
How to Price Your Kajabi Course: Finding the Sweet Spot

Hello, ambitious course creator!

Welcome to the world of Kajabi, where we embark on a journey to master the delicate art of pricing your courses just right. Setting the perfect price for your course is no small feat, but with the right strategies and insights, you can strike that balance between making your course appealing to students while ensuring it’s a profitable venture.

Join us as we dive into the world of pricing strategies and uncover the key factors that will help you find the sweet spot for your course.

Step 1: Understanding Premium Pricing Strategies

In a previous article Borrow These 3 Powerful Premium Pricing Strategies, I shared three of my favorite pricing methods that can elevate your course pricing game:

  • Price to Package: Create a compelling package with valuable content and features, then price it accordingly. Bundling your course with additional resources can increase its perceived value, enticing students to invest.
  • Price to Positioning: Your pricing can be influenced by the unique positioning you hold in the marketplace. If you are recognized as a top authority in your niche, your course can command a premium price due to your esteemed reputation.
  • Price to Value: The true value of your course lies in the transformation it brings to students’ lives. Charge a price that reflects the life-changing impact of your course content and the results it delivers.

For more strategies watch this:

Step 2: Factors to Consider When Setting Prices

Several factors come into play when determining the right price for your course:

  • Course Content: The depth and quality of your course content directly impact its perceived value.
  • Market Demand: Analyze the demand for your course topic and adjust the price based on market appetite.
  • Target Audience: Consider the financial capacity of your target audience and tailor your pricing to resonate with them.

Step 3: Exploring Different Pricing Models

Kajabi empowers you with versatile pricing models to suit your course:

  • One-Time Payments: Charge a single fee for lifetime access to your course content, ideal for standalone courses.
  • Subscriptions: Offer monthly or annual subscriptions for ongoing access to your course, ensuring recurring revenue.
  • Bundles and Upsells: Create enticing bundles of multiple courses or additional resources, enticing students with added value.

Step 4: Striking the Optimal Price Point

Finding the sweet spot in pricing is a delicate balance between attracting students and ensuring profitability:

  • Test and Iterate: Experiment with different price points and analyze how each affects enrollment and revenue.
  • Promotions and Discounts: Use time-limited promotions or discounts to create a sense of urgency and entice potential students.
  • Value Communication: Clearly communicate the value and benefits of your course to justify the price to prospective students.

Step 5: Monitoring Course Performance

After setting your course price, closely monitor its performance:

  • Analyze Enrollment Rates: Track how your pricing affects enrollment rates and make adjustments if needed.
  • Feedback and Surveys: Gather feedback from students about the course value and experience to identify areas for improvement.

Remember, with the power of premium pricing strategies, you can elevate your course’s value and attract eager students willing to invest in their transformation.

>> Before we wrap up, don’t forget to seize your FREE trial of Kajabi, along with $5,995.00 of FREE bonuses, by visiting

>> And for more invaluable insights, make sure to watch my FREE masterclass on how to get paid for what you know at

For now, take a deep breath, get creative, and confidently price your course for success.. 

On Day 14, we’ll explore the art of crafting compelling sales pages that convert curious visitors into enthusiastic students. Until then, happy pricing!

To your unstoppable success,

Dan Lok

Building a Sales Funnel on Kajabi: Attracting Your Audience

Hello, fellow course creator!

Today, we embark on a journey into the dynamic realm of sales funnels, a fundamental element of your course marketing strategy within Kajabi. Together, we’ll unravel the concept of a sales funnel, explore how to craft one using Kajabi’s powerful pipeline feature, and delve into the pivotal components of lead magnets, opt-ins, and upsells. These elements are your compass in the quest to transform potential students into enthusiastic course participants.

Step 1: Understanding the Concept of a Sales Funnel

A sales funnel is a systematic process that guides potential students through various stages, from awareness to conversion. Each stage in the funnel has a specific goal, ensuring that you nurture leads and build a strong relationship with your audience.

