
Millionaire High Performance Secrets..

Have you ever looked at entrepreneurs who achieve so much and asked…

“How on earth do they find time to do all those things?”

If you answered ‘yes’, or you just want to know how to get to the next level so you can achieve more this year, then please keep reading.

Because this week’s newsletter is all about high performance, and how to unlock your full high performance potential.

So without further ado, let’s get started.

What Is A High Performance Individual?

Here’s what I believe defines a “high performance” person.

Someone who possesses skills, talent, and intelligence, and excels in their chosen field, no matter the area.

It could be business, science, sports, music, art, etc.

They have the ability to set and achieve goals so big the average person simply can’t fathom. 

They’re committed, willing, and dedicated to achieve success in their eyes, and their work ethic is second to none.

We’re about to get into the strategies of becoming ‘high performance’, but before we begin, let me share with you a 2 minute story of one of my early conversations with my mentor, the 50 billion dollar man Dan Peña >>

Before we go further, have a quick think about what high performance means to you?

How to Set Goals And Actually Achieve Them

If you’re like most people, you have new year’s resolutions every year you never stick with.

If you’re like a small percentage of people, you have new year goals instead of resolutions…

And this is a good first step, but most people never achieve their annual goals.

Perhaps you can relate.

If you’re like an even smaller percentage of people, you set goals, and you monitor them each day…

So you ensure by the end of the year, you can stand proud having achieved them.

I spent 15 years of my life studying personal development and goal setting, and I’ve managed to achieve a lot in that time.

But here, you’ll discover everything I’ve learned about goal setting and achievement in less than 20 minutes >>

How To Create A Winning Daily Routine

Apart from the fact they’re passionate about what they do…

Another thing all high performance people have in common is a winning daily routine.

This will be different for everyone.

You may like to exercise first thing…

You may like to meditate or do an attitude of gratitude first thing in the morning.

Then plan your day so you can get the most done in the shortest amount of time.

Personally, I like to get around 6 important things done every day that move me toward my goals.

If you want a deeper dive into why I choose 6 things, then click here to discover how to get more done in one day then most get done in a month >>

How To Write Affirmations That Work

Another thing big Dan does and that I believe is not only positive self-talk, but positive and empowering affirmations.

Your affirmations must be written in a specific way.

There’s certain words you should never use in your affirmations.

If you want to know how Dan writes his affirmations, then click here >>

Why High Performance People Have A Growth Mindset

If you caught my ‘secrets to success in 2023’ newsletter, you’ll know having a growth mindset is KEY.

Here’s a brief recap on that email as it pertains to being high performance.

People with a growth mindset have a strong work ethic, they continually improve upon their results, they’re resilient, and they have a positive attitude, amongst other things.

All these are essential to being high performance, and if you want further insight into this, then I recommend you look for one of these two subject lines in your inbox… 7 Secrets for success in 2023 or Want success in 2023? (tips inside), then read and implement some of the strategies.

Why High Performance People Fly Alone

As you may know, when I first started in business I worked 5 years straight without a single day off.

And if you want to be high performance, as Den Peña says “high performance people have an extraordinary work ethic.” 

But it’s not just the work ethic that makes them high performance.

It’s their ability to fly alone.

Here’s a YouTube shorts clip of Dan explaining what he means >>

When it comes down to it, ‘high performance’ is a way of life >>

You won’t find someone who is high performance in one area and lacking in another.

But it takes time to get all areas of your life to high levels, so don’t beat yourself up if you’re not seeing results as fast as you like.

Remember, it’s a journey, not a destination.

Where Your Journey To Greatness Starts

As you’re on my email list and reading these newsletters, I’m guessing your journey to greatness and high performance has already begun.

But if you’re new, or yet to begin, or perhaps aren’t as consistent as you’d like to be, I want to leave you with something extra special.

This newsletter has featured very heavily, my mentor, Dan Peña.

And as you may be aware, Big Dan isn’t for everyone.

So, I wanted to give you another expert’s perspective on high performance.

None other than world #1 high performance coach Brendon Burchard.

Brendon sat down with Impact Theory’s Tom Bilyeu, for an in depth interview across many topics.

So, if you have some time, I highly recommend watching this interview >>

It’s 48 minutes long, but in the video description you can choose the timestamp which speaks to you most.

