmed, this is why I suggest you start with email.

As you know, emails are far shorter, this means there is less chance of error and the learning curve is not as steep.

Your goal with the email is to get them to click the link, and if you’d like 5 Copywriting tips for beginners, I shot you a short video here >> 

How To Write Your First Email

As I mentioned, copywriting is everywhere online, which means you can find a product to write for very easily.

So once you’ve found a product to sell, craft an email that prompts the reader to click the link and takes them to the blog, store, or the sales page.

You’ll need to find a unique angle for your email that makes the email interesting to read.

I’ve got a great video to help you do this, you can watch here >>

Because when you’re selling, it’s important you offer value and don’t appear sleazy.

There’s a fine line between pitching your product and selling too hard or being too salesy. 

Now although emails are more simple and easier to write than sales pages, email can become a very deep topic which is why you’ll want to study on your own.

How To Charge For Your Services

Once you’re ready to write for clients, there are many ways to price and charge for your copy services.

When I first got started, I remember Alan asked me to raise my prices often.

Every few months I’d go to him and he’d ask me to double my price.

I was so nervous I had to practice saying my new price in front of the mirror until I could say it comfortably.

There are specific ways to price your services if you want the power to increase your income.

And I speak about the right and wrong ways to charge here >>

How To Find Your First Client

I think in the early stages you just want to get some paid work so anything is good for your first gig.

I recommend my students to even start out on sites like Fiverr or Upwork.

But eventually you’ll want something more stable and reliable.

The clients you work with are crucial to your income stability and avoiding what I call the “income rollercoaster”.

I teach my students to go to clients with high ticket products or services who need regular copy each month.

One way of finding clients like these is on ‘Facebook Ad Library’ or ‘YouTube’.

When you see an ad for a niche you like, you’ll need to do some detective work and enter their funnel to check out their offer.

There are many ways of closing clients but one effective way is by writing them a sample email they can run to their list.

If they use it and it performs well they may want to do more work with you.

How To Cold Email Your Prospects

Cold emails should be short and to the point.

Business owners are busy and no one wants to read an essay.

Rather than me explain how to write a good cold email, which would take a long time, I found this great video for you to watch >>

I hope you’ve found this newsletter useful.

Copywriting is a learned skill that takes time but if you stick with it you could get good faster than you think.

If want my help to develop your copywriting skill, I recommend signing up for my High Income Copywriter Certification Program >>

The program is 7 weeks long and teaches you what I believe are the best areas of copywriting to focus on if you want to make a good living as a copywriter online.

To your copy success,

Dan Lok

P.S.If you’re looking for something with a smaller investment, then click here to check out some of my other copywriting trainings >>

P.P.S. If you want to know what books to read, here is a great list to get you started >>

Unsure What Skill To Develop?

The world is changing rapidly…

And it’s a good idea to stay up to date with skills in high demand.

So in this week’s newsletter, I’ll share some of the skills I believe are the best to develop in 2023 and beyond.

FAIR WARNING: This list is not exhaustive, and there are many more skills you could develop if none of these excite you.

Due to the explosion of online businesses, we’ll focus on online skills you can do independent of your location, so you can design your life exactly how you want.

The Day My Client Told Me I Was Full Of Sh*t

In the early 2000’s I was on the phone with a marketing prospect, doing my thing, when suddenly he said…


We’ve only been speaking for a few minutes and you’ve already made multiple grammatical errors, and you speak with a thick accent…

And you think you’re going to write my marketing campaign?

I think you’re full of sh*t!”

Then he hung up on me, and I was left feeling confused and inadequate.

Why would this man would attack me, when all I wanted to do was do a good job and provide for my mom.

It was at that moment, I decided to develop what I believe is the most important skill in business.

I’m talking about closing.

If you love talking to people and you’re more of an extrovert, then closing could be the skill for you.

And personally, I don’t think AI will replace this skill.

People want to talk to humans, not computers or robots.