  • Awareness Stage: This is the top of the funnel, where you attract your target audience’s attention through various marketing channels.
  • Interest Stage: In this stage, you pique their interest with valuable content and lead magnets to capture their contact information.
  • Decision Stage: Here, you nurture leads with more in-depth content and offers, helping them make an informed decision about enrolling in your course.
  • Action Stage: The bottom of the funnel, where leads become paying students, completing the desired action.

Step 2: Creating a Sales Funnel using Kajabi’s Pipeline Feature

Now, let’s see how easy it is to build a sales funnel using Kajabi’s pipeline feature:

  • Choose a Pipeline Template: Kajabi offers pre-designed pipeline templates to suit various course marketing goals. Select the template that aligns best with your objectives.
  • Customize Your Funnel: Personalize the pipeline with your branding, content, and desired stages to create a seamless user experience.
  • Lead Capture Pages: Design eye-catching lead capture pages with opt-in forms to collect your audience’s contact information.
  • Email Sequences: Set up automated email sequences to nurture leads and guide them through the decision-making process.

Step 3: The Power of Lead Magnets, Opt-ins, and Upsells

To make your sales funnel truly effective, focus on these key elements:

  • Lead Magnets: Offer valuable lead magnets such as free e-books, cheat sheets, or mini-courses to entice visitors to share their contact information.
  • Opt-ins: Craft compelling opt-in forms that highlight the benefits of your lead magnet and encourage visitors to subscribe.
  • Tripwire Offers: Consider offering low-cost tripwire offers, such as discounted introductory courses, to convert leads into paying students.
  • Upsells and Cross-Sells: After a successful purchase, offer relevant upsells or cross-sells to enhance your students’ learning experience and increase revenue.

Step 4: Testing and Optimizing Your Sales Funnel

To ensure your sales funnel performs at its best, implement these optimization strategies:

  • A/B Testing: Experiment with different elements of your funnel, such as headlines, visuals, and calls-to-action, to identify what resonates best with your audience.
  • Conversion Tracking: Use Kajabi’s analytics tools to track the performance of each stage in your funnel, enabling you to make data-driven decisions.
  • Retargeting Campaigns: Retarget leads who did not convert with relevant offers and content to bring them back into the funnel.

Step 5: Nurturing and Building Relationships

Remember that a successful sales funnel is not just about conversions; it’s also about building lasting relationships with your students. Provide exceptional value, engage with your audience, and continuously nurture the relationship even after the purchase.

With Kajabi’s pipeline feature, creating an effective sales funnel becomes a breeze. Now, it’s time to attract your audience, guide them through your funnel, and watch your course enrollments soar!

>> Before we conclude, don’t forget to grab your FREE trial of Kajabi, along with $5,995.00 of FREE bonuses, by visiting

>> And for more valuable insights, be sure to watch my FREE masterclass on how to get paid for what you know at

Tomorrow, we’ll embark on a successful sales funnel journey together. I’ll meet you again on Day 12 for our next adventure!

To your unstoppable success,

Dan Lok

Integrating Kajabi with WordPress: Enhancing Your Course Site

Hello, fellow course creator! 

Welcome to an exciting exploration of the potent partnership between Kajabi and WordPress. In this adventure, we’ll uncover the numerous benefits of integrating these platforms, demonstrating how it can empower you to effortlessly embed Kajabi’s elements within your WordPress website.

Step 1: The Benefits of Integrating Kajabi with WordPress

Integrating Kajabi with WordPress offers a myriad of advantages that can enhance your course site’s functionality and user experience. 