A lot of golden nuggets, especially around energy, are shared near the beginning.

Furthermore, Brendon breaks down what it means to develop your passion and build into your goals.

I hope you’ve gained at least a few things you can apply to your life from this newsletter, so that in the months and years ahead, you can look back on your progress and wonder how you made it so far.

To your success,

Dan Lok

P.S. – I’ve created a short training just for you.

Inside I share my productivity secrets for how to get a lot more done – faster, better … and with less human effort.

It’s a must have for anyone striving to become high performance.

Click here to check out Get Sh*t Done, while it’s fresh on your mind >>

How To Fill Your Team With “A Players”

Everyone wants a team they can hold accountable…

A team that works well together, so they can minimize having tough conversations with members who don’t perform.

I’m talking about “A Players”.

So, in this week’s edition of High Ticket Weekly, you’ll discover how to rate your team members…

How to hold them accountable…

And how to handle team members who underperform, and have tough conversations if needed.

How To Define An “A Player”

It goes without saying that an “A Player” is someone who consistently performs at high levels and exceeds expectations. 

But what specific characteristics do they possess?

Because before you fill your team with “A players”, you must know what to look for. 

Now, you may already have a definition in your head, but I believe “A players” should possess these six characteristics. 

  • High productivity levels: They should be able to handle high workloads and complete work to a high standard over short periods of time.
  • Strong skills and knowledge: They should have strong technical skills and be able to apply these skills to their work.
  • Proactive and independent: They must show great initiative, pick things up fast, and be able to work and solve problems with minimal or no supervision.
  • Positive attitude: They must love what they do and enjoy working within the company. They must also contribute new ideas and work well with other team members.
  • Strong communication skills: “A players” have strong written and verbal communication skills they use to communicate their ideas to you and the entire team.
  • High EQ: I believe Emotional Quotient eats Intelligence Quotient (IQ) for breakfast. Sure, “A players” are often intelligent too, but they don’t have to be a genius to be an “A player” if they have a high EQ.

IMPORTANT: Each role has different expectations, and the definition of an “A player” will vary between departments.

Now you have a clear idea about what an “A player” looks like, you can create a rating system and begin to rate your team members to see how they measure up.

It’s possible you could train a “B player” to become an “A player” over time.

When rating team members it’s important you use clear and specific criteria for each role and stay consistent and objective with each rating.

If you’d like to know my simple method for measuring my teams performance, click here >>

How To Keep Your Team Motivated and Accountable

People ask me all the time, “Dan, how do I motivate my team?”

The truth is, you don’t.

You find people who are already motivated.

That cuts out a lot of the training and hard work on your behalf.

So, knowing that your team is already motivated, let’s speak about ways of holding your team accountable, whether they’re remote or not.

How To Keep Your Team Accountable

I believe one of the most vital keys to accountability is setting clear expectations.

These should be set each time a new employee joins the team.

There should be clear expectations around each project, such as budget, first draft due, and final deadline.

Communication is always important, but in a remote setting, it’s even more important.

You may like to set up a weekly meeting and a daily check-in if needed.

Employee engagement is also a key factor and there are things you can do to boost engagement such as frequent communication, and team-building activities.

These are just 3 of 8 ways to keep a remote team accountable.

If you’d like to know another five ways of holding your team accountable, then click here to read this short article >>

How To Handle Team Members Who Don’t Perform

Every business has team members who don’t perform at some point in time.

They may submit subpar work… they may constantly miss deadlines… there could be an energy mismatch between them and the company as a whole.

Whatever the reason, it’s expensive and time-consuming to look for new employees all the time…

So, here are a few ways of helping them improve their performance.

It all starts with communicating your concerns, so you and the employee can identify the root cause of the problem.

Ask them the right questions, and once you’ve uncovered the problem(s) you can create new targets and offer support and resources for them to improve.

You must also set clear expectations so the two of you know if the new targets are being met.

Finally, you must follow up with them and monitor their progress.

I shot you a roleplay of me coaching one of my event attendees on how to have a conversation like this >> 

How To Have Tough Conversations With Employees

Should any team member continue to underperform even with your support, eventually you’ll need to have an even tougher conversation to let them go.

Here are 3 things to think about before and while you have the conversation.

