Strategic Thinking

What is Kajabi? Platform Overview and Features

Today, I want to share with you a game-changing platform that has revolutionized the way I deliver my online courses and skyrocketed my business success. If you’re an expert, coach, or business owner looking to make a massive impact with your knowledge, then get ready to explore the incredible world of Kajabi!

Over the years, I’ve come across countless platforms claiming to be the ultimate solution for course creators, but nothing compares to the seamless experience and exceptional features that Kajabi offers. From course creation to marketing, this all-in-one platform has truly transformed the way I do business.

Why Kajabi, you ask?

Let me tell you, when I first stumbled upon Kajabi, I was blown away by its capabilities. Not only does it provide a user-friendly interface for creating and delivering content, but it also empowers me to connect deeply with my audience. Here are just a few reasons why Kajabi has become my go-to platform:

  • All-in-One Powerhouse: Kajabi brings together everything you need to create, market, and sell your online courses in one place. No more juggling between different tools or struggling with complicated integrations. With Kajabi, I effortlessly manage everything from course hosting to email marketing campaigns, saving precious time and effort.
  • Course Creation Made Easy: As a content creator, my focus is on delivering high-quality material to my students. Kajabi’s intuitive course creation tools allow me to upload videos, audios, PDFs, and other content with ease. Plus, I can structure the courses just the way I envision, ensuring a seamless learning experience for my students.
  • Customizable Website Templates: Your brand matters, and Kajabi understands that. With a range of stunning website templates, I was able to create a professional and branded course site that resonates with my audience. It’s not just about content; it’s about creating a memorable online presence.
  • Unparalleled Marketing Arsenal: Kajabi equips me with powerful marketing features that have transformed my business. From email campaigns to sales funnels, I can effortlessly nurture leads and convert them into loyal students. It’s like having a team of marketers working behind the scenes!

Kajabi testimonial

Now, you might be wondering, “Is Kajabi really worth the investment?”

I get it; choosing the right platform is crucial for your business. But let me assure you, the value Kajabi brings to the table far outweighs the investment. Think about it; with Kajabi by your side, you’ll be able to focus on what truly matters – creating amazing content and impacting lives – while leaving the technical hassles to the platform.

Action time!

►► Grab your FREE trial of Kajabi + $5,995.00 of FREE bonuses here: ◄◄

Are you ready to get paid for what you know? 

►► Watch the FREE masterclass here: ◄◄

In conclusion, Kajabi has been a game-changer for my online course business. Its user-friendly interface, powerful features, and ability to handle everything in one place have allowed me to scale my impact and income beyond my wildest dreams. So, if you’re serious about unleashing your full potential and creating a thriving online course business, Kajabi is your secret weapon.

Let’s take the leap together and unlock a world of possibilities with Kajabi!

To your unstoppable success,

Dan Lok 

5 Ways To Stay Innovative In Marketing

We live in a fast-paced world…

And in the world of business, one of your key goals is to stay relevant.

Now, you can do this with your product or service, but your marketing is another powerful way to do this.

So, in this week’s newsletter, you’re going to discover what I believe are some of the best ways to stay innovative with your marketing.

The BIGGEST sin in marketing is being boring.

If your marketing is boring, no one will pay attention long enough for you to win them over.

And if you don’t win anyone over, your business won’t last long.

So let’s get started.

Why You Must Study Your Competition

One of my favorite ways to stay innovative is by studying my competitors.

Most business owners don’t do this

But how can you expect to out-market, out-sell, and out-perform your competitors if you know little about them?

You can’t.

You must aim to know them better than they know themselves.

You must know all their marketing angles…

Know their products and services inside out.

Know their social media, email marketing, blog content, and anything else they put out.

I’m on all my competitors’ email lists.

I’ve bought a lot of my competitors’ products so I can go through their sales funnels and see what they’re selling.

It gives me a heads-up when things change in the market.

If you’d like 7 tools for spying on your competitors in 5 minutes, then click here >>

These tips are outside of the ones I mentioned above and I think they’ll really help you.

The Difference Between Being Inventive and Being Innovative

A lot of business owners get these two mixed up, so let me break them down for you to remove any confusion.

Being inventive is creating something that doesn’t yet exist.

Being innovative is taking something and tweaking it to make it better.

You’ll almost always be innovative rather than inventive unless you’re an inventor.

So, how would you like my secret to be innovative and come up with new marketing ideas?