Here are some key benefits to consider:

  • Content Management Ease: Utilize WordPress’s user-friendly content management system (CMS) to create and manage blog posts, landing pages, and other static content, while leveraging Kajabi’s robust course creation features.
  • SEO and Blogging Capabilities: WordPress is renowned for its SEO-friendly structure and blogging capabilities. By integrating Kajabi with WordPress, you can create engaging blog posts and drive organic traffic to your course site.
  • Design Flexibility: WordPress provides a vast array of themes and design customization options. Blend your course site seamlessly with your brand identity by incorporating WordPress’s design flexibility.
  • E-commerce Functionality: Take advantage of Kajabi’s advanced e-commerce features for course sales and WordPress’s e-commerce plugins for additional merchandise or product offerings.
  • Membership Site Integration: Seamlessly integrate Kajabi’s membership site functionality with WordPress to deliver exclusive content and engage your community.

Step 2: Setting Up the Integration and Embedding Kajabi Elements

Setting up the integration between Kajabi and WordPress is surprisingly straightforward. 

Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you get started:

  • Install Kajabi WordPress Plugin: Begin by installing the official Kajabi WordPress plugin. You can find this plugin in the WordPress plugin directory or install it directly from your WordPress dashboard.
  • Connect Your Kajabi Account: After installing the plugin, connect your Kajabi account to your WordPress website. This integration allows you to seamlessly transfer data between the two platforms.
  • Embed Kajabi Elements: With the integration in place, you can now embed various Kajabi elements directly into your WordPress pages or blog posts. 

These elements may include:

  • Course Sales Pages: Embed Kajabi’s visually appealing sales pages to entice potential students and showcase your course offerings.
  • Opt-in Forms: Capture leads and build your email list with Kajabi’s opt-in forms strategically placed within your WordPress content.
  • Course Content: Grant exclusive access to Kajabi course content directly from WordPress, providing a seamless user experience.
  • Checkout Pages: Simplify the enrollment process by embedding Kajabi’s checkout pages on your WordPress site.

Step 3: Optimize for User Experience

As you integrate Kajabi with WordPress, keep user experience at the forefront. Ensure that the transition between Kajabi and WordPress elements is smooth and seamless, offering a unified experience to your audience.

Optimize your site’s speed and performance to prevent any delays in loading Kajabi content. A fast and responsive course site enhances user satisfaction and encourages engagement.

Congratulations! You’ve now unlocked the potential of integrating Kajabi with WordPress, a winning combination that can amplify your course site’s impact and effectiveness.

>> Before we part ways, don’t forget to grab your FREE trial of Kajabi, along with $5,995.00 of FREE bonuses, by visiting

>> And for more valuable insights, be sure to watch my FREE masterclass on how to get paid for what you know at

Now, go ahead and elevate your course site with the Kajabi-WordPress integration. I’ll meet you again on Day 10 for our next adventure!

To your unstoppable success,

Dan Lok

Want Consistent Revenue? (Read This)

Recently I wrote a newsletter about how to get quick wins in your business…

And don’t get me wrong, quick wins are great.

But if you’re relying on quick wins all the time, your revenue will be unreliable and inconsistent.

In other words, you’ll find yourself on the revenue rollercoaster.

I’ve been there, and it sucks.


Because it leaves you constantly uncertain about the future.

You can’t plan your life how you want, and what’s worse…

You’re reliant on quick win strategies and referrals.

I always say “if you don’t have a reliable and predictable way to generate revenue in your business, all you’ve got is an expensive hobby.”

So, in this week’s newsletter…

I’ll share what you need in your business to create reliable, sustainable, and consistent revenue, so you can wave the income rollercoaster “goodbye”.

Why Your Program Must Be Evergreen

Before we go further, I’m going to assume you’re not selling low ticket offers.

I teach creating high ticket offers that could be anywhere from $2K – $3K up to $50K -$100K or more.

One of our Dragon 100™ clients made $1.2 million with just 3 clients worth $400K each.

But no matter what the price of your offer, it must be evergreen.

Meaning, you must be able to sign up new clients any day of the month.

Even if your program is 12 weeks long, what you don’t want to do is to only take on new clients after each intake finishes.