  • Make sure you prepare in advance and plan what you’re going to say. Be clear and direct with a clear outcome for the conversation, and have an answer for any challenges or objections that may arise.
  • Choose a private location where people can’t interrupt you or overhear what’s being said.
  • Practice aggressive listening: Pay close attention to what your employee is saying so you can construct thoughtful and respectful answers.

So there you have it…

My best tips for identifying and keeping “A players” in your organization…

Keeping your remote team accountable…

And dealing with underperforming employees.

I hope this newsletter has been of great help to you and your business.

Until next time… go high ticket,

Dan Lok

P.S. – Our 3-day business immersive High Ticket Mastery™ is coming up VERY SOON.

It’s the first and still only immersion training that destroys the low ticket mindset once and for all…

And replaces it with the identity change needed to run a High Ticket Business.

If you’d like to kick start the new year with an irresistible high ticket offer, a flow of high ticket leads, and the ability to sell without feeling needy or inauthentic…

Then click here for the full scoop >>

See you there

How To Get Good At Anything, FAST..

I’m almost certain you’ve heard the phrase “the more you learn the more you earn”.

It’s very true, and as the new year is in full swing…

I thought it would be a good idea to give you actionable steps and strategies for learning and getting good at anything fast, so you can increase your income faster than you ever imagined.

Before we begin, it’s important you’re patient with yourself.

Everyone learns at different rates, and in different ways.

Learning takes time and effort, but that doesn’t mean there aren’t ways you can fast-track your absorption of concepts and skills.

Let’s go!

How to Uncover Your Favorite Learning Style

Some people are more visual and learn best with pictures and videos…

Some are more auditory and learn best with sounds and Mp3s…

Some are kinesthetic and learn best by doing, and some learn best by reading.

What do you think your favorite way of learning is?

That’s one of the biggest problems with the school system, it’s passive learning, and they make everyone learn the same way.

So, now you know your best learning style, don’t deviate from it.

3 Ways To Set Yourself Up For Success

1. Set specific learning goals

You must clearly define what you want to learn and why.

When you know the reason why you’re learning something, it gives you the motivation you need to continue when you run into roadblocks.

2. Environment is KEY

Your environment is always more powerful than your willpower.

If your environment doesn’t support your learning goals, you’ll make things more difficult than they have to be.

Find a quiet and comfortable place free of distractions.

3. Retain What You Learn

Find the best method of retaining what you learn.

Be sure to test yourself on the material by using flashcards or quizzing yourself, or asking someone else to test you.

If you want to know how to absorb and remember 70% of what you learn, then watch this video >>

How To Become A Fast Learner

Not only does the school system make everyone learn the same way.

They don’t actually teach you HOW to learn.

They just give you the information and it’s your job to work out how you learn best.

That’s why so many students get discouraged and think they’re stupid.

Because they’re not understanding the concepts they’re being tested on.

Having a solid blueprint to follow that ensures you’ll pick things up faster is KEY

So if you’ve ever felt like a slower learner, this video does a great job of explaining how to create a learning blueprint for yourself >> 

Why WHO You Learn From Is MORE IMPORTANT Than What You Learn

If you’ve been following me for a while, you’ll know I believe WHO you learn from is more important than what you learn.

It’s something the content creator in the previous video alluded to as well.

And in this video, I explain exactly why I believe this to be true >>

I highly suggest you watch the video above, as it outlines 3 ways you could learn and which I believe is the best way to give you the best chance of success…

And why other ways of learning are a waste of your time.

How To Get Good At Anything FAST

When learning any skill there are 6 things you must do to ensure you get the information and feedback you need to progress at a steady and fast pace.

One of the biggest things you can do to fast-track your learning is by figuring out what the key points of leverage are.

For example, if you learned the top 100 Spanish words, you could be around 50% fluent.

That’s leverage.

If you want to know the other 5 keys to getting good at anything fast, I strongly suggest you watch this video >> 

Why I Don’t Read Books

What I’m about to share with you is VERY counter-intuitive.

If you’re someone who likes reading but doesn’t get the results you desire from books, then pay close attention to what I say next.

I read 2-3 books per week, but I rarely read a book cover to cover.


Because I’m not reading for pleasure.

I’m reading for action steps.

Every book I read, I look for action steps I can implement right away.

This cuts down my reading time significantly and allows me to implement FAST.