This tip is priceless, and has the power to help you completely disrupt your entire industry.

Study other industries.

It’s that simple.

If you want to think outside the box, you’ll never do it, only studying your industry.

Some of my best ideas I borrowed from other industries and applied to mine.

Here are some places to look…

Try reading blogs, articles, newsletters, and magazines in random industries.

I’ve read tech magazines, gaming articles, and even gardening blogs to get new ideas.

So let your imagination run wild here.

FAIR WARNING: You may not completely understand everything you read, and that’s OK. What you’re doing is absorbing ideas, and something will jump out at you and you’ll think about how you can apply it to your business.

The #1 Way To Stay Relevant and Innovative and Business and Marketing

I believe this next tip is the absolute best way to stay innovative and relevant.

It’s by hanging out with other successful entrepreneurs outside of your industry.

You could go to events and conferences, or even simply have lunch or dinner with a new set of successful entrepreneurs.

Ask them what they’re working on.

Ask them how they solved certain problems in their business.

Ask them what’s working for them right now and why they think it works.

Ask them profound questions and get ready to take good notes.

You’re looking for one elegant idea.

You’ll be far better off gaining one amazing idea than 1000 average ones.

I firmly believe your environment is one of the most powerful things you have at your disposal.

So, putting yourself into situations where you’re surrounded by high achievers upgrades your environment, which will affect you and your business in many ways.

Jason Capital calls it Environmental Exposure, and he shares a quick story about his experience with it here >>

How To Leverage Your Team For Great Marketing Ideas

If you have a marketing team, of course, you can leverage them for ideas.

But I want to share with you a powerful strategy that ensures you’ll always have more ideas than you need…

And also solves the problem of team members coming up with the same ideas.

It’s simple, instead of asking your team to come up with 3-5 ideas, ask them to come up with 15.

Because if you just ask for 3-5 per person, the chances are everyone comes up with the same 3-5 ideas, and likely, the ideas are the same ideas you’ve thought of too.

So, when you ask for 15 ideas, it forces everyone to think outside the box, and not only will you have far more ideas, the chances of idea overlap are lower.

When you’re at the next meeting, you ask people to share only 3-5 ideas, but every time someone mentions an idea, everyone else with that same idea must cross it off their list.

This way no ideas are duplicated, and you’re left with a good set of solid ideas.

What usually happens is ideas are broadened and expanded on, and the whole process is more of a team effort, with no one person taking all the credit.

How To Unlock Your Entrepreneurial Thinking

I’ve got two things for you.

The first is a short training I created called Unlock Your Entrepreneurial Thinking.

It won’t show you to think outside the box…

It will show how to think like there IS NO BOX.

I use these strategies all the time in my business, and if you want to unlock ideas you never knew you had inside of you, then click here to check it out >>

The second training is Marketing Secrets, and it will help you out-sell, out-perform, and out-think your competitors no matter what niche you’re in…

And it allows you to get the most out of the copywriter(s) on your team.

If you’d think this could be an asset to your business, then click here for the full scoop >>

I hope you’ve enjoyed this newsletter and found it valuable.

The right type of thinking and the right ideas will ensure your business stays relevant in this rapidly changing world, and will also ensure you continue to grow and generate revenue for years to come.

Go high ticket,

Dan Lok

P.S. – Our next S.M.A.R.T. Challenge™ is just around the corner.

If you’re not familiar with it, it’s my 3-day business immersive, where I show you how to SCALE, SYSTEMIZE, and SUSTAIN your business.

By the end of the three days, you’ll have everything you need to build a business that gives you the impact you desire but also saves you from the ‘time for money trap’ that plagues so many business owners.

Click here for the full scoop >>

Want Fast Results In Your Coaching Biz?

When it comes to success in your coaching, consulting, or expert business, there are many variables to consider…

After all, you could have high monthly revenue, but if your expenses blow out, your margins will be tiny.

So in this week’s newsletter, I want to share with you different ways to make more money, and higher profit in your business.

How To Add A Zero To Your Business

As you may know, if you want to make more money in business, you can:

  1. Get more clients
  2. Get your current clients buy more often
  3. Get your clients to increase their transaction size
  4. Raise your prices

You’ve likely heard Grant Cardone preach the 10x rule.

You’ve got to 10x everything, but in my opinion, that’s not only difficult to achieve and sustain, but it’s unrealistic.

You can’t 10x your hours… 10x your sales calls… 10x your daily output, etc.