Because it can put a ceiling on your revenue.

Chances are you’ll want a break between each 12 week intake, and if you run your business like this you’ll experience waves of revenue every 3 months or so.

But if you can bring new clients in at any moment, this is the first step to consistent revenue.

You can get all your coaching done in a few hours per week, so all your clients can attend and have their questions answered and get what they need.

As your business grows you can extend the coaching calls as needed.

If you’d like know how I run group coaching calls, then click here >>

Why You MUST Control Your Lead Flow

According to, 82% of small businesses rely on referrals as their main source of new business.

Now don’t get me wrong, referrals are great, and I have an entire training on how to get more referrals more often…

And if you’d like to create solid referral system in your business, click here to check it out >> 

But if you rely on referrals ONLY, and you’re one of the 70% of business without a solid referral system (…

That’s what I call “hope marketing”, and hope doesn’t pay the bills.

How To Control Your Lead Flow

So how do you control your leads?

With paid advertising.

There are many platforms you can advertise on, including Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, TikTok, and more.

Your goal with your advertising is obviously to turn your paid ads into profit consistently.

When you can invest $1 and get at least $2 or more back each time, that’s how you create certainty and reliability in your business.

The question is, do you do your own marketing or find an agency to do it for you?

We’ve hired agencies, had experts run our ads, and we’ve also done them in-house.

Each has their pros and cons, and I’m sure not all agencies are the same, but some are more concerned with their bottom line than their client’s.

I’ve lost millions of dollar working with some agencies, so I shot you a video on 3 factors to consider BEFORE hiring and agency >>

Do not skip this video, because if you work with the wrong agency, it could cost you your business, or worse.

What To Do If You Want To Do Your Own Marketing?

I realize there is a lot to learn in business.

At the very least you’ve got to learn sales, but marketing is also a very valuable skill that pays dividends for your time invested.

As of October 2022, Facebook has 2.93 billion monthly active users, so it could be a great place to advertise your business.

But as I don’t have a Facebook ads training…

You’ll have to find someone you resonate with, and who has similar results to what you desire to teach you the skill, if you’re not ready to hire an agency.

To get you started however, here is a proven ad formula by an agency owner who’s spent $70 million on ads for his clients over the last 10 years >>

A Final Secret To Consistent and Predictable Monthly Revenue

This next secret comes with a strong caveat.

DO NOT try to implement all of what you’re about to see at the same time.

You’re a coach, consultant, expert, or trainer.

The last thing you want is to dilute your focus and end up with shiny object syndrome.

With that said, if you want another method for creating predictable monthly revenue…

Then creating strategic multiple sources of income is the way to go.

Now, you may already have multiple sources of income, or it could be something you’re yet to start…

But in this video I discuss 8 different sources of income, and all you have to do is pick the one that resonates with you >>

In Closing…

First and foremost, having consistent high quality leads is the KEY to dependable revenue.

Once you’ve got this in place, then you’re ready to work on other streams of income, because the streams of income mentioned in the video are like icing on the cake.

Until next time, go high ticket,

Dan Lok

P.S. – If you want to know how to generate an unlimited amount of high quality leads consistently, then you’ll love the S.M.A.R.T Challenge™.

It’s my 3-day business immersive, where you’ll discover the secrets and strategies I’ve used to take my business to 8 figures, and thrive regardless of what the economy is doing.

Our next event is July, so click for the full story and to secure your seat >>

Designing Your Kajabi Website: Templates and Customization

Welcome back, fellow course creator, to our Kajabi adventure!

Today, we’re immersing ourselves in the exciting world of web design. We’ll explore the diverse array of website templates offered by Kajabi and unlock the full potential of customization to craft a stunning and user-friendly course website.

Step 1: Exploring Kajabi’s Website Templates

As you embark on your journey of designing a captivating course website, Kajabi has your back with a wide selection of professionally crafted website templates. 

These templates cater to various industries and niches, ensuring there’s a perfect match for your unique vision and course offerings.