If you want a deeper dive into my method of “reading” then click here >>

How To Improve Your Reading Speed

Even though I don’t often read entire books, reading at a faster pace allows me to read and implement even faster.

In this video, you’ll discover my best tips for reading faster so you can implement what you learn and grow quicker, as a result >>

Now you don’t have to go crazy and read multiple books per week.

You must pick your books wisely and only implement what makes sense to you.

That’s where self-awareness comes in, and that’s a newsletter topic for another week.

I hope you’ve found this newsletter valuable.

If you implement just a handful of these tips, you’ll look back one year from now and you’ll be amazed at what you’ve achieved.

Till next time,

Dan Lok

P.S. – With all this in mind, now you’re in a great position to develop a high-income skill faster than you would have before.

So, if you’re looking for a high-income skill that can help catapult your income, then click here to check out our range of high-income skills training at the Dan Lok Shop >>

Secret Currency Pays You Over And Over?

You may have heard the line “attention is the new currency”

Well, it’s very true.

You can’t expect anyone to pay you if they don’t first pay you attention.

And with so many coaches, consultants, and experts out there, you must have a way of winning attention, and converting that attention into sales.

So in this week’s newsletter, you’ll discover.

How to start and build a thriving community that supports each other and takes action on your offers.

When we ran our High Ticket Closer Certification™ as a business opportunity, we built an amazing community in our private Facebook group.

People loved being there, and although the intention of the group was more for student development than to make sales, the members were engaged and very supportive of each other.

We kicked anyone out who we deemed “bad apples” who didn’t follow our guidelines, but I digress.

Let’s start with…

5 Benefits Of Building A Thriving Community

This list is not exhaustive, but if you can build a thriving community, you’re automatically more in touch with your members.

You’ll gain valuable feedback to help make the community the best it can be.

You can create a safe place for your prospects to share their learnings and takeaways, where they feel understood and can relate to one another.

You can build amazing relationships with your prospects, which in turn creates high levels of loyalty and retention when they finally become clients.

The Difference Between an Audience and A Community

There are pros and cons of each of the above, and here are some of them.

With an audience your pros are your ability to reach more people.

People can share your content… and you can connect with people on platforms that they’re familiar with.

Some cons include, you could fall victim to algorithm changes, you’re competing for your audiences’ attention, and you have no control over the platform.

If you say something the platform doesn’t like, you could be removed forever.

With a community, you have people’s full attention, you can create a private space for your members free from ridicule from non-members, and you have a higher level of control of the platform.

Some cons may include, it’s more difficult to be discovered, your content is only sharable amongst your members, and your members may not spend much time on the platform, which can make things difficult for them.

Overall however, your community should be more about the people than the platform.

The Most Two Important Questions You Must Know The Answer To

Whether your community is free or paid, you must be able to answer these questions.

Why would anyone want to join your community, and why would they stay?

Your goal for your community should be to give immense value no one else in your niche is offering.

You’re creating a community people would pay to be a member of, even if it’s free.

Help them solve problems… level up in their life… share their wins, and many other things.

But don’t give them access to your best stuff.

If you help them level up, eventually they’ll run into more problems, and to solve those problems, they’ll need to invest in themselves at a higher level.

And who do you think they’ll want to help them? You, or someone they’re not familiar with?

The answer is obvious.

What Platforms Are Best For Your Community?

You wouldn’t be running this type of community, but gamers would prefer platforms like Twitch or Discord, because that’s where they spend most of their time.

You want the platform you choose to be as easy to access as possible for your community members.

Some popular choices are Facebook, Discord, Telegram, Slack, plus a host of others.

Initially we used Facebook for our S.M.A.R.T. Challenges, business events, and Dan on Demand etc…

But in recent years we’ve switched to Telegram.


Because the reach in Facebook groups isn’t what it used to be…

And most people use Telegram on their phone, which means they’re far more likely to see the messages and interact with the group.

So, do some research on the platform you think would be best for your members.

How To Grow Your Community

There are many ways to grow your community.

You can promote on your social platforms or podcasts to your current audience.

To ensure you get the best prospects inside your group, you may want them to hit certain criteria before they’re approved to enter, because you don’t want a community of tyre kickers.

You can set up paid ads to reach a wider audience, and you can also set up chatbots on your IG or FB pages to funnel people into your group.

There are many other ways to promote it, but these are just a few examples.