But what if you leveraged the 10x rule and added a zero to your revenue, profit or offer?

You’d achieve the same result without all the effort, wouldn’t you agree?

Now, I know what you may be thinking…

“But Dan, no one will pay me that much.”

And if that thought crossed your mind, then I invite you to watch this YouTube shorts video >> 

What were your thoughts after watching it?

Did you have a mindset shift?

Why Your Money Beliefs Halt Your Business Success

As someone who grew up very poor, I’ve had to overcome many money beliefs to get to where I am today.

As a business coach and sales trainer I see clients and mentees money beliefs holding them back from success all the time.

Very often, their beliefs go unnoticed, but then they wonder why they haven’t hit the levels of success they desire.

The question is, do you have any money beliefs holding you back?

Truthfully, I still have money beliefs to work on as I ascend to higher levels of growth, so my guess is you do too.

So, if you want to know the psychology of charging more, then click here to watch this quick 1 minute video >>

A Simple Way To Maximize Profits In Your Business

After my infamous 13 business failures, I finally saw success with my first high income skill of copywriting.

After copywriting for around 1 year I began to consult businesses on their marketing and added consulting to my tool belt.

This helped me add another 6 figures a year to my income.

Here’s why I’m telling you this.

If you haven’t already added consulting to your business, you’re leaving a lot of money on the table.

Also, there are other benefits to adding consulting to your business which you’ll discover here >>

3 Ways To Boost Revenue Fast

You may remember the 3 ways I shared at the start of the newsletter to increase revenue.

But if you only have one high ticket program at the moment, how do you get people to purchase from you more often?

Here are a few ways you can do this:

Run online or in-person events/workshops

Can you help your customers and clients get results in a few hours?

You may like to run events with a specific goal that help people who either have or haven’t bought from you before, get results so you can ascend them up your value ladder.

You can run the event yourself or invite guest speakers for longer events.

Create and sell a short ebook

This is a great way to convert new prospects.

In the same way as above, if you can get them tangible results with something they can consume in under an hour…

They’re more likely to become high ticket clients in the future, and you make revenue at the same time.

Create Shorter Program and Launch A Pilot Program

It’s always a good idea to have multiple offers in your business.

This allows you to upsell or downsell people depending on what their needs are.

If you’re yet to build a shorter and more affordable offer, now could be a good time.

Here’s an effective method to fill your new program fast, a well-known business coach teaches.

  1. Create a list of everyone you think could use your program and a list of everyone who may know someone who could use your program.
  2. Tell them you’d like their advice on something.
  3. When they agree, tell them you’re creating a new program and you think they could get a lot of value out of it.
  4. Use this time to research what to put in your program. Find out their 3 biggest pains, what they would like to see in a program, and what they’d like to achieve after completing a program.
  5. Once you have all the info directly from your target market, you can ask them how much they’d pay for a solution to their problem.
  6. Then you can offer the program to them at a 50% discount and tell them you’re launching a pilot program of 10 people, so you can help people get amazing results and receive case studies and testimonials.

Why Cash Flow Is More Important Than Revenue 

Of course revenue is important, but what’s more important than revenue is cash flow.


Because if you don’t have cash coming in, you won’t be able to pay any of your expenses.

To get around this problem, you must set strict rules around your ability to collect cash.

Reduce your payment terms to as few days as possible, and don’t let your clients push you around.

In closing…

Don’t wait to close new high ticket clients to make more revenue in your business.

A little brainstorming and action can go a long way.

Until next time… go high ticket,

Dan Lok

P.S. – If you want to know how to Add a Zero™ to your revenue within the next 12 months, I invite you to attend the next S.M.A.R.T. Challenge™.

It’s my 3-day business immersive, where you’ll discover the exact strategies I’ve used to generate over 100 million in my business in just a few years.

The secrets I’ll teach you will help you SCALE, SYSTEMIZE, and SUSTAIN your business no matter how turbulent the economy gets.

Click here for the full story >> 

Leverage Your Effort For Max Return..

Have you ever thought to yourself…

“If only I could duplicate myself, my business would run smoother and more profitably”?

If so, you’re not alone.

Trying to be everywhere in your business is a challenge every coach, consultant, or expert faces throughout their career.

And whether you’re at the stage where you can hire a Chief of Staff, or a Chief Operating Officer or not…

There are things you can do to effectively “duplicate” yourself in your business to leverage your time better.