To access these templates, navigate to the “Website” section of your Kajabi dashboard and click on “Themes.” 

Browse through the collection of templates, each designed to resonate with different audiences and course themes. 

Click “Preview” to see how your website could look with each template, and find the one that aligns best with your brand identity.

Kajabi themes

Step 2: Choosing the Right Template for Your Course

With so many visually appealing options at your fingertips, choosing the right template can be both exhilarating and challenging. Keep in mind that your website serves as the virtual storefront for your courses, so selecting a template that complements your brand and captivates your audience is crucial.

Consider the layout and structure of each template, as well as the color schemes and fonts used. Think about how well each template showcases your course content and how it reflects the essence of your brand. Remember, a website that resonates with your target audience can make a lasting impression and drive engagement.

Step 3: Unleashing Your Creativity through Customization

Once you’ve found the template that speaks to your heart, it’s time to make it uniquely yours through customization. Kajabi’s user-friendly website builder empowers you to effortlessly modify the template to match your brand’s personality and style.

Experiment with different color schemes to find the ones that resonate with your brand identity. Play with fonts to discover the ones that align with your course content and create a sense of harmony across your website. With Kajabi’s drag-and-drop functionality, arranging elements and creating visually appealing pages becomes a breeze.

Step 4: Design Best Practices for an Appealing Website

As you embark on your web design journey, here are some design best practices to elevate the appeal and user experience of your Kajabi website:

  1. Simplicity is Elegance: Embrace simplicity in your design. A clean and uncluttered layout enhances the overall user experience and makes navigation a breeze.
  2. Consistent Branding: Maintain a consistent brand image throughout your website. Incorporate your logo and brand colors to reinforce brand recognition and trust.
  3. High-Quality Visuals: Use high-quality images and videos that align with your course content and resonate with your audience. Visuals are powerful in capturing attention and conveying your message effectively.
  4. User-Friendly Navigation: Ensure your website is easy to navigate. Intuitive menus and clear calls-to-action guide visitors seamlessly through your course offerings.
  5. Mobile Responsiveness: In our mobile-centric world, ensure your website is mobile-responsive. A smooth experience on mobile devices improves user satisfaction and boosts search engine rankings.

Step 5: Importing and Exporting Themes Among Creators

As a Kajabi course creator, you have the opportunity to collaborate with other creators or share your stunning website design with the Kajabi community. 

Importing and exporting themes allows you to easily transfer your customized website layout to another Kajabi account or receive themes from fellow creators.

Importing Themes:

  • Navigate to your Kajabi dashboard and click on “Website” in the main menu.
  • Under “Website,” select “Themes” to access the theme library.
  • Click on “Import Theme” to upload the theme file you received from another Kajabi creator or a theme that you exported from a different Kajabi account.
  • Once the theme is imported successfully, you can apply it to your website by clicking on the “Apply Theme” button.

Exporting Themes:

  • To share your beautifully customized theme with other creators, go to the “Website” section of your Kajabi dashboard.
  • Click on “Themes” to access your theme library.
  • Find the theme you wish to export and click on the ellipsis (three dots) icon next to it.
  • Select “Export Theme” to download the theme file to your computer.
  • Now, you can share this theme file with other Kajabi creators who can import it into their accounts.

Effective Strategies for Collaborative Theme Sharing:

  • Collaborate with Peers: Partner with other Kajabi course creators in your niche to exchange themes. By cross-promoting each other’s courses with similar designs, you can create a cohesive experience for your audiences.
  • Theme Marketplace: Consider creating a theme marketplace where you offer your customized themes to other Kajabi creators. This not only fosters a sense of community but also opens up opportunities for additional income streams.
  • Request Theme Feedback: When importing themes from other creators, take the time to review and provide feedback. This feedback loop encourages continuous improvement and helps creators refine their designs for optimal user experiences.