How to Never Run Out Of Content To Post

As you’re building a community around your products and services, you should already have a solid idea about who your ideal prospect is.

With that in mind, you want to think of as many things as possible that are important to them.

What are their goals and aspirations?

What are the common roadblocks, obstacles, and problems they’d like to avoid?

Then you want to brainstorm how your products and services help them either reach their goals or avoid common roadblocks.

Then you can pick one and create content around it and relate it back to your products and services every now and then so when they’re ready to achieve more, they know where to go.

You want a high value to pitch ratio, so 1 pitch for every 4 value posts is a good place to start.

That’s not to say your pitch posts won’t contain any value at all, you can mix the two together.

In closing…

Building a community is a great way of setting yourself aside from your competition and building trust, which translates into greater impact and of course more sales.

Until next time, go high ticket,

Dan Lok

P.S. – If you haven’t heard, our next S.M.A.R.T. Challenge™ starts soon.

You’re seriously running out of time if you want the business secrets and strategies responsible for over $100 million sales in just a few years.

So click here to secure your spot… >>

And I’ll show you how to apply these secrets to your business so you can SCALE, SYSTEMIZE, and SUSTAIN your business for years to come.

How To Hire Your Next Superstar

This is something every expert, coach, consultant, or business owner should do, as the more value you give the more comes back to you in time.

So, today you’ll discover how to hire the right people for your team and how to build a powerful team of A players.

How To Build A Powerful Team

Business is a team sport, and as you know, you can only do so much as the CEO of your company.

I truly believe in hiring people who have greater skills than you in their area of expertise.

Because if you’re the most productive, smartest, and best-skilled person on your team, you’ll ALWAYS be the bottleneck.

Before you even think about hiring anyone, you must get CRYSTAL CLEAR on these 3 things >> 

One of the best ways I’ve found to build a powerful team is by finding out what your team members’ goals are.

What are they motivated by?

Figure this out and you’ll get the best out of your team.

How To Hire The Right People 

Once you’re clear on your vision, mission, and culture, you’re ready to find the people who’ll fit that culture and help you achieve your vision and mission.

After all, your business will never reach its full potential if your team doesn’t believe in what you do or fit the business culture.

I adopt a very unorthodox way of hiring talent.

In fact, I NEVER look at resumes.

I don’t care about their past, I care about their future.

I also care about attitude and culture fit.

I don’t even hire for skills necessarily…

In fact, a lot of my team members didn’t start out in their current roles.

I like to promote from within, so a few years after someone joins my team, they could be working in a completely different role.

If you want to know exactly how to build a high-performance team then click here to check out this in-depth video >> 


Why You Always Want To Hire People More Capable Than You

One thing I’ve noticed a lot is CEOs hire based on their insecurities.

Here’s what I mean.

If you’re always hiring people who aren’t as skilled as you because you think they’ll be easy to control, your company will find it hard to grow.

I mentioned earlier that you’d always be the bottleneck, but it’s far deeper than that.

Your job as the CEO isn’t to do each task better than your employees.

Your job is to be the captain of the ship…

The visionary…

The person who puts everything together and directs your employees to help you build the company’s vision.

That’s why you hire people who are experts in their field because it’s unlikely you have all the skills needed to build your vision.

Click here for a counter-intuitive insight into why you DON’T want to motivate your team, and what to do instead >>


How To Differentiate Between a Superstar and a Super-talker

When you’re looking for A players, here’s one thing I’ve learned.

There are people who talk a big game, and there are those who can deliver a big game.

Let’s pretend you’ve hired someone you believe will be a huge asset to your team.

Here’s how you find out which category they’re in.

You give them what I call a lame horse.

If they produce great results with the lame horse, only then do you upgrade their horse and watch them soar.

Click here to discover how to give your next team member a lame horse so you can monitor their progress and upgrade the horse when the time is right >>


How CEOs Communicate Effectively To Their Team

Here’s something that trips up a lot of CEOs, including me, [Name].

You see, it doesn’t matter how clear you are on your vision and mission and how high-performance your team members are…

If you can’t communicate with them effectively, the tasks you give them won’t be executed with precision.

I’ve had moments in my business where I was absolutely crystal clear on what I wanted the project to look like…

But when I received the first version, it was nothing like I thought I’d explained it.

I realized that I was the issue.