How To Leverage Your Time If You’re a Solopreneur

If you’re the only person in your business, you’ll feel run off your feet at the best of times.

And if that’s you, then it’s absolutely VITAL you create systems and ways to streamline your operations.

I’m talking about templated emails, simple spreadsheets to record your sales and expenses each month, and other systems that make your business run smoother.

If you find you’re sending out the same emails often, create a template you can copy and paste so you only have to change minor details.

Sit down for a small amount of time each week to record any sales and expenses that came in in the last 7 days.

By the end of the month, your records will be top notch and it may only take 10-20 minutes.

Every time you notice “time vampires” sucking your time out of your day, that’s an area you could potentially systemize.

Be sure to document the process, so when you do hire an employee, they can pick up the task with minimal supervision in the beginning and ultimately zero supervision.

You can also find software online that saves you time, depending on the task.

An obvious example is social media post-scheduling.

How To Leverage Your Knowledge As an Expert

EVERY coach, consultant, or expert should leverage their knowledge online.

I’m talking about books and e-books, podcasts, online courses, lead magnets, webinars, etc.

You likely know this already, but what I’ve learned over the years is, we don’t always do what we know.

And to know and to not do, is to not know.

So, if there are any areas you could improve upon in your business when it comes to leveraging your knowledge…

Think of this newsletter as a kick in the butt to make it happen.

How To Ensure Your Material Reaches a Wider Audience

Speaking of leveraging your knowledge, this next strategy will work best for coaches and experts.

It has to do with creating certification programs that teach others your methods for getting clients amazing results.

You can effectively duplicate yourself with every new person you bring under your umbrella.

You sell the program and potentially get a cut of each client they coach, depending on how you set it up.

This allows you to spread your message faster, and also brings you multiple income streams in addition to your client work.

We have many certification programs in our business, most notably the High Ticket Coach™ Certification.

The potential here is limitless.

If you want to know how to create a high ticket program, then click here >>

How To Leverage Your Time With Group Coaching

I wrote an entire newsletter about group coaching and why I believe it’s the holy grail to not only scale your business but also leverage your time.

Look out for it in your inbox if you’d like to review it, the subject line was “Why group coaching eats 1-on-1 for breakfast…”

You can save so much time and make far more money with group coaching it’s not even funny.

Here are some of my best tips on running group coaching calls >>

How To Double The Size Of Your Business

I mentioned the job title Chief of Staff earlier in the newsletter.

A Chief of Staff is someone who thinks like you and can do things like attend meetings on your behalf, make key decisions, as well as carry out certain tasks you would normally do.

Hiring one is one of the quickest ways to duplicate yourself in your business, and has the potential to help you double the size of your company…

But like you, they can only do so much.

Eventually, your business will grow to the point you need another Chief of Staff because you can’t scale an employee.

At this stage, instead, what you want to do is hire a Chief Operating Officer.

A COO designs and implements systems and processes so a competent person can carry out key tasks overseen by the COO.

(Side note: I’m likely to do an entire newsletter on hiring key employees such as a COO in the future, so keep your eye out for that one.)

Of course, if you want to hire anyone in your company, you must stop micromanaging, if that is something you do.

I used to do this a lot, and I think it’s something almost every business owner does at first until they realize it’s stopping them from doing their job and their business from reaching its full potential.

How to Stop Micromanaging

The counter-intuitive thing about micromanaging is that it does the exact opposite of what we intend.

We think it will make things run smoother, and more effectively, and that tasks will be done to a higher standard…

But all it does is waste your and your employee’s time.

Not to mention it’s frustrating for all involved.

If micromanaging is something you do, then click here for 3 ways to stop >> 

So there you have it…

No matter the size of your business, there are always ways you can leverage your time, to save you trouble, and make your business more efficient and profitable.

Whether it be creating digital versions, your own systems, using software, passing on your expertise to others, or hiring key employees.

I hope you enjoyed this week’s edition of High Ticket Weekly, until next time…

Go High Ticket,

Dan Lok

P.S. – If you want to know how I weathered the storm of the last 3 years of what’s been the toughest period in economic history…

Click here for the full scoop, on how to SCALE, SYSTEMIZE, and SUSTAIN your business for years to come >>

So you can build a robust business that withstands the test of time.

Discover 5 Proven Strategies to Find High-Ticket Clients and Grow Your Business

Finding high ticket clients is one of the biggest problems coaches, consultants, and high ticket experts share.