By embracing the ability to import and export themes among creators, you contribute to a vibrant community of course creators who share and support one another’s growth. 

Collaborative theme sharing enhances the collective creativity and elevates the overall quality of Kajabi websites.

Keep utilizing these valuable tools and strategies as you continue your journey of designing and scaling your Kajabi course website!

>>  Before we part ways, don’t forget to grab your FREE trial of Kajabi, along with $5,995.00 of FREE bonuses, by visiting

>> And for more valuable insights, be sure to watch my FREE masterclass on how to get paid for what you know at Keep leveling up and making a lasting impact with your exceptional course website!

To your unstoppable success,

Dan Lok

Setting Up Your Kajabi Account: Step-by-Step Guide

Today, I’m going to walk you through the exciting process of setting up your very own Kajabi account – a crucial step on your journey to creating and selling your online courses like a pro.

Step 1: Signing Up for Kajabi

To get started, head over to and hit that “TRY KAJABI FOR FREE” button. You’ll be prompted to enter your email and create a strong password. Once you’ve done that, you’re well on your way to becoming a Kajabi trailblazer!

Step 2: Account Settings and Customization

After signing up, you’ll be guided to customize your account settings. Take a moment to add your name, profile picture, and other essential information. Personalization goes a long way in establishing trust with your audience.

Step 3: Exploring Your Dashboard

Now that you’ve set up your account, let’s explore into the dashboard. 

This is your control center, where you’ll find all the tools you need to create and manage your courses. Familiarize yourself with the layout and options available – it’s like having a command center at your fingertips!

Step 4: Integrating Your Domain

Next up, let’s integrate your domain with Kajabi. This step is crucial for branding and credibility. Navigate to the “Website” section and follow the simple instructions to connect your domain. Remember, having a custom domain adds that professional touch to your online course business.

Step 5: Payment Gateways and Pricing

Time to get paid! Setting up your payment gateways is essential for smooth transactions with your customers. Kajabi supports multiple payment options, making it convenient for your audience to purchase your courses. 

Explore the “Payments” tab and configure your preferred payment gateways.

Step 6: Creating Your First Product

Now comes the exciting part – creating your first online course! Click on “Products” and then “New Product” to get started. 

Fill in the course details, upload your content, and design a stunning course landing page. Remember, aesthetics matter, so make it visually appealing and easy to navigate.

Step 7: Drip Content for Engaging Learning

To keep your learners engaged and coming back for more, consider using the “Drip Content” feature. This allows you to schedule the release of course content over time, providing a structured learning experience. It’s a powerful tool for creating anticipation and motivating your students to stay committed.

Step 8: Utilizing Kajabi’s Email Marketing

Email marketing is a game-changer in the world of online courses. With Kajabi’s built-in email marketing tools, you can nurture your leads, engage with your audience, and promote your courses effectively. 

Familiarize yourself with the email templates, automations, and tracking features to get the most out of your marketing efforts.

Step 9: Designing Sales Funnels

Creating an effective sales funnel is key to converting leads into loyal customers. 

Explore Kajabi’s “Pipelines” feature, which allows you to build visually appealing sales funnels with ease. 

Guide your audience through a seamless journey from discovery to purchase, increasing your course sales along the way.

Step 10: Troubleshooting Common Issues

As you embark on your Kajabi journey, you might encounter a few bumps in the road. Don’t worry – it happens to the best of us! Kajabi has an extensive knowledge base and a helpful support team to assist you. 

Congratulations! You’ve successfully set up your Kajabi account and laid the foundation for an incredible online course business. 

Remember, the journey has just begun, and there’s a world of opportunities waiting for you.

If you haven’t already, be sure to grab your FREE trial of Kajabi, along with $5,995.00 of FREE bonuses, by visiting

And don’t forget to watch my FREE masterclass on how to get paid for what you know at It’s time to take your course creation game to the next level – let’s go!

To your unstoppable success,

Dan Lok