I needed to get better at explaining how I wanted the project to look.

Communication is the message sent, message received, and message acted upon.

If you’d like to see a roleplay of how to communicate effectively with your team members, then watch this video here >>


How to Get Crystal Clear On Where Your Business Is Headed, So You Can Lead Your Team To Victory

Before we wrap this up, I wanted to share with you a powerful way to gain clarity on your vision, mission, and business so you and your team can operate at the highest levels possible.

I know it’s not related to hiring a team member, but as we’ve moved on to getting the best out of your team members, I think it’s relevant.

The secret lies in what I call “think time”.

Every day I set aside a certain amount of time to think about where my business is at.

I ask myself 3 simple yet powerful questions >>

These questions allow me to figure out the best next steps forward and much much more.

Every successful person I know allocates time to think time.

Because you’re busy every day, you don’t have time to sit down and think about things.

That’s why think time is so important.

In closing, the word “clarity” has come up a lot in this newsletter.

Getting crystal clear as often as possible will help you in every aspect of your business from making key decisions to hiring the right people and more.

Until next time, go high ticket,

Dan Lok

P.S. – If you want to hit 6 figure months you’re going to need complete clarity on your high ticket offer.

So, if you’d like an insight into how I create irresistible high ticket offers that allow me to have consistent 6 figure months, then click here to watch the Advanced Expert Masterclass >> 

The Reason You’re Not Scaling Your Enterprise


You’ve invested countless hours and dollars into your business. You’ve found some success. But now you’ve plateaued.

There is a point in business where it feels impossible to break a certain marker. And it’s easy to get complacent at that point. Being an entrepreneur who is scaling an enterprise is not easy. If it was, everyone would do it. But there is a reason you’re not scaling your enterprise. And once you learn it, you will be able to overcome it and take your enterprise to the next level.

You need to operate in a Business 3.0 world.

Is your enterprise operating in a physical location? What does your online presence look like? How does your team work together? What location do they work from?

Mid-pandemic, these answers will most likely look a lot different than they did a few months ago. But the reality is that the pandemic just accelerated what was already coming.

And that is Business 3.0.

You need to learn how to operate in a Business 3.0 world as an agile organization. So you can adapt to any situation. Then, you can scale your business in the face of pandemics, world crises, and economic meltdowns.

Because the world is not a stable place.

All throughout history, there have been wars, famine, world superpowers rising and falling, technology changes, and more. 

In short: there has always been uncertainty. But there have always been businesses. Some businesses have survived more than others because they learned how to adapt.

For instance, did you know Nintendo is 130 years old? They have learned how to take advantage of coming obstacles and be flexible with changes. So they survived. Before the coin was even termed, they were operating under the foundations of Business 3.0.

scale your enterprise in the future

What Is Business 3.0?

To understand Business 3.0, you have to understand what came before it.

Business 1.0 organizations operate in traditional offices and brick and mortar retail locations. Their move towards the online world has been slow and ineffectual. Has the pandemic and impending economic downturn already killed your business? It very well could in the near future if it hasn’t already. If this is the enterprise you want to scale, you need to act fast.

Business 1.0 organizations are doomed in the coming world.

Businesses who took advantage of the early internet are also suffering. These are Business 2.0 organizations.

Did your business jump on the internet right away but is now stagnant?

Business 2.0 organizations were quick to recognize and implement trends originally but have since become bloated. They have heavy infrastructure and massive overhead costs. With these hindrances, they cannot quickly adapt to the changing world. This leaves them stuck. They often only sell to a customer once. They have difficulty acquiring new customers and clients.

Business 2.0 organizations will also suffer in the coming world.

But Business 3.0 organizations are agile. They adapt to changes and take full advantage of modern internet and technology. We’ll dive into what exactly a Business 3.0 organization looks like in a moment. But first there has to be a deep understanding of what exactly Business 3.0 is to capitalize on it.

Business 3.0 is the era of social media, the internet, technology, and international teams. From here, businesses will be able to navigate and adapt to the ever-changing world. 

So what does a Business 3.0 organization look like?

A Portrait of a Business 3.0 Organization

A Business 3.0 organization is one that is constantly adapting. They stay so nimble because they avoid the bloat of high overhead costs and infrastructure. And they dive deeply into the world of technology to stay on top of the changes in the world.