I remember when I first started my one-man copywriting agency.

I scoured The Yellow Pages (yes, it was a long time ago) looking for clients.

I’d cold call business, and tell them their ads sucked, and asked if they wanted me to write them a new one.

And guess what?

It was time for a terrible client-getting strategy…

Not to mention, time-consuming, frustrating, and demoralizing.

So in this week’s newsletter, I’m going to share with you 5 ways you can find high ticket clients.


Good, let’s go!

FAIR WARNING: As you’re probably aware, 1 is the scariest number in business.

You never want to rely on ONE method only.

As a business owner, you must have multiple clients getting strategies working for you, for a continual flow of clients.


If you live in a well populated city, attending business events, or conferences and events in your niche.

You’ll meet a lot of like-minded people, you’ll get to learn from people further ahead than you, and you may even get to showcase your expertise.

But, there a few potential problems with this method:

You may face tough competition from other coaches and consultants in attendance.

Attending events often can become costly and time-consuming, when you could invest that time building your online presence (more on this later).

You don’t have complete control over the environment, you have limited access to every attendee, and it can be difficult building relationships over a short period of time.


This is a very effective way of expanding your client base.

You do this by collaborating with other businesses who serve the same people as you, but don’t solve the same problems.

This way you can both refer clients to each other and tap into each other’s networks.


This is another great way of finding clients that boosts your bottomline.

Most business owners rely solely on referrals, and while that can work for some.

For me, referrals are like the icing on the cake.

But they are so important, I created an entire playlist you can check out here >>

Getting referrals is as simple as asking, but like everything, there’s a right way and wrong way.

So if you want my best tips, you’re welcome to sift through the playlist and for my best referral strategies…

Or you can get them all in my training Referral Secrets if you want something well-structured and concise >>

Speaking at Events

These could be events you guest speak at, or events you run.

I love running live events, and if you have the speaking skills, events can be a very simple way to enroll new clients >>

Even if your speaking skills aren’t quite there yet, if you don’t speak at events or run your own, you’ll never improve.

As you know, when you speak at events, you’re seen as an authority, which is great for positioning and conversions.

Selling from the stage is outside the scope of this newsletter, but I plan to write a newsletter about that in the near future.

There is an art to running events, and in this video, I cover how I run my events plus one HUGE mistake most people make which kills their success >>

Digital Marketing

Digital marketing is a broad term that encompasses paid ads on multiple platforms, free resources such as Instagram, TikTok, YouTube, and Facebook, etc, and email marketing.

Naturally, Digital Marketing is one of my favorite ways to attract and enroll high ticket clients.

You see me everywhere online, but what may surprise you, is you can still achieve great results without a huge social media presence.

Two reasons I love digital marketing is because you can specifically target your ideal client, which you can’t do in the offline world…

And due to the sheer number of people online, you can scale your marketing and business rapidly if things are done right.

If you want to know how to get attention from social media and avoid costly mistakes, then watch this video >>

Final words

Of course, all these client getting methods rely on the fact that you have strong systems in place to help you scale and sustain your growth.

If you feel the systems in your business need improvement or are non-existent, then I recommend getting to work to create the systems you need.

Doing this yourself will likely take your countless hours of research and implementation…

So, if you’d like my help and guidance, then I invite you to attend the first S.M.A.R.T. Challenge™ of 2023.

Over 3 impactful days, you’ll get my best tips and strategies to SCALE, SYSTEMIZE, and SUSTAIN your business.

These are the exact strategies I’ve used to not just survive, but thrive during the tough periods of economic uncertainty we’ve had over the last 3 years.

And I dare say, you’ll kick yourself if you miss out, as we only run this event a few times each year.

So click here for the full scoop while it’s fresh on your mind >>

See you there,

Dan Lok

P.S. – Each S.M.A.R.T. Challenge™ is better, more valuable, and more impactful than the previous one, as we’re always improving.

So, if you want 2023 to be your best year yet, then click here to secure your seat to what will be a truly transformative 3 days together >>

Millionaire High Performance Secrets..

Have you ever looked at entrepreneurs who achieve so much and asked…

“How on earth do they find time to do all those things?”

If you answered ‘yes’, or you just want to know how to get to the next level so you can achieve more this year, then please keep reading.

Because this week’s newsletter is all about high performance, and how to unlock your full high performance potential.

So without further ado, let’s get started.

What Is A High Performance Individual?

Here’s what I believe defines a “high performance” person.