Why Video Editing Is a Highly Sought After Skill

With 2.68 billion users and 3.7 million videos uploaded to Youtube EVERY DAY, the platform is showing no sign of slowing down.

TikTok has over 1.5 billion users and continues to grow, and Instagram has over 2.35 billion users.

Facebook is now pushing video ads more than picture ads, so it’s safe to say that the demand for video has exploded and will continue to grow for years to come.

If you love making videos or video editing, then there’s no reason you can’t edit videos for online businesses or offline businesses who realize they need an online presence to stay relevant.

Why Copywriting Is Still in High Demand

As you may know, Copywriting was my first high income skill, taught to me by my first mentor, Alan Jacques.

I used this skill to hit my first 6 figures and pay back $150K of debt.

With the rise of AI, some business owners are using ChatGPT to write their own copy, but here’s the thing, [Name].

Most of them aren’t copywriters, and most don’t know how to use the AI properly.

That’s where you come in.

If you’re ready to take action, and get into copywriting then this is your chance.

Because it always pays to stay ahead of the curve.

A copywriter who uses AI to streamline their research process and get the copy to 80% complete before they add the finishing touches, will outperform writers who don’t use it.

In this video I give the AI prompts to write about high ticket sales and then I rate it out of 10, so if you’d like to see my final thoughts on whether it will replace copywriters, click here >> 

As I mentioned in a previous newsletter, you must know how to write good copy, before you use the AI or you’ll run into problems.

Why Digital Marketing Is The Skill To Develop

The term digital marketing can be confusing at times, because while it’s simply marketing online, there are multiple skills that come under the digital marketing umbrella.

So let’s break down some of them for you so you can identify which skill you think would best suit you.

DISCLAIMER: While you could develop all these skills, it’s wise that you focus on one for a few years before you stack on another skill.

How To Give Your Future Clients Free Google Traffic

Search Engine Optimization or SEO uses website content, keywords and backlinks to drive free traffic from search engines like Google to websites.

It’s vital for businesses who want to be discovered organically, which is a dream come true for every business.

Of course the traffic the business receives is free, but they’ll pay you handsomely for your ability to help them rank on the first page of Google.

If you like the idea of research and strategizing with your clients about how to drive more traffic to their website, SEO could be for you.

Why Social Media Marketing Is The Future of Ecommerce

Many years ago, I partnered with an Ecomm business that sold Pandora bracelet charms.

I helped them with their digital marketing, and in 2012 we were named the ‘Online Retailer of The Year’ by Canada Post.

In 2022, shopping on social media really exploded and this trend is set to continue.

But it’s not just EComm businesses that advertise on social media.

Any business owner who’s smart knows a good portion of their customers can be found on various social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, TikTok, and YouTube.

If you think advertising could be interesting then starting a social media advertising agency, or becoming a media buyer (someone who buys advertising space online) may be something to look at.

And with this skill, you’ll also develop your Copywriting skills, so you can kill two birds with one stone.

Now that doesn’t mean you should learn every type of copy, you’ll only focus on writing ads for social media.

Why Email Isn’t Dead

Email continues to be an effective way to generate revenue for companies of all sizes.

Many think email is dead, but if you can build a strong relationship for the email list of the businesses you work with, it will be very lucrative for you and your clients.

You could focus on email copywriting and also develop the skill of email marketing/list management at the same time, and you’ll make a very good income.

In Closing…

As I mentioned, this list is not exhaustive.

Other skills you could develop include funnel building, web design, cyber security, coding, and blockchain programming, just to name a few.

I hope you’ve found this newsletter valuable, and you’ll take action on one of these skills.

Because, in a few years you’ll look back on this moment, and say one of two things.

Either “I’m glad I got started when I did, because now I’m financially secure, and living my best life.”

OR “I wish I’d got started back then.”

The choice is yours.

To Your success,

Dan Lok

P.S. – While I don’t have trainings on all the high income skills I mentioned above, if you’d like to check out some of my trainings and ignite your income, then click here to visit the Dan Lok Shop >>