These businesses use social media to their advantage. So they can drive millions of free visitors to their websites each month. They use multiple platforms and generate engaging, educational content that capitalizes on a solid content marketing plan because they recognize people do not respond to outdated marketing tactics and require a new approach.

They also realize people don’t work like they used to. So they have fully remote teams or at least have their team spread out in clusters throughout the world. To scale an enterprise, this is crucial. By keeping your team spaced out throughout the world, you will keep your team working twenty-four hours around the clock.

And this continuity of work combined with properly utilizing social media leads to regular, repeatable, and recurring revenue. Their content marketing strategy helps them remarket. So they don’t have to constantly try to gain new customers. Instead, they capitalize on relationships they’ve already built by retargeting and remarketing.

Lastly, they combine all the above best practices to create systems that allow them to scale. Largely and quickly. 

When you see a Business 3.0 organization, you know it. They adapt constantly to the new world, keeping their products and services relevant. 

Benefits Of Scaling Your Enterprise As A Business 3.0 Organization

Business 3.0 organizations are built to scale at a large level. You will be utilizing multiple social media channels with millions of followers. Through these platforms, you will be able to generate leads and traffic. Additionally, you can more accurately retarget and remarket to your current audience.

Most importantly, you will be able to scale your enterprise with ease because your business will be nimble, agile, and adaptable.

By operating as a Business 3.0 organization, you are designing a business built to survive. With multiple streams of marketing, less bloat, and small teams working well together, you are setting yourself up to thrive. But what is still a threat?

Poor business planning is one of the top reasons businesses fail. So you need to give yourself the tools to keep your business strong. With a solid plan on how to pivot into a Business 3.0 organization, you will be giving yourself the business plan to scale. And if you’re not sure how to go about pivoting to Business 3.0, will show you the tools to do so in a bit.

Beyond your plan, you need to make sure you have a solid team working together to execute this transition. Your team is the sum of how well your business operates. And they are a critical part of your Business 3.0 transition and operations. 

scale your business with virtual teams

Is Your Team Helping You Scale Your Business?

40 years ago, a business would post a job in the newspaper or on billboards around town. Maybe they would give the listing to a local agency. People in the surrounding areas would apply for the job. If someone from a different state or town heard about the job, they would travel to the business to interview. And if they got the job, they would relocate.

There are a few assumptions in that scenario. First, the business owner would just hope the best candidate for the job would find the listing. Second, the new employee needs to be willing to relocate. Or the business owner would have to negotiate for them to move. 

But that’s not the way business has to be done in this day and age

Even before COVID-19 required most businesses to go virtual, many organizations were already exploring the idea. These businesses were embracing Business 3.0 best practices before they were forced to. So when the unexpected happened, they were able to adapt and survive. Whereas many Business 1.0 organizations suffered or failed when faced with this pandemic.

Beyond having the flexibility to survive trying times, working with global, remote, small teams gives your organization access to talent all over the world. You are not hindered by only hiring talent from the surrounding areas or finding someone who is willing to relocate. 

Additionally, having small teams worldwide increases the diversity on your team while keeping you working twenty-four hours a day. This diversity will help you avoid cultural mistakes. And having a twenty-four hour work cycle keeps your team productive.

But most importantly, your team has to work together to help you scale your enterprise with ease. 

How do you know your team is working with you to scale your enterprise? There are five key points that let you know if your team is working well for you.

#1: Makes The Business Omnipresent

Consumers need to see your brand five to seven times to remember it. With the prevalence of social media, however, that number will most likely go up. Consumers are inundated with brands every single day. Each time they open their phone, they see hundreds of brands staring back at them. 

So your team needs to make your business and brand omnipresent.

What does it mean to be omnipresent?

Your brand needs to be everywhere.

”If your brand is not on every social platform, adding value to people’s lives, your business will suffer. Make yourself omnipresent.” - Dan Lok Share on X

This omnipresence reinforces your brand and keeps your business at the forefront of your current customers’ minds. And retargeting is absolutely key in Business 3.0. 

Why is retargeting so important?

Because acquiring new clients is somewhere between five and twenty-five times more expensive than retaining customers. 

Not only will your loyal customers help you increase profits but they will give you the social proof to position your business at the top of your industry.

#2: Positions The Business Well

It is critical that your team is keeping your business omnipresent. But they also need to be positioning your business at the top of your industry.