Someone who possesses skills, talent, and intelligence, and excels in their chosen field, no matter the area.

It could be business, science, sports, music, art, etc.

They have the ability to set and achieve goals so big the average person simply can’t fathom. 

They’re committed, willing, and dedicated to achieve success in their eyes, and their work ethic is second to none.

We’re about to get into the strategies of becoming ‘high performance’, but before we begin, let me share with you a 2 minute story of one of my early conversations with my mentor, the 50 billion dollar man Dan Peña >>

Before we go further, have a quick think about what high performance means to you?

How to Set Goals And Actually Achieve Them

If you’re like most people, you have new year’s resolutions every year you never stick with.

If you’re like a small percentage of people, you have new year goals instead of resolutions…

And this is a good first step, but most people never achieve their annual goals.

Perhaps you can relate.

If you’re like an even smaller percentage of people, you set goals, and you monitor them each day…

So you ensure by the end of the year, you can stand proud having achieved them.

I spent 15 years of my life studying personal development and goal setting, and I’ve managed to achieve a lot in that time.

But here, you’ll discover everything I’ve learned about goal setting and achievement in less than 20 minutes >>

How To Create A Winning Daily Routine

Apart from the fact they’re passionate about what they do…

Another thing all high performance people have in common is a winning daily routine.

This will be different for everyone.

You may like to exercise first thing…

You may like to meditate or do an attitude of gratitude first thing in the morning.

Then plan your day so you can get the most done in the shortest amount of time.

Personally, I like to get around 6 important things done every day that move me toward my goals.

If you want a deeper dive into why I choose 6 things, then click here to discover how to get more done in one day then most get done in a month >>

How To Write Affirmations That Work

Another thing big Dan does and that I believe is not only positive self-talk, but positive and empowering affirmations.

Your affirmations must be written in a specific way.

There’s certain words you should never use in your affirmations.

If you want to know how Dan writes his affirmations, then click here >>

Why High Performance People Have A Growth Mindset

If you caught my ‘secrets to success in 2023’ newsletter, you’ll know having a growth mindset is KEY.

Here’s a brief recap on that email as it pertains to being high performance.

People with a growth mindset have a strong work ethic, they continually improve upon their results, they’re resilient, and they have a positive attitude, amongst other things.

All these are essential to being high performance, and if you want further insight into this, then I recommend you look for one of these two subject lines in your inbox… 7 Secrets for success in 2023 or Want success in 2023? (tips inside), then read and implement some of the strategies.

Why High Performance People Fly Alone

As you may know, when I first started in business I worked 5 years straight without a single day off.

And if you want to be high performance, as Den Peña says “high performance people have an extraordinary work ethic.” 

But it’s not just the work ethic that makes them high performance.

It’s their ability to fly alone.

Here’s a YouTube shorts clip of Dan explaining what he means >>

When it comes down to it, ‘high performance’ is a way of life >>

You won’t find someone who is high performance in one area and lacking in another.

But it takes time to get all areas of your life to high levels, so don’t beat yourself up if you’re not seeing results as fast as you like.

Remember, it’s a journey, not a destination.

Where Your Journey To Greatness Starts

As you’re on my email list and reading these newsletters, I’m guessing your journey to greatness and high performance has already begun.

But if you’re new, or yet to begin, or perhaps aren’t as consistent as you’d like to be, I want to leave you with something extra special.

This newsletter has featured very heavily, my mentor, Dan Peña.

And as you may be aware, Big Dan isn’t for everyone.

So, I wanted to give you another expert’s perspective on high performance.

None other than world #1 high performance coach Brendon Burchard.

Brendon sat down with Impact Theory’s Tom Bilyeu, for an in depth interview across many topics.

So, if you have some time, I highly recommend watching this interview >>

It’s 48 minutes long, but in the video description you can choose the timestamp which speaks to you most.

A lot of golden nuggets, especially around energy, are shared near the beginning.

Furthermore, Brendon breaks down what it means to develop your passion and build into your goals.

I hope you’ve gained at least a few things you can apply to your life from this newsletter, so that in the months and years ahead, you can look back on your progress and wonder how you made it so far.

To your success,

Dan Lok

P.S. – I’ve created a short training just for you.

Inside I share my productivity secrets for how to get a lot more done – faster, better … and with less human effort.

It’s a must have for anyone striving to become high performance.

Click here to check out Get Sh*t Done, while it’s fresh on your mind >>