As the executive, you have the opportunity to position yourself well. But if you put in the effort to get yourself to the top of your industry, you need your business to back you up. When someone works with your business, they need a top-of-the-industry experience.

And if you’re scaling your enterprise, then you’re going to have a team. This means working with your business is working with your team. Your clients won’t necessarily be working with you, so your team needs to represent your brand.

Thus, you need a team that is ready to position your business as you position yourself. They need to be ready to offer top-notch service and products.

Have you received consistent complaints about a certain area of your business?

Maybe this portion of the business seems small to you. So you haven’t addressed it in the past. But this gaffe could be indicative of a gap in your team. If you want to scale your enterprise, investigate why this is a recurring issue. How could you improve the process?

scale your business by generating leads

#3: Generates Leads

Another sign of a team that is working well for you is consistent lead generation. And a Business 3.0 team is not finding clients through old and outdated marketing techniques. Instead, they are operating and maintaining a system that consistently brings in new clients to you.

”If you want to truly scale an enterprise, your acquisition tactics have to work without you.” - Dan Lok Share on X

It may sound oxymoronic to say that your business needs to succeed without you. But if you need to have a hand in every process, your enterprise will never scale to a large level.

This is why it is crucial that your team continues to operate a system that works to bring in new leads without you. Learning to establish this system is crucial. But we’ll get to that.

#4: Closes High-Ticket Sales

Are you not only generating all the leads for your business but also closing all the high-ticket sales? 

This ties closely with lead generation. An effective team is not only generating the leads but also closing them. And this is not a simple task. Not every team can do this.

But if you want to scale your enterprise, your team needs to be an expert at closing high-ticket sales.

Whether your chosen form of sales is one-to-one or one-to-many, your team needs to be effective at closing these deals without you. Once again, being too involved in every process of your business will hinder your growth.

Is your team closing effectively for you?

If this is an area where your team is suffering, you should invest in making sure you are adept at closing high-ticket sales. With this skill, you will be able to pinpoint where your closing process is suffering. You will be able to establish a closing process and team to scale your enterprise.

#5: Helps You Scale Your Enterprise With Ease Through Adaptable Practice

Finally, you need to make sure your team is helping you scale your business with ease. This may seem like the most obvious step to making sure your team is helping you scale. But it’s critical.

In a Business 3.0 world, change happens fast. Sometimes without warning. And what worked before will not work again. 

Does your team cling to what used to work?

Change is hard. And not everyone is ready to embrace it. Especially not as often as is needed in a large business scaling in a Business 3.0 world. 

You need a team that is ready to adapt and change. A team that will stand behind you in challenging times with recommendations on how to improve. Because they are always looking at what is to come, not dwelling on what has happened. 

If you want to know if your team is helping you scale your enterprise, this is a simple but painful question you have to ask: is my team ready to change?

Are you ready to change?

Are you ready to do what it takes to scale your enterprise in a Business 3.0 world?

scale your business in a business 3.0 world

How Do You Learn How to Scale Your Enterprise In A Business 3.0 World?

If you are reading to scale your enterprise in a Business 3.0 world, then you’ve made the first step. You have acknowledged that something in your business needs to shift to survive, thrive, and scale. 

Now, you need to take the next step. You need to learn from someone who has already done the hard part. It is crucial you find a mentor who has learned from their own experience how to scale an enterprise. 

The good news is that there are entrepreneurs who have done that. And there is an entrepreneur who shares the secrets he has learned with an exclusive group of executives who are ready to scale their enterprises.

Dragon 100™ is an exclusive program run by Dan Lok that helps executives take their organization from an ordinary business to a scalable enterprise. If you are chosen to be part of this limited advisory board, you will work with other executives to build flexibility, scalability, and high profits. 

This is a rare opportunity. Why? Because Dan Lok has been there. He has built empires from the ground up. And it’s not every day that an entrepreneur who is still actively building multiple enterprises shares their secrets. 

But for the first time ever, this opportunity is available for applications. 

So what’s stopping you?

If you have the drive to build an enterprise and the mindset to make it happen, then the only thing holding you back is the knowledge you can gain from Dan Lok in the Dragon 100™.

So take the next step in scaling your business into a flexible, adaptable Business 3.0 organization built to thrive. The future is yours for the